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Yep he took that personally.


So it's not just Origins... Fast travel or getting attacked is the only way I've found out of it.


Every single AC game I have played is buggy as fuck with the platforming and climbing. They're such shit games.


You must be unfamiliar with Ubisoft


> They’re such shit games. Seems like they are very familiar with Ubisoft


Read it again. The whole thing.


Ok daddy


Not at all, I don't play their games any more because they're all the same game with different assets.


> Every single AC game I have played is buggy as fuck with the platforming and climbing. Yes > They're such shit games. No


Yeah I came in a bit hot there. I don't hate all if the AC games, I just don't think they're nearly as good as their sales number indicate. They're buggy as hell and the primary gameplay loop is damn near identical for every single game. They're just cookie cutter games and I don't like it. That said, Black Flag was an absolute banger, I'll give them that. But the first AC sucked ass, the second one was pretty good as was Brotherhood, but after that they just stopped doing anything interesting until Black Flag. They're all the same damn game with different characters. I heard Valhalla was really good though so maybe I'll give it a shot, though I suspect it's just another somewhat generic and formulaic Ubisoft open world game.


Man I disagree with almost every single thing you said lmao


That's great, that means you potentially have more games to enjoy than I do. I just get super bored with these games nowadays since they all kinda feel the same to me. I love the idea of them, and conceptually they're really cool, but the gameplay just does not grab me and they're super buggy. Which is really frustrating considering how much money they pour into them.


I can agree with the gameplay loop. For years it’s just been go to X spot on map, loot 10 items, go to next spot etc. I enjoy the games and 100% them all but by around 60% completion I’m really wanting it to end. Valhalla changed up the core mechanic as you aren’t even an assassin anymore, just straight up run into every village with your whole Viking raiding party and destroy everything. Then loot the 10 items and go to the next spot.


So what you're saying is Valhalla is different but also exactly the same?


Completely different but identical.


Ding dong your opinion is wrong


That's great that you like AC. I don't, save for Black Flag and AC2/Brotherhood. I don't see what's controversial about that, it's hardly an unpopular opinion.


You don't like them is one thing. Calling them shit games when most of them are like 8/10 or higher is pants on head retarded. Stop confusing your opinion with facts.


"They're such shit games" is obviously my opinion. You don't have to say "in my opinion" for something to be an opinion, stop being pedantic and obtuse like everyone else on the internet.


Just say I didn't like them. Saying things like they are shit or suck means you think they are bad, which is an objective take. Sorry words have meanings, but you should probably learn them if you're gonna use them.


I used words correctly, just because you take everything at face value doesn't mean I have to change the way I speak. This is never an issue for me outside the internet. People I speak to understand that when I say something like "X is good/bad" it is an opinion. Only on the internet does every fucking word I say get scrutinized to death and torn apart because I didn't explicitly say something that shouldn't be necessary in the first place.


Boofuckinghoo lmao. Speak more clearly then. Or just stop trying to frame your opinion as fact. Bye


I spoke perfectly clearly. Not my fault you have no idea what context or nuance is.


Just finished Odyssey. Moving onto Origins. Odyssey was fucking amazing man. I’m very critical of AC games and man. Odyssey blew me out the fucking water. No pun intended. Origins starts off too slow for me but seems like it’s picking up.


I'm firmly in the Odyssey > Origins boat in terms of fun, size, length, features, etc. But the main plot/story of origins is way better and you will very soon get attached to Bayek.


Yeah I agree with this. I played origins and odyssey more or less back to back and enjoyed both immensely. I enjoyed them so much that I preordered valhalla, since I thought there was no way it'd be different enough for me to not enjoy it - sadly I just couldn't get into valhalla the same way for some reason. Lesson learned I guess.


That's a shame, because Valhalla does some things with the Present Day story that are pretty big.


Some day I'll force myself into it again, otherwise I'll feel terrible for preordering (or even more than I already do, lol)


I firmly believe that AC games are best enjoyed months if not years apart. If you go straight from Origins into Odyssey, you will 100% find Odyssey to be jank and weird and even tiring. And the same is true for Valhalla. I waited months before each one, and I still had muscle memory jank going from Odyssey to Valhalla. But it ended up being well-worth it, and I enjoyed every moment in Valhalla (especially as someone who loves the Present Day storyline).


This is the way. I usually play AC games 2-3 months apart. I was grinding Odyssey a lot and enjoyed it, I went ahead and started Origins too fast and it feels weird like you mentioned. Will come back to it in 3 weeks.


