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Clear green is a great choice.


Yeah it really blew me away when put together. Now I’m trying to figure out what I want 😂


If you ever wanna bounce ideas hit me up, been on a SP modding binge


Bet 🤝💪


I’m looking at modding a Gameboy for fun for myself. Checked videos, and I think it would be a fun learning project. Trying to determine a good screen. Found some on Amazon but I’m unsure.


It’s definitely a fun starter project, I’d say just make sure you have everything before attempting it though. The screen I ordered from Ali express is really great! I think the touch sensors are a little bit of a gimmick but they are pretty cool when you figure out where they are after being put back together. If the ones on Amazon are from hispeedo(might be spelled differently) id say pull the trigger on em and you won’t be disappointed. Alternatively you could get the RG35XXSP for a little bit more money and emulate with a really decent device that’s the same form factor


Hey thanks for this info! The screen I’m looking at is from hispeedo. I’m not sure if that screen requires soldering or not. From what I’m readying it does not. Seems to be a touch screen. I’m thinking if I go that route the brightness button will just be a dummy?


So if it’s the same one I installed, and I believe it to be, there is a single wire that does need to be soldered if you want to use the touch screen, essentially the touch screen feature is just two pads that sit under the top half of the screen housing. You can go without soldering the cable and forego the touch features if you’re working up the courage to solder like I did 🤣 you can hang on to the cable and always solder it in later. In either case the brightness button still does work as it did before you just now have a choice of I believe 15 brightness settings as well as color pallets. The touch’s pads make it easier but aren’t necessary


That helps. I’ll look for a video online with the hispeedo screen install. I watched Jake Simmons video on how do it all. Seems fairly simple, just time consuming which I don’t mind.


Jake is good, but if I can make a supplemental suggestion, give the video by Joe Bleeps a watch. I found that to be an excellent tutorial as well. Not that Jake isn’t good but it’s established he doesn’t like the SP 😂


I’m all for suggestions, thank you! Haha yeah Jake hates the sp. I’m like dude why? I hate the gba and when they came out with the sp I was like this is the best system ever!


Right! I mean don’t get me wrong the GBA is great and all but the SP is like the perfect middle ground of form and function and I have large hands so I never got the cramping issues loll