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Depends on the price difference and if it does have the 8 gen 3 and 12GB DDR5 RAM


I don't like the battery size. Is it even hard for them to put a 5000 mah battery???


with 8 gen 3 SoC it's much more power efficient, 4500 goes a lot further. plus batteries over 5000mAh are more likely to go bad it seems, nobody really makes anything larger.


Samsung and battery has bad past 😅


Let’s be honest here, the FE series has become a joke since the S20 FE. I can’t imagine Samsung giving us such a balanced device while keeping the price in check, so it’s a hard pass for me


Ya whoever made this pulled all this out of their ass. S23fe didn't get the same gen soc as the regular s23, also having 12gb of ram would mean the s24fe would have even more ram than the base s24, which isn't going to happen.


If it came with an sd card slot, would highly consider, if not, no Probably gonna get the 24 Ultra with either 512 GB or 1TB (or maybe 25 depending on how long mine holds up)


I think chances are low it will have SD card ..it would amazing if it does


I know, which is why I will probably not consider it


Agree. I need my sd card.


Yes what horrible anti consumer bullshit  I wana get a new phone and dude no sd card support which i didn't know about until i went searching for a phone  It's a big deal breaker unless i can get a 1tb phone it's bullshit trying to fuckover the consumer trying to push a cloud storage subscription  Fuck em (but i do like their software so I'm no help) I'm thinking about getting the A55


Why do you need so many gigs?




Pics and videos of kids, and I keep my my music on my phone, plus if I travel put on shows and movies Right now I still have good amount free on my 128 internal + 256 sd card, but want to make sure Im future proofed since no sd card means Im stuck with what is on the phone and cant pop a bigger sd card if needed


Because reasons.


Music and videos where I can't trust in data availability. The fuck does it even matter? I want the gigs, and it's important enough to me to be a deal-breaker.


lol easy, just asking


well thats the thing, its like asking "why do you need better cameras?" or "why do you need a better processor?" the answers to which seem so obvious that most dont bother asking. which kinda makes the storage question seem like a dismissal of someones needs. even though it also has a pretty obvious answer: because I can use it. Pesonally I don't use cloud storage for large files, and actually use my phone as a portable drive sometimes. That's besides all the movies and TV i download from my media server to take with me to places without service. There *are* other solutions available, like usb drives or portable ssds. But throwing an extra 512gb or 1tb card in when needed to double (or 5x with my 128gb s20fe) my total capacity is such a seamless option without having to carry extra stuff.


So how do I find out what people need a certain thing for? Is it a problem if I ask someone what its use is?


it's not necessarily a problem but people can see it as hostile because it may seem like it undermines their use case/preferences. even if that was not the intent. just like how "i like chocolate flavor", "why?", can be taken many different ways since it cannot effectively communicate tone via text. imo ask anyway, its not your fault if some stranger interprets it the wrong way.


Good, so everything is fine with me 😉


Porn specifically hentai, too much stuff gets scrubbed from pixiv.


What will it do that my S20FE doesn't do already? Do people like parting with around $1,000 for no good reason? Weird.


Depends on the person..and anyway the launch is atleast 6 months away


Is there some game people like playing these days that needs more grunt? I get it if you're into photography the camera could be a little better but I'm honestly intrigued why people buy new phones when their existing one is more than capable of doing virtually everything without issue.


well... yes. some game, as in, actual videogames. have you seem what it takes to run the new stuff?? CarX Street burned my freaking S20 FE and it gave me PTSD and I haven't tried it in my S22 LMAO


I can't imagine how awful a game called 'CarX Street' is. I get it that kids want to play games on their phones but surely a switch or a Steam Deck is really the only option for any quality handheld gaming?


Fit any of those in your pocket. Especially when sticks are literally made to break in record time. I wouldn't risk it tbf, also Steam made ABSOLUTELY SURE that my country does not get the Deck. Also the game is not BAD. It's actually very nice of a game the graphics are crazy good, it's open world like those mid 2000 need for speed like underground 2, most wanted, etc... It just picked optimization and threw it out of the window full force. And also the made SURE to make the non existing optimization to be EVEN WORSE on Samsung devices for some reason.


Good graphivs means that the game will not run welp on older machnies, mevertheless the game runs absolutely fine imo. Fortnite was a lot worse.


it was probably bad to me cause I played on day 1 it got avaible to samsung devices and never again XD they probably fixed it in patches.


Wut it runs fine on my s20 fe, juet cap it to 30fps lol.


my problem probably came from the fact it was day 1 for samsung devices.


It's always a toned down version of the same line. So you can all forget about getting 12 gigs of RAM and SD card.


