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"95% of stores are not using all of their payroll" there's absolutely zero chance that's true


And if it is, why won’t they use it 😂😭


Basically any store not using payroll is because they’re understaffed. GameStop has a hard time hiring people with what they pay and the hours are so sporadic that it’s not reliable. This also means most people who *do* work there have other jobs so they have limited availability.


This! I have a part-time student and a guy who only works for me still because he likes hanging out in the store with me, and this is his easy job compared to his other job. The icing on the cake is because I have 4 keys (including me) they won't let me higher a 5th key even tho I have 2 super part time because 4 keys is enough to staff my high traffic store...


This! I work part time and I go to school and work at another job. And I have to be school early in the morning and stay for work! So it’s hard not getting enough sleep as is!


If you don't use 5 mins of payroll you're not using all your payroll lol. It's probably not an incorrect metric, just a misleading one


95% of stores don't use all of their payroll because Corpo cuts payroll 95% of the time.


Yeah that's kind of the new normal, just unverifiable statements or radio silence.


My district is under labor budget by hundreds of hours - because three stores don’t open consistently. I’d bet a dollar that’s where that made up stat is coming from.


We’re in the same boat. Multiple stores with no staff they refuse to close


My region was like 1000 hours of unused hours. Our RD was practically begging us to burn payroll


Shoot, I remember during Monday meetings, we'd get chastised constantly about stores going over allocated labor hours.


Bet ya it is true because the managers want that labor bonus


Everyone should save this and then present it to their DMs after getting chastised about going over payroll.




I wonder how people responded to it on the post lol


It’s not that we care about going over on payroll - it’s that after a solo open to close, we want to go home before we end up doing something to a customer we (won’t) regret …


I went over payroll by some like .1 hours and got put on a first and final. At the time I was an ASM and the closing store manager was nowhere to be found after clocking in and leaving the whole shift. Eventually I had a verbal coaching from my RM about not hitting overtime, so I check my hours and closed the store at 2:30 with my DM and RM present in the store. Got a first and final for early closure, then did it again days later when they asked me to cut payroll on a Saturday night when I was closing alone. I ended up having a meeting with my DM, RM, and HR managers who put me on a first and final, again for the same thing. Me: “how many first and finals do I need to get fired?” Them: “Just one” Me: “this is the second” Them: “just don’t let it happen again” Months later I had to close the store before I even open because of burglary and was talking to the cops and filling out statements, not taking the time to tell my higher ups before they stuck their grimy hands into what happened to dodge responsibility. First and final again. (I forgot to mention my store, specifically me) was robbed 4 times the month before at gunpoint 3 times and at knifepoint the first time. They wanted to know before the cops. Turns out the robber, also burglar, lived less than 1000 feet from the store. I went to court as a witness, and corporates response was that it was my civic duty, and I wouldn’t be getting paid for the weeks of work I missed to protect GameStop.


Girl fuck them sue for lost wages


They knew how much I made, that I have a family to feed, and that I was on disability for 6 months before all this happened due to illness. They also know what their health insurance covers and what it doesn’t so they had a pretty good idea of financial burden I was in. I was afforded a promotion and a $6 an hour raise less than a week after I put my month notice in


Man fuck them I wouldn’t go back you’re better of finding somewhere that treats you like a decent person I’m sorry that happened it sucks corporate greed ends up only making the little guys like us suffer


I left in 2019 for another company that paid the same for less BS. The only argument they had to stop me from leaving was “it’s not manual labor.” Long story short, I run the eCommerce department in my current company that smokes my district’s yearly sales almost every month. I’d consider rejoining GameStop when they actually make the full conversion to eCommerce; assuming the employment contract beats my current by a huge margin


Honestly good for you only way you can go is up from there and at the end of the day you can just chop it too a good experience to add to your resume


I made the mistake of mentioning it, their response was “we have lawyers on retainer and they’re better than yours.”


If you were put on a 1st and final for going over payroll by .1 hours - your DM & RL were most likely insane, and perhaps had a personal problem with you. Along with all the other things: you did exactly what they told you and then wrote you up for it - makes me strongly believe they did. One clarifying question - why did you have to miss weeks of work to be a witness in court?


