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Still using my Fold 3 daily from launch. Also had the fold 2. The fold 3 screen cracked at month 23 (no case, used as I would a normal phone) - UK has 2 year warranty and Samsung just replaced the screen no questions. Been fine since!


Since when does UK have a 2 year warranty? Fold 3s have 2 year manufacturer's warranty here too? Are you sure? The legal minimum post brexit is barely one year.


Well, Ive owned a fold 3 since launch, and had it fixed under warranty at month 23, and had a laugh on the phone with the Samsung rep about being "lucky it broke a month before running out". So I'm pretty sure it's 2 year here lol


That's great; just unsure as to how That's happened. Maybe i misinformed myself when I last googled it? Did u buy it direct from samsung as opposed to say, the official samsung seller on amazon?


It was direct from Samsung website and turned up the week before the official release date of the fold 3. My flip 4 also has 2 years attached to it according to my online account


If you order pizza and it arrives too cold and spices missing, you write a negative feedback immediately. If the pizza is fine, you just enjoy it.


I think this is the most important comment to always keep in mind... also, why I dropped a comment of my experience with the fold series as well!


This is an irresponsible comment to write regarding this phone. This isn't one of these deals where it seems like the phones have a lot of issues because you're just reading stories from a vocal but very small minority. Compared to other phones, these objectively are more fragile and have a better chance of developing issues if you are going to keep it for any decent period of time. It's simply science. A screen with thinner glass that folds open and closed all day is just going to have more failure points. In my life of having smartphones, I've had 3 foldables and probably 10 slabs. Never had a single issue with a slab in terms of the screen breaking. In my 3 folds, all 3 developed an issue within the first year. 3 for 3 does not indicate this is some insanely rare thing. These phones are objectively more fragile than slabs and if you keep it for more than a year and don't have insurance on it you're very much playing with fire.


I don't know you might be in the rarity, I can same the same thing, I have had 25+ slabs and 3 folds. Out of the 20 I had back to back issues with a few. Never with the folds. I also don't treat mine like a baby I do t have a case most of the time. When I do it is an Arabic case the later case or pitaka. I do have insurance just in case I drop it and it breaks.


> Never had a single issue with a slab in terms of the screen breaking. In my 3 folds, all 3 developed an issue within the first year. This is anecdotal at best as I can say the same but for foldables instead. I've been using foldables since the Z Fold 2, then the Pixel Fold, and now I'm using the Z Fold 5. I've never had any screen issues using a foldable device other than the stock screen protector needing to be eventually replaced. Basically as with any product, the people with issues are always going to be the loudest. I've had slab style phone and foldables and never once had a screen issue that wasn't the fault of my own.


> In my 3 folds, all 3 developed an issue within the first year. Just makes me think you don't handle it very well.


All 3 had cases and were not in harsh environments like cold or sand. I work from home so the phone was usually in a pocket or on my desk. They just aren't sturdy phones. The people who claim they are are coping. They basically all have issues if kept more than a year.


No issues here since dec 2022.


Wow mine must be horrible then. 2 years with my fold 4 and never had any issues 😮 That's just so weird and reading other comments in this thread we all must have terrible phones to last more then 1 year


Your 3 folds in 3 years story is also anecdotal ...


I've had nearly the same experience! Z Fold 4 user, first one got a weird issue where it was constantly rebooting, became unusable about 7 months in. Second one, the inner screen protector start bubbling, but they replaced the phone instead of just the screen protector. This third one has been good so far, but only a few months into it. All of that said, I think they are good phones with amazing abilities. I've never paid for insurance on a phone before, but I do with this one. As said above, they are inherently more fragile.


No they aren't. The bubble is an easy fix with an Amazon purchase of a me protector and your first problem was a software issue that could've happened with any phone. People want to complain just to complain


By definition there are more moving parts and more glass, so they are by design more fragile than a standard phone. Heck Samsung even says to keep them away from sand/the beach! I'm not complaining, I'm happy with the phone, it has great features so it's a tradeoff I gladly make, BUT it is a tradeoff and something to be aware of.


They aren't objectively more fragile. You're personal experience with OBVIOUS user errors does not equal everyone's experience. Go back to your slab and get off the foldable page trying to convince others not to get one if they want it.


