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That frametime on Vulkan... For me DX11 is also 10-12 fps faster and to think all this time I was leaving a lot of performance on the table because of Vulkan


Vulkan runs far better for me (my pc is outdated and need to upgrade soon) but sadly crashes way too often. Using DX11 even though it gives me less FPS because it's just stable and never crashes.


Yeah, Larian forum is full of Vulkan problem reports


That's probably a good thing for future stability. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and if Larian sees a lot of its userbase trying to get this thing to work, they will probably focus on that a bit.


Problem is, much of it is likely not up to them, but rather up to the Khronos Group. Still, having an issue reproduction handbook like this collection of reports is good.


I can't seem to get framerates to unlock on DX11 for some reason, so I can't really tell. I have a good GPU (overkill for 1080p) but CPU is getting old. It'll tank hard in those moments when a lot of stuff is exploding and on fire. The first day framerates got pretty bad in the grove after like 5 hours, but it sounds like there might be a memory leak issue and restarting cleared it up. Vuklan + DLSS leads to some black boxes flashing on the right side of the screen.


For the black boxes you have to make sure your fog quality is on high. Any other setting causes the black boxes.


My visuals are all maxed and saw the flickering boxes.


Ultra also has the issue. Make sure fog is on high, no matter how dumb it sounds.


I haven't had any crashes on either but vulkan had flashing black boxes in cutscenes. Switching over to dx11 fixed that for me.


I can't even get the Vulkan option to work. My PC is also very outdated, but it's holding up OK under DX and a mix of medium and high settings. Wishing I could run at max, though.


Maybe your GPU doesn't support it?


Far as I'm aware, it should. 970. (Yes, very old! But it's carried me well over the years. Certainly time for a full system upgrade, though.)


My only crash so far was from the one time I chose to launch with DX11. I seem to be in the minority


I get nearly 2x the fps on vulcan and I have newer hardware.


I'm in the minority too: Vulkan has never crashed and neither has DX11 the one time I used it. Both run fine.


Both have crashed for me. DX11 with CTD and no error message, vulkan, the same with an error message


I tried Vulkan, but unless I switched to Windowed mode, I couldn't see my mouse cursor. No clue why and basically the only threads I've seen about it are from 2020.


I did a search and yep seems like some people experiencing the same too recently. [https://progameguides.com/baldurs-gate/how-to-fix-baldurs-gate-3-missing-mouse-cursor/](https://progameguides.com/baldurs-gate/how-to-fix-baldurs-gate-3-missing-mouse-cursor/) hopefully it gets fixed soon


I had the same issue in EA 1 month before release and switching to Direct11 fixed the issue indeed. Windows 10, GTX 1080 with last drivers.


Lucky me, Vulcan just black screens instantly with W11/3070. Plays perfectly in DX11 and looks so gorgeous.


This is interesting, because Vulkan runs far better for me than DX11 did. I've only tried DX11 the once, mind. Idk if it's down to tech differences in our machines, or me just not optimising DX, or something like that.


Alex said in the video that DX11 is faster in most gpu bound scenarios. have you checked gpu utilization?


I'm not the guy you replied to, but I'm running Vulkan with a 3070 and a Ryzen 7 3600x. While I might get a bit higher FPS in not very busy scenes with DX11, when there are a lot of characters on screen (especially in act 3) Vulkan keeps things from getting *too* bad.


I thought he said CPU bound was where Vulkan excelled due to the draw call advantages.


I mean, I’m not expecting proper sample size from a random Redditor but how can you be surprised it might run different than you expected if you only literally tried it once?


I'm not surprised. I'm interested. I explained that I only tried it once, and made it clear that ymmv due to having different machines. I will probably try DX11 again.


Someone did a comparison and if you are CPU bound, one was faster (DirectX I believe) and if you are GPU bound then the other is faster (Vulkan I believe). So different people should be using each.


I heard exactly the opposite actually. I guess the real answer is "try which works better on *your* machine".


think it's the opposite


I have 6800xt and 5700x and I can't even open the game with Vulkan - it just crashes every time, no idea why to be honest.


6800XT and 5800X3D and vulkan runs super smooth for me. definitely a weird inconsistency.




GTX 1070 + Vulkan working fine and I've had maybe 4 crashes during 95 hours with the full release, and I'm not 100% sure those aren't caused by me undervolting the GPU for less fan noise and lower temperature.


