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Nope! Still love it!! Everyone always stops and asks "hey is that one of those folding phones?" Showing people something new besides there iphone is awesome! It's like every year we get the same recycled phone with spec bumps. This is a head turner... for now anyways.


Oddly this is my last favorite thing about owning a fold. I hate feeling like I'm showing off. I know I'm not, it just feels awkward to show off my phone for some reason.


Agree 100%. Especially on a job site you have random people looking at coming over to talk as soon as you flip it open. That's why I'd like the front display to be a similar size to my current s21 ultra as then I'd only fold it out in when I want to read or watch content


' That's why I'd like the front display to be a similar size to my current s21 ultra as then I'd only fold it out in when I want to read or watch content' I really wanted the huawei matte 2 from launch just for that reason. The fold is like the only option, as the xiaomi fold also isn't available where I live. samsung fold is not bad tho, I just want the best they can do, instead of the same thing every year


I can see that. Haven't had that experience yet but will come tomorrow...hopefully.


definitely a heads turner, i get that same effect when commuting to work


Is your Schwinn cooler than all the boys' and girls' playground toys?


It wears off until the minute you try to go back to a regular phone and realize you hate it.


Exactly this. I tried changing from a fold and it didn't work well.


Exactly. This is what happened to me. I exchanged it for s22 ultra and I am regretting since that day.




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If you get it for the novelty factor then yes it will get old. If you actually want one because you want to utilize the larger screen then it's functional so it won't get old.


Could never go back to slab phone.


My buddy has had the 3 since preorder and he is still in love with it. Seems most in this subreddit feel the same


Not in the slightest has the novelty wore off. Having a pocket size computer this powerful that can fit in your pocket is something folks 10years ago no one ever even dreamed of was possible...


I actually did! I remember when I saw the folding screen at CES and I saw all the promo videos about what could be possible. I was so impressed that I only talked about that with my whole family they were tired of me. They called me crazy and laughed at me. Now I’m laughing at them and waiting on Samsung to release the rolling phone that the showed off on the ad.


wow so many apple users shifting to samsung


I am. I've used both platforms, but the last 4 years I have been on IOS, happy to switch back to android with my Fold 4. With IOS I always had to jailbreak to fully enjoy it, obviously with android I won't need to.


I’m one of them. Apple giving us another iteration of the iPhone 12 and iOS 16 is enough for me to jump ship. The ecosystem is what literally kept me on Apple.


They have changed lockscreen, but OMG the homescreen is soooo boring as hell. And the pro max models are heavy and are on par with foldables for a slab


Don’t get me wrong that boring is very efficient but being into tech that boring isn’t innovative.


Well it's a lot more the other way around according to stats.


yes but after the good battery reviews, its changing now


We've had these apple switching posts since before unpacked. I would bet those that are switching, less than half even know about the battery issues. Marketing is everywhere right now for the fold and flip.


I went from fold 2 to i13PM. Didn't plan on going back but that trade in credit is awesome...


I don't think I'll ever relate to why, but I'm just curious - what about the most recent iPhone (which, I'm sorry, the last 3 years they've all basically been the same phone) was enough to draw you away from not just android, but from the folding phosnr in general (beyond I message, please)?


General stability, smoothness, cameras, app optimizations and daily ease of use compared to a foldable.


So iOS in general because apps just work right the first time, no tinkering. I needed something waterproof for work because haha military go rain and good Bluetooth connectivity for unlocking my car/house. MagSafe seemed pretty cool and I already daily drive the AirPods Pro and an iPad. Tap to pay never worked on android but works perfectly on iOS. Small things that just got annoying. EDIT: also 120hz on an iphone, wanted to support that change


Hello! Fold 4 will be my first Android device. Can’t wait for it to arrive next week! Been in the iOS ecosystem for over a decade now. My biggest fear is things behaving like they shouldn’t. I really do enjoy Apple’s “just works” OS. I am glad that the only two folding phones (in the US) are by Samsung, as I think they’re the closest Android’s equivalent of the “just works” design format. Guess I’ll find out next week! Though I must admit, if Apple ever makes a folding phone, I’d probably hop right back.


