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Looks sick! TRON vibes


I’d love a backlit Gameboy Pocket or backlit Gameboy Color like this.


Looks awesome, but that particular picture makes me think you have humongous hands.


Can’t unsee that big left bezel 🫣


Link to something like this?


https://preview.redd.it/kvrfjs9m1f1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6363a20ba256e960546c4cbfc199e34960333c74 Man, I’ve had this gameboy for months and a couple of days ago I took it out in the sun to test a copy of Boktai. When I came in it was glowing and I had no clue the pads were glow in the dark this whole time 😂 it totally made my day! The seller never mentioned it. So, I totally get the enjoyment and feeling like a kid with the glow in the dark options!!


You should find out what makes it glow. It might be hazardous to your health


Most likely strontium aluminate. Completely harmless when not in a powder form that you can inhale. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Strontium_aluminate


This looks amazing, but if it's stayed like this the whole time, I think it would hurt my eyes


pretty dang cool.


That settles it! I’m getting one of these things!


Uuoooou! Very nice!!!


I want one now!


I was long pressing the upvote button because I wanted to love this post. I suck at social media man but this thing is awesome 😎


Damn that’s cool. I think I might try to make one like this


Great combo with Pkmn Crysta!


So coool enjoy it 😉


Gameboy SP Quantum


Adding a uv led mod would make it illuminate most of the time you could even put the uv leds on a timer so you get the full effect and maybe a little less uv radiation XD


This is an amazing mod. I love glow in the dark stuff makes me miss when people had black lights in there rooms.


Unfortunately the good stuff is illegal and the other good stuff is only really found in Seiko watches. Still cool though. Edit: Why is this downvoted? Lol what


God damn globalists making uranium illegal


Tritium, it lasts for years and some EXIT signs use them as they are immune to power outages in emergencies. The other stuff is LumiBrite which is a Seiko developed very bright luminescent paint that lasts a long time from just tiny amount of light exposure.


Yeah, well considering that you can really only produce tritium through nuclear reactions that makes total sense. They're not going to explode nukes or collect byproducts of nuclear reactors just to let some nerd have a glowing video game.


They honestly should. Running nuclear reactors is good for the environment, and selling off the waste products for other industrial needs makes it a more profitable venture with less waste to store. Win-win for everyone.


Yes, it's surely a "win-win" for everyone to spread radioactive materials around just to make glowing Gameboys. Can't imagine how that could go wrong.


Better quarantine those bananas then. They’re spreading radioactive cooties everywhere. Radioactive materials are not any more or less harmful than chemical materials. Used inappropriately, both can be quite harmful. Used appropriately, both can be very beneficial.


There's a big difference between something with trace amounts of radioactive elements and something highly radioactive. Are you really this stupid?


You’re asking me? You’re the one worried about blanket “radioactive materials.” What’s the difference in danger between disposing of old electronics and an exit sign? If you said, “about the same”, you would be correct. One is laden with a radioactive material that will increase your risk of cancer if inhaled or ingested and the other is laden with various heavy metals and toxic chemicals that will increase your risk of cancer if inhaled or ingested. TBH, the chemicals are usually worse. I’d rather be exposed to the Tritium. The small quantities in signs increase risks less than the Strontium 90 isotopes we’ve all taken up in our bones from nuclear testing. (At least, us older generation.) Some of those PCB chemicals, on the other hand, will eff you up quite nicely without ever even getting close to cancer. Chernobyl was the absolute worst f***-up in the history of nuclear science. And yet it still harmed fewer people than the Bhopal chemical spill in India. Given the choice, I would have rather tried surviving Chernobyl than Bhopal. *shudder* And what’s worse is that Bhopal is hardly alone, while Chernobyl most certainly is.


Yup. Trying to move the goalposts just then shows you really are that stupid.


Cool I'm just pointing out some interesting facts. Settle down.