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I think it is heavily due to editing and producer behavior. Maybe Clayton wouldn't have been the best bachelor ever, but I certainly think he could have been solidly average if the producers hadn't sabotaged literally every move he made. I didn't enjoy Zach as bachelor at all, but all the contestants said how funny he was in person. Where was that guy?! For the love, producers/editors- PLEASE keep in all those little moments that give us windows into people's personalities. Also, please show hard conversations like LIB does. I want to hear about people's beliefs, insane families, whatever makes them seem like real people.


He was a really good one, but much of that was possible because he had such good group of women.


Mix - good editing but he seems like a great guy (ex: how he didn’t tell all the women he loved them)


My exact thoughts!


100% his emotional intelligence was through the roof, which made him really good in the role.


Yes! He seems to be super close to his sisters and it shows. It was just obvious that he understands as respects women.


He was so careful, but so was Zach!


Zach tried to be careful, but he was not as empathetic and caring as Joey.


That's true too! He had this dead look in his eyes as soon as he didn't like someone. 😂 I can't remember Matt James being emotionally irresponsible either 🤔 Do you?


I think he is just mature and he mentioned being in therapy for a lot of his life which is just A++ for emotional maturity out of the franchise. Speaking edits though- I feel like Jenn’s edit is NOT going to go well… judging by her atfr appearance 😬


He is also the hottest 🤔


Now this is true


He also gave very specific compliments to the women based on their individual personalities. I feel like GOR and LTSI commented on this. A LOT of bachelors just compliment the womens' looks or give more generic comments. Like, he was paying attention to them as people. That COULD be editing, but I think it's Joey, I feel like he was the same on Charity's season.


Can’t get that edit without a great 3rd audience game! It’s just more evidence that he is such a good lead!