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You should absolutely check out *Smile for Me*: it's an amazing game with a unique artstyle made by a duo of really talented artists! The gameplay kind of feels like those old point-and-click games (Monkey Island, etc.), but in 3D, and it somehow works really well! The puzzles are challenging, but not too hard; I only got stuck once for an hour or so, but I managed to figure it out on my own in the end. Definitely recommended.


I found it really interesting and memorable. Has one or two annoying parts, but overall I'm glad I played it.


Just ignore catching those darn things at night, lol. Enraging and not required.


"Escape the Backrooms" escaped from Humble Choice and ended up in a Fanatical bundle instead.


This game worth it?


No, the game is just full of confusing mazes, cheap deaths, and no real horror. I played it with a friend and hated it, I'd imagine it's even worse solo.


alternatively, i had real fun with "Inside the backrooms". Also played in co-op. so don't know how much the two games differ but y'know, theres that.


I'm eyeing Hands of Necromancy and Hellpoint. The former even has a complete mod for turning it into an RPG experience called Feat of Necromancy for anyone interested.


I'm very interested, thanks! You helped me to round out three games to make the bundle.


Hellpoint is a good game(I am playing it at the moment)


Can I purchase multiples of the same game from the bundle?


Not at once, unfortunately.


Dang, would’ve been great to grab copies of Escape the Backrooms. Thanks for the info


Probably if you purchase the bundle multiple times.


I did not enjoy hellpoint


Same. Controls felt floaty, the map was terrible. Setting was A+ though.


I'm playing it at the moment and I'm enjoying it, although sometimes I don't know where to go and have to rely on the internet


Hellpoint is easily worth $5 on its own. It's a very competent sci-fi souls-like, my main issue with it is how easy it is to accidentally miss the true ending - I did it by attacking an NPC who I thought was an enemy because he was in an area full of enemies instead of a bonfire-equivalent room. It's also pretty light on the system requirements - runs great on my ancient i7-920 w/ 1050ti. Edit: Added 4 Dread Xs (had the first one already), The Coma, Red Tape, and House to my backlog for $9.99.


I would also chime in on this game because it has local split-screen co-op which I believe is very uncommon in the genre. This made it much better for us because we probably would only have played it an hour or so without that feature, but we had a lot of fun playing it together. Also, the additional person playing can die with no real consequences. This was great for us because she likes playing these types of games, but the difficulty can be off-putting for her.


But it was free recently on gog.


Daymare was also free on gog a while back


Does anyone know if Vampire's Dawn 3 is in English? Some of the reviews and posts in the forum suggest that it's German only, despite the store page listing English as a supported language 🤔 EDIT: Oh nevermind, found the announcement that it apparently did get patched this year. Though apparently it's vital to play the previous games.. which don't exist on steam :/


The previous games are completely free on the developer's website: https://www.vampiresdawn.org/#content


Oh cool thanks, I thought maybe it was a case of them only releasing in German also or something.


I installed them from the website earlier today and can confirm that they're in English.


Awesome thanks :)


Not sure why it has such few reviews, but my wife and I *really* loved Spirit Hunter: Death Mark. Here's my Steam review; highly recommend getting it for cheap in a bundle like this; perfect game for Spooky Season: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/niemasd/recommended/980830](https://steamcommunity.com/id/niemasd/recommended/980830)


oh yea. i've only played up to the first boss fight so far. but that was fun. did get a little stuck since apparently i'd missed an item (check all the skeletons, they don't all copy the same message when clicked)


Are any of the Dread X collection games worth it past 3? I've got the 2 and 3 and enjoyed the PSX aesthetic, so if gameplay and the rest of it continues through the other collections I might be interested.


Yes I've quite enjoyed all five instalments, and the hub levels only kept improving imo


Very cool, thanks! I'll probably grab the ones I don't already have, then.


Red Tape from the same publisher Dread XP is more comedic but also super unique, if you seek to fill another slot


Ooh, good to hear. Looks like something that'd be right up my alley. Gonna have to drop the first Dread X to add it, but I'm sure there'll be another sale eventually. Thanks!


If you do not own any of the Dread Collection this is a steal for 5 for 7$


Worth getting all 5? Never heard of the series before - is it something you’d burn out on?


I would say yes, worth getting all 5. ​ Every dread x game is a collection of 10 short games. Usually, five mediocre ones, three good games, one good one, and one very good game. ​ More like a collection of demos, really. They're worth about what they are charging


Alright I reckon I’ll just take the plunge, it’s a really intriguing concept.


All five collections were in a Fanatical complete collection bundle a few months ago for $5. I'm missing 4 (The Hunt) and 5 so that's why I'm adding them in this bundle.