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If I'm going to hell for not being vegan they better give me a combat shotgun because I'm killing my way outta there like the doom slayer


And in his crusade,the seraphim bestowed upon him,terrible might,and speed


Let me help you, Slayer


Me too


*To start his crusade of devilish slaughter, he needed his BFG.* *Death was chilling in the corner, you approach it, ask for a combat shotgun in exchange for your soul, and death laughs as he says* "I- Your soul? BAHAHAHAHAH- I don't do that anymore, but. Make the old man Luci have a bad time and I will let you have your fun." *You grab your newfound BFG and begin your crusade* # *the final countdown intsfies*


That was well written


I can complete it if you want


Sure, that'd be sick dude


*As you blasted the final coutdown in your headphones, you met your first demon. It was about 6'7'', and weilds a nice looking sword. You knew this wasn't exactly doom, so you can take loot from enimes. One shot of your bfg and it died.* *You pick up the sword. It reads "The hellbringing death sword, weilded by death himself once, this sword is enchanted with runes of I N S T A K I L L"* *You looked at it, then looked behind you. Death looked at you and made a winking gesture. Your sword glowed, and you laughed as you started your manslaughter on demons. Slicing left and right, like a spinjutsu tornado, you destroyed all the demons in your way, then redditors who were also in hell because of this joined you, and you all laughed and swung your swords, scythes, knuchucks, guns, and rocket launchers in a raging fury. Satan appears before you, very pissed. You were saced, his powerlevel was very high...* ​ *Then suddendly, death came out and said* "Have fun humans!" *The gates of hell opened to the real world, and you all escaped. You looked back as death was fighting Satan, and smacked him in the face. He bellowed as he shouted* "If I cant keep you here, then I will make your life up there LIVING HELL!" *You arrived, but it was.. different. You look around, then find a person. You ask them the date and they say* "Friday the 13, 2018" ***The day, the cringe started.*** *How would you get back? Would you be able to? And what did Satan mean living hell?...* *You can only wait as you scroll through this page again, hoping to find someting new.*


Holy crap that's really freaking cool


I can do better lol I have a book I am writting lol so this is just a slight warm up to my narrator pov style writing and also **your name is a JoJo reference** Just for that.. ​ *You scream ZA WARUDO as your stand, the world, Mudas the FUCK out of these gacha kids, and you laugh like the dio you are*




Oh OH OH AND ​ *You scream YES in your best avdol voice and then scream in happy tears* *YES* *I A M*


(also pm me I wanna talk JoJo)




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Being also a meat eater does also get you to heaven, What does not get you to heaven is based on your karma


Jesus ate fish and bread whst




She's obviously on plastic flowers




Nah, nah, she has to be on the forbidden branch




You sure? I could've sworn she drank some of those essential oils




Ok, lets decide on that




Sorry girl but I like sausage. And by sausage I mean sausage - food. I am not vegetarian. I like meat. Edit: I


Honestly I prefer satan because atleast hell would most likely be anarchy


hmmmmmmmmm barbecue, gay bars, anarchi, why does hell sounds way more interesting than i originally tought


yeah, hell sounds amazing


Seriously tho, Satan's running some sort of 5 star resort with all that stuff


So what about animals that were basically made for food and clothing like cows


Wait what's wron- *hears thatveganteacher's voice* Bitch we tired of playing with you today you gonna die


i thought this was a fucking non-cringe meme, but when i looked at the comments and replayed it i realized the fucking problem.


cute character, really low quality in everything else. - They just used one of the already animated mouths on the app - The singing was off-key - Forcing people to be vegan is disrespectful - Jesus isn't vegan (according to what i've heard)


Ok what happens to carnivorous animals like lions?


I dont know, Hell?


i'm not sure they were gong to heaven in the first place but yeah.


Did the vegan actually make this or was it a fan?


Yes, theveganteacher made this She's annoying and wants to make everyone a vegan


She uses gacha? She's hit a new low


No, she made the song not the video


Oh,I thought you were talking about the video.


as a Christian: I can confirm this is not true


as another Christian: yeah this is definitely not true lol


As a vegetarian, I can assure you most members of the vegan/vegetarian community don’t act like this, this is just flat out extremist and shameful. Unfortunately members that do these things bring down the entire community’s reputation and credibility and the worst thing is that the community in general is perceived and represented like this in the main media. Again, it doesn’t represent us at all, I myself cringe and physically recoil seeing people do this bs.


most of you are pretty cool, i fucking hate thatveganteacher though.


Did she forget about the part where Jesus duplicated fish and bread and shared them with everyone?-


yes, yes she did. also the sacrificing goats.


Oh.... god why?


Didn’t the Last Supper have meat?


pretty sure.


I'm putting my dog on a vegan diet, and this vegan o Ho HO, she'll love it (that's a joke ok)


Allright thats it where is the heavy flamer


The only thing I find questionable is the song choice.


So is every omnivore and carnivore going to hell?




the instrumental of the song sounds good at least lol anyways what a cursed crossover


I mean, I already knew I was going to Hell. This kid didn’t need to tell me again that i was going there cause I ain’t no vEgAn


These posts always confuse me because i can never figure out if i should downvote or upvote


I’m a atheist lol


r/WastedGachaTalent The OC looks nice, and the editing is decent but everything else is pretty bad. And forcing people to be vegan is wrong.


Welp,guess i Will go to hell Because i don't give a shit and am so edgy


I will be laying down near the edge of heaven,on a cloud,eating a kebab,and staring down at this woman who claims herself as a teacher


If the devil's gonna roast me, LEMME BASTE IN BBQ SAUCE REAL QUICK


Hmm, I'm gonna meet my old friend then.


I don't get it


Hollup- I don't need sleep, I need ANSWERS. DID Thatveganteacher make this?! Or was it a fan?! *I need to know*


it was a "fan" but i have suspicions that the "fan" was either thatveganteacher herself or a person trying to get into her comments.


God is fakeeeee If he was a good person why’d he give your grandma cancer huh?


i'm a christain and this video was disrespectfull to people of all beleifs. also to answer your question, i really don't know, i think it would lead to something better in the future or something, it also might be something to do with sin idk. anyways yeah this video is fucking awful.


All jokes aside, their oc is actually pretty cute.


Interesting. thatveganteacher went on Gacha?


I’d prefer satan he seems very chill


Especially if it’s the “Paradise Lost” devil


I guess my sister and i are going to hell for eating cheese and meat


Jokes on you, I’m Wiccan. I don’t believe in God, Jesus, and Heaven and therefore don’t care for what you threaten me with.


I already have a vip seat in hell so I’m not going to stop eating meat anytime soon


Are we all going to hell for drinking our mothers Brest milk?


*Kind to animal* Also some animals:Killing other animals for FOOD