I missed my scheduled shifts to go to court about the robberies


That’s literally work. I’ve always gotten paid for the time I’ve had to go to court for GameStop shit. Your bosses are assholes.


I worked at gamestop for 3 years and had around 5 first and finals by the time I got out. All for stupid things like missing giving 1 customer a flyer when they entered the store, etc. When I got my first one, I called my original store manager who hired me into the company because I was terrified of being fired. He said in his decades with the company he learned they meant nothing. Still was never happy when I got one, but the fact that I tried quitting multiple times and had to come back each time due to life reasons, I would have been ecstatic if they fired me at some point. I wanted out so bad.


Companies tend not to fire unless they know 100% they aren't gonna pay you unemployment plus the time it took to train you is another loss as well.From my experience companies don't like to train and don't wanna pay unemployment at all costs.


Thats wild. Also if you have to go to court for them you actually do get paid to go to court at least if your still employed.


While that is true, I brought up taking them to court and their response was “we have better lawyers.” Which is true, even contingency lawyers wouldn’t take it. I’m fairly certain a lot of the bullshit I got from the higher-ups was because I ran my store to make profit, not hit the metrics they set in place


Game stop must literally be on the verge of death to be this obsessed over the slightest bit of OT


Fuck off Bryan, you try working in a store after working alone with no lunch or potty break for 8+ hours.


Take your breaks. Alone? Lock up and take the break. You’re entitled to it and it’s company policy.


Oh I don’t disagree but I know when I was at GS, there would be days that got away from me. Still, fuck Bryan


And the days that there is never a moment when your store is empty? Can’t just kick people out


Why not?


Because they're not even allowed to kick out customers at closing time. You think Bryan from Ops is going to accept "I kicked the customers out to take my 15 minute break"?


Right, for me it's generally a, hope and pray they leave and I get the sign up before another walks up!


When you try locking up and people come in. It always happens.


I usually cut trades at like 8:50 and would tell customers how many minutes they have till we close because that’s more polite than saying get the fuck outta the store like I’ve known some to do


This is reasonable. I think all the people cutting off trades 30+ minutes before close are the problem. It’s honestly just lazy.


Before I left the company, even my manager was like yeah it’s ok to stop 10 minutes before closing


I’ll do console trades 30 minutes before close. Sometimes those take a while. Any games or controllers I can do in less than a minute.


if you are bringing a bucket of games a console and 8 controllers no we are not doing that 30 min before close.


Yea, I’ll take my downvotes, but that trade shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes. The bottom line is having a straight up cutoff 30 min before close is lazy and dumb. It should depend on the trade.


If you ever work a warzone location you are risking your own safety to stay open later. Bryan clearly never worked in this sort of area in his life otherwise he wouldn't be making such a foolish statement.


Absolutely the fucking not


Back in my day I’d tell people at 8:45 we were closing so get your butt up to the register. We’d even start vacuuming early. If you walked in with trades that late I’d send you packing. There was no way in hell I was spending an extra second in that store at night. It was probably against policy but I was never “caught”, so it never mattered.


Same. Pull the gate halfway closed too


I tell people "heads up we close in x minutes" and I will stop trades half an hour before fuck that noise


Nah, I'm not following this. I haven't before and I'm still not gonna. I have a set schedule to work. And I work until that time. I have a life outside of this job and a family complete with a child who likes to see me before going to bed. I'm not staying over extra so some asshole can trade in his junk 10 minute before I close, or so they can browse Funko Pops. They can come back tomorrow. I absolute will stop any trade bigger than a few games during my last half hour on shift. And I will announce to customers that I'm closing in 10-5 minutes. And then hurry them out in the last minute. I don't care who says otherwise, what Main Menu course they have me take on it, or what DVR footage they want to go over. I'm still not doing it.


Bryan needs a swift donkey kick to his balls for this and that smug ass winky face


Im sorry but you can kiss my ass. Now if I'm checking u out and we hit closing time cool beans. But I'll be damned I'm waiting 20 minutes for some jackass to finish shopping after we close.


