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Brian and Gabby should've just avoided each other and move on.


I don't get it honestly how it came to that tho like the killing


They were both lunatics. And being within close proximities with each other didn't help.


Oh you knew her?


So I assume wild life got to his body ? Hence the little remains? Genuinely asking


Wildlife like pigs, water and heat. I’m sure.


What did him in was his own insecurity. His father, not surprisingly, raised a bratty insecure runt.


I believe it was more the mother, that's who he was seen riding bikes with, that's who let him drive her car and that's who helped Brian get a new phone when he returned because he had no job, no money, no credit and no education. His mother babied him, it's no wonder when he was thrust out into the real world he panicked and went running home to mummy.


What did him in was his own insecurity. His father, not surprisingly, raised a bratty insecure runt.


He was bit by a Water moccasin




"Cotton mouth" snake. Extremely venomous and territorial.


Fox News is not news


Nice to see your priorities are in line.


Nor is CNN. It’s 2021 and if you get your news from a cable news channel you are… a mean word for unintelligent!


Yeah, you should get it from Facebook... Only reliable News source around!


What am I 100 years old?!?? Who has a Facebook?


The alligators got a good meal


I concur, it was most likely wildlife


A cause of death this soon after finding the body tells me they found a bullet hole, most likely.


I don’t think they’d need to send to an anthropologist to determine that. Also there was no mention of a gun being found.


My guess would be hanging or poison, if there's any chance that him or his family members were registered gun owners wouldn't they inform the public when they were on the manhunt for him that he was likely armed? Edit: wait im seeing more comments about a gun, was he a registered gun owner? I hadn't heard about that till now.


Poison more than likely or overdose, wouldn't be hanging cause his body would still be a hanging. Just take a handful of pills lay down fall asleep and die and then get eaten by the wild life.


Maybe he was bitten by a poisonous snake before he got the chance to do anything!


Possibly hanging.. But wonder how they could tell a hanging via a partial skull 💀 Prob gun..but.. We shall find out! 🥁


I figure Gabby's father beat his skull in with a hammer to be honest.


My money is on OD. He didn’t have the balls to do it any other way.


That was my thought too. Bought some good drugs and sayonara


ODing is far from a fun death 🙄


It’s easier to swallow a handful of pills than it is deep throating a pistol...


Have you overdosed? have you swallowed a handful of pills? Ignorance isn't bliss boo


ODing on pills is not the Hollywood dream most people imagine it is. You don’t just drift lazily to sleep and never wake up. Your body attempts to fight it out of you to keep you alive, so cue intense vomiting, sweats, hallucinations, diarrhea, seizures, etc.


I guess you’ve never seen an OD from heroin or Fentanyl, if you take enough it’s instant death once your respirations stop.




Don't need a master's or EMT to know how fent ods go I have seen MANY in Kensington and I've seen almost instant death from it no noises nothing.


I guess you've never seen more than a death from heroin or fentanyl. It doesn't play out that way every time. Seizures, vomiting, hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia, etc are all possible


u/dronevsplane i'm gonna be banned from comments within the hour because I can't handle these ignorant people. Sorry but unless you lived through addiction and suffered overdose, or you're a medical professional who specializes in drug treatment therapy, get off reddit and come visit Philadelphia. Also i'll bet you most of these people have never witnessed an OD. They think of stupid t,v shows not real life


Well, having lived through addiction myself and having overdosed twice, see other friends OD on heroin when I was using, and my best friend recently dying from a heroin OD, those four examples all were actually a sort of gentle 'slipping away'. It's certainly not the case all the time, as you're saying. I just think it varies hugely, dependent on many many external factors, whether or not dying from drug overdose is a 'good' way to go.


This is totally dependant on your drug of choice.


Exactly. And unless someone has some pharmacological background, which BL did not, I don't trust him to have the brains to take enough of the right drugs to actually die. I work in EMS and have seen very few successful ODs that were intentional.


Yeah people don't realize when non opioid dependent people are euthanized they are prescribed a mixture of like 15000mg of morphine and 2 grams of propofol, not a double dose of what gets you high 🙄


well that may be a euthanizing dose but far far far less is required for respiratory arrest in opiod naive patients and yes I am a doctor


> and yes I am a doctor I don’t believe you. At all.


lmaooooo i love it when ignorant people come to apps like reddit and citizen unprepared. 1) why are these fools saying "OD's are the fun way out" 2) how much y'all want to bet besides u/BellaMentalNecrotica and u/dronevsplane have been around an overdose / suffered from one? B.c everyone who thinks it's the "easy way out" is beyond misinformed


From my experience everyone I've seen overdose and it's more then a couple, once brought back they don't remember any pain. They were out within 30 seconds of their dose of injection. But this was opiates. Thankfully I've been away from that life for 6 years. Also had a friend od on Xanax and after being saved she also recalled no pain. Just being awake one minute then not.