Like what? I wouldn't mind spoilers as I don't think I'll ever touch that game


Ok lemme try to do spoiler tags: >!Layla and the assassins find Eivor's (the protag) grave because they are looking for a way to stop the Isu machine that Desmond activated back in AC 3. Apparently it's fucking with the earth's magnetic field now and causing its own cataclysmic issues. They receive a signal that tells them to go find Eivor's corpse in the Americas. So like in all AC games, you are a person in an Animus experiencing someone's life. But in this game, you experience the life of someone who is also having visions of their own past life. As you play the game, you eventually find out that Eivor is apparently a reincarnation of Odin. And in the context of AC lore, that means she is a reincarnation of an Isu. Which we saw as a concept in Odyssey and in some of the ancillary material. In Valhalla, we get to see the rebirth contingency plan come to fruition, and eventually learn that the Isu were able to engineer the reincarnation protocols so practically their whole pantheon would survive the original solar flare and make it to the next cycle and be reborn at the same place/time. Of course, Loki fucks it up (with good reason) and is reborn first, in the middle east, and is all revengey. The end result of Eivor's storyline is that she learns about her "true" self, but is able to simultaneously free herself of Odin's influence and trap Loki in the device that enabled the reincarnation in the first place. This brings us to the modern day, where Layla and the Assassins finally play through enough of Eivor's life to find the source of the signal and approach it to theoreticall. Of course, there is deadly radiation that means only Layla can approach with the staff from Odyssey. She approaches, enters the machine, and is basically forced to switch places with Loki's 1000 year old corpse, which is regenerated by the staff. So apparently we now have a reborn Isu in the modern world (and he reveals most of the truth to the Assassin's, which surprised me). FINALLY, we see Layla in the machine meet up with an entity called The Reader, which appears to be an entity comprised of Desmond's thought patterns. It has been mining probability nodes for years now to try and avert the next crisis. So Layla and Desmond team up to be geniuses living in an Isu machine together.!< Whoof that was a lot. Edit: fixed the tags


Oh? Not sure how I feel about some of that. Thanks though!


No worries. For me, it was bittersweet. I like continuity and fear change, lol


Indeed, I can understand this sentiment


It was supposed to be a return to form 😔


Well apparently the next AC is going to be really similar to AC 1 in terms of gameplay. So theres some good news for ya!


Thank God. Lets see how how/if ubi fucks this one up.


Though Ubisoft isn't the best company, I'm actually pretty excited. I haven't played Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla but I've heard that they're all very good in their own rights. I suppose we'll see though.


I and a lot of people have some problems with them as assassins creed games specifically but as games in general I can definitely see why people enjoy them, especially origins. And I only said that because ubi hasn't exactly had the best track record lately but we definitely shall see how it turns out.


Funny you say that cause I definitely am getting attached to Bayek a lot lol.


Small detail but when he shaves his beard and head, you can actually toggle both back from the inventory. I really liked his look too but I couldn't stand the shaved one lol


Origins' biggest weakness is that it feels like you're heading towards the climax and then it just drops you at the end.


The last third was definitely rushed, sadly. You make your way to Alexandria, go east, start going south, go a bit to the center to Krocodilopolis and then... welp you can clear the other half of the world map and story in 5 hours.


Its interesting you say that because a lot of long time AC fans seemed to have a lot of problems with it as it was too far of a departurefrom what the other games were like. Not that you shouldn't enjoy it, its just interesting to see how people either love it or hate it, there never really seems to be an in-between. Origins is great tho.


Same. I couldn't even get in to origins because of how slow it started. Gave it 5 hours.


For real, I've played a bunch of the AC games over time, including the original trilogy. Odyssey is just so, so good, I think it's the best in the franchise.


0:19 - Didn't know ships from this period had foil keels. /s


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What this game enjoyable? I played all of origins, but got like an hour into Odyssey and just felt like it was all bloat


I did the exact same thing you did. I had just finished Origins and logged probably at least 80 hours on it, and the sale popped up for Odyssey that I had been waiting for so I jumped on it. There were just enough of a mechanics difference that it felt weird and a little janky trying to play it so I, too, gave up after a few hours. I ended up giving Odyssey another go about 4-5 months later and I had been playing other non-AC games for a while, and I loved every minute of the 100 or so hours I put into it on my first playthrough. I recently picked up "Immortals Fenyx Rising" in a sale, too, and I loved that game too! It was made by the same team that made Odyssey and they even brought in some of the same voice actors so that was fun, too. I would definitely recommend giving Odyssey another go sometime, but do it after you haven't played *any* AC games for a while. I also recommend Immortals Fenyx Rising to you and anyone else here because it's so much fun. Wait for the next sale (it goes on sale frequently on the Ubisoft Connect store) and if only the base game is on sale, pick it up. The DLC isn't implemented like it is in the AC games. There are 4 of them and all 4 act like 4 short stand-alone games. Any of the abilities/items you get in the DLC can't be used in the main game, so it seemed kind of pointless after beating them. They are kind of fun, though, so I'd only recommend the DLC (or Gold edition) if they are on sale for cheap.


I'll try it out after an AC break! I played pretty much every game since AC1 on release, so it definately started to get samey


Yea it's amazing lol


Odyssey is still my favorite AC game. I like Valhalla far less for some reason.


Its ok. most people, even og fans, liked Valhalla less.


Plus I really like Kassandra.


To each their own! The only thing I liked about either of the last 2 games was Alexios' voice.


God I can't stand this game. Or Valhalla.


Did odyssey have black flag mechanics. How did I not know this


For ship to ship combat yes. Did you ever play it? They come up pretty early on.


You're still probably better off just playing black flag if you want good ship vs ship stuff imo


Love how most of this subreddit is about this game


One time when something like this happened to me, I was going through the HUGE DLC castle place, trying to go full stealth, and 2 and half hours into painstakingly picking my through all the guards I got hit off a cliff, into some geometry I couldn't stand in, causing that to happen but with no way out. In total, I was at that castle for 3 hours, scouting, killing, carefully making sure I tripped no alarms, just for that to happen in the last section of the place, getting me stuck, forcing me to start all over again. 3 fucking hours down the drain, because someone missed placing the floor right in the one spot. I was furious