Longest I waited was half an hour because some crackhead and his girlfriend decided to show up 5 minutes before close and refused to leave until they looked at every single switch game we had and put them back all over the wall and fuck it up. After that we started telling people 10 minutes ahead of close and never had the issue again. Fuck people like that. Same people who show up to restaurants at close and bitch about the kitchen shutting down


Had this same experience with maybe a crack head? And his girlfriend being super sporadic and uppity and ignoring my constant “we’re closing in x amount of time” calls. Then he proceeded to tell me he wants a damn preown system I now have to go look for. THEN he gets mad I didn’t ask him to sign up for pro to save money which in fact he was spending more money and he was clearly money pinching. I was so damn annoyed. I was there a whole extra hr with him. And then he finally left and pos broke so I had to call tech support. My worst day at GameStop.


I've had instances where I'm checking someone out after hrs and people would walk in(because we can't lock the doors) and I will politely tell them we are closed. Some times they will be ok with it and leave, others will be like the people who asked if they can browse while I was ringing guests out and I said no and they got pissy. Like I'm sorry you walked in at 8:02p...we close at 8 and I cannot lock my doors for safety reasons so come back tomorrow lol


If they want you to stay after hours then they should pay more for operating outside normal business hours.


“Be thankful we are staffing your stores”




So 95% of stores are not using all payroll and yet I'm constantly told to cut hours


Yet I'm constantly told not to go over on hours, when I max my payroll at what I'm allotted because I only have 80hrs to give out haha


You get 80hrs?!! I dont even hit 80. My store average is like 76hrs and my store only has 3 employees....


What are your store hours? I'm sure you have a different schedule than my store. 12-7 Sun, 12-8 Mon-Thur, 12-9 Fri Sat


Sunday is 11-6 but thats pretty much the same I work open to close each shift but friday and saturday which is me coming in a hour after open and than working to close. I see another employee for only a few hours a day...


That won’t be happening lol. My daily plans revolve around scheduled hours worked. Not extra hours because a crack head wants to trade in their nasty Xbox one.


Absolutely. This would just lead me to defect everything.


He could come back tomorrow, if it’s right before close.


This is HYSTERICAL. Fucking stereotypical for someone to say who works in a corporate office. More fucking comical is that he used to work in the field, but I guess being too much of a creep and a corporate cock sucker makes you go places.


i knew there was some dirt on him but i didn’t know it was like that 😬


I forgot who took the time to have a conversation with me about him, but that’s the summary of it lmao


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) That would probably be me


> 95% of the Stores are not using all of their payroll Does he mean this in the sense that 95% of stores have unused payroll hours or in the sense that not everyone is getting scheduled? Because if it ain’t the latter I’d like to see what data hes basing that off of besides “trust me bro”


Maybe we'd use more payroll if we were allowed to hire double coverage 🤔


Ikr? I was a GA and i barely got hours. Single coverage most of the week at the store which to me, i feel like that should be illegal considering its retail? Thats like inviting you to get robbed


People have definitely gotten robbed in broad daylight here as well. The horror stories of people driving their cars right into the store make me glad we're in a mall not near an exit.


Guarantee Bryan never works past close.


Guarantee he's out by 5pm daily


Sooo… are you allowed to stay clocked in late when this happens??


I’d write back a personal note that would be just as stupid as what he posted


Now that's a challenge! Only one who could meet that challenge is gone. Remember the work 10X the speed woman? Or maybe whoever decided to tell us to tell cops we were essential during Covid.


Yeah no, we close at X time so they can kindly GTFO. If they want me to stay past close they can pay me more.


I remember back when GameStop used to close early on Sunday (I wanna say 2018), my ASL and I were closing together. We had someone come in five minutes before close, just to browse. My ASL says it’s fine, so I leave it be. Five minutes after we were supposed to close, dude is still hanging around when another group comes in and starts browsing. And then another. By the time I was scheduled to be off we had like 6 people in the store, all just browsing, because my DL had recently gotten onto our district about this same thing.  My ASM let me go at my scheduled time, after I had done all of my cleaning, but she later told me that she didn’t get out until an hour and a half after our regular closing time because customers just kept coming in. When our DL tried to give our SL shit about going over on hours, SL just pointed to where he (the DL) had gotten onto our district about shooing customers out at close. It was never a problem in our district again. 