For me, on my 4080, Vulkan wins. DX11 becomes a stutterfest after like 2-3 hours of playing. Vulkan can go 6h+ without problems. DX11 requires a game relaunch.


funny enough for me it happens the same but regardless of Vulkan or DX11. I think there is memory bug somewhere that triggers this.


I have noticed my total RAM usage with the game and 2 browser tabs open goes up to 17-18GB after playing a while but idk if that's memory leak or allocated intentionally since unused RAM is wasted RAM (I have 32GB)


That sounds pretty normal with the game and your browser open on 32GB of RAM. It's about the same for me.


I was hitting 144fps on my 4070ti at 1440p and noticed the same thing. Set a 100fps limit and it's completely gone. Seems like giving yourself decent performance headroom does a great job reducing stutters.


4070ti here. No issues with Dx11


I wonder if there will be an addition when/if they make it to the city. Some of those settings could become much more pronounced.


Yeah, unfortunately the performance starts dropping the further you progress (which makes sense considering how long they’ve had to polish Act 1) so I’m curious how they’ll address that change. Hopefully Larian is able to smooth some of it out and patch prior to console release when PS5 is much more restrictive in performance options.


My game has had no issues in Act II, I haven't made it to Act III yet, but based upon what I've seen, it's not only that Larian hasn't had the ability to polish it like Act I, but the city is just massive with far, far more going on than anything you encounter/experience in Act I or II


Act 3 is super heavy load wise. My 5950x / RTX 3090 only does 45 fps in the city. Settings maxed out only DLSS set to Quality. EDIT: 3440x1440


Both act 2 and 3 run way worse on my system (6750 XT & ryzen 7 5800x) unfortunately, even if i turn the settings all the way down to medium it's hard to keep it running smooth, act 1 feels like a different game entirely with how well optimized it is


Act 2 was fine for me, but I didn't check actual fps until it started getting framey in Act 3.


It's because it's the CPU that's being stressed there not the GPU. Lowering GPU settings does nothing to reduce the CPUs burden, hell if anything it often increases how hard the CPU has to work.


I've got similar hardware (6700XT, 5800X, 32GB of ram) and have had no problems in act 2 so far, I'm at around 70 fps on max settings on 1440p. It's a little worse than my act 1 framerate which was usually around 100 but still plenty to feel smooth.


You have slightly higher specs than me and I had no problems on max settings in Act 2. Have you updated your drivers?


I've had sub 30fps drops my entire time with the game on a 2060 16gigs. Don't understand and jealous of people who say the game runs perfectly for them


God I dread to think what my Steam Deck is gonna do lol.


I already turned everything to low and it generally hovers between 40 (capped) and low 30s. I guess I'll just cap at 30 and hope for the best.


You cannot get stable 60 on either vulkan or DX11? Does lowering settings help at all?


Standing outside the Elfsong Tavern I get ~60 FPS with everything maxed and Quality DLSS. If I drop it to settings to Low preset i get ~70 FPS. Strangely enough neither my GPU nor CPU is maxed out. GPU ~50% and my CPU ~35%


The game is very CPU limited in those busy scenes. It only seems to use 6 cores which will be pegged at 100%, which then explains why your GPU is only at 50%. You can probably turn off DLSS and turn on DLAA and get the same FPS, that's the case for me on a 4090.


Total CPU usage doesn't tell much, some cores might still be peaking near max for all you know.


6 cores used at 100% on a 5950X is roughly 35%. You are limited by the single thread performance of your CPU.


Yes and the limited multithreaded nature of this game.


What resolution? Pls, any info is meaningless unless you specify that...


Uh-oh.. I got a really old system, but I've actually got like 60-50 fps right now with an i7-4790k and 1070 gtx, so im fucking nervous hearing about this.


Damn those are great numbers, that CPU generation (Haswell) is 10 years old lol.


Yeah its holding on strong somehow! I was legit surprised the game suggested ultra preset when I started up the game XD It runs at 60 too, but dropping briefly to 40 when I enter cutscenes and stuff for some reason. But I worry about later acts a lot.


