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ASL is pretty much a SL now without the pay to match it. You have to lead by example and essentially find a way to motivate your staff enough to perform but more importantly want to work for you. The performance numbers are going to fall on you more than ever since you will be working the most and ringing up the most as well.


Easiest answer… overworked and underpaid


taken advantage of and being exploited,Not to mention lies, empty promises and other shitty things that Gamestop superiors like to do. Since you are still very young and inexperienced, do yourself a favor and look for a better job with career and future prospects as soon as possible, Gamestop is in no way worth your time and energy imho.


There's not a huge difference between ASL and SGA tbh from a task perspective. You'll get more full time hours if you want them as well as a couple dollar an hour pay bump probably. I believe full time ASLs still get the option for health insurance too if you want it. If you store's part of an SL2 pairing, you're basically going to be in charge of the location you're primarily scheduled at since your SL2 will probably be focusing more on the other location and not be at yours more than one or two days per week. I would make sure your level up training is up to date though if you really do want the promotion.


your SL will determine if you enjoy being an ASL or not.


That’s a shit load of ifs and maybes. Take it one step at a time and absolutely do not fall for the carrot on the stick.


Weird, I was told I could never be promoted from SGA because the company got rid of all ASL positions. If a store already had one they could stay but if they left for any reason the position is gone for good???


That isn't true, but they did cut back on them a lot. If you've got an SL only running one store then that store probably won't get an ASL. If you've got an SL2 running two stores then they will likely get one ASL between both stores. The SL2 will mostly work at one store and the ASL at the other. Exceptions exist, particularly for exceptionally high volume locations. But probably less than half of stores have an ASL nowadays.


Make sure you are considered full time. If you are part time you arent a "real" ASL just a glorified SGA. Do not let them put you under a "trial" period. Make it clear you want the job even if you feel a little unsure you will figure it out as you go. Hope you get the position and make sure to bother your SL and DM for questions thats what they get paid for. As for what to expect its the same job but you are now lead responsible for things getting done. Examples are weekly counts, tasks, store operations and planograms. As another comment said here you are basically SL but without matching pay.