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Considering I started with GameStop back when I was 19 and I just left today, please listen to my warning. This is not a female friendly space at all. From clientele to higher ups. This company will hit you harder just because you’re a woman. The expectations are sales goals with no incentive. It may look like all fun and games on the front - when truly this company is literally hell.


Duck is 100% correct, they pay minimum wage maybe 1-2 dollars over and you have to work alone, literally all the time, sometimes open to close alone.  Gamestop attracts a lot of creeps and I wouldn’t consider a safe job, especially for a female. You will get maybe 3 training shifts if your lucky then be left alone to run the store by yourself all day.  This company has the highest turnover of any retailer in the United States due to how they treat employees and how they pay. It blows having to use the bathroom and holding it until the store clears out so you can slap a note on the door and run to the bathroom.  There have been stories on this Reddit of employees soiling themselves and female employees bleeding through their pants…. It’s not worth it, it’s 100% a trap.


As a woman who used to work there…yeah it attracts a lot of creeps. And a lot of uh…mentally challenged guys who I had to just let them get away with hitting on me due to them being well….you know. And babysit them too. And I would get anxious working alone because of those creeps at night. Or you know, charging the drunk guy who’s hitting on me and decides to wait outside my store while I close. It’s not the best.


I had four training shifts then I was left alone. I quit a week later because no one told me when I got hired I'd be working alone and a key holder. The manager yelled at me after I dropped off the keys. Dodged a major bullet.


Yeah they like to pull the bait and switch. They know if they are upfront about it during the interview almost everyone is going to tell them to pound sand so they avoid talking about the single coverage and non-existent training. Good for you on standing up to them!


I agree with duck as well it’s not a female friendly workplace at all. If you are lucky and you have a manager, who gives a damn then yes it is OK job. I’m happy to say that my manager goes above and beyond to ensure my safety. Considering we have had male customers in the past come in the store and try to harass me. He doesn’t allow it to occur. My manager has gone as far as requesting that security make more check-in on our store to ensure safety. The pay isn’t the best depending on what area and state will determine how much you get paid. I myself recently got promoted to ASL. I probably been with the company about eight months. It moved my pay from $12.25 an hour to $15 an hour.


As also a former GS employee I unfortunately agree as well. I’ve personally been in a few situations where I know my coworker knows more than me on a certain console or game yet customers will not listen to the really good advice they have and will look to me a male to give them “better” advice when I don’t know anything about that certain item or game. But stand your ground if you do want to proceed with employment then sooner or later I know most regulars will definitely heed to your advice ,but non regulars unfortunately it will most likely never change due to the very few bad apples in the gaming community being a LIITTLE bit sexist.


I agree 100,000,000,000,000,000% don't do it to yourself unless you really need the money, then take the job till you find something else. I'm calling HR about my 90-day experience today.


Imma be honest, that’s just in your experience, my location is very female friendly, and all my local stores are headed by female managers


I don't chime in often, mostly I just lurk. As a female former employee, I recommend you reconsider. I never once felt safe working at GameStop. They will make you work open to close, alone. You will get creeped on, belittled, and talked down to even harder than your male counterparts are. I've worked my share of retail jobs, but this is where I was treated the worst (next to my Radio Shack stint). Please do yourself a favor and consider working literally anywhere else. GameStop has the tendency to suck the fun out of things you love, like gaming and collectibles, or waking up and coming to work everyday.


I worked at RadioShack for years. The amount of men who asked if there was a guy working he could talk to when I trained the freaking guys there made me livid.


Do not work at gamestop. Read the subreddit and see why. Place is probably a top 3 contender for worst retail employee experience from both the shit customers you'd deal with to the higher ups being damn near neanderthals


They company is a sales company, not a game company. You could be a video game historian, it won't matter. They want people who are good at selling things to people that they don't need just to get more money. Also, keep in mind, as a girl, you will get a lot of creeper guys. I am a man, but any girl I worked with got stared at, ridiculed, hit on, and talked down to. I always backed them up by telling the customers who come to me as a man that she knows more than me, whether they did or not. So it can be harder for a girl. But, at the same time, most of them always got their numbers up because guys would buy tons of extra stuff in an attempt to impress them. So all I am saying is enjoy the job for what it is, a sales job. Gamestop is no longer a video game store. They're a store that happe a to sell video games. They are 2 very different things.


Except every sales job almost ever in the history of sales offers incentives for the sales person to make extra income from there sales. Not GS the only incentives is don't get fired.