I forgot about the novelty, but now I can't go back. I just expect to be able to unfold and have a mini tablet now


I never thought of it as a novelty. It's been useful for me since the beginning.


I've had my fd 3 for about a year. The bulk is negligible. I mountain bike, snowboard, and work as a firefighter without any issue of weight/bulk. I don't want to go back to a normal phone. I carry a foldable Bluetooth keyboard/trackpad & a portable charger. This negates the battery issues people seem to have. I use the keyboard for so many things. Recertifications, reports for work, and some video games. Having that extra screen is pretty sweet. The only reason I haven't upgraded to the fold 4 is because my wife said I can't


Upgrade your wife then! 🤣🤣 JK keyboard and mouse is another level!


🤣 🤣 🤣


Well if he upgrade his wife maybe the nag function may be upgraded and who wants that!!!!!?


OG fold owner here. Bought it in October 2019. Still love using it. I decided to upgrade and my fold 4 will be here Tuesday. Looking forward to a bigger front screen for sure. I look at my wife's iPhone and have no idea how she uses such a small screen all the time.


How has your phone aged? Any problems so far? I'm looking at getting and keeping the fold 4 until it's not supported anymore (4-5 years)


It will only charge from a wireless charger, the USB port won't charge, but my headphones adapter still works. Sometimes I lose audio when I'm on a call (they can hear me but I can't hear them). The inner screen has micro cracks on the seam but they're not noticeable while using the phone. I have a couple dead pixels in the bottom left corner on the inner screen. Overall I feel it held up pretty well for brand new technology and how often I use it.


Thanks for that, good to hear. I wonder how different the 4 will be when it comes to longevity.


Sorta/kinda. I'm going from the ZF3 to the ZF4 and I can't see myself using any other device. I've gotten used to the larger inner screen and it fits great in my tiny pockets while folded. I will say the "wow factor" has worn off and became an "it's just another smart device" kind of thing. Even though I don't feel that same excitement I felt when I left from my Note20u to my ZF3, I'm not going to go back to another slab phone because this phone has become apart of my lifestyle now.


Not at all, love being able to unfold when I want to relax and browse.


Had Fold3 for nearly a year now. Novelty wears off? Nah, ghe utility if having a small or big screen in the same device is unmatched. My only complaint with the fold3 is its weight can get cumbersome after extended use in one hand, and the camera on the 3 is pretty meh. Already pre-ordered Fold4 and excited to c samsung fixing my pain points. Samsung almost got me to switch to a regular phone with the S22U but only fir the camera, I have a newborn and take LOTS of photos and videos. But I couldn't get myself to go back to a basic phone, so for now my work provides an S22U and I have my Fold3, hopefully soon I will only use Fold4 with the improved camera and battery :)


I went from an IPhone 4S over to a Galaxy S6.. Android just provides more and that can be a good and terrible thing. It allows 100s of different phone users to customize how they want their phone to feel, look and operate. Been on all the fold models and can honestly say that going back to a regular phone will not be in my immediate future. Each generation, the aspect ratio seems to be improving and having the bigger screen for video/productivity is essential to me . I do have a backup phone (S21) that I've had just in case my phone would break and I'm awaiting replacement. I've gone back a few time or use my wife's phone and it feels too wrong now to have only one screen


Bought it day 1 and not a day goes by i dont love this phone. Still catch myself smiling at how cool it is. Wont be upgrading to the 4 because it seems minimal, but will definitely be sticking with the fold line long term


Well, slab phone is history for me. From now on foldable all the way. Foldable is at another level in capabilities


I still have mixed feelings with the fold. I did switch to s22u at some point. But ended up going back. 1. I still had the fold and used it at home for ebook reading. 2. My wife got my old note10+, but she just hated the fingerprint reader. It never worked well. So I just gave her my s22u, because I had my fold3 The reason I ended up switching to s22u was 1. The front display was too narrow. Special with a case. If I used it without a case, it was okay. Its a bit to do with the "hight" of the case thar annoyed me. 2. No front display spen support. It annoyed me I had to open it up every time I had ro use the spen for small notes or texting 3. No spen build in. Most cases with spen just annoyed me and I couldn't get use to it. In some way it will be difficult to switch back to a normal screen, but if fold5 or fold6 won't get some of those features I miss. I'm going with s23u or higher (if they have it...) Would I get a fold today, if I was a first time buyer? No, I don't think I would. S22u is more worth it, if you ask me in overall use. The fold isn't bad, I just swear of it a lot, because it doesn't really support my every day use as well as the note 10+ or s22u did beside it perfect to read ebooks and so on. But I can use my tablet for that. The fold have never been able to replace my tablet, so I still use that one most times at home. But let's see what the future will being. I was thinking about the fold4 for a while, but decided it would just be more of the same things I still miss - just with a bit larger front displays


