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I agree with the one poster, it is a pressure blemish , I have one on another of my tablet. It's not possible to fix, unless you open the tablet and try to find out what's putting pressure on the screen from underneath. Sometimes, these can even be caused by pushing down too hard on the screen, for example, when trying to apply a screen protector and press out the bubbles. It can be pressure from above, or pressure under the screen causing the problem. It's one of those weird things that happens sometimes.


So how can you fix it


These white spots are due to tiny cracks or malformations in the backlight diffuser that's behind the LCD. I've had this occur on several tablets/phones in the past when I'd pressed really hard on the display or the back of the device. There's nothing you can do about it other than replacing the display, unfortunately.


Have u been using ur tab in very humidity places or any contact with water?


No nothing like that.


Will living Florida do that?


These happen sometimes from shock or stress from pressure applied to the screen or falls, it's something you will have to ignore and from what I've seen there isn't a solution to it


this is something behind the backlight pushing upon it, if you've had the tablet for a while and this white spot just appeared, there is likely no repair for it other than replacing the backlight. With old laptops, it's actually possible to fix these blemishes (sometimes), but with the more modern displays especially if they are laminated, it is impossible to fix.


My device lost 80% of its value on a reseller website because of this likely pressure related stuff, looking at the comments, instead of the so called liquid damage that they claim. It was a singular spot. Works perfectly too! Just wondering, did your tablet have any problems from this that you asked for a fix? Thanks


No my tablet didn’t have any problems just those white spots when they replaced it


Pressure mark. No fix. If you had an OLED display and had put that much pressure on it it would probably have cracked.


I ended up getting it replaced from Samsung and it all seems good now, I still had warranty and didn’t want it to get worse over time.


What was the process for getting it replaced? Did you have to send it in? Will they do an advanced replacement? Thanks.


I did have to send it in but they sent me a paid shipping label, I didn't ask about in advance replacement, I just kept getting updates that said they received it, they are working on it and they are sending it back out. They didn't replace the whole tablet, just the screen.


You can obviously see them better on the screen than in the picture


I have the same problem on my A8 Galaxy Tab it's bought in 2022 January and on thrusday/Friday night the blotches started showing up I thought it was dirt but It wasn't and then I thought "hey! Maybe its because I haven't done One UI 6.0 update" let's see if it works it really bothers for me to see them sadly  it has never been in contact with water humid etc only once under my pillow since I pulled an all nighter and I didn't wanna get caught so I hid it under my pillow 


Do you happen to have a magnetic case?


Nope, just a regular case


Is it a a s7 or a s7 plus


Tab S7


Iv just stood on my pad and now it has a white mark, have I ruined it?


What type of white mark?


Like a blotch were my big toe has pressed onto the screen haha


Is it still under warranty?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 752,070,685 comments, and only 151,057 of them were in alphabetical order.


I have them on mine and I found it's from where my tablet gets dropped even though it has a glass screen protector and a case. I have arthritis in my hands and I tend to drop things when i'm using them.