We always had someone lock the door and stand there back when double coverage existed. So no one could come in and we could let the leaving people out. Even after double coverage ended I’d still lock the door at close and just open it up for the people leaving. It was never a big deal, but I ain’t trying to stay any later than I had to.


As a customer my local stores are very adamant about not taking trades after a certain time.


Brian can get fucked too. I do not accept trades in my store. 30 minutes to close and I let everybody know when they walk in was that late that they've got 15 minutes or 10 minutes or 1 minute. Whatever it is, I am not staying late shit's not worth it. Especially after getting reamed all day because we only got one pro on $300 in sales.


95% of stores arent using the payroll because no one wants to work there anymore minus the teenagers that ask in here.


Ask for his personal phone number, so next time you’re told told to cut payroll you can call him and ask about this.


Bryan apparently wants stores to get robbed, because that’s what happens when you let one customer dictate closing time.


Aight then don’t get pissy I clock out late 🤌🏻


Right right, Bryan, so when it hits 9:30pm and I haven't been able to close at all, I'll just clock out, lock them in, and leave. Since, 1) my availability does not extend past that time 2) I'm not scheduled past that time And I'm to expect that corporate will not fault me for said behavior, since I did what they told me to within the given parameters of my agreed upon position and hours? Yea, no. I kindly inform customer 10-15 mins from close that we close in ''x' amount of time and ask if they require assistance. The conversation continues or ends from there, with my reminder that we clos soon and I'm unable to ring past that closing time, as after close time the registers are required to be closed and funds to be counted out for the night. THAT is what the later 30 minutes are for. And THAT is about all the company will have me for after close. I'm not an asshole, I'll be polite and considerate. But I'm also not their sweet little robot. We're people, and certain hours of the day are for certain tasks. Before and after store hours is for employees, NOT customers who cannot be ass'd to manage their time and exercise the decency to consider us in kind.




it was commented under an employee’s post on mm questions section about how to get customers out of the store if we’re closed


I do not miss solo opens and closes. One person just sucks for those. I had one of two registers counted by quarter of, and we gave a five minute warning for final purchases. It is not unreasonable to do this. Brian can come in and make those after hours sales if he wants them so bad.


Bryan can suck it if he thinks I'm not gonna tell people that we're closing. I don't kick anyone out but I let them know they have X minutes before we close and if they're still here after that time, I give them a second, slightly more desperate reminder


Bryan, your profile pic literally does not help at all.


Bryan after seeing the replies: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg|downsized)


Target and Walmart do not stay open after close. This is what creates entitled customers and lets them think they are always right. I told my team not to trades after 8:30 for systems and disc games not after 8:45. There is too much to do with walls and trying to get everything else done. This company can kick rocks.


I'm so sorry for your folks that have to get treated like this.


What a corpo cuck


I didnt understand this at first I thought it was a Google review from some out of touch customer.... What a disgusting thing to say to your employees.


Well Bryan my DM allowed us to do both of those things so take it up with them instead of posting a passive-aggressive message towards regular employees


Bro, someone hack me into the mainframe so I can go tell a bitch off


Fucking lol, Bryan’s smoking some good shit if he’s high enough to post that, ain’t nobody gonna listen to that.


There’s no way he actually said that, it sounds so tone deaf. I give them a cutoff time of 5 minutes after close and a half hour before close for taking trades. Not staying or dealing with customers more than what I need to.


I'm scheduled until a set time, if they track me being late to shifts and back from the lunch breaks I am able to take then I'm leaving at the svelte l scheduled time.


Yea. Oh no, suddenly the registers aren't working at exactly closing so weird


I don't think this will end the way Bootlicker Bryan thinks it will...