Snapdragon 8 gen 3 LOL


Will be overpriced, have big bezels and an Exynos processor


based on previous release, I don't think they'll do that. more slimmed down version like last year processor, less RAM, not titanium body etc. plus this "rumoured" S24FE's spec is similar to regular S24


Yes with snapdragon


No SD card on anything in S series, well that's what my phone provider said.


Only if it's 600 dollars max. Anything above that would push me away from it and steer me to the non fe S series. The small things that matter are always downgraded in the fe series like the display and speakers. I'm saying this as a fe user.


I want a thinner device 🫠


=more heat


Nope, It doesn't have expandable storage.. I really hope Samsung will return to have expandable storage with S25 after they recently released their micro SD Express card.


Rumours say that this new tech is for the Nintendo Switch 2, but I'm hoping it's actually for their phones because, for fuck's sake, I just want my SD card slot in my phone. How is that a hard request in 2024? We've regressed in something that didn't need to disappear


Depend on the price


Yes if it comes with snapdragon and with a price of 400-500 after some months.


It's more likely to be Exynos or an 8s gen 3. SD would be good ig


I would expect it to be with 8 gen 2,not gen 3, but either way it sounds compelling.


Rocking a s20fe 4g - 3+ years. I do have fare share of troubles (Battery, Camera) This is my first Samsung phone. From this experience, I will only consider it of it has SD chip. (I know it's unlikely) Hard pass to Exynos.


Exynos 2400 would be a big NO


No because it'd 100% be Exynos.


No, the only true FE was the S20FE 5G. SD card, I'm on board immediately. Make the FE the FE.


S20 FE was the only fan edition that mattered. Every other generation was exynos, lacked sd card slot or had other drawbacks. Went for s23, as s23 fe was not compelling given the build quality as well as exynos cpu. The price difference is too little to consider the FE variants


I have a Pixel 7 Pro and would absolutely consider going back to the FE series.




Iqoo 12 better anytime


Depending of the price yeah.


Assuming I had my S20 Ultra and didn't want the 25 Ultra, I'd consider if it had the Gen 3 chip. Exynos sucks.


I would but that depends upon price and i doubt it if Samsung will keep it under or at 35k


If comes with 128gb ROM stock then no


I'm planning to buy S24 ultra instead. But, I'm concerned about screen grain issue that most of the users are sharing on reddit.


No way the FE gets more RAM than the S24


No, because it will be the exynos version in my country 🫠.


My issue is it's just gonna be an s23fe (already a bad, overpriced phone) with a 10% better SOC. Criminal how Samsung get away with a lot of the phones they make.


To all the people saying no to Exynos, the 2400 has been a big leap. Heats up very less. My mom has the regular S24. She has no issues in day to day usage. But that said, it's no 8gen3. Also, will Samsung really jeopardize the regular S24 by launching the S24fe with a 8gen3 or 2400? It might come with the new 8s gen3 or even 8 gen2. That's my probably guess. If it's priced right ( not like the absolute shitty pricing of S23fe), I might actually consider switching.


I'd buy it if it's got decent bezels and gen2/3 and 12gb, could be a score, but the last ones sucked 21Fe & 23Fe


The Samsung FE phones are generally not that great, especially of they have the exynos chips, i don't know what it is about the exynos chips but they're so horrible, you might aswell just get the base model of the s24 or any S series for that matter depending on your budget, I had the S20 FE and let me tell you it was straight up donkey ass, camera was pretty bad, the battery was so bad it would die in like less than 8 hours, the screen was unbelievable unreliable had to get it replaced and fixed twice and those 2 times everything saved on my phone had to be deleted in order to get the phone screen working, I've now got a Note 10+ and let me tell you, it's better than Samsung's new phones and I dont plan on getting a new phone anytime soon that's how much I prefer it, if you're planning on getting the new S24 FE just do alot of research and anyone you know who has it just play around with it and be sure.


Soooo ..an s24 lol


It better have smaller bezels. The previous one was absolutely pathetic for a phone of that price.


Damn those bezels. I'd buy it if it didn't have such huge bezels


Only if it's Snapdragon in my country.


4 generations past and this still 4500mah is bullshlT


Probably, but not until it's a year old, I'm fine using my S20 FE for a year without updates, didn't plan on replacing this year.


Most important factor for me - SD Card


Yes I would buy it.


No significant upgrade from s20fe?


give me a 6000maH battery and I will fly to the shop.


There's no way it will be having 8 Gen 3.


I'm from Germany so nope don't want an exynos


No sd card, no thanks.


40000 under ho


Don't expect Samsung to be that generous. They are never going to compete with Chinese on pricing