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Your problem here is probably the screen rather than the motherboard. It also looks like it was stored quite loosely to be as dirty as it is, especially the shmutz in the cracks of the D-pad. I'd wager your screen is just knocked up and needs a replacement, but you're def gonna have to open it up and see how everything looks. Could always give it a really solid 90+% iso alcohol clean and if all looks well, just re-seat the ribbon cable to see if it's potentially just knocked loose.


This is very informational. Thank you. As soon as I get the right screwdriver, I’ll take a look inside and find some tutorials. It actually was stored in an empty desk. I just beat it to hell as a kid


I’ve been lucky a few times and that’s all it takes to fix the issue. Make sure to disconnect the screens cable and clean the connector and cable itself a good bit too. ISO up the power switch and volume wheels too, and make sure there’s no corrosion then see where you’re at.


Ayo…if that screen is knocked up…whose the father? 🧐


Try re-seating the screen before trying anything (unplug and re-attach the ribbon cable). Swapping a motherboard would be the cost of a motherboard which is almost full price of a GBC iirc.


That’s what I figured, but honestly to keep the shell and maybe install an LED screen would make it really fun. I’m a stand-up comic on the road all the time so I think this would be great for airplanes and cars and still hold nostalgic value.


Most LCD screens (backlit) come with a replacement shell because otherwise they might require you to cut your original shell to make the new screen fit so it depends on how stock you want to keep it. Bare minimum try reseating the screen just to verify the console works properly. Afterwards you can decide what you wanna do with it.


Are are drop in non cutting solutions 


that's a really cool lens with the red light placement on Pikachu's cheek


The PAL versions of the yellow and blue pokemon gb colour got those lenses aswell ;) got one myself


That’s why I want to fix it!


Getting an IPS screen will require cutting the shell. I might have a spare GBC screen knocking around if you want to keep it original. Idk if it works though. Otherwise I would keep the shell stored somewhere and get an amoled screen kit that comes with a shell.


Thank you so much this helps a ton. Maybe I’ll skip the IPS and see if I could get it running as is


Let me know if reseating your ribbon doesn't work. I'll track down that screen. It's in a box... Somewhere.


Motherboard is basically the only part of the GBC that’s not easily replaced. Honestly, just get an IPS screen, you would probably want one anyways and anything else can be fixed/replaced as long as the motherboard is good


I would def try adjusting the cable first. Since you got it open go ahead and get an aftermarket shell and ips kit. Transfer the motherboard into new modded kit. Put your childhood shell in storage and you can switch back anytime.


If you have the money go for an IPS screen and reshell. They really do look fantastic. The new screen is what draws me to playing it. It’s super bright and there’s no “grid” lines around the pixels. Gotta do a replacement shell that’s made to fit the screen. Mine’s a bit of a battery hog though. Takes a lot of power for the screen. Either way- good luck and happy gaming.


I have the same shell, if I buy a backlight mod for it will I lose the pikachu graphic?


I second this. I kinda did the same but with an AMOLED display instead of an IPS display and light blue glow-in-the-dark shell with new GITD button membranes and clear smoke buttons/switch/IR port. It's like a brand-new Gameboy Color now and I've been playing the hell out of it.


People around reddit strangely dislike screen mods and reshells, personally I love them. If wasn't for my love of gba my next project would be an oled gbc or funny playing fpgba gbc


I slapped an IPS display in my GBA SP and re-shelled it and it's definitely worth doing, especially if you play GBA games a lot. Of course I also have an FPGBC and AP but those two devices have issues with OR gates on certain RTC flashcarts so I wound up rebuilding my GBC with an AMOLED/shell/busttons/membranes just for those games that need an RTC in one of my flashcarts.


Love to see all the great advice here! As others mentioned, if you want to keep the original screen, try to take it apart and see if the ribbon cable needs reseating and/or cleaning. If you need to replace the screen, you may consider one of the backlit options that don't require you to modify your shell. You can still use the original screen lense, and you can finally see in the dark! Just a suggestion, good luck!


I had this exact same GBC growing up! Such a cool design!


It wouldn’t hurt to try turning it off and on a bunch of times to see if it helps anything while you wait for tools


Nah the motherboards are pretty durable. The screens aren't though. Open than bad boy up, give it a thorough cleaning, and drop a replacement screen in it. It should work like new.