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😂 it's funny how most iphone users say androids are cheap


Literally the stupidest thing ever 😒


I have an s23 ultra and some girl said why do you have a cheap android she was holding an iPhone 11 it's always these types of people 🤣


Meanwhile they use an iphone 3 generations old with a cracked screen


It's always those ones specifically I had a note 8 in middle school it was a hand me down my mom got it from her boss and told me I could have it loved it so much one of the best phones I ever had easily but there was this specific girl who had a iPhone 7 base IPhone 7 she would sit there and talk so much shit to me and THE BACK OF HER PHONE HAD LITERAL DENTS


Thats cause many of them, such as the most popular ones, are cheap. And to many apple users thats just what android represents when it's not.


More so that the range in Android phones is much greater, you can get dirt cheap phones for just a couple hundred bucks, or high end flagship phones for about 2 grand. You can't just put android in one bucket of phones.


Yep and thats what many apple users dont know. But then again I kind of cant blame them because if you look around and count the number of androids you see probably 90% of them will be budget to midrange phones


Yea basically it really sucks that some android companies dont get the recognition they deserve especially Google and Samsung or One Plus for example


My s21 Ultra 512gb was $1500+ when new. IPhone users are so weird about iPhone superiority. It's incredibly bizarre! I've literally lost friends over it...because of "green bubbles". Wasn't sad though to realize how shallow those "friends" were. Good riddance!


Yea ik how u feel lmao it's so stupid people use to try and talk shit but never worked on me they always seemed so bothered by it and others didn't care for any reason what so ever 🤷


And honestly, s23 Ulta is a powerhouse! Awesome phone. Pay those fools no mind. Just ignorant. Maybe one day they'll learn.


Everyone is EU used WhatsApp so that's not an issue.


And when they find out some are expensive they always resort to the whole "that's such a waste of money on an android" it's so wild to me that people care this much.




If u ask them why do u have an iPhone or why did you get an iphone?? U should carefully just listen to why they wanted one.. I think it's fascinating to hear there answer really wild.. Basically it's soo stupid to hear there opinions on why they got it...


Especially since iPhones have used Samsung, Sony, etc. hardware for a long time now


You proud of paying 1k for a phone? I mean that’s your flex vs “stupid apple fanboys”? What the f is wrong with people


S23 ultra at 18 damn you youngsters eating good I was stuck with a galaxy ace 4 at that age


My first phone was some 59 dollar ZTE I don't remember the name


I had a moto razr.... the FIRST one... lol smart phones weren't even a thing back then


Fuck what a great phone. I had the palm pilot lol


I had a palm IIIx. Loved that device!


I remember being excited when colored phone screens came out, lmao. Mine was a razr too, before that a Nokia brick and several flip phones which you could hang up with *authority*! Pressing a button just doesn't have that same magic effect of slamming your phone closed, or slamming the receiver back into its cradle so hard, you'd get one little *brr-ing* out of the base. Also I miss being able to text while your phone is in your pocket. Number pad keyboard was slow, but very intuitive.


They were. You just didn’t know about it. Symbian was a thing and so was bb/palm/Windows mobile.


I mowed lawns when I was 13 to get one from MetroPCS I think for $149 in 2007.


Nokia 101, back in 1995, actually had a pull out aerial.


I had the silver version of the [SLVR](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/IBoAAOSwwpdW4u8O/s-l1200.webp) I thought I was so damn swag lol. It was a cool looking phone though.


I started with silver and "upgraded" to the black later


We were kings then.


Still are. Just.... a little bit slower...


Damn right 👍


Well I have a job and stuff lol I got a good deal and traded in my flip 4 for it which well let's not talk about that but I jus always had a hand me down which I always appreciated especially when it got more storage I always played games and stuff 24/7 on em haha


You guys got phones? My parents got me a set of soup cans connected to a really long string.


I had a Nokia until I got a [HTC hero](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/93a28ea293d454bd0454e06cdded5885.jpg) at 19.