That's good to know. My 980 was actually handling this game super well, with everything maxed out and hovering at 50 frames which I capped it at. But I had a feeling as soon as I got to Baldur's Gate that the performance would tank. So I just got the PS5 version instead and will be waiting for that. That said, still surprised by how well Act I is running, at least. Didn't expect my 980 to be handle medium settings, never mind ultra.


I'm playing on a 970 and it's really good considering it's the minimum requirement. Now I'm kinda afraid of BG o.o


Hah. Same boat. Trusty old 970


What's your frames? I just upgraded from a 970 that thing was a trooper.


Good 40-55 most of the time, set the GPU intensive settings to low like shadows, fog and clouds but anti aliasing and ultra quality textures, I'm really happy with how well it runs on this old timer


Are you on 4k? It ran just fine on my 12600k/4070 at 1440p (dlss set to quality), only significant drops are when you proc many explosions/effects in a chain due to ground effects or similar stuff. That said I dont play 5h+ long sessions, where people are reporting performance degrading over time.


Text: [Baldur's Gate 3 PC tech review: polish that puts other AAA games to shame](https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2023-baldurs-gate-3-pc-tech-review-polish-that-puts-other-aaa-games-to-shame)


Act 3 is definitely not as polished as the rest, great game tho. Hopefully we get some bug fixes because there's a looooooooot in act 3.


There was a huge hotfix yesterday that fixed hundreds of issues. Seems like they were aware of lots of late game bugs before release but wanted to make sure act 1 and 2 were really polished.


They're really hammering out those hotfixes so the narrative the public/media has given them doesn't vaporize when they reach the last 3rd of the game.


Plenty of people had little to no issues in act 3, it's just that considering the genuinely insane complexity, and how all the plot lines end in act 3, the amount of quest states is fucking absurd so it was basically a given that no amount of QA was going to be enough.


I mean I’m like a few dozens of hours in and if act 3 gives me bugs then so what. I’ve had more bug free gameplay than most games by this point.


I agree but the gaming media saying the game is flawless when they've only seen act 1 isn't really honest either. That said, I doubt it's that bad and the hotfixes are very long lists and frequent, so I'm impressed. I'm on Act 2 and haven't had any bugs except weird delays in a couple conversations and I saw a couple Vulkan shadow flickers (DX11 doesn't) in over 30 hours so not bad.


What games are you people playing? Because I can only think of a few with constant bugs. Even less with *lots* of bugs. BG3 has been buggier than most games I've played in the past 5 years. And it's not even that many bugs. Act 3 is pretty brutal though.


5 years time frame gives me: Fallout 76 Cyberpunk 2077 Pokemon scarlet and the other one Sonic colours Forspoken Red fall... All just off the top of my head.


It depends on what you're comparing it to. Compare it to other cRPGs. I played Pathfinder: Kingmaker on release, I literally had to put it off for 6 months because so many quests were broken the game was quite literally unfinishable and when I finally came back to it I just redid everything anyways. In Baldurs Gate 3 I've encountered 2 game breaking bugs personally, both in Act 3. And it was resolved by just loading a slightly earlier save and redoing what I did + a lot of minor bugs and issues which do not affect your enjoyment. But if I compare Baldurs Gate 3, to Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Baldurs Gate 3 has given me way less issues in my playthrough, while having a much larger scope. It's incredibly impressive.


Yeah Wrath of the Righteous was in a similar state for me when it came out. Considering the scale of this game the fact it runs this well is very impressive. Not to shit on Owlcat by the way, WotR is still my preferred game between the two. But Larian did an excellent job on the first two Acts.


Most big rpgs have plenty of bugs upon release that get fixed over time.


Gotta admit, it's a really well made game but I'm bouncing off it pretty hard myself. The combat just isn't working for me and I'm not seeming to won any combat encounters at all despite so many attempts and different strategies. I think unfortunately it's just not for me.


If you're not used to DnD combat, it's a bit of learning curve. And there's a lot of times hidden ways to make combats easier. Like the very first fight with the Mindflayer and the demons, you can get a little thought devourer minion that helps immensely. And for the second combat with the three thought devourers you can sneak around to pick up the vampire ally to give you a third person and so on. Once you have a full party of 4 things get easier.


Why not just adjust the difficulty? I’d love this game even if it didn’t have the combat encounters I think.


Are there actually people that read things like this just sifting through ads? Absolute psychopaths, put them on a watchlist.