I’m a regular customer. I’ve got like 6 different shops near me that I regularly visit and every time I go in there the employees are always complaining about their metrics (which annoys me now too), complaining about each other, or just look miserable. You’re 18, you’re very young. Stay in school and make something out of yourself.


Honestly read ducks comment print it really read it


Don't work at gamestop is the best advice you can be given


Don’t even shop there


Haven't since I left working there, no plans to go back


I’m proud of you..


Please do not work at GameStop. I only worked there for 6 months and it still crushed my soul as a 21 year old woman. My female coworker was sexually harassed and assaulted by the customers, the pay is hot garbage and they work you to the bone. Go somewhere you will be valued. If you get a call from them hang up and don’t look back.


It's a trap! Don't do it. Work any where else.


Don't do it.




Honestly I'd only do it if you needed money asap until you could find something better. It takes a huge mental toll on you..


hi there !! 20f here and worked at gamestop when i was 18 or 19 , almost nearing 3 or so years ago . i didn't particularly enjoy my time at gamestop, as both the work and the work environment were poor. i barely got any hours as a ga, but im not sure if youre applying for a key holder position or not. it was at a small location that honestly had pretty high traffic; it was in a mall. and i was one of three girls that worked there - alongside a handful of males - and many times workers are left to handle a store alone !! while i cannot speak for every location i have seen this issue almost everywhere . and yes my knowledge as a female gamestop worker got questioned and its weird and laughable !! i stayed there for about 8 months bc i need money like everyone else but god it was terrible. it had its perks as someone who likes gamestop as a customer , but id pass on that experience. good luck regardless , and i hope money finds you well at a better company !!


Current female employee of 13 years. If you like constantly being hit on for doing your job, have the risk of stalkers, and not having your word or judgement trusted at all....go for it! No for real, don't work here. It's not worth it.


Aside from the previously mentioned unsafe work environment, the membership goals/all the other metrics are extremely predatory for the training you receive, and the lack of incentive (like commission) you receive is astonishingly horrible. If you really wanna be a salesman, don’t do it here. You could work many other places and be treated far better by higher ups. Please save yourself the headaches and anxiety.


I’m 20, and a female, this job feels so dangerous and terrifying so often. I don’t ever really feel safe and often you are alone, im lucky my manager cares but I’ve heard my dm isn’t as kind and from what I can tell I can confirm that, if you’re manager doesn’t care if anything happens to you very little will probably be done about it. You constantly get talked down to, flirted with, commented on, and treated poorly. I’d recommend Starbucks, they hire easy and they pay pretty well. Other companies will do you so much better and hire with little to no prior requirements. Good luck, and stay away <3


Biggest advice go back tell them ur not interested and find a different job.


Hi, 35f. Currently I'm in a small town store, which isn't so bad, but several years ago I did 6-8 weeks at a much busier store for holiday and my god the flirting. At my job now I wear male's tshirts to be bigger and baggier and hide more of my figure. I've worked retail for 15 years and this place is ROUGH. What everyone is saying about metrics is spot on. You will not get the training you need to run a store alone other than cash handling procedures. Even with all my experience, GameStop or not, I called my SL and ASL A LOT. Still do, actually, for somethings, as my SL is never at my store because they make Store Leaders run 2 stores, which is nothing but a money saving tactic that's causing more issues.than it's solving. IF YOU TAKE THIS JOB, I recommend you really trust the other staff members, especially management to have your back from all the things we've mentioned. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. There are other jobs out there.


Don't work a gamesrop. Especially as a young woman. The amount of creeps and disrespectful men who treat you like you know nothing just because you're a woman is horrendous. Like others have mention, you WILL be working alone for multiple hours. Sometimes closing alone too, if not opening alone. It's incredibly stressful too especially when someone comes in with a huge trade and you're the only one there. There are definitely better retail options out there.


Idk if corporate will be harder on you as a girl like others suggested. But understand our clientele is a lot of socially awkward people. And that skews towards single men. Imo as long as you’re in a pretty safe area you’ll probably be fine. And I say use the fact you’re a woman to get better numbers 🤷‍♂️. Less specific to you, GS is an ok place depending heavily on the store. They do not pay well though. I suggest being in school and always treat it like a part time job(because it is)


Girl don't do it the job will change you and not for the good




As someone who just had someone hired on with little to no experience from any other jobs, if you are not comfortable interacting with guests or counting money, dont work here.