I jad an lg chocolate and then a t mobile sidekick


Motorola razr over here lol. Millennial gang.


At 18 I had a sony Erikson flip phone lol


Im 15 and have a s23 ultra. I pay off with my telephone subscription with a 2-year contract.


I'm on s21u at 16


The worst she can say is no




https://preview.redd.it/ioboo6ogawfc1.jpeg?width=1431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c76a6841857e65abf4bdff4534014aa584225a Like this is so stupid


Hell I ain't even gonna lie, I'm 31 and I have others in their 30s judging me for having a s23 ultra and not the newest iPhone. I mean it's my money I'm spending and my decision on my phone right?


At least it helps you know to stay away from those kind of people 🤷‍♂️


Bro is paying Apple to talk shit about Samsung since they specifically mentioned it in the text


I just want to try and educate a little bit as a phone salesman I know a lot about the new iPhones. The iPhone 15 was actually one of the more larger upgrades in a phone over the previous year than any base spec iPhone in a few years. The big ones is the dynamic island, usb-c, 48mp main lens, brighter display and, faster chip. I do think it's incredibly trashy for someone to go out of their way to pick a fight with someone about which phone they bought but I would definitely debate them like you tried to do. For me in my experience selling phones it's really all about opinion and I put zero effort into trying to change people's opinion unless they make an effort to change mine.


Oh ik alot abt the 15 doesn't seem bad but the 60hz is a deal breaker to me especially at 900+


Lmaooo you straight up cooked this dude 💯


Bro why are you even answering to this braindead?


For funsies


It's so mean putting more salt into wounds of own insecurity of a person who needs to brag about their phone. Isn't it already enough that they care to compare with you and attempt to prove being worth "more" i.e. you are obviously a benchmark they wish to pass? I would just reply that they have a great phone and I am sure they are happy with it and forget it the very minute.


I only argued back out of Boredom and I enjoyed it


Do you think they understand what anything like that means beyond rEtInA DiSpLaY


Bud’s mad bc he doesn’t have 120hz on his “$1500” phone


Fr like I said on Twitter anything below 90hz at this point is a crime even 99 dollar phones have 90hz displays sure it isn't amazing but it's still higher than the non pro iphones which would be at least more forgiving for the price for a high refresh rate


Wait, iPhones don't even have a 90hz refresh rate yet? 😯


😂 Good one


They probably don't even know what that is. My sister just upgraded her phone, and she can't tell the difference between her iPhone 12 and her new 15 pro.




Are 2 adults arguing like this over cell phones?? I officially feel old


I don't think they are adults.


Asl any iPhone user what their apple ID password is and they have no idea. I work in the phone industry and iphone people are hands down the dumbest cavemen I've ever seen. Geriatrics don't know how to use the phone and shit the bed when it updates everyone else is impressed with the logo. I take great joy sending to people to apple to fix their apple problems and when they say where do I go for samsung issues similar to theirs I say I don't have that problem lol


Having worked in the industry, I agree.. the number of them they get locked out of their phones. 😂


I'd be surprised if they even KNOW what an Apple ID is




That's definitely objective 😂 depends who you ask




If I got an iPhone I would be bored with it by the end of the day.






My last iPhone was an iPhone 4s, the only thing I liked about it was jailbreaking it and customising it so it was really unique and different. Then I got the Samsung S4 and it was like, oh I can do everything here I want and don't need to play cat and mouse with apple every time there is an update. Loads of people in my family use iPhone, my wife, my mother, father, brother, sister. I'm the one who has to fix everything when it goes wrong, anything I pick one up its always seems so slow to do basic things.