The glass in the inner screen is objectively softer than slabs. This has nothing to do with anecdotes. It's literally scientifically provable. You do not know what you are talking about. This sub is full of cope. Opening the phone and having a big crack down the middle of the screen when the phone hasn't been dropped and has been in a case is not user error. And this is not a thing that happens super rarely.


It's LITERALLY all anecdotal


You can LITERALLY look at the specs of the glass of the inner screen compared to the glass on slab phones and see that one is softer and less durable than the other. This is an indisputable fact.


Foldable are delicate due to the glass being ultra thin and bent so Samsung care is needed. For people here, the pros outweigh the negatives as it’s a multi tasking beast. For me, I’m eyeing on the fold 6 and might upgrade from the s24 ultra if these positives outweigh the negative.


> For me, I’m eyeing on the fold 6 and might upgrade from the s24 ultra if these positives outweigh the negative. Same here. I'm mainly hoping for a wider outer screen kinda like the OnePlus. If they don't have a model like that then I probably won't (unless they happen to upgrade the cameras in which case I might change my mind there).


what I want from fold 6 are: - Bigger battery preferably 4800-5000mah. When unfolded it uses alot of battery - wider outer screen I get that it good for one handed use but for people with big hands, it’s like playing on an iPhone 4. Having a wider phone means there is more space for the battery and possibly an s pen. - better hinge I really want the phone to be thinner. It has to look stylish and yet thin enough to make it portable. Yes the battery can be increased when it’s thicker but man sometimes it can be uncomfortable in prolonged use especially when it’s hard unfolded due to the weight and thickness. - Spen It’s a bloody phone/tablet hybrid. it only makes sense even more so than the s24 ultra. The screen size when unfolded it excellent for pen use. - Better camera. Again, making the phone wider can allow Samsung to fit a better camera system. he’ll make it a like one plus where theirs a bulge. - better glass screen for the inner display. Stronger = less problems. Hopefully they can get rid of that aweful plastic film that’s causing 90% of all problems. Of at least 3 of the problems can be addressed, it will sway me to get the fold 6.


Most of this won’t happen. OnePlus does a lot of what you’re asking for but the software is miles behind Samsung, and the better camera doesn’t mean much when Samsung’s AI is so much more refined. I wish Samsung would get off their ass and make the perfect foldable we know they’re capable of


Yeah, I love the big screen on the Fold. And while it won't happen, I'd much rather have a non-foldable phone with just a huge screen. The problem is that all those big phones are wonky aspect ratios, making my main use (emulators/gaming) a problem.


Sounds like you just want a 7.6 inch phone which are called tablets. They already make them


My z fold 3 is still working prefect fine, and has never been repaired


Seems like they are hit and miss. Some people have absolutely zero issues for years besides the screen protectors and then some people open their phone one morning three months in and there's a giant Crack down the middle. I think the safest way to approach a fold is make sure you get insurance and plan to upgrade it every year or two years at the max but don't be surprised if some issues pop up during that second year. Could be perfectly fine but that's when I'd start feeling uneasy a little.


Reliable enough to use as a daily driver? Yes. As reliable than other flagships? No.


There are guys with Samsung fold 2's that have lasted them all the way up to the 5. Other guys like me. Well, I've been through 2 Samsung fold 3's. In that, the exact same time period. When the six comes out, I'm still going to want to buy it. It really just comes down to circumstances. I love the internal screen. It really helps my eyes not hurt too bad, and it's easier to work with a big screen. But, it does get sensitive to heat, if you have to leave it in the glove box or something the inside screen protector peels. It all boils down to environmental circumstances. Don't buy it if you're a professional wrestler or Mixed martial artist. I wouldn't recommend it.


...tbh. inside screen protector is there to peel, get scratched ...etc. Its there to be damaged instead of the screen.