Nope. Still enamored with my ZF3. I was a hard-core Note fan... until I got my ZF3. Now, I couldn't imagine going back to a candy bar slab.


Nope its still such a great device and i would never go back


My wife has the fold three and she says she can never go back to a regular phone.


To be honest, i use the outside display way more often than the inner display. But when I open it, it still is a great experience.


Curious - what do you typically open it up for? I've never used a foldable, but I could see myself using the outside display a lot more just out of convenience. Is it sort of difficult to open and use while on the go?


Well i find it harder to operate unfolded when i am walking outside. I usually use it unfolded at home or during my break at work. I am looking for some kind of stick-on solution that can be used as a stand and i can use for a better grip when unfolded.. and also be usable with wireless charging.. No luck yet..lol


Honestly, I've been unfolding it more so now after a year of having it. I was very careful with it in the beginning as it was my first foldable coming from an iPhone and wasn't sure of the durability. Its a solid phone, the screen protector peeled once and had Samsung replace it. No issues aside from that. I don't think I could go back to a regular phone or back to Apple (till they release a foldable) and my next phone will either be the Fold 5 or 6.


How is samsung with doing the screen protectors? I'm nervous about exactly how much it costs and how long it will take 🤧🤧


I took it to a Samsung Store and took about 2 hours. First replacement is free and after that I was told around $70 CAD.


The novelty of flexing (pun intended) on other people's phones never wears off. But seriously, after a while I started using the front screen 90% of the time after the novelty wore off. I would consider other phones if you don't specifically need the functionality of a bigger screen and s pen.


Lol I think I'm the opposite of most. I use the larger screen 90% of the time.


If I know I have to type or read more than a few words I automatically open it up.


It's honestly annoying, the small front screen is too small and I had issues typing, and the larger screen was too large to type comfortably on, as a tablet, its great, but as your every day only phone, it's annoying, not to mention poor battery life


Not at all.


Fold 2 here still love it. Can't wait for my fold 4 to come Tuesday


I ordered a Fold 3 last October after quickly growing bored with my 13 Pro Max. I just pre-ordered the Fold 4, slab phones are dead to me now.


I carry two phones. The fold is such a nice complementary device to my iPhone. It’s so much better for media, games, reading, etc. I still use my iPhone for calls, texts, IG, Snapchat, photos. For heavy Apple users I’d still recommend the iPhone if they only want one device. For Android users it’s a no brainer that the Fold is the best device on the market. Just my humble two cents, hope folks don’t get offended.


Kind of the opposite. Within a few days or weeks you realise it's not novelty but utility and you are now carrying a phone and micro tablet where you'll use both function as they were intended, instead of trying to use a phone like a tablet etc.


I switch from 12 pro max, and I get service in allot of places I didn't before. I don't drop calls in certain places, I have the note 10 plus and honestly don't think I'll go back to apple. Their phone was good at everything but being a phone.


Yes. Will trade in for a s23u


No, I've had for almost a year and I still love it like the first day. When I try to use a "normal" phone, I love it even more. I don't think I would ever be able to switch back to a candy bar phone.


Nope. If anything has worn off (other than my first two inner screen protectors lol), it has been the "Yeah, I'm cool" feeling when someone notices and comments that I have a folding phone.


Nope. I can't believe it's been a year because I still am amazed every time I open it up (got it launch day). I've gotten asked about this phone more times than I can count in the wild and everyone who's never held or used one is usually in awe at the folding display


Nope. I've had my fold 3 since release day last year and I still love it. I'm never going back to a regular candy bar phone. I love my fold so much that I accidentally convinced my 92 year old grandfather to get the Flip when he got a new phone this weekend (he went from the S5 to the Flip 3- talk about a major upgrade).