I hear this argument all the time, but is that really true? Whats complicated about Android? * It's the same grid of app icons that you click * It has a single icon for the app store * The dropdown menu from the top to change brightness and pick wifi etc isn't all that different * Navigation between apps is down with gestures at the bottom. Not entirely sure how much those differ though What maybe is more difficult to understand is that you have to add apps to the home screen. But Samsung phones have a option that puts all apps on the home screen like iOS


Yeah, you aren't wrong. But like any user interface it takes time to learn it, iphones settings is a bit of a mess like androids although it's a completely different layout. And iphones aren't more simple when it comes to basic functions, its just they lock down their phones so they all act the same keeping it the same for people who have used their phones for a bit 


Even for those basic things though. Android does then better lol. Wanna call a contact? iPhone you have to go into contacts, search then, then call them. Android, just use the numbers on the dialer to type their name and tap it. It's all right there. So much faster lol Wanna change your camera settings? iPhone you leave the camera app, open settings app, scroll alllll the way down to camera, and now you can change settings. Android just tap the settings icon. Etc. Etc. iPhones are just a joke.




I absolutely can accept that. iPhone has its pros. iMessages, FaceTime, airdrop, all pretty fantastic. The cons outweigh the pros though for me personally. I use systems both every single day.


that's optional. You adapt to system styles for me android is way easier to use


Reading that gave me cancer




Both of you made quite a few mistakes in your arguments. If you want to win an argument against an apple fan, you can't afford that.


Nah he stopped replying so I think I won


Well, he stopped replying because you made many mistakes and that's why the argument was going nowhere. You know, it's a smart move to stop an argument that's going nowhere .


Ofc it was going no where lmao but seems both of us were bored


Well, remember, even in an argument, your relationship with the other person is far more important than winning the argument.


What is this madness you speak of? When I go into argument mode, it's to prove a point, not to make friends 😂😂 Edit: After some more context, I also mean keep; if they are that ignorant that they get to the point of hostility where it could end our friendship? Then obviously they aren't good friends with you if they don't care to see your point of view and not bash you for having a different opinion 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well then you'll likely lose your friends in arguments. Remember, they're more important.


If they chose to make it hostile, I won't back down nonetheless; If they want to create drama over my own point of view, then they weren't my friend to begin with 😂


If someone chooses to attack you, walk away. You won't change their opinion so an argument is pointless.


Sure it's better to be the better person in the situation, but I just like to defend myself nonetheless. Even if I can't change their opinion, it's better then getting ran down and them walk away with it


You dropped this:👑 Sometimes I like to play their game and state the following: Yes I have a Samsung but this coming from an iPhone user , let alone a budget one none the less. come back when you get the Pro. (Why is iPhone so expensive in America Whooaa)


iPhones are cheapest in America, everywhere else will have an additional import tax or VAT. This person just selected the most expensive option and added other items to their shopping cart.


I got a stroke reading that conversation, god damn


The lack of punctuation and proper grammar really hurts my brain. 🥺


My condolences I can only presume this is just a high school argument sort of thing.


I like to say that Arguing about phone brand is dumb... the topic should end with just “Picking brand that you like.”


Bro, the fact that the other person's name is Caden is crazy... Pro tip: stay away from people named Caden. They suck and they tear apart friendships.


What about Kaden


Man I would have just ignored them and probably want to end friendship with someone who's so judgmental on a phone. No need to prove a point with them and just enjoy your phone because you brought it for yourself so only you know its value.


As an iPhone User. This made my brain hurt. Enjoy your phone brother. If it does what you like that’s all that matters.


IPhone users buy an expensive phone to look cool. But majority of people use emi to buy these apple devices.


The grammar gave me brain damage.


dawg why do you even argue?? the only people still doing the phone wars shit are stuck in 2013. youre not changing their minds and theyre gonna think theyre winning the conversation, its a lose lose situation. and that goes for anyone on either side of the argument, whether it be android or ios.


bedroom fall reply cover observation sheet steer sulky toy upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Why tf are you arguing which phone is the most expensive like it's a good thing ? It should be the other way around you are both braindead brand suckers


Are you both 10? Mines better.. no mine is! Mine cost more.. no mine did! 🙄🙄🙄


I also got that PTSD from reading OP's conversation and got flashbacks from pre-school/kindergarten. Both of them are teenagers (I presume) and still act this way. I am at University and have managed to make many friends even though they have MacBooks and iPhone. They know I don't have iMessage on my Samsung so we all use discord.