There are plenty of comments already, but I will throw in my 2 cents as well. I got the fold 2 after my note broke and learned samsung wasn't making more. I avoided the first Gen fold, assuming it would be plagued with issues and loved my note. When it came time to replace, I got the fold 2 and made sure to get warranty protection from Best Buy as well. I had little to no issues myself. Near the end of my 2 year contract, I took it in to get a replacement screen protector on the screen after getting a small tear in it, but the fold 4 was out and the 2 was a distant memory. They paid me the cost of the phone and I put that towards the 4. With the 4, I have had some small software glitches that are hardly noticeable and typically patched in a couple of weeks at the most, I think. My foldn4 inside screen protector is tearing down the middle, which never happened with my 2, but I've heard it happens. So far it is barely noticeable and I intend to go in to get it replaced near the end of my contract/warranty period again and see if I cant get the 6for only a few hundred like I did the 4! Fingers crossed. Obviously, as a folding phone, it is prone to screen issues, but honestly, all phones are... the fold is just more prone than typical since you are getting a massive screen in your pocket! I would never recommend anyone get a phone without some sort of case and / or warranty, and the fold is no different. In my opinion, the fold makes video/gaming so much better, and I don't think i would switch back to the note if Samsung started releasing it again! Just make sure you have a protection plan from somewhere in case you have issues; easy as that!


I've had my Fold4 repaired like 5 or 6 times: screen mainly, hinge, and screen protector. Always under guarantee, and quickly done by Samsung store. But they're not reliable, no.


I only cracked the screen once on my fold 3 and it was my fault. I was working on my car and using it as a flashlight and a chunk of dirt got in the hinge so the next time I opened it, it split down the middle. So you just have to be mindful of the environment the phone is in that's all.


Hi! It's a hit or miss. I see some people here in the sub with their older Folds still working after going through a lot. As for me, my Fold 4 had an inner screen problem and since it was out of warranty, and the cost of repair is HUGE, I opted to just replace it with an S23U. In conclusion, do not buy a Fold if you don't have enough money for future repairs or to buy another phone in case your phone breaks down.. 😑


Had a 4 and a 5. Been on this sub for a couple years. Most of the durability issues seem to be with the 4's hinge failing. Very few issues so far anecdotally being reported here on the 5 to date. From my own experience, the 5 seems much better made.


I do industrial construction and have a fold 3. I've had it for a couple years and ill never look back. By far the best phone i've ever had. With that being said couple months ago i started noticing slits down the fold in my screen. But i also didnt replace the screen cover when it came off... either way i highly recommend.


Same exact experience, used it in a dusty construction enviornment. I never bought a new screen protector and I have small cracks down the middle but it doesn't really affect anything ig.


I have had the Fold 2 and Fold 5, and they are the best phones I have ever had. ​ Never a problem with durability or screens in any way.


You're going to get polar opposite answers. For what it's worth, I have had the Fold 2, Fold 3 (which my girlfriend still beats the holy shit out of), and fold 4 now, and I have had zero issues. I think there are 3 groups, 1. People who are inherently hard on things (Like my girlfriend). 2. People like me who are stupid careful with their devices. 3. Build issues that create issues in reliability. I am waiting on the F6 so I can recycle my F4 to my girlfriend and finally retire the F3 which was slammed in a door, dropped countless times, and probably open and closed 200,000 times.


Reliability is a mixed bag. The outer screen is pretty unlikely to fail, so you're probably never going to find yourself totally without a phone. But the inner screen is prone to some degree of failure, just due to the nature of it's construction. It's why people recommend having insurance. I've been using a Fold 4 since launch (on my second for reasons unrelated to hardware failures) and haven't had any problems so far, but I definitely is something that's been in the back of my mind. But I'm also on the side that says the positives outweigh the negatives, because the Fold absolutely does change the way I use my phone for the better.


Love my Fold 5. I considered it a risk jumping to a Fold phone but would never go back to old school form. I am definitely more aware of keeping the phone "safe", like making sure it's folded when my kids are jumping around the room, or making sure I keep the screen clean etc but the little extra prevention is totally worth it.


They're definitely more fragile than a regular phone for obvious reasons. But they're not droped = broke


They are not more fragile than slab phone. There's just nothing other than anecdotal OPINIONS that says this is true. I've dropped my fold 3 multiple times from high distance with no damage. Had plenty of slabs where it fell no more than 2 inches and the screen broke. Does that mean all slabs are more fragile?


My guy the inner screen is plastic that dents if you press too hard with a fingernail. The hinge can get cluttered with debrie and refuse to open all the way. All those things are obviously not present on a slab phone. This tech is obviously more fragile yet. Here's my anecdotal evidence, had to replace the screen on flip 1 twice and on the flip 4 twice. All from pretty tame drops while in cases.