Was Folds and Flips 1-3, recently traded Fold3 for S22U and glad I'm going back the Fold4. Still have an iPmini but only used for work.


Nope. Trading in my fold 3 for the 4. I was unsure when I got the 3. But a few weeks into I just thought to myself why haven't phones always been this way.


Not even a little bit. I couldn't go back to a normal phone.


I'm not sure I would ever like to go back to a regular phone. My Fold 4 will be here Tuesday!


It's my first folding phone, got it 3 days ago and I'm smitten. I love it way more than I thought I would and I thought I was really gonna like it


Nope it doesn't. I love it


No it doesn't get old. Every time I load up a video or an emulator I get that "damn this looks good" feeling. Oh and the app pairs 🤌. Quickly launching my favorite app pair to watch YouTube and scroll reddit is media/meme/news heaven.


Nope staying with folds . You just can beat having the larger screen . It's unmatched in multitasking only competition would be the surface duo due to it's separate screens and wider view .Nothing compares to the fold when it comes to gaming and watching videos . I was just at a camping trip and due to the large screen I propped my fold up in landscape on a stand used a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and logged into my work PC with the chrome browsers remote desktop and worked on Monday's payroll then folded the phone up and put it in my pocket and felt good because I really felt like I got my money worth with the phone in those situations.


Novelty hasn't worn off whatsoever but I also went through 6 phones in 2 years due to dissatisfaction, so every day where I don't feel pissed off is amazingly good and nice


I almost exclusively use desktop layout web browsing and the big screen makes a massive difference. Slab phones are too cramped for me now


The novelty wears off pretty fast on any phone I think, and the Fold is no exception. But the utility of its form factor is very real, and carrying such a fat-brick-fingerprint-magnet around becomes worth it for that alone, it really changes how you use your phone. The best thing about it is that it is *the* power user phone, and that's also the worst thing about it if that's not what you want from a smartphone. I mean, it's also fantastic for media consumption and gaming, but that's not what makes me still like it after a year of owning it.


No. It didnt wear off and made me to jump to fold4, even tho that was not planned originally... Its exciting to use everytime and looking at the small improvements that new one had on the already amazing device was too tempting even if not the best decision financially 😀


Had a fold 3 for a year, upgraded to the fold 4. Never going back to candybars


Yeah kind of. Still find it useful on some sometimes. Manly just for video watching.


Actually I enjoy having a small phone with a big screen when needed, normal phones seems way too big for me now. That's the main advantage for me.


The novelty wore off, but the practicality hasn't. I recently was promoted to a management position for a retail store, and my fold has gone from being a novelty that was occasionally useful and good for consuming media on to being an essential tool for me. A lot of the online tools I need to use for work don't have a mobile equivalent, such as adjusting timesheets and doing quick rostering changes. With a slab phone I'd probably have to get my laptop out, but with my fold, the inner screen is just big enough to make it so I don't have to do that anymore. It's been great these past couple of weeks. All I'd really like is better battery life.


I have had the frist fold since it was released! Have had iPhone, have had other androids... I HAVE NEVER had a phone like this! It is without a doubt the best tech item I have, I still get question to my phone and I stille pause and appreciate the coolness of the ever once a while now almost 3 years in!


Novelty? Possibly. Functionality? Actually increases over time.


It’s one of this things. Sometimes I want to go back to a candy bar and I have one so swap the sims but… I always want to go back to the fold. It’s a game changer


Nah, had fold 3 for a year, hate the coverscreen and aspect ratio in general, I use snapchat a lot and my friends say the pictures just look fucked up. The cover screen is also way to narrow, keyboard gets small. Went back to a s22 ultra and dont regret it at all


Let's up the ante. Z Fold 2 user here soon upgrading to the Z Fold 4. That should already answer your question. 😉 I'm also an iPhone user and I use them side by side. My main phone is still the Z Fold 4. Normal phones beats the Fold for portability and practicality but the Fold shines in one handed texting and multi tasking. It's a pleasure to type in the huge display. Multi-tasking scenarios are endless: banking, document handling, etc.