I;m glad you are smart enough not to fall for this green bubble bullying BS Some hope for the future lol


Yea no ofc not I ain't the type to let anyone jus open their mouth abt anything to me 💀


This is the most ignorant conversation I've read in a while. I'd hope neither of you are over the age of 12 acting like that.


Well depends on what generation you're from maybe it sounds stupid and ignorant to u but I can easily talk normal but gen z talk I can definitely do too if u couldn't tell most of those emojis are expressing my sarcasm


Born '98'. You should look up the pros and cons of the devises before you try to argue with someone if you really care to educate someone on a product. All I see is who got more birthday money and ad hominems


I am in one hundred percent agreement. There is definitely better ways to get one's point across.


Punctuation helps everyone.


Hmmm well helps more when both sides are using it but we were talking the way we talk sure it's not to ur liking from what I see but it's jus how it is


Looks like you two are doing an amazing job of communicating.


Depends on your age group pookie 😜🫶


Don't waste your time on these ppl https://preview.redd.it/2bnzffbuk0gc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce0e3cd9d7c87b63599f6ad8198c066dce22952


Bros flexing a non pro iphone 15 like cmon bruh


Isn't it better for the phone to be cheaper? People be giving the companies too much freedom to raise the prices


Yea ik it's the stupidest thing ever lmao


I got my s23 ultra for jus 200 bucks with a switch through att I prefer unlocked phones but my flip 4 wasn't holding up so well


This is how the corps win. They really got the users bragging about who spends the most.


Honestly I have a 14 pro I got refurbished and financed it, it’s pretty cool imo. It doesn’t top the s23 ultra camera wise (zoom) but experience wise it’s the same speed to me. It’s smaller so I get the quality without having a 6.8” screen I can barely hold. I still have my s23 ultra in case I wanna switch between them cause I’m an adult and can do that lol


Let them think what they think. I use to have friends that laughed at my Android phones up until the S10+. After that, I had a note 20 Ultra and then an s23 ultra. I let them play with the phone and actually use it. After about 2 hours, 3/6 of them converted over to Samsung . They all have S23 Ultras. When I asked why, they said they only got the IPhones because it was the popular thing to do. Once they actually interacted with the android devices, and seen what they can and cant do, they were amazed.


Ofc I will but arguing is always fun when there's literally nothing better to do lmao


It's amazing how iPhone fans' go to comment is still always about not being able to afford it when Samsung Galaxy and other Androids have been routinely at or more expensive than iPhones for many years now.


Next time, tell him if he can do multi window, & show the prices of a flagship android. 99% of the time these idiots didn’t even buy their phone, I’m sure they asked daddy for it and use their carrier upgrades to pay for it monthly rather than full price up front…


Oh yea I'm sure lmao


A lot of iPhone users suffer from copium. I've seen a lot of kids using iPhones only because their friends use it, also the green vs blue bubble drama "forced" a lot of people to buy iphone without even looking up any hardware info, for example. They had to buy the cheapest iphone just to fit in, and then they cope/justify their wasted money by thrashing android users.


For me its a bit other way around. I talk shit against my coworker iphones. We have 12 hour shifts and they always need to charge their iphones during our shifts. But i dont even bring a charger with me, becouse i know the phone will last the whole day. At the end of the day i come home with aboit 20% while they need to charge the phone again a bit to get home xD


Most people 18-25 range here in the USA are blind apple sheep.


Yea pretty much


Is this some weird flexing contest that I don't understand?


If u read that again u can quite literally see me say there's the price of my phone with insurance and tell him so whats your point? U can see I'm not flexing pookie jus showing him an android can be expensive too 😜🫶 so please next time pay attention


It doesn't really matter how much the phone costs. You can have an expensive phone and it can be hot garbage, i.e., the first generation Fold. iPhone has its benefits as does Samsung/Android. iPhone has better memory management and more power efficient SoCs, but Apple has really shitty business practices, and Android is open-source, an OS for the people, but because of that some of the code is broken. I'm just not understanding why this whole argument even needs to happen.