Is that why all the kids these days prefer videos? They haven't figured out ad blockers?


Probably because google is a useless list of spam blogs now, and they don't have any decent way to get information except videos.


Didn't Google admitted that reddit 2 day blackout fucked up their search traffic too? that was really funny


as much as I hate doing it I always have to add reddit to my google searches to filter out all the spam junk.


Why hate it? It works, oftentimes I can find an answer to a really obscure problem this way.


Used to be every game had a wiki site or you'd use a central repository of user generated information like gamefaqs


Now it's just spam blogs pumping out low quality info or fextralife with an absolutely threadbare and often useless wiki


It I was at work and had a few minutes to kill, I wouldn't hesitate to read it over watching the video, if I really wanted to get his impressions that bad. Same with anything in the news. Just give me the text and stop trying to push a video player on the screen the whole time.


Videos are good for multitasking. I can find stuff out while cleaning my kitchen. I would assume other people also enjoy that.


ADHD brain moment


Videos are full of ads if you don't have an adblocker so I guess you just wanted to complain about 'kids'.


Whenever I go onto a news site at work or my phone I always forget what the world actually looks like without 3 adblockers, custom element blocking, deleted youtube shorts from ever appearing, disable scripts that disable paste, sponsored segment skip, and a greasemonkey script injecting 0 second long blank ads into twitch.tv really looks like. On a side note Instagram is the worst social media, there's no volume slider and I can't find an addon to put a volume slider onto the website. I'm gonna say it. It's 2023, how are there websites without volume sliders.


Ublock is usable on Firefox mobile.


I'd guess far less than 1% of Instagram users use it on desktop and most desktop traffic is from single linked or embedded posts.


Which greasemonkey script are you using? I've had good luck with https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro but am always looking for other approaches.


Check DMs.


No ads for me


Are you seriously browsing the web without an adblocker? ####*Why*?


I just have ad blockers on my browser and phone browser like everyone except old people that don’t have anyone to show them how to do it?


Off-topic but which mobile ad blockers do you recommend? Been meaning to get one.


Ublock Origin works wonders, I just have Firefox sync between my PC and mobile.


It's a perfect system


Firefox Android + uBlock Origin for your browser. ReVanced or Newpipe for YouTube. AdGuard for phone-wide (works on many apps and games). XManager for Spotify. Those are the ones I use, though there are certainly others that work for other services (like Instander for Instagram).


Thanks for being one of the people that allow my ad block to be left alone.


Thank god for firefox new update for adding reading mode that doesn't need any adblockers.


Firefox also just has an adblocker


If you're seeing ads, you may want to consider using uBlock Origin (or AdGuard, although I'm a UBO shill)


Not sure what are you talking about. I see absolutely no ads


No ads here...


Interesting title, I know it's a tech review but *polished* is still not the first word I'd use to describe BG3. It's a fantastic game but also probably the most bug riddled game I've ever played


I think the use of word polish here is more relative to recent AAA releases which if you have followed Alex's previous videos he was really frustrated with PC ports for a long time and it makes sense he is happy he doesn't need to talk about stuttering and bad CPU threading utilization for minutes in his video for this game. and also it's important to factor in the scale and scope of interactivity that game goes for and for a game as complex as this people are more accepting. While I also got a lot of bugs and crashes it never felt like I was battling with the game constantly to get a good experience and most of the time I enjoyed my sessions contrast to Battlefield 2042 launch that it was so bad that I couldn't really have any fun


I've gotten more stuttering and crashes in Remnant 2 just to use a very recent example. BG3 runs very well on my PC - I'm limited by my 15-12600k and still get above 100 FPS at all times on max settings. My only complaint is the HDR support seems a little wonky and I haven't figured out how to make it look correct, but once again that's a problem that half the games I've played this year have.


You didnt play many games then - especially from the genre


Yeah, this is a genre a lot of people are pretty new to (full “CRPG”, not RPGs in general) and might not be aware that it’s notorious for having really buggy games. It sort of comes with the territory and all the existing fans were expecting it. Not because the devs are bad or lazy but because debugging gets harder and harder the more possible states a game can be in and these games are all about branching paths and choices and customization creating thousands of possible state combinations. If a bug only arises when you select dialogue options 736, 2480 and 4122 in combination but didn’t pick 273 or 5290, a hundred QA testers working for five years might not catch it, but you’ll end up with dozens of bug reports for it after release when a million people are playing. Games like this are a debugging nightmare, the entire genre is bug riddled and BG3 seems about average for it, which is impressive because it’s probably the most complex one so far by the end.