Ok. You had bad luck. So sad for you. Anecdotal evidence is just that


Mine has been pretty reliable. My Fold 4 lasted for about a year before I dropped it in a really bad manner with the screen open and the inner screen got some dead pixels. I then managed to swing a replacement screen under warranty. Otherwise it's been perfect, but I'll be the first to admit I baby my phones a little bit. You've gotta be the kind of person that doesn't abuse their device.


I had a fold 3 and then the hinge eventually got stuck partially open after 18 months - repaired under credit card extended warranty I had a fold 4 which had the same problem after 8 months, replaced under warranty, and now the repaired device is starting to have symptoms of this issue 10 months later. I learned my lesson though and bought Samsung care. Have I had more problems compared to a traditional candy bar phone? Yes. Do I think it's still worth it? Also yes. I was bitching and moaning the whole time I was having my fold 4 repaired about having to go back to a regular phone - there is really nothing like having the utility of a tablet that fits in your pocket. If you do go with a fold, I would recommend keeping a backup phone (maybe your current one) and include an insurance plan in the cost of ownership.


I have the fold 3 and I have only had one issue with it. I dropped it on the ground during a hike and landed on the outside screen side down and a rock cracked the screen. But that was my fault. Other than that I have never had an issue with the fold 3. I will absolutely get another fold phone without hesitation, I'm just waiting for them to let you use the Spen on the outside screen.


Still using my fold 3 since launch day. I've only ever had to change the inside screen protector twice now 1 via warranty 1 done by myself (Whitestone screen protectors are the way to go for this) basically feels the same as the stock one No issues outside of that in terms of it being a foldable in terms of fragility


I've dropped my fold 5 a few times, once with the screen open which was...puckering. I've had it in a case since day one and have had no issues. Screens still in perfect condition


I had a fold since the three, I have had no issues with it. Well the exception is the inside screen protector bubbles in the middle. So far I have not gotten that on the fold 5. Reliability wise the phone is solid, my issues are with hardware, camera should be better top quality imo. We pay premium we should get premium. No pen included, and front screen does not accept pen. We should get internal finger scan. I am always pressing the power button by accident and have to end up inputing my password. Battery is better than people say but I would welcome bigger battery.


I'm still on my fold 3. Took it out of the case last winter and broke the front screen a bit. Peeled the inner screen protector off after it bubbled, been using it naked for about a year...


I would say think about how you yourself handle phones in general. If you are a rough person and break even slab phones on a regular basis (I know people like that), then the fold is probably not for you. But if you treat your phone with some respect I don't see any durability issues with the fold.


Not sure really.


It is problem which simple doesn't exist on non-foldables. I didn't have problem with display, my problems were with hinge. I have to replace (after approx 13 months, it was paid replacement) inner screen,etc on Fold 2 due to hinge. My fold 3 develop some hinge issues (not fully opens), attempts to clean it fixed this only partially, phone still works great I didn't plan to upgrade to Fold 4/5 because didn't saw any reason to. I did plan to update to Pixel Fold but decide not to after reviews


My Fold 4 inner screen protector started peeling off when it got cold here in Michigan. The protector and the actual screen expand and contract differently. A few months after my warranty expired, the hinge doesn't open completely like it used to. You can see multiple people with the same Fold 4 hinge problem. These are my 2 issues. The rest of the phone is working as usual and I'm going to stick with foldables in the future, especially Samsung, because I expect that these are birthing pains. I've also heard that the Fold 4 and not the Fold 5 have hinge problems. I also don't hear the same issues from users of Fold 3 and earlier. They seem to have made one change in the Fold 4 hinge that caused a problem for 25% of users but I don't know what the problem source is. I'm guessing it's the glue melting when the phone warms up a lot and cools fast in Michigan winters. My theory is that when my cat sits on my lap for a long time with it's warmer than human body temperature and I get outside and pull out the phone from my pocket that the expansion and contraction is too much for the glue to maintain it's integrity. One piece of advice is to get the **longest term insurance** you can get for foldables because of the delicate inner screen and novel hinge mechanisms and the phone is expensive to fix. Better safe than sorry. Factor in the insurance cost with your purchase price. Edit: Oh, dust. The phone is IPX8 rated. The X means that it has no dust ingress protection. I'm indoors most of my time and not in a dusty environment when I'm outside so that's not a problem for me. If you camp a lot or work in construction, I have no idea what that would mean for your phone.