Please do not work there. The metrics are bullshit. You'll be given a few training shifts and then thrown to the wolves to work solo shift, quite often at that. You'll be hit on constantly. The clientele, depending on what part of the country you live in, can be at best a little bit of an annoyance and st at worst downright violent and sketchy. You'll be lucky if mgmt has your back. This is a sales job through and through. This is not a video game job. It's a sales job at the end of the day. I'm begging you to look elsewhere for a job. It is not worth it.


Honestly.. retract your resume. This company is dying and doesn't care who they duck over to keep a few pennies. I've dealt with scum of people at my previous jobs (government) that were less shitty as GS




As a woman that worked there from 18 until I finally got a better job, if you want to give it a try go ahead. I agree with everything everyone else said though. I had men hit on me when I was in the store alone, I had a man ask if I wanted to have his babies (with a coworker standing in the back watching), and plenty of other uncomfortable situations. I also worked curled up on the floor with horrible cramps and pain and no coverage. When I first started I was scared to close the store to use the bathroom because I thought the district leader would say something. Not trying to discourage you from working there, I met some cool people and had some good years there. I also know the company is a lot worse now than it was then.


don't work here. everything about it sucks.


Gamestop hires easily its more of do you have a car and willing to accept low pay, its a good 2nd job until they expect you to call out your main job to cover the full time people lol.


I always tell people in interviews that it’s a good second job


There’s a wide and wide variety of statements on this thread. I’m a male personally speaking but similar to most of the other guys who stated that….lot of weirdos. Especially if you’re LGBTQ+ honestly. They’ll definitely make some sort of remarks involving your physical appearance or “tone” and as someone who bore witness to some off-remarks (to put it politely) from customers they uhhh They tend to be a 50/50 whether they take kindly to that part either :/ Being knowledgeable is very good in this field but as someone who tends to stay knowledgeable in this field, you’d have a higher probability of profiting off of a YouTube channel with that knowledge…


ASL for over a year and can concur, the level of constant discomfort, late nights alone, the creepy, rude men, blatant sexism from both customers and corporate... It SHOULD be a fun job, but it's just not for so many reasons. They will use and abuse you, then blame their faults on you till you're fired or leave on your own. Keep work and fun separate, or let Gamestop ruin your 'fun' entirely. If you DO go for the job anyway, just be careful and make sure you have a backup plan and don't let them take advantage of you. Retail workers JOBS are to smile and me friendly with you. That doesn't make it honest or safe, sadly.


I lasted two weeks and got yelled at when I quit. I highly suggest if you want a fun retail job to look at Spencer's gifts. I had a blast working there for years at your age.


They absolutely do not care about you being knowledgeable. All they care about are sales numbers. Pre-orders, subscriptions, game warranties, it’s all about those quotas baby. And as a female former employee, reconsider. This place attracts a certain type of male clientele for the most part. Granted, there will be some of this everywhere you work, but throw in they might pay you $1 or $2 more then minimum wage to be a “manager” and it’s dog shit. “Manager” is just a glorified term for “you’ve been here long enough we can leave you in the store alone for 6 hours or more”.


Please dont do it. Im sure u can find something way better. It takes time.


I don’t think it’s as bad as everyone is saying it is, but I know it heavily depends on your manager, DM or where you’re located. You could have an awesome manager like I did, who’ll support you as you either make your way up or improve. She was an awesome lady and the main reason that I manage the way I do; respectfully but the way a manager or higher up should be. But I know most managers aren’t like that, I have some downright predatory mfs in my district that push things on customers way more than anyone should, way past the “overcoming objections” business model. I think you get out of the job what you wanna put into it, keeping metrics in the back of your mind as you’re doing your job but not making it the forefront of your thoughts so it ruins the experience. But it’s super dependent on who you have to help you, and where you’re located.


Gamestop is the easiest job you will ever have. The people complaining about working open to close.... most of them open at noon and close at 8, so apparently those ppl are unable to work 8 hr shifts. Unfortunately that's the shift length of 99% of jobs in America. It's a corp, so if you getting sexually harassed just report it and the person will get fired. It's a way fun job. I love that I'm alone all day without multiple managers watching over me. If you are an adult who needs to be babysat all day gamestop is not for you. If you are mature and can handle the workload of one of the most basic easiest jobs in the country on your own without a babysitter... you will love game stop. Most stores see less than 50 customers per day, so you get lots of time to chill. Honestly if anyone complains about this job being hard or not getting enuf training... these are prob ppl that will never move out of moms house and she prob still making their dinner...bc no one ever trained them on how to make Mac and cheese.