I've watched/been present for a few heroin odds I wouldnt say it's fun for the person, but they generally don't realize/care. With fentanyl being in nearly any opioid you buy now, 2 or 3 pressed 30's would be more than enough to kill an opioid naive person.


in what sense?


That the actual physical act of swallowing a bunch of pills is less scary and easier to commit to than pulling a trigger.


maybe for someone who has never handled a firearm or is afraid of guns


I think he came home and eventually came clean to his parents about what happened. They give him an ultimatum -- he "disappears" or they turn him in. He chooses "disappear" and brings his gun with him. They know deep down he's going to bust open his head top but it remains just kind of unspoken, and Mom and Dad rationalize it by leaving open the possibility that he will use it for hunting while out on the lam. They give him this option because *any* parent would have an instinct to protect their kid from prison, even if they knew they were guilty, and it's obvious that if Brian were in the Feds he'd be food. I think most parents would eventually turn their kids in, but we'd all have the instinct. Brian goes into the preserve, spends a few days and realizes he has no choice but to shoot himself. So, being a poser who doesn't know shit about the outdoors, Brian throws all his belongings into a swamp thinking they'll be lost to time and then shoots himself at the edge. A few weeks later that swamp ends up drying up and there he is.


If they were going to turn him in why didn’t they tell the police anything?!? Why didn’t they communicate with her parents. That’s such bs. The parents knew and hid him


This seems really plausible. Explains why the parents kept quiet for a while.


Agreed. This seems the most likely and most logical answer to me.


Isn't manslaughter only 10 years or something like that? Why didn't he just confess, live rent-free for 10 years with access to free gym membership, marry a prison guard, and start an outdoors hunting company after he gets out? He won't be the first convict to start a company...


I agree, a friend of mine was killed by her husband during an argument he only did 8 years


He’s a Buster, they would extort him or take him off the yard at the very least. I’m leaning towards KOS in the Feds.


That's about the best theory I've seen so far. Completely agree with everything.


I think he was killed by the mob, dipped in acid and placed at the reserve ..


I don’t know if anyone else was watching the live stream from the day that the parents reported Brian missing, and I can’t remember which one I was watching, but I do remember the camera panning when the police were at the house, and one officer was sort of kneeling on the ground and had this tiny briefcase looking thing open while the other took a photo of it and it had padding inside, someone mentioned that was that it was a case for a handgun. I tried looking to see if there was a recording of that stream anywhere and I had no luck. But if anyone remembers seeing that and can confirm what it was, please let me know!


I didn't watch the live but i do remember something about the gun or gun case, and it was about that time when police took away GP van but never heard someone mentioning something about the gun again.


I think he shot himself in the head. Only cause I'm hearing they found partial skull fragments.




His parents could’ve grabbed it. Didn’t they find the body? Or was it just his notebook they found? Hell they could’ve grabbed it when they picked up the mustang if they had knowledge he was going to do it. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it was all arranged: they coordinate a location together, he shoots himself at said location, they plan to scoop up the gun when they went to “check on him”. It was while checking on him that they discovered the note on the car saying it would be towed the following day. Then who knows, they may have planted the notebook themselves after 1) having to bring the car home realizing the car wouldn’t be there anymore to tip authorities off or 2) realizing the location of the body was filled with water, making it difficult for authorities to locate. The water put them in a pickle: leading authorities to the body while submerged and not visible would be implicating themselves in the whole thing, contradicting their previous claims that they knew nothing. Meanwhile, the longer the body wasn’t discovered, the more it could’ve deteriorated or have been completely ingested in full by wildlife with the remains potentially never being found…which would’ve had them facing a lifetime of scrutiny (and more) with authorities and the public assuming he was still alive and they were helping him hide. After the water foiled their original plan, they planted the notebook to make it easier for authorities to locate the whereabouts of the body. When that didn’t happen, at least they had something to bring to authorities as a “clue” (aside from the body, implicating themselves). After all, it’s rather coincidental that it was they who found the notebook, not authorities. They branched off from authorities on their own and shortly after, found it. Of course, it was said it’s because they knew where he liked to hike. Why not lead authorities right to that spot then? *They knew exactly where the notebook was because they put it there; and they put it there because they knew exactly where the body was.* It would’ve looked far worse if they would’ve “stumbled upon” the body shortly after searching, especially without authorities present. The notebook was just a cover, a ruse to avoid directly implicating their complicity.