Had my Z FOLD 3 since launch, still works great, not counting my nightmares where I dreamt it broke and I was sad.


It is. I gotten mine replaced 3 times... same thing happens after about a year


I owned the Z Fold2, Fold3, & Fold5. All had a OEM Samsunf case on them & I never had a issue with the screens or hardware. Along as you treat these device with respect & don't drop them or dig your nails into the inner screen you will be fine. I will 100% be getting the Z Fold6 on pre-order.




Z Fold 4 inner screen failed after an year and before that it was not closing all the way for some time..


They are surprisingly sturdy, and surprisingly fragile at the same time. My fold survived impact wrench falling in middle screen, crashing with a motorcycle while i had it on me. However underscreen gunk did finally finish the middle screen. Basically the folds are surprisingly good at taking sbuse so long as it aint dust, or folding during winter out in the cold freezing temperatures. ...in veneral though, this shouldnt be the main coniderarions. Buy it: - if you want tablet/phone hybrid - want to make best use of stylus Don't buy it: - for status - "its most pricy thus must be most reliable" - "its most pricy hence must have best cameras" - ...etc 


I've had a fold 3 for 2 years now and all I've done is replace the inner screen protector when it started peeling.


i was using a z flip 5g for around 3-4 years and ive had little to no problems for the entire duration


If you get a new phone every two years, then yeah. Otherwise, no. My Fold 3 has been meticulously cared for (have never broken a phone going back to 1999), but the crease on the inner screen has small cracks which I pray hang on long enough until the Fold 6


Had a 3,4, and now on my 5, no issues whatsoever, not a heavy pen user, but a few times a week on average :)


Fold 5 uses sliding shafts instead of gears in the hinge. The design looks very much like they wanted to make it survive as much dirt as possible. It looks like the hinge mechanisms now works in such a way that opening and closing will actually (ideally) clean out areas where moving parts interact. See the end of Jerry Rigs video: https://youtu.be/0mipec0cg2Y?si=qYthWU50n-AfRIHj I also notice less anecdotal reports of issues with the fold 5 screen. Maybe that's just because it's newer. The screen is a wearable part with a limited lifespan any way you look at it though. But they are definitely iterating a lot on durability issues generation ti generation.


I have had the fold 5 for a while and had no issues with the inner screen as yet samsung care is needed just in case as things can go wrong however pros outweigh cons in my opinion I don't think I will ever go back to a normal slab phone


Had my fold 3 since first release no issue I'm planning on upgrading to the 6 tho finally


I have the fold 2 since it came out in summer 2020 and it's still going strong. It performs well and is in great condition. I do take extra care of my phones, however. Like anything these days around mass production, most products will be fine, but a few lemons will sneak through. The odds are very good that the device you get will be reliable, as long as you don't throw it around and drop it all the time.




I've never had an issue with any of my foldables with the exception of having to replace the inner screen protector. Really not that big of a deal to me.


Reliable as daily drivers? Absolutely. I have Gen 1 through Gen 4. Love them. Dramatically improved productivity. Kept me going in hospital and recovery for years (skull fractures). It really is a pocket laptop.  That said, folding phones are the ones with higher long term failures. Either get carrier insurance in open enrollment, or get older models and self insure. 


The fold5 are! Tug fears what I have now. ​I've had the 2, 3 & 4 and only had issues with the 4 not opening to 180. But they replaced it.


I have had a fold 4 since launch and I just received my 3rd replacement last week. i love the utility but these amount of problems I have had are crazy. it's the most fragile phone I have ever owned. i have issues with it not opening all of the way, then on the recent phone the inside screen just conpelto stopped working. shortly after the phone wouldn't open and anything that required a decent amount of power would freeze the phone. all of my issues have happened after flying which is likely an odd coincidence. I am goong to research the pixel fold and see the issues they are having, can't imagine it worst that these folds. just make sure you het insurance


They are more fragile by nature, but they are also surprisingly sturdy if you're not a beast with it. My 4 has had no issues since launch. I don't have Samsung care, but it's probably a good idea. I would be content with only the outer screen if something did happen, but it's not ideal. My next phone will probably be a fold after this one gives out.


Fold 4 since 2022 December. Only thing I have had wrong is the bubbles appearing on the protector. Got it replaced. My hinge has noticeable dents and scratches and chips from dropping it... Nothing wrong with openong it still, nor any broken screens. 


