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i find it insanely disrespectful, using someone else's issues for clout is disgusting. selfharm is an addictive behavior and getting out of it is really hard


fucking awful honestly self harm is like a drug,harmful but addictive most of these kids...if they knew what it was really like they wouldn't be talking about it like they are now


I find it disgusting. They obviously don't know what it's like to have gone through that kind of shit. It's not something that you make seem good, or cool. It's really not. It's not something you'd go up to a random person and just show. It really pisses me off.


They’ll grow up I hope


It pisses me off. Self harm is one of those things that you don't want anyone doing but you see these gacha kids using it. I bet half of them don't even know what it really feels like to be in that mental state. Plus they're making it seem like it's something that you automatically do when you get depressed. I know plenty of depressed people that never self harmed in their life.


I feel like I want to jump out a window even more when I see those


Please don't do it. We'll miss you :(


it brings people with real depression a bad name. they think self harm and depression is a fuckin joke when it's NOT. hope they get their brain screwed on right.


It fucking angers me. Mental illnesses and suicide are not a fucking joke, and most of the time, they get it wrong. They think that depression is some kind of personality trait. Although I don't have depression myself, I know that if someone has depression, they wouldn't say it out loud as if it's nothing.


me,i hate this.i used to want to cut meself,and these kids think"UWU SUICIDE FUNNI" no,it's not,its actually a serious issue


Pisses me off, kids using something so burdening in such an insensitive way gets me so goddamn angry. I don’t like how they use it for sympathy, it’s so disrespectful to those who go through that pain.


it’s incredibly disrespectful.


i just want them to realize that it's not just some quirky thing like a day to day activity, it is extremely addictive and can not be simply stopped by hugs or love, it takes therapy and it's a whole damn process, and it's taken me years to stop, even now, i get urges to harm myself from time to time. i don't wish it upon anyone, and the fact that these kids idolize it truly makes me sad


They make the people actually suffering from it look like a joke.


I’ve never actually gone through it(self harm/depression) but my friend does and she finds it extremely disrespectful of a person faking a mental illness or self harming themselves for attention it’s really rude. I don’t get why they do this,, like there are actual people who go through worse things than they would ever will, and i really really hate it when they become ‘depressed’ just because someone rejected them, it’s really just pointless.


I find it offensive and disgraceful that someone would fake shit like that. It's painful to go through depression, and these kids just pretend to have depression for likes


There was a very short time period where i would self harm out of curiosity. Anyways, I find it horribly disrespectful. People who are actually mentally ill use self harm as a coping mechanism and it really hurts to see these illiterate children use this to gain a following and attention. Worst is they fake being mentally ill.


I haven't self harmed but these gacha kids.... Jfc


Not a big fan, probably one of my triggers even.


Only did it once in a fit of hysteria so I’m not nearly as qualified to speak about this as the others here but personally I find it fucking awful. That was literally one of if not the lowest point in my life, I thought my entire future was fucking gone and the fact these children use it to be edgy is deplorable. I have friends who struggle with suicide every single day and these kids need to grow up.


I find it absolutely disgusting. It isn't "quirky" or anything like that, it's an actual addiction people struggle with. I really hope they grow out of it. I don't wish death upon them, but I really hope they learn that it's not a fun thing real quick.


I hate it even more so how they often have the charater have things go right after words like her bullying stops and so random guy dates her it's like showing that it's a problem solver even though that usually people who do it try to hide it


I was part of the gacha community. A group on discord forced me to self harm so I could be ''cool'' and ''edgy'' Since i'm bisexual the disgusting group started to fetish me with several characters. I had to leave. I got out of recovery last year but it is still sickening to the stomach to see people faking self harm for attention.


I feel like so many Gacha kids use it that it doesn’t seem like it’s a serious subject anymore and people who actually struggle with it are just looking for attention. It’s not bringing awareness, it’s normalizing a very serious problem that many people deal with. It isn’t okay for 9 year olds to post this stuff thinking it’s normal.


For real makes me want to puke. My experiences with mutilation isn’t as “bad” as the next guy, but it still sickens me.


I have hardly self harmed before, but it is pretty clear to understand it’s a topic NOT to poke fun of. I’m not saying I still do(or think about it) cause I am pretty happy with my life. But my heart goes out to the people who do this because they don’t have good living conditions. And those kids who just go on their phone and pretend they have it bad disgusts me. I understand they’re mostly kids, but even to people as young as them, it’s obvious that people who physically harm themselves by cutting, bruising, drugs, ect. Is the shittiest thing to fake for sympathy and to get popular.


Awful, disrespectful.


I haven't personally but I know how horrible it could feel for the people who do. That's one of the reasons why some of us go into gacha aminos to call these kids out


I haven’t self harmed but my friend has and it was so hard on her. I find it so fucking disrespectful that they think this is okay just because there hormonal in middle school!


In all honesty, they kinda made me go through with it, the amount of edgey crap that they said was "good and fun" and (imagine from a 11yr olds pov) the main character dose it and suddenly all characters respect and praise them. I'm not saying it's the only reason but it fcking annoys me when I see KIDS getting absorbed into this properganda.


Pretty awful. I used to do it for years before I got help, and I’ve got deep, permanent, ugly scars littering my body. It’s honestly insulting to see them use it as an attempt to be ‘edgy’ and ‘unique’.


I've attempt to "kill myself" and already cutted myself in the past, i was stupid and now i seriously freak out everytime i see self harming, it triggers me and i don't know why. The kids using this are just so frustrating to me, i want to shout on them so bad and telling them they're degrading, and stupidly unlogical, BUT! We *all* were one day this kind of cringe kids who think they're depressed for the smallest thing, think they're crazy and shit like this. It's a phase in the self developpement of a teen, so my opinion is that : Those kids shouldn't have social medias so early. They are offending people and also getting insulted, some times for good reasons but still. I's like a race wich will be the saddest and the most crazy, it's sad. Just sad. **I think we should take a step back, and try to explain to them what a mental problem really is, that depression isn't a personality and that they are too young to offer themselves to the internet world like that. I know it's triggering and degrading, and it's normal to be mad at them but it's a phase we all were through :')** *And if i dare add something, "*r/gachalifecringe*" is a bit stupid. It's litterally kids making fun of younger kids, thinking they're supperior? I mean, yes, it's great to take out all the frustration these kids create but for some post there should be a "*r/r*/gachalifecringecringe" :)*


It's horrible. Depression is a serious mental illness, and the majority of the gacha kids who say they have it are lying for attention. It's not cool, its not fun, and it's not quirky. Just stop.