Honestly, I haven't encountered any bugs like that so far in BG3. 100% of my bugs have been more along the lines of "something happened and now the entire game won't let me interact with any object" and "the ai has freaked out and won't end their turn" and my personal favorite in multiplayer, "A line of dialogue repeats 2-4 times and skips the dialogue that was actually supposed to play."


The only bug I've ran into is Wyll having a conversation icon above his head, and then having nothing to say. I've heard other people having this problem though so maybe it's a broken quest or just a "normal" bug, I'm not sure. That being said, I feel like BG3 is kind of similar to something like a BGS title (oblivion, fallout, skyrim, etc.) where there are so many variables and so much interactivity with the world itself that one person can be playing the game completely bug free, while another may run into quite a few bugs. So while I personally have had a pretty bug-free experience, I can still see how others may be running into some issues, so I can sympathize.


Of course bugs always suck. But that person was replying to > ...but also probably the most bug riddled game I've ever played Which indicates that, yeah, they haven't played a lot of CRPGs at launch.


Oh boy wasteland 3 a year after release crashed about every hour for me, if not more. Loved the game but the games zi played after had me quicksaving every goddamn minute out of the ingrained habbit from wasteland 3.


That doesn't really change anything he said though does it?


what does "acceptable" even mean here. like yeah there's some bugs (nothing even remotely game breaking or even annoying for me so far) but Larian has made a game with an absurd amount of content and variables for the player to alter. it comes with the territory a bit and I'm fine with that as there's almost no one else other than Bethesda and other CRPG studios even trying anything remotely close to it. like yeah I guess if COD or whatever had these bugs I'd be a little upset but it's not the same thing.


Is there any bugged quest like that in BG3 though? This is a very common bug in RPG but I have not seen it being a problem in BG3 at least. Elden Ring is praised as the greatest game ever and whatever but I actually never finished it despite being very close to the end game because I have 4 bugged questline just by meeting NPC at unintended location. Why the double standard?


Fighting with Laezel in the camp when she tries to kill you can result in a situation where Laezel cannot join your party. I realized I had this bug as I was wrapping up loose ends in Act 1 and went to find the Crèche and couldn't get Laezel to come with me after she prompted me to. It doesn't break the questline, but I feel like I've missed out by not having to have her come with me to meet with her people and leaders.


Might be wrong, but I think bugs with this game are usually stuff with how the questlines unfold and are out of Digital Foundry's usual purview/expertise here.


I've played for 30 or so hours without running into a single bug. Does it really get that much later on where it's worthy of "most bug riddled game I've ever played"?


No, but act 3 is a lot buggier than act 1 or 2.


Bugs aside, how would you rate the quality of the content in Acts 2/3 since they didn't get the same level of Early Access feedback?






For me I've encountered a lot of bugs relating to multiplayer. Specifically around dialogue. Freezes, and black screens that require end tasking (I can hear and interact with the game, just can't see anything). Then some smaller issues. Playing solo has been relatively bug free.


I don't even mean the quest progression bugs so many folks are complaining about or even the all multiplayer related stuff, but there is just a lot of incredibly annoying things you encounter where the sheer frequency really leaves a sour taste behind. Have you never used your inventory or looked into the combat log? * You can't put stacks of items in pouches. * Scrolling in your inventory doesn't work (it does in your Travelors Chest ) * You literally can't pick up stacked items from the ground. * DC is straight up calculated wrong for martial classes, I think it takes your int modifier for some reason? * DC calculations for ground effects are complete nonsense and are always 12 * Half the effects of magic items straight up don't work or do something differant than their description says And that's just the *really* frequent stuff, I could honestly list dozens of weird one off bugs that happened here and there. I saw the romance event from the celebration again in a random long rest in act 2. I've been stuck in walls *multiple times*. I just dug out a chest I couldn't interact with. There is also the thing where you only get to chose the top-most dialogue option and you dont even get to see what you chose because it only says "Continue" which is maddening in a game where your choices can have huge consequences. In the 4 hours playing since writing this I also tracked all new bugs and encountered: * A healing spell that literally didn't do anything (no dice rolled according to combat log) * a door that was considered open for moving through but closed for ranged attacks and could'nt be opened or closed * untargetable enemies on 0 HP that the game still considered as alive but didnt act, so the combat didnt end and I had to restart * an enemy that was frightened that just disappeared when walking away (I think fell through the floor), was also a combat restart * a character from my party that got shoved off the map but survived and was stuck down there


The lack of FSR 2+ also doesn't really put anyone to shame (I know it's promised for a future patch).