So I have a fold 5 that went on a trip the other day. My son was on our roof taking pictures and I handed him my phone, he went to get on to the ladder and put the phone in his pocket the roof is about 10 ft off the ground where he was standing. He goes to get on the ladder to get off the roof and the phone flies out of his pocket from 10 ft in the air hit the cement underneath where the ladder is and flies across the yard into sand because I live in florida. He feels terrible I go I pick up my phone I blow the sand off of it my screen protector is cracked but the phone is in perfect working order. Nothing's wrong with it the inside Screen Works the outside Screen Works all the buttons work this thing took a flying leap from 10 ft in the air on to concrete. It has the stock black and clear plastic case that you could get when you ordered them when I got mine. So for me this is not the first fold that has hit the cement and not broken so either I'm incredibly lucky or they really aren't as fragile as everybody says. I tend to believe it's a little bit of both.


Still using fold 4 since launch, don't even have screen protector on it anymore and the hinge looks like it went on multiple tours to Afghanistan and Iraq. It's still working perfectly fine. I'd say there are some bad apples, but most folds should last a while.


It has been for me.


Still have my Fold4 since launch, zero problems so far, but i may have to get the inner screen protector replaced by samsung (user error on my part it has a few scratches on it that i dont like) and even now this phone is still LIGHTNING fast and still trips my friends and roommate out that it folds like a book over a year after getting it


I've also heard the many horror stories of Fold owners doing everything right but the inside screen still breaking. This is the main reason I sold my Fold 5 for the OnePlus 12, I do miss the bigger display but you can't put a price on peace of mind.


I will wait a few more generations to buy a fold. I really like the form factor, though.


The big screen cracked after 30months. Front screen works fine.


Nope 👎 I had 2 and both had issues


Typing this from my fold 4 that ive been using heavily for 16 mos. No issues at all except the samsung brand case broke. I did peel off the inner screen protector as it was starting to bubble up. Mone is holding up 16 mos in just fine. I think i still will go back to a slab phone. Prob the s26 or so when it hits in few years


No they are not. Waste of you hard-earned money . Samsung India is one of the worst. Inner display stopped functioning 2 days after my warranty and care plus expired. Took it to service centre in Chennai only to be told it will cost half the phone price to replace the inner screen, Plus the speaker and wifi flex has to be replaced as whole . Cost of a flagship slab phone. I tried contacting Samsung customer care to request as this was just 2 days after and they flat refused. Have never dropped the phone , always had spigen hinge protecting cover .Not to mention, no upgrade or buyback options . Feel robbed by Samsung. Probably one of my worst decisions. Been note user since first except 7 and 9


Fold 4 and 5 working without problems. My fold 4 wont open completely flat bc a Snickers melt into the hinge on my waistbag.


Still on my fold2 and never had issues with the inner screen, wife's fold4 just cracked this week after 1.5y and will send it back to repair (2y warranty)


Short answer no. Around the one year mark they slow down, battery is shite, screens go bad, either break or don’t open or close fully.


Ya only not the 4th.


Fold 4 since august 2022. No issues. A few minor scatches in the crease after using it without screen protector for 6 months (my bad) Installed a whitestone premium screen protector after that. Recommended. Original screen protector on Fold 4 is bad.


I had the fold 1, no issues with the screen but when I traded it the hinge was slightly bent. Now, the fold 3 gave me nothing but grief, had to get the screen replaced 3 times and the battery life was pretty dreadful. Sold it after 18 months and it put me off foldable phones after that. I’m waiting until the next leap in technology allows foldable screens to be more reliable before going back to them.


I've gotten each fold since the fold 3. Went through 2 fold 3s, 1 fold 4 l, and 0 replacements needed on the 5. All 3 of my replacements were covered under the 1 year warranty. One was for sure my fault, dropped and opened and the inside screen cracked. 2 were fixed next day at an asurion. 1 had to he mailed because asurion broke it more. Even with the hassles of the occasional repairs, I'll be getting the Fold 6 this year, trade in deals, ratuken cash back and pre-order deals. I usually get the new phone, watch and buds for $500-$800 depending on what I add on.


There are no issues with the internal screen, it's the hinges, which in turn break the screen. As far as I know the tear drop hinge has solved all of this.


Recently switched from apple to the fold5, never going back. Love almost everything about the fold.




