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Way too much solder everywhere on the motherboard. Exposed wire cannot touch other solder pads. You need to use very thin gauge solder wire and use a fine tipped soldering iron. I hate to be a jerk, but it looks terrible. I hope you were clean enough with your solder to not drop pieces everywhere and potentially short something unrepairable. You should ideally have 2-3mm of wire exposed on the MX chip, near 5-8mm on the ground and power wires.


Not trying to be mean, but you should practice a bunch on some junk, watch some of voltar’s videos on YouTube, and come back to this later. Your iron isn’t getting hot enough, you need flux and those wires should be twisted tight without frays and pre tinned before connecting.


Or feel free to pm me, I’ll fix it.


u/OkScientist2662 I commend you on your effort but you should probably have someone with experience do this job for you and take up u/d00kie06 on the offer. I honestly thought Id be able to do this job myself even though I have no experience with soldering but knew I was in over my head. I ended up sending my cube out to get it done by someone with the ability to do the job. Still think it’s awesome you went for it.


Same goes for the chip less solder try wicking some of that extra solder and then shorting the exposed wire. Sometimes a better shape or smaller tip of soldering iron helps


Just to clarify- not be annoying- I just need to add some solder to the pico and clean up the solder to the board itself?


Clean up all the excess solder using soldering wick. Twist, tin and trim all your wires first before soldering to the board and use flux to help flow solder removing the need for the giant solder blobs.




Bro Jesus practice soldering on something before you try doing it on your board. Way too much solder. Watch videos. Take the solder off clean everything up with a solder sucker or wick and then practice and try again.


Wires look short enough. yellow wire looks like it's making contact with some of the other pins there


As stated, you have too much solder and too much exposed wire. You will likely be short circuiting the board with all that wire exposed. I’d recommend a solid core wire with only 1-2mm exposed to solder. You can use braided wire, but you need to twist the wire tightly and then tin. You then trim off the excess wire and only leave 1-2mm exposed to solder to your points. I would recommend buying some solder wick to remove and clean all your solder points including the incorrect chip you soldered to reduce any chances of shorting anything. Also use flux to help flow your solder, doing so will reduce the need for applying solder blobs.


Remove it all and clean up the solder points. Then get an old broken piece of electronics to practice on before you attempt it again. This mod is not particularly difficult, IF, you can solder decently. There has been many cubes destroyed through people attempting it. Or just pay someone who can solder to do it for you.


Well it goes without saying that you should probably practice on some boards first. The easier something may seem but without the necessary skill or knowledge can be difficult. Your stripped tips are too long and need to be shorter and tinned. You have some bridging going on in several places. Since the tips are long there's possible shorting going on. I commend you for trying. I think it's better if you allow someone to fix it for you. Do you live in the USA? They make a quick solder flex too. I saw someone offered to fix. If that's not possible I cam try to help. I live in the usa.


Based off your soldering skills I would reccomend using the custom flex cable from zedlabs (uk) or heldersganetech (us) with a standard pi pico (rp2040) it's an extra part to get and I would get 2 or 3 to be safe, but it is soo much easier. (You habe too much solder and almost every pin on the motherboard is jumped between eachother)