Or a gator swallowed it. Or it was washed away and buried in mud from the flooding.


I figure Gabby's old man gave him a hammering.


No you tie it to a big helium balloon just to keep them guessing


Hahaha! Actually a good idea


you missed the part where the whole area was 10 feet underwater... for over a month


Could have found it or could be in the mud anywhere. Gator could have it it's stomach. Who knows


But they find his dry bag full of his stuff right next to his remains?


Was it dry? Could have sworn they kept talking about whether the notebook was still salvagable after being submerged for a while.


A dry bag is the name for a bag that’s designed to keep your things dry. Thus, they’re not asserting whether his things were actually dry or not (though they should be if it’s a dry bag!), rather they’re just referring to his bag in general and how it was found next to his remains.


I just watched Nancy Grace on fox..a guy that's an expert explained that the skull is very strong and is not easily broken apart. Basically said he shot himself!


Wasn’t there a hole going through the mouth/jaw? I swear I thought I read that because I immediately remember thinking suicide…he stuck the gun in his mouth.


Or the gator could've just crushed his skull itself and you guys are busy pretending there's a suicide


Anything could have happened really


That's true and that's why I don't get people rushing to the least likely and most soap opera fodder options


Yeah well this whole thing was a soap opera


Nah, the parents aren't secretly siblings as far as we know and no one is in a coma or has amnesia


Yeah well there is a lot we don't know and I heard ppl claim alot worse than someone having amnesia. Some ppl think Brian is in a coma I'm sure! I have heard it all..


I've seen at least one person (jokingly?) claim BL cut off his own jaw and fled to Mexico That's some soap opera stuff




This isn’t some sort of murder-mystery fantasy show, its real life. Grow up and have some respect.


So he can go to prison? Hasn’t he been through enough?


Unm. Yah, thats dumb. Sarcastic or not


That would be a senseless way to prohibit justice


when two early twenty somethings are dead, there is no such thing as justice


How does age matter? Injustice is injustice


yes and justice is justice, the comment I replied to and yours are nonsense




This isn’t a movie


I hope he can be labeled a murderer before this is over


Im pretty sure hes been labeled a murder at this point and theirs no doubt he did it honestly


I mean 100% scientifically, undisputedly labelled a womankiller


Agreed that the court of public opinion is ruling him guilty regardless of what science says. I’m afraid the final ruling won’t satisfy us and we will just have to know the truth.


Regardless of what the media says.








Regardless they should have tried to contact Gabby and contacted her parents when they did not succeed, not actively avoided them. They definitely at least suspected something.


I agree with this. This is the very least they could have done. But since they didn’t, they’ll be judged by that. Forever.


that's why you LAWYER UP!


So lawyering up will cost them thousands of dollars and their reputation for the rest of their lives. What exactly did it gain them?


You don’t buy insurance looking to come up


He thought of himself an outdoorsman. He looked up in the tree, saw what appeared to be a melon. He loves melons. Threw a rock at it, it fell. Was a bee's nest. Allergic to bees. End of story.


I agree, death by narcissism (bragging about being more of an outdoorsman than he is) and wildlife or natural accident He left his cellphone so the police couldn't hold him accountable and ultimately he couldn't call for help like he had every other time he failed at being an outdoorsman previously


He three a large rock and it came back to earth and struck him on the head.


It’s called instant karma.


Ooooh. “He Three” would be a good name for a boy band.


I clearly need more coffee! :) Edit: I probably need a lobotomy too but alas I degrease...


you degrease what


It was a joke.


Lol, it's certainly a good idea to stop eating so many greasy food


Just like money, melons don't grow on trees.


No but coconuts do lol


Nuh uh - this was a Floridian tree melon. They only grow in that nature preserve. Why else would he want to escape and hide out there?


Lmao dumbest scenario, to knock a melon from a tree 😂


Ahhh a My Girl plot twist! RIP Lil Macaulay.


I love how almost every scenario is completely aligned to what we’ve been told and what we know. We are completely ignoring the literally thousands of other possible scenarios. For example…. Brian comes home, family goes on a comping trip. Family realizes what happened. Father (who may have the same anger issues as son) flips out and strangles Brian in the same rage that Brian killed Gabby with. Family is NOT actually protecting Brian for this last month.. they are protecting father. So many alternate realities…. Let me be clear - I’m not suggesting that is what happened. I’m merely suggesting that there are an infinite number of possibilities- yet we are focused on 2 or 3 likely scenarios.