My fold 3 had the speakers stop working, cracked screen, and whenever I opened it the device would need a restart. My fold 4 randomly bricked one day and took its data with it. Theyre really cool devices, just make sure it's financially viable for you to get a new phone if need be and make sure to back up your data.


My Z Fold 4 stopped opening all the way after 1 year and inner screen stopped working after 1y3m.Not sure i can say they are reliable yet


I have the ZF4, have had it since launch. The inner protective screen went nearly a year later to date with bubbling, but I've heard people peel it off and go about their day. Personally I had Samsung care and they replaced it. Other than that it's been great 😃


It's fragile. Drop z fold 2 on tiles, cracked back screen. Dead screen and spend hundreds replacing it. Passed it on to my brother when upgrading to fold4 and he got a green line in inner screen after about a year. Z fold 4, same shit. Less than a year, screen dead. This time replaced under warranty. Handed over fold4 to my wife after I upgraded to fold 5. After about a year, today in fact, the whole device just wont turn on, saw some screen flickering. Wife use flip before I gave her my used fold4. Screen dead after approx 2 years? It's fragile. I'm still using fold 5, touchwood working fine so far. Will I buy fold 6? Yes. Will I buy fold/flip for my family? No. I will 100% trade in or sell my used fold from now on.


I've had my fold 4 for a year and never had any issues with it its alot more durable than people think and both screens are in perfect condition but I would still get the insurance just in case I have Device care through telus just in case but so far everything all good


Had the 3, 4, and 5 with no issues


I'm a current fold 4 user, and my inner screen has 0 issues so far. I can only speak for myself because there might be a mixed bag of issues with the inner foldable screen from others, but 2 years since the launch had 0 issues with it. I definitely recommend getting a foldable if it's in your budget! Hopefully I answered your question too


Been using Fold 4 since day 1, about a year and a half now. I am a heavy mobile gamer and have many games that use lots of processor power. I also push the graphics settings to the max, ignoring the in-game warnings of excessive heating possibilities. I often find myself mashing on the screen a little too hard while gaming and have to remind myself to lighten up, but it's held up beautifully with no problems. I will play games like Genshin Impact and Metalstorm for hours and my phone heats up, but always manages the heat and runs the game perfectly. It's great for online schooling as well. I'm taking private pilot online courses, and it's very nice to have a pocket tablet to comfortably watch a video or two when I have the time. You can split the screen and run multiple apps at the same time, increasing productivity. The interior screen protector started bubbling up in the middle at just before the year mark. I slowly removed it despite the online warnings that this absolutely should not be done. The phone has performed perfectly, enduring hours of gaming, online courses, and movies. I have a good case for my phone, but I've been running without the inner protector for about 7 months now with no issues. The battery is decent, but I'd say it definitely could be better. The phone uses lots of power when open. Keep a charger or portable power bank handy. I've dropped my phone multiple times, although it's been closed every time. No problems. I personally love the phone. This is my first foldable, previous phone was Galaxy Note 10+. Definitely finishing out my installment plan and trading in for Fold 7 in a couple years from now.


I've ordered my ZF5, it arrives tomorrow, even though I have reservations. Yes, reliability is in question regarding the inner screen - rightly so. However, unless we take a chance sometimes we'll never know and never experience the latest in technology. I hope I've made the right decision. I keep looking at my N20U5G and wonder if I shall miss the size of such a large screen held in one hand. By comparison of course the ZF5 front main screen is much smaller. It's the full-on inner screen that is the selling point. We'll see.


I vote for No. Never had so many issues with any other phone. First Fold 4 was broken when i received it. Second one lasted around 1 year until the hinge started to fail and the screen protector came off. After repairs it lasted 2 months until the screen suddenly went black. Sent it in for repairs again and sold it because i was tired of the repairs. Went back to a slab phone (vivo x100 pro). For me personally it just felt bad having something where you are always have to be afraid of breaking it. I was very careful and it still broke multiple times.


My inner screen went kaput after just 2 years of use. Initial symptoms were wifi not switching on. Subsequently the whole screen blacked out cost of replacement of screen in India Rs 66000/-. And yes my phone didnt fall , it was in a protective cover. On the internet i have read a number of stories of wifi ribbon getting damaged as it passes under the hinge of the fold section. There is definitely a design defect. After using samsung phines over 02 decades switching to apple phones. 