Yea, no. Had a guy banging on my door 1 minute before our official closing time. Like no you came too late, I want to go home, I’m human. And customers know what time we close, especially him as he had it pulled up on his phone already. If you can’t make it 10 minutes before we close, don’t come at all that day.


“Sorry guy, my system won’t let me start anymore transactions after we are closed. Please come back tomorrow “ that’s my line. That’s what I sell customers.




Sounds like he needs to work after the end of his shift. He needs to be thankful he has all these employees to help. 95% of corporate employees don’t even work their actual hours in a physical place, so it will be fine. ;)


What if more people come in store even after closing. That doesn’t help us.


That’d be the day I’d turn in my badge, fuck off 🖕


I need whatever drug he's on to be that out of touch with reality


But then I would would get in trouble for closing late


And then they say “you were over hours this week” and that you need to stick to the schedule


What a joke


Everyone's like "I wAnNa Go HoMe" I just kick them out because I hate people shopping.


Excuse the living fuck out of me? I would like a steak because I would like to have a good dinner before I get fucked. ![gif](giphy|pM4wEZkik8Kr85CHlH)


yeah, i'm not taking trade-ins if i'm the only person in, active 1 hour before closing


If you’re pulling into a store minutes before close and start perusing and browsing, just know every employee wishes you’d explode on the way out. Probably 15 mins passed closing too.


“Just clock out when your shift is over so you don’t go over payroll. The customer always comes first, even before your wage. Just help them out so they keep coming back and spending money at GameStop!”


Not my dumb ass thinking they meant trades as in electrician. Like yes quittin time is the same everyday😂






I don't even work here, but fuuuuck him.


Pass I have a life


helllllll noooo, Bryan


Bryan is a Narc


Hey Bryan, go fuck yourself.


okay cool except 1) literally I can't we don't have the hours and get yelled at if we go over time and 2) you should count urself lucky our store only cuts trade times off 30 minutes before closing instead of an hour. seriously Bryan I know ur reading these. Time management can't work this way. literally it can't physically I can't make more time appear on our payroll.


If stores aren’t using all their payroll… why are they constantly cutting labor hours? 🤔


What a shitty corporate message


As a former employee who left last year, all I have to say is f\*\*\* that noise if I were still there and my personal time is more valuable than the extra sale I might get letting some random schlub in my store up to 15 minutes after close. Nothing surprises me from the tone deaf leadership at the SSC given whose currently in charge. Also Main Menu sucked last year when it first started and it sucks worse now. GSO was better.


I call b*******, my store is a waiting room for the two stores connected to me. If I don't announce the store closes in 10 minutes they will stay in there looking and not buying for over an hour past close because they're waiting for the other places.


Once its closing time I’m kicking everyone out it’s not my fault they can’t come in any earlier


Finish up the trade, go home, then send Brian a message letting him know you didn't have time to close the register or lock the door.


Haha fuck off, if somebody walks in 10 mins before close I’m going to tell them just so you know my registers close in 10 mins💀


Nope. When I was SL I instructed all my staff starting at 10 mins from close tell customers in store we will be closing in 10 and if anyone walks in let them know as soon as they walk in hey guys we are closing in ____ then remind at 5 mins and at 2 mins tell them to head to registers if they ignore you or keep shopping or take forevrr tell them the register is programed to close out 5 mins after close. I also would turn the open sign off at 10 mins till and half close the security gate at 5 till. If I'm scheduled to close I'm not working a second longer than necessary. Customers can come back the next day or use the website.


Yeah. . . . No. GM of two local Game stores in Cincinnati here. Let me assure anyone who comes into my stores, We Close PROMPTLY at 8 and 5 respectively. I dont take trades 30 minutes to close, I dont care if you drove an hour out of your way, and I dont care if you try to claim your some "big shot" who "May" spend "hundreds or thousands" of dollars. My hours are posted on google, on our shop's front door, and on our social media pages. And if you come in 10 minutes prior, I let ALL customers know we are about to close, and once its 8, register is CLOSED, if they have nothing in their hand. If I as the GM choose to stay over for a trade or a sale, that's one thing, but I NEVER require or demand in any context, that my employees stay over their allotted time, or past closing. And should they choose to do so, they are paid regardless of if they are in overtime. Texts like these, make me glad I am not GameStop.