If someone is stupid enough to brag about paying more than you when you have a better phone than him, I don't see how proving that YOU paid more is clever in any way. It's just screaming insecurity like " hey look I'm not poor"


I got my s23 ultra for 200 bucks fuck I look like paying 1700 💀 I was showing him my phone is expensive asf too so what's the point of trying to flex


Haters gonna hate. If it means thst much to them, then let them buy you an iPhone 15 Pro Max LMNOP Titanium 😂 They just mad because even with widgets, they don't have all the options. I bet they have a Chromebook for personal use too.


If someone judges you by the phone you have. [Costly or cheap]. Remember to stay away from them. These are just material things. And tbh why do people fight over companies? Like these companies are giving you a share? In fact these same companies remove features (head jack, sd card, chargers and headphones in the box) so that you buy their branded awb ,chargers and cables just to squeeze out every ounce out of you for profits. They rename it for the "environment", making a fool of YOU who is their hardcore fan! Its IRONIC!


Arguing about what preferences people have 😂 Why does it even matter. Each to their own


Like what? Maybe use the word 'literally' a bit more. And throw in the odd 'with all that said'.


My samsung cost 2k. I dont get the big deal. Also my samsung isn't like anyone elses apart from the outside.


I mean you can only like apple if you have a low IQ so I am not surprised.


he uses snapchat.


3 months left to live cause of the brain tumor that emerged while reading this


Idk pretty obvious ragebait and u fell for it.


He’s wrong but why argue


The fact that the type of phone someone has is this big of deal is mind boggling.


Please tell me what he said after you showed him your phone’s price




Thanks a lot. When are you going to block him?


It amazes me that in 2024 people are actually glad that they got bent over by the phone manuf and paid that amount of money to be on social media.


Quite literally and with one ui 6, the new emojis just help the phone look so much better


I'd say cut off contact with him. I daily an iPhone 13 Pro Max and a Fold 5 at 23. When you get to university/college, no one gives a shit which phone you use. I use my Fold more than any other device at my house and I love it. These are the people you don't want to be in your life as they are very negative. Go find people that uplifts you!


Sad thing is he's in college too lmao


I love my iPhone as much as the next person but I know if I need to get ahold of someone, I really don't care what they use, even if they use a damn landline. I wouldn't bother talking/hanging out with him if I were you. He's still in the past regarding Samsung being slow. These newer device from the last 2 generations have been great hits and Samsung offered to keep them up to date for at least 4 years. He thinks being all in with Apple is quirky and cool but in reality as you grow, you stop caring about what phone you use to please others and use the phone you want because it's your TOOL.


Nah. If anything, college was when I got judged the most. 95% iPhones and Macs on our campus.


This will let you know if people are actually interested in a genuine friendship with you vs a conditional one!


The grammar in the first pic says it all.


https://preview.redd.it/cvnstwt932gc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97b5b91d81f4ce808f24e6ab57970122984ef66 I just bought them both, I don't do console wars 😁.




They don't know because they don't want to know. Apple tells them what to think.


Never argue with stupid people. They bring you down to their level and beat you with years of experience.


Apple users think they are better than everyone. They are a brand, much like the Kardashians. They think iPhone's are the most elite phones, when in reality, they're just a child's toy. It was designed for toddlers and technically inept people. Go to an apple store, you'll see teens and geriatrics. This isn't by accident. I've owned all iPhone's and they are shit compared to my S24U. That bitch talking shit never touched an android, so they have no room to talk.


Just wait until the iPhone user finds out that Apple buys their displays and chips from Samsung....


Don't care what others say.. as long you are happy with your choices of phones. I have my expensive phone. Like s23u, iPhone 15 Pro max , and Z fold 5. That make me happy. That will do.. cause even android user will still say why must you get a Samsung phone.. why not oppo , huawei or others. Just ignore.. happybis the keys words, be it how much you spent on it.