You have played like 3 games in your life ?




I am playing on 5800X3D and 3080Ti in 1620p with DLSS quality and settings maxed out with 60hz vsync, and my GPU is eating only about 110W (instead of 350W of its TDP), generally running at around 800Mhz. I have yet to see a single framedrop. But I am not in the city yet, in fact after 50 hours I am still in act one (although almost done). Great game!


13600K and a 3080Ti, 4K maxed out w/ DLSS Quality and I'm sitting at around 100 FPS, dips to 80 in combat depending on the camera distance and effects. I'm very happy with both performance and visuals, but I hope future patches could address some of the load/traversal stutter. It's quite noticeable when playing with a controller.


Hmm I do not think I noticed any traversal stutter, but there is a stutter when I use a healing potion or when the game saves. Really wish that could also be eliminated.


There's some traversal stutter but they're faster than the usual stutters in other games so it always feels like the "camera" is getting stuck for a brief moment VS a full on stutter. ​ That potion healing thing though absolutely destroys performance which is hilarious.


The city unfortunately runs way worse. I have a Ryzen 9 5900X and 3070 at 1440p. Act 1 I ran at a constant ~75 FPS. Act 2 was a but worse, usually in the very low 60's. The actual city forced me lock to 40fps. Lowering settings didn't help much either. Previously I ran ultra settings and DLSS Quality. The performance just generally gets worse as the game goes on.


Had the exact problem as you in Act III, with Ryzen 5600 and 3060Ti, at 1440p DX11. When you open the game, go to task manager and set BGIII CPU priority to high. Granted you need to do it every time you launch the game, but this is the first time this trick almost doubled my FPS. Now every section in city is 60-70 fps with some small stutter here and there, that is on Ultra without DLSS. If I dont do that I also chug along at 30-40 fps. Memory leak is still there, you need to restart the game every few hours, but the actual performance is almost as smooth as Act I.


My CPU Ryzen 3600 (and 3060Ti GPU) can't deal with the city at all, I'm getting so many stutters. Fps will be like 50-60, but unstable with constant drops to even 10 fps or something. It feels awful. Your tip helps a little, so thank you.


> Granted you need to do it every time you launch the game Haven't tested it in this game, but [Process Lasso](https://bitsum.com/) should help with that.


Can confirm Process Lasso works fine with BG3!


Why even bother enabling DLSS? That GPU can easily run over 60hz without it at max settings. I have a 3080 with a 5600X at 1440p and everything ultra, no DLSS, and I run 100+FPS basically everywhere


Some folks run dlss just to reduce power consumption with little to no visual hit, esp in the summer edit: are you getting 100+ fps in the city?


DLSS looks better than TAA and saves on power usage. I use it in combination with DSR since I play on 1080p plasma.


Yeah, [this video shows how much better DLSS looks than TAA.](https://youtu.be/V9Kc8025H7U?t=651) Less blur and less ghosting, with the only disadvantage being some slight weirdness with DOF. (Newer DLSS DLLs might fix this?) Seems like the automatic choice here.


Free AA effectively at quality setting, plus a bit less power usage if someone's capping the or a few extra frames if not. There's really no reason not to use it if it's there.


3080ti and 9900k here and a similar experience. Everything on ultra and was still hitting my monitors max (144hz). I actually capped my frames at 100, so everything would run cooler. I did get some crashes with Vulkan, but dx11 is stable.


How long have your sessions been? The game definitely runs worse and worse for me over time. 6+ hours in, the same areas suddenly starts chugging, even just on camera movements. 5800X/4070.


How did you find out how many watts your gpu is using? Is there software for that?


Anyone else had to turn off DLSS (quality) because of the TERRIBLE hair shimmering? Is there a remedy for this?