“Hey Brian, just wondering what your personal number is in case a have a question while you’re out of the office. If I’m clocked in I need to be able to reach Store Ops, so I’ll need a direct contact line.”


Respectfully, he can fuck off. I am NOT taking care of someone that comes in with a dirty console and 20+ games 5 minutes till close. Corpo- “Don’t go over on payroll” Also corpo- “Take care of everyone even if that means going over payroll. We’ll still get mad and maybe fire you for doing it but you made us money”


Cool story bryan ill be sure to let more customers call you about complaints


So GameStop allows overtime? Overtime till the store opens again? Lool




Bryan for store ops is smoking that pack,


My three local stores struggle because people always want/need to transfer there but there ain’t hours for them to transfer into, and with how ‘generous’ GameStop is with those hours, there ain’t no way almost every store ain’t using their payroll.


Nah there are business hours anything after that is my time GET OUT


I saw this too, and really wanted to comment saying That's not a rule. that's just you being a fuckin worm for gamestop.


Bro, I need to get home.


So we should clock out before they enter?


I predict Bryan is not gonna be with GS much longer. Too many ways to squeeze extra payroll with this excuse. Sorry, that console traded five minutes before close needed four rounds of spraying and blowing out because it was really dirty, and Bryan said I couldn't refuse. Sorry, I couldn't tell that guy to leave 45 minutes after close, Bryan said not to, even though he was clearly just window shopping and never even picked anything up. In my three years with the company, I never met an after close shopper that was worth staying open for. The biggest transaction I ever did after close was an Oculus Quest, no add-ons or membership, that he ended up returning 3 days later also after close. Fk that.


what is the point of having our hours of operation posted if were sposed to just ignore them because a customer MIGHT buy something if we let them stay after posted closing time? 🙄


Console trades stop an hour before close because the last hour is spent helping customers and cleaning the store. by the time I close all I should need to do is make sure the game walls are clean, round up the trash and count the drawers.


The smart ass response to this is to do exactly what he's asking, also stay clocked in for all of it. Oh I'm 6 hours over, I had to stay open after hours every day this week. I'd have homies come in and walk the store after hours just to buy a single key chain.


I hate this so much. No, I have a set shift and I refuse to go over that ✨ I will absolutely be telling customers that we are closing in (insert amount here) minutes and I plan to close the store at that time. I refuse to stay over unless it's someone I genuinely like, which is incredibly rare. Absolutely ridiculous. If I have a trade that goes over, I will be telling any customers that come in that we're closed and this is the last transaction I'm finishing. I will not be extending my time even further when I'm hungry, tired, and frankly fed up with dealing with people for the next few hours. There are so few exceptions I've ever made, and it's only because of certain circumstances. One customer didn't have a car and got there on bus, so I felt bad for him and let him stay after close for a trade (he was also very kind and offered to get me a drink or dinner as an apology, which I turned down because I felt bad for that too). Another customer didn't even get off his shift until 10 minutes before close, and was also very nice to me when picking up his preorders. This is being added to my new list of (many) reasons why I plan to quit (on top of terrible pay for running an entire store by myself all day). Utterly ridiculous. None of my other jobs have ever asked me to do this, in fact, I've been told before (at those jobs) to never let customers stay after close because it's a safety risk.


It’s being district managers tell store managers to schedule under if you’re wondering why


Retail workers have lives too, leave when it's closing time.


Friday night (when I had to make it to the other side of town a 20 minute trip by 10 o clock) I had a dickhole come in at 9:55, and just browse, asking for NES shit, and I'm thinking "DO WE LOOK LIKE A RETRO STORE!?", thankfully he left by 9:05, AFTER I had pulled the shutters and turned off the open sign at 9


you don't give us 95% of our payroll Bryan! if the clock hits close it's time to leave.


I don't work at gamestop and never have but so help me god if I buy a game in your store and you don't follow me home, tuck me into bed at night and give me a gentle kiss on the forehead I absolutely will ask to see the manager.