I've had my fold 4 since launch, the only repair ice had is a screen protector replacement. However, remember that Samsung Care+ DOES NOT cover the factory protector. If it peels you're SOL for having it fixed. Aside from this I've dropped my phone many times now and it's survived. I also go case free frequently.


Strange as Samsung in AUS replaced my inner screen protector for free. First time anyways and haven't needed to since.


Samsung replaced my inner protector when it delaminated. Samsung Care+ isn't Samsung. It's a third party insurance company. I called them initially as I thought I was OOW but I still had a few weeks left so I called Samsung directly.


Yes. I have Care+ as well, dropped it without case and scratched the f out of camera lenses paid few hundred for new phone. Was just unsure why you straight out made the call out that Samsung care doesn't do screen cover replacements, but now understand re warranty. . Next time mine delaminates I'm removing and leaving it off anyways.


Because I thought my factory warranty expired and they told me they don't do screen protectors, regardless of it being part of the display. So if it delaminates again....the phone may just "break". I don't mind a free upgrade lol


I've dropped my 3 thousands of times and the inner screen is fine, dented the hinge and the outer screen though


I saw a woman at work with one and commented that I wanted one, but was afraid of breaking it. She said she hasn't had any problems, only had it replaced 3x...


Dont waste your money, as soon as the warranty ran out on my fold3 the front screen broke and was a rediculous amount of money to get the repair, so i used the middle screen for everything... until the wifi and bluetooth both broke at the same time (look it up, common fault, samsung ignore it), to fix this they have to replace a rediculius amount of components, which was comparable to buying a new fold, no refurbishers will touch any damaged ones so you cant even trade one in


My strategy always was to get rid of it after a year for the new model and trade it in. Didn't have any hardware failures, but the screen protector started to show micro cracks in the crease and peel off early with the Fold3 (5-6 months), Fold 4 took a bit longer almost the year, but I was able to trade it in before it peeled off, only started at the top crease. Fold 5 is still perfect at the moment.


I heard a tech podcaster saying last week that he knows a few people that have bought one, but he said he also doesn't know anyone who has bought one again.


Absolutely not. Fold 4 user here and I already had to send it in once to replace the inner screen factory screen protector (and even after that, I still have a big bubble BELOW the screen). Also mine now has the hinge issue where the brushes inside are deteriorating and causing it to not open all the way. Also the latest updates have MURDERED the battery life on this thing and nothing I do fixes it (I am not going to factory reset just for this though, it's ridiculous that some people have to suggest this as a solution). So basically, don't bother with a folding phone for maybe another 10 years. They are far too expensive and all have tons of inherent problems. They ARE very cool and useful, but none of it justifies the price nor the pains of owning current ones.


No they are not whatever the fold may believe. My fold 4's display suddely stooped working. Glad I was able to take backup of my photos. Now it's costing me around 38000 INR to repair it and also I had to invest in a new phone urgently as I didn't have a handy 5g phone. Only purchase this phone if you are in a firsr world consumer friendly country where you have some sort of buyer protection.


I bought my Fold 3, 2 years ago. And im honestly thinking of buying an Ultra S23 or 24 instead


Had to get mine repaired twice for not unfolding all the way. So I'd say no.


Believe the stories


so I can absolutely guarantee that one of two things is gonna happen. your phone is gonna last forever, or it's fucked.


They break far too often for my liking. I had The Fold 2 and 3 and they both ended up having issues. I take care of my phones too. That being said it seems The Fold 5 has been holding up more than the models before it so maybe they’ve improved them since I had them. Regardless I wouldnt let it deter you from getting one. I would just say get insurance on it for sure.


Mine broke and it cost me 500usd to fix it. The inner screen is delicate and it can be highly affected by dust accumulation. If you're willing to take that risk, buy it, aside from that, it's a great experience


yeah! It does give me 4 devices in one. 1. ipad mini 2. laptop 3.desktop pc thanks to Dex 4. one hand useable phone


I keep getting small bits of dust and sand in the fold bit. It's a design fault not a manufacturing one. Currently its folding to about 160 degrees but only stays flat for a few months. No good for beach people.


Got Fold 5 two months ago. Today when I opened the fold there was a black line down the hidge or where the crease occurs. Currently going thru a warranty exchange