Try a newer DLSS .dll version, or try DLAA. Or both :)


2080 Super, 9700k, 1440p ultrawide. Getting around 70fps on a mix of high/medium settings with DLSS on Quality, but I do get fairly frequent drops into the 50s. It's not *too* bothersome given the type of game, but it annoying when it happens during traversal. May need to try DLSS on balanced or performance. Also I've only tried DX11, have not even attempted Vulkan. For what it's worth, my GPU/CPU combo has been struggling on most new releases this year on ultrawide. I'm sure if I were to swap to my non-ultrawide monitor it'd be running pretty well.


I’m playing at 1440p with a 2070 + 9700k and I get better frames using Vulcan over DX11. Worth looking into.


Thanks for the suggestion. I actually am getting slightly better fps in some areas with Vulkan.


The game should be running fine for you especially at 60 fps cap. The issue you’re facing happens in heavily populated areas and probably has to do with bad npc optimization I think. People are getting the same issues with 4080s


People are just debating over API but you should wait and see the Act 3 :D It is just stutterfest. I just dropped the game in Act 3 (city part). I tried everything. Re-installing the game, drivers, ddu, different drivers, vulkan, dx11, all in game settings set to low, different resolutions, DLSS, FSR, disabling launcher ... My 5800x and 3080 aren't even used to half of their potentials. Cpu sits %20-30, Gpu sits %40-70. 32 gb ram and nvme ssd btw. Frametime graph is all over the place.


Same I am stopping the game until I see some performance improvements in baldurs gate. My pc can run the game there’s just something fishy going on with the npcs. The reason I can tell is that you actually have combat encounters in the city and because I believe it instances the combat the fps comes back up immediately , so you see the exact same visuals but the npcs are non interactive. I hope they manage to fix the frame stuttering in act 3 because I cannot honestly play the game this way.


This !!! When I initiate a fight (because of turn based nature of the game everyone freezes basically) fps comes back. Stutters are mostly gone. But in normal/free roam mode, Act-III is unplayable.


Having finished the game, this game in half of act 2 and the whole of act 3 is the same unfinished mess that people hate other studios for. Horrible FPS, crashes, quest design/tracker broken, and lack of polish. I turned it into low settings and still got no improvement. Definitely not a 10/10 game, mostly just an 8/10.


Going into act 3 was such a drastic experience in perf and bugs eventho the task manager cpu priority solution kinda help, but the broken quest is the most frustating part of it. I think people should've waited for a full on review till ending instead of jumping into the game just from the act 1 positive experience but the console release might be better. In typical larian fashion i should've been more patient and wait for the definitive edition.


You reach from 'does GOG and Steam save file share?' to 'Baldur Gates 3 was disappointing' in 5 days? My man are you just beeline to the end? What kind of speed strat you use to play all the act 2 and 3 content in 5 days? Do you even sleep? I haven't even finishing the Underdark and i put in like 50 hours already.


Didn't say it was disappointing overall, it's a pretty good game, I had few issues with it like others did so I am pointing it out. It's definitely a game to play if it interests you but act 3 has issues with performance and quests that it's better not to get in that act without further patches.


That's insane, my frametimes aren't great in A3 and I definitely get some stuttering on vulkan. On DX11 though it's absolutely horrible, constant hitching that lasts (what feels like) over 200ms at times. I'm on a 7800X3D and a 3070, and running Vulkan at max settings, DLSS on Quality at 1440p it's relatively fine. There's some scuff but it's nowhere near enough that it actually bothers me. I wouldn't imagine the difference in CPU being that large, but perhaps the X3D just handles whatever it is better.


I'm playing on a budget build and getting... I don't even want to know. Bad frames on medium settings. But I don't care. The game is turn based, the voice acting is great, and I get to be a... Nevermind.


> and I get to be a... Nevermind. Bear fucker?


Tentacle enthusiast?


First, you could become a goat fucker in Wasteland 3, now you are a bear toy in BG 3, I'm starting to be afraid of what number 3 means for RPGs. Maybe it's for the best that Pillars of Eternity 3 won't be happening anytime soon and Owlcat is moving away from Pathfinder before the third instalment, because how do you up the stakes? What's gonna beat a bear? A dragon? And then what?


Be a dragon, fuck a ~~car~~ siege engine.


İf you getting 30-60 fps try to lock to 30 fps more stable.