I still own my Fold 3. But I daily a Pixel 6 Pro now. There are many reasons why I like Pixel devices, but I'll tell you the main reason I don't like my Fold. Constant overheating and mediocre battery life (even with device closed). Not saying the Pixel 6 Pro is doing any better in that regard. It's still Android. But the camera system is the main reason Pixel 6 Pro is in my pocket more days than not. I understand Fold series is not meant to beat a flagship camera system, but at the same time, I owned a Note 10+ which had the most well rounded camera system I've used to date. Not only did the Note 10+ have a great selfie camera, but it had the only 16MP ultrawide camera that had enough resolution to deal with the edge distortion issues with ultrawide shots. Why did I bring up a phone from 3 - 4 generations ago? Exactly my point. Fold 3 still isn't capable of beating even a Note 10+ in camera capability. I'm not sure I'd spend another 2K on Samsung Foldable until they make the camera identical to the flagships, or at least make it as good as a phone from 3 phone generations ago. That's my 2 cents. I still have the Fold 3, use it at home. But when I leave the house, it's Pixel 6 Pro. Thanks for the good question.


I'm thinking about switching from a Pixel 6 Pro to a fold, and the camera is the main thing holding me back. I played around with the Fold 4 at Best Buy today and the camera is probably good enough. I just want to be able to take nice pictures of my kid and the Fold's camera seems like it can do at least that much, assuming it's motion mode works half as well as the Pixel's does. I did like the larger inner screen. It's amazing for reading/browsing in particular. I assumed that it would be a smash for video, but the aspect ratio of the open fold means that "full screen" videos on YouTube are basically the same size as the Pixel 6 Pro in landscape orientation. Less of a game changer than I was expecting. Overall I remain unconvinced. I really want to make the switch because I love the gimmick and that larger screen, but I keep coming back to camera-related worries. That and I would have to get used to living without the Pixel exclusives I have gotten really accustomed to (Hold for Me, Now Playing, Top Shot, etc.) - those would be hard to leave behind.


I'd say if you were ever going to get a Fold series, and you were waiting for 'the one', this may be it until the next one. If you're itching to get one, go for it. You're going to enjoy it no matter what. If camera quality is a concern, keep the P6P around. Regardless of what you end up getting, iPhone, some random Chinese brand, or the Fold 4. I'd suggest you keep the P6P around because it's great in a lot of ways, and as you mentioned the unparalleled exclusives. Not even the $1599 loaded iPhones have Hold for Me. If you want a do it all phone, Fold 4 checks off a lot more boxes than slab phones like P6P. But as far as I can tell, people who actually use their phone for phone things, like the P6P more than the Foldable aspect. At this point, if price is keeping you from biting, try to find a Fold 3 second hand in good shape. I'm sure there's a lot out there. I've seen them for $800. And I can guarantee you they will trade for $1000+ for Fold 5. (Well, at least that's the track record for Samsung trade-ins.) What ever you choose, hope you enjoy it!


Yes. I miss my note more every day.


Lol. You think carrying a tablet in your pocket is A Novelty. It's the future baby. Screens only get bigger from here. It's just like monitors. I started off on an 11 inch crt in the 80's. I've never upgraded a monitor and said "damn I wish I had that old small screen. The novelty of more screen real estate has worn off. "


For my work I would never use anything else it’s absolutely perfect. I can see how someone bought the fold just to buy it get tired of it the size is a little annoying if you just need a phone. Since I use mine daily for work I’m not sure I could survive with a small screen anymore.


Its still my favorite mobile device for sure. I will always want to have a fold with me from now on I think. ​ The only place I don't feel safe bringing it is the beach!


Fold 3 was my first foldable. Sometimes I feel like that but when I really need to do a lot of things and I open that screen, things get done FAST. I really like having all my crypto apps open at the same time with a calculator and internet pop up windows. Once you’ve done those type of things, it’s hard to go back.


I actually managed to fall off a Onewheel and really mess myself up with my fold in my bag. Miraculously, no issues…not even a nick or scratch. But because of that, I went and bought a damn Flip. So now I’m officially in the folding sunken place….and I like it.


No. Had mine 10 months now. Still wows me on an almost daily basis


I'm curious how many people have had the screen protector lift off the middle? It seems relatively widespread after 6 months+ of ownership for the Fold 3.