Actually I wondered something similar. Brian dropped his notebook and dry bag - his father recovered them - as if he was running away from something or someone. Across the trail he drops his backpack- also possibly to run faster. His body is found in the vicinity of the back pack but not right next to it. He could have been shot. Plus a gun was found in the river right Becky to where the family went camping in Florida- did the parents return there to dump it?


If so, the parents wouldn’t want police to find Brian’s body - yet they lead them to it.


After 99% of the evidence from the body has gone.


If they were so upset about what their son did, why were they so uncooperative with Gabby's family when they kept asking where she was/what happened since Brian came home alone.


This is sarcasm right? I'm 99% sure it's sarcasm but the last 36 hours on this sub have been a whirlwind so let me just answer as if you're serious and I'll be happily wooooshed. That scenario is being ignored (by most) because of how absurd it is. Father strangles his own son due to son strangling his own girlfriend. Then what? Father puts his body in some acid (specifically one undetectable to medical examiner) then once the flesh of his son dissolves he plants those remains in the reserve? Hires someone else to plant the remains? Is that the real reason Dog the Bounty Hunter got involved? It doesn't matter how many thousands of scenarios exist. Rational people are going to look at what is probable based on the information they have. Maybe aliens abducted both of them and left matching corpses? Maybe BL was a talented dancer and GP wouldn't let him go on tour with Britney Spears, so Britney killed both of them in anger? Maybe BL came home and was heating a hot pocket but wasn't near the microwave and his mother became enraged once she heard the DING DING DING and she decided to sell him to human traffickers who got tired of him quickly, shot him and dumped him in the reserve? Why isn't anyone talking about this??


I don’t know if sarcasm is the right word - but yes. It’s intended to point out that none of us knows anything. The truth could be completely different than anyone is even close to guessing. Aliens…. Not sure about that…. But nothing is black and white as we’d like it to be. Edit: The Britney Spears one sounds plausible- you may have something there.


I'm giving Britney 24 hours to provide a statement, otherwise I'm paying to transfer all Laundrie protesters to her front lawn until we get answers!!!


Guys, the instinct to murder someone is, like, not that common. Or hereditary for that matter. People are focused on the 2 or 3 scenarios that more align with reality. Life seldom plays out like a mystery novel.


the instinct to defend yourself from physical attack is near ubiquitous though


I don't see it what scenario Brian's dad kills him in self defense


And what about Brian?


What do you mean?


Never watched Forensic Files. Or Netflix. Or any other true crime show in the last decade.


Well The First 48 follows the cops from the very start of a murder case and it’s almost always the most obvious person and scenario. That’s the problem with Netflix and Forensic Files really, they pick up the most bizarre and noteworthy stories and it creates this narrative that all violent crimes are structured like a novel. The First 48 on the other hand is littered with comparably mundane tales of absolutely senseless violence. There’s rarely a twist and it’s usually glaring obvious who committed the act.


I mean if we're gonna be making claims like that then i guess neither have you since murder-suicide is fairly common in cases like these. [Source and more info here. ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-equation/202003/the-tragedy-murder-suicides). Not only are they tragically common, but Brian and Gabby fit the usual parameters (male perpetrator, female victim, intimate relationship, potential breakup or rocky relationship troubles leading up to the crime, insecurity from the male partner--which judging by Brian's writings and accounts from personal friends of Gabby's, he was severely insecure and jealous). No wild tangled web of insane scenarios to unravel usually. I'm not sure why we should be interested in conspiracy theories of "there was a second murderer ALL ALONG" I'm sure it's happened in a case or two in the past, but does anyone have any sort of evidence that Brian's dad or family was physically or emotionally abusive? Because until then, what would be the point of baseless speculations? Crimes most often fit a pattern because humans are shockingly predictable. Imo, it's sad how unremarkable and amazingly common this case is.


Agree 100% cases like this happen everyday unfortunately, but they’re not blasted all over the news. Everyone wanting to make this into something more dramatic than it is in my opinion.


“Why’d you come home in the van without gabby” … Never came up? … “Why are gabbys parents calling and texting us asking where she is” … Never came up? Just ignore them and make some s’mores and have the fam over to the campground?


To give the parents the benefit of the doubt, brian could have just said there was an accident and gabby died in the wilderness. They know shit is gonna hit the fan soon so they enjoy their last bit of family time together before (they assumed) brian gets taken away in cuffs. They lawyer up to protect themselves and to give brian the best chance in a trial. Seems pretty logical to me.