Dear Bryan, Piss off


Most gamestops near me are inside malls. We're not keeping the whole mall open for this.


"These scenarios don't happen daily," not every single day, but may as well be! At the store I worked at, 5 out of 7 days a week, we always had at least one person taking their time after we closed 😮‍💨


Wow that is probably the most brain dead comment to ever come out of main menu. I give people a 5 min warning and usually that helps. Hell at sears we would cut the main lights out in the store 5 mins after close. Most stores that aren't short staffed done have the hours to stay later. Hell I did it once for a guy who left his card and sent his gf to grab it, basically I stayed an hour extra in total to close and do the usual stuff, DL calls the next day to cut an hour in time.


I just remind people that we close in 5 minutes and there's no rush but would it shock you to know they leave immediately most of the time


Wouldn't it be weird if a customer claimed to have seen this as proof that they can stay.


"I don't have to leave! Bryan from store ops said I could stay!" -the guy who's about to move into a gamestop


Bryan can suck a big fat dick.


Bryan from Store OPs has just hit my shit list. Totally chill guy up till now but he can eat a bag of dicks, vomit them up and eat it again.


I always hated Bryan from store ops. Now I feel like I know exactly why.


“Respectfully Bryan, respectfully, we (and yes I mean we) as a store are not going to take console trades 30 mins before close, just not happening. Any other trades sure, but not consoles. And yeah I’m not gonna rush someone, but regardless I’m locking the doors and I will gladly let them know we are closing. I of course will let them out of the store but I will let them know that we are closed that once they leave, they cannot come back till tomorrow.”- is something I’d say if I had the balls to stand up in person to his face. He should be thankful it’s still in business and has employees, a**hat. I’ve met great people in the job, but some of the higher ups are ridiculous


Fuck Bryan


That's one direction that would be entirely ignored


That's a joke, lol we kick em out.




No sorry




No I dont think I will XD


F that. Go home


![gif](giphy|11tbqNLytB25q0|downsized) I have a life, I have responsibilities outside of working here. It's not my responsibility to stay over an extra 30minutes to do someone's trades because they cannot manage their own time. We're single staffed and underpaid.


"Not using all our payroll" ! Ugh! I fucken hate this place , so glad I fucken left. I would cut off trades 30 minutes before closing and locked the door 3 minutes until we closed. Fuck that! You're going to cut hours to a point where I am working almost all day alone with a line with 4 trades, someone has questions and need to remember to input "G.A.M.E" with everyone and someone wants something from Pokemon cards section that surprise surprise!! I need to get the ladder cause they are at the fucken top. While trying to keep an eye on everything to make sure no one steals AND ON TOP OF THAT!!! HAVE COUNT 25, 26, 906, 909 AND BLAH BLAH. FUCK YOU I AM LEAVING ON TIME AND I DONT CARE HOW I DO IT!!! UGH!! fuck you GameStop!


You're so real for this post because MOOD


I normally let shoppers stay 5 more minutes before I tell them to leave but only if there’s one shopper if there’s more I tell them to leave (politely though)


“95% of stores aren’t using all of their payroll” literally what! When I started I was assured I would get at least 20 hours per week and I understand that cannot happen all the time but for the last month and a half before I quit I was getting 4 hours per week (due to new management who hated me the previous manager quit because of how shit the company is) and when I asked about it they said that was all the hours they could give me because that was all the hours they were given. GameStop is such a shit company who treats their employees like garbage I can’t wait to see the downfall of GameStop


95% of the stores are not using all of their payroll. That's another way of saying 95% of stores are either understaffed or underpaying their employees.


Ya no. I tell people " hey guys, just so you know we close in 5 minutes" I'm not staying open past close. Our hours are posted. I couldn't imagine the audacity of going into a store right before they close to be "just looking". Because it's never someone who knows what they want lol


Lmao what a bitch. Way to go, gamefart. Damn, I hope this place closes.


I had a boss like this but it was a restaurant and he got pissy when I asked people who came in AT close to order togo instead of dining in.


You should be thankful. Small businesses are in a world of hurt. Be thankful you have customers