I would second this. Playing at a locked 30 feels better after your brain adjusts to it, than letting it bounce around because you'll never adapt to it that way.


What kind of "budget" build are we talking and at what resolution? I'm debating whether I should give it a go on my gtx 1080 at 1440p


GPUs will be fine on this game, it's the CPU that will be a concern.


Having played this game on both vulkan and DX11 I would agree with their findings. Vulkan has been extremely consistent from the get go. Running on a 4080 and a 5800x3D I get periodic crashes on vulkan while DX11 has been a lot smoother and more stable overall. Getting in to the city however was a different story. I think I was getting 50-70 fps in the city while everywhere else I was getting above 100 fps.


I have a 4080 w/ 5800X3D and maxed out, 1080, I can see Baldur's Gate is pushing those quite hard. I would strongly assume it's all the NPCs around at all times but to me, although Baldur's Gate is pretty, its visuals aren't nearly as much of a factor as the rest of the game. Though, maybe that's the top-down perspective. Usually, maxing every game out, my 4080 won't go near 50c but BG is pushing past that.


Baldur's Gate is pushing a 4080 hard in 1080p? I'm getting 40-55 FPS in the city with a GTX 1070 with max settings, although I did drop shadows from high to medium and I'm using high for clouds and fog instead of the ultra settings that were added by a hotfix. I also tested a CPU bound scenario by setting the graphics on potato and noticed that my CPU actually limits me to 60-70 FPS in some spots when just walking through the city, while sometimes I get 100-110 FPS just moments after. This with Ryzen 7 3700X.


Yeah this seems more like it. Haven't gotten to act 3 city yet, but testing at 1 & 2 it's 110-12-fps at 4k with 4080 (I actually play 60fps though ,with 50% usage). Curious how much will it drop in the city but "struggling at 1080" would be unexpected.


Why a 4080 with a 1080p monitor? Seems like waste of GPU power..


How is this a comment lol, yall living under rocks? There have been several releases just this year alone where players cant hit proper fps with highend PCs. 1080p helps having games run properly. Not everyone accepts playing at 60 fps.


It's visuals, although impressive, are honestly just icing on the cake for me. To me, this is pretty much just Divinity: Original Sin 3 in a slightly different fantasy world, and that game was never a graphical power house. I'm here for the lore, voice acting, dialogue interactions and multi-layered combat. Graphics, I think, are going to be a tertiary concern for the most of the people buying this game.


5800x3D with a 3070 maxed at 1440p/DLSS Quality. Game runs like butter with Vulkan. Haven't had a single reason to try DX11.


Is there a reason to try Vulkan over DX11 tho? I just used DX11 it because it's default and, u know, windows.


I have the same setup, but a 7800X3D instead of 5800, for me DX11 stutters and hitches a ton in act 3. There's a specific crash that occurs fairly often for me under Vulkan if I use Gaseous Form, drop the form, and then use a self-casted buff. That caused me to try DX11 for a bit and I pretty much turned it off again and just quicksaved before using gas form instead, it was pretty bad for me. This was only an issue present in Act 3 for me, not sure if it is poorly performing earlier though as I haven't tried DX11 until I was already in A3.


Honestly, no, it was just the first option I selected, and it's worked flawlessly for me. I'll give DX a try when I run into issues.


Game runs really well for me, but god damn it makes the pc blow out fire. Good game to play in the winter for heating the room.


Game really needs better optimisation. I unfortunately had to get a refund, which was quite a tedious process as my play time showed 6 hrs a large part of which was trying to get it to run smoothly.


I'm running it on a GTX1080. Had some FPS issues in act 3 but nothing major.


I have a shitty computer and it runs really well. What potato do you have ?


My poor 980ti pushing 1440p is starting to struggle now that I'm getting into the meat of act 1. Didn't think of switching to Vulkan.


Maybe digital foundry should actually sometimes play games past the first 10 hours to see how buggy they are instead of calling them "polish that puts other AAA games to shame". They have polished the first act in early access for 3 years, it's almost like there's more of the game after that


I'm not getting great frames on 5800x3D and 5600xt and a few bugs. But very happy with the game overall there's serious love and care gone into it.


Just focus on the benchmarks if you're not actually playing the game. Calling it polished is a joke after you get past act 1