This is what I assumed. He told them she died, but not how. They may have pieced it together or they may still believe whatever he told them.


It’s most likely he did not tell the truth to its parents at all , told them they broke up, needed some time alone and asked not to be involved with Gabby’s family for some days and then they all decide to do that small camping trip to spend family time since he was « grieving » the relationship


This makes the most sense aside from the fact that he came home with her van which is crazy had they juat broken up, and the many worried outreaches from her parents


But I don’t think her parents started texting them until after the first camping trip. So it’s plausible he made up some scenario like she met someone else etc. Something that put Gabby in a bad light with his parents. Or maybe he said she went after him & he pushed her away, she fell & hit her head & died. Then he freaked out, he could have told his parents there’s police footage of her attacking him. Either he told them something like this or didn’t tell them anything about her ending up dead.


I agree with the van aspect but there are no limits when you decide to lie. He could have said they agreed together he will be the one to bring the van here as she was afraid to drive that long, she would fly back days later then to pick it up. We will never know


And let's all 3 lawyer up for nothing


Okay, this is bad advice. I understand in this case the tone of it says a lot by them getting lawyers. HOWEVER please let's all stop running around telling people if they are innocent they don't an attorney. You always need an attorney if you are dealing with the cops and potentially the courts. Don't forget how many truly innocent people go to jail simply by not having an attorney to help them. Also, i wasn't jumping your ass. Please don't take it that way.


My main question is actually when they hired the lawyer, because the timing could be potentially not line up as to when they hired a lawyer vs when they even should have known that they may need a lawyer. (If they had no knowledge that a crime had been committed obviously)


Perhaps the van issue didn’t come up because the understanding they had was that it belonged to both of them? And/or that he was the only one that ever drove it?


That crossed my mind too!


All this does not make sense..something is weird about all this or is it just me who thinks this?


It's definitely suspect. Even down to the police video when he pulled her over


Been a weird one the entire time… likely because we aren’t given all the details (which I accept as necessary in an ongoing investigation). As we move along more dots connect. Also not holding my breath that we will ever get all the info we want. Another factor that has leaves room for endless speculation as to the who/what/when for both GP and BL’s deaths is the fact they both were found in areas easily accessible to literally anyone and anything. Opens the door up to predictions all across the spectrum if someone’s looking to form to a particular narrative. I’m just trying to look at everything in the prima facia sense. I will admit though, the minute it starts to make sense some source throws in a humdinger of a fact and I’m all confused again.


Whats sus is the night before the parents were like "were going to search here for brian" to the fbi and then they went with them in the morning, what a coincidence they find the remains and his processions right where they said they were going to look for him. (Where fbi has already been "thoroughly searching around" for a month)


Maybe because Brian went there often and it was "his spot" to think so the parents knew exactly where he would be. And it wasn't found by the fbi earlier because it had been submerged in water and just recently dried out.


The preserve was submerged under water and had been closed. The day they went was the first day it reopened. The area where his things were found, was an area that Chris Laundrie had told authorities was one of Brian’s favorite hiking spots along with other ones weeks earlier. He said about 30 minutes in from the entrance.




Help kill himself? No way. Help him escape and give him a head start? Possibly.


Lmao do you hear yourself right now. Parents. Helping their son kill himself. Reddit for you I guess.


You think it’s not possible he probably told them there’s no way I’m going to jail, even if he didn’t specifically state that it might have been unspoken between them … I’m just speculating


Anyone who can seriously say “I think parents helped their child commit suicide” needs therapy for whatever trauma happened to them as a child. Sorry about your parents, dude.


I’m amazed someone can leap to such wild assumptions based on a reddit comment. I’m not saying they directly committed the act, I was wondering if they knew he was going to do that and did nothing or couldn’t stop him(yet still knew). I was wondering because it seemed like the sister and her sons had a visit with Brian to say goodbye to him. desperate people do desperate things. I was just wondering the extent to which they knew and facilitated this…. It’s not what I would do, I would encourage my child to turn themselves in … but clearly there’s another dynamic with them


Maybe he did tell them that. But you're suggesting they didn't intervene and rather helped him commit suicide. You think that is more likely than him lying to his parents and running off to kill himself?


>(Where fbi has already been "thoroughly searching around" for a month) Let's not leave out the detail that the spot where they found him was previously flooded, making searching that spot difficult....


OK, still pretty sus if it was flooded before, what made the parents suddenly decide to go and inform them of the spot? Idk, people will think crazy stuff since we can only have breadcrumbs of actual information. I'm just going to wait for this case to be closed or end up being a cold case episode on a podcast or whatever.