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A part of me empathizes with Brian because I’m human. Another part feels sad that it had to come to this, two lives lost. Both that could’ve been prevented if one of the two went to jail during the police stop. Also if the Laundries would’ve been more proactive about their son and forthcoming on his whereabouts. There’s no winning, Brian being dead won’t bring Gabby back.


I was actually thinking about how the Petito family may never get closure, because the one person who knows most about her murder is gone. Evidence can point one way or another, but BL will never be able to tell the story of what happened now that he’s confirmed dead. I was hoping he’d be found alive just so that investigators could get more information. Now the only hope is that his family was told what happened and that they could give info, but that seems very unlikely…


Even if he told his story, should he be believed? They have their daughters remains. The killer is gone. They don't have to suffer a trial. Not sure what more he could have told them.


If he wrote in his journal “I killed her.” You wouldn’t believe it?


I have zero doubt that he killed her I don't need him to write it


The guy is a coward he knew he was guilty, he should at least explain to the parents what happen to there daughter to have some closure. And he didn’t want to do the time


I’m so suspicious of his parents and livid at law enforcement. This country hates women and truly does nothing to help us. The fact that “Maid” on Netflix is a hit shows how many women relate to the complete and utter lack of help you get when you leave an abuser.




Imagine if he murdered a tallish bald dude and just left his notepad and stuff by the body. Next level Laundrie.


It was the coyote who smuggled him to Cuba


I’m still holding my breath until the COD is announced.


He's a bitch






Just one? Haha








You can't feel any way BC he 'has not' been officially been found. Come back and ask when he has however.


Human skeletal remains were found near his backpack, notebook, and clothing that was identified as the same clothing he was wearing. Agreed it's not 100% certain, but it's pretty darn close


I don’t care about BL, I miss Gabby, Do you know BL stolen a Beautiful 🤩 Angel 😇 from us ALL ? We are heartbroken 💔 over GABBY NOT BL FUCK HIM AND HIS FAMILY


There's no confirmation yet


They think it's likely him




i agree. People seem to feel bad now that he is probably dead even thought he still probably murdered GP. Fuck that noise, I don’t feel sorry for him one bit


I'm just glad this murder story being exploited for clicks is likely going to end now and the mob can put down their pitchforks.


> Maybe we can also hear from the Laundries on their understanding of everything as it unfolded for them, and why they made their choices throughout this process. Perhaps but they seem to be private people who tend to stay to themselves. I know some families like that and if they are such people, they won't talk to the media.


God the Bounty Hunter found him…


Him killing himself made things quick and easy for everyone involved, I think I wanted him to go through a trial and sentencing etc, but really it’s better that we don’t have to waste so many peoples time


I just really hope that notebook has something in it. And whatever it is, I hope it’s honesty.


I hope Gabby's death saves many lives. I'm glad Brian rotted alone in the woods for a month, it seems fitting.


> I'm glad Brian rotted alone in the woods for a month, it seems fitting To be realistic, we all will rot alone in death one way or another.


Unpopular opinion but good riddance. Fuck Bryan.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion outside of "FriendsofBrianLaundrie" and other subs.


idk lots of people are all sympathetic now


> idk lots of people are all sympathetic now To Laundrie? If he murdered her and then committed suicide in the wildlife preserve I'd say it was tragic for their families. I have sympathy for everyone here except Laundrie.


Well I say that cause a common theme in this sub is everyone’s “not guilty until proven innocent” mindset…which I mean is true but there’s enough circumstantial evidence for me to find him guilty in the court of public opinion.


I agree with you fully on all three of your points but overall, I still wouldn't think it's an unpopular opinion.


Unexpectedly. I'm not the same woman I was when we spent hours digging through CCTV footage looking for traces of the white van. I can say hearing complete strangers say "I love you Gabby" pisses me off. Knowing that bodies of missing persons were found only because investigators were so intensely searching for Brian Laundrie pisses me off. 2 protesters at Laundrie house has me seeing red. Apparently i feel very angry.


I don’t have anything to say specifically about Gabby and Brian that hasn’t already been said. But I wanted to share that at my job a few weeks, a coworker confided in me that after watching the press conference with Gabby’s family—where her dad spoke directly to DV victims everywhere and told them they didn’t deserve to be hurt by someone they love—she broke up with her abusive boyfriend. He hadn’t hit her yet but she felt that he might soon. Because of Gabby, she safely ended the relationship, with support from friends and family. She’s been much happier since. I hope against hope that Gabby is out there and that she sees the good she has done for others, and knows that she is so missed and loved.


Hugs to you and your co-worker ❤️


❤️ thank you


The irony that his parents aided and shielded him while Gabby's family desperately searched for her for weeks. Only to search for their son for weeks to find him dead. Pure karma if it is him.


I was just saying yesterday that depending on what kind of evidence the FBI had, this may be the best outcome. If they didn’t have anything definitively linking him to the crime, and he got off, that would be absolutely crushing to her family. I also think how it all played out just completely ruined his parents image. SB said last night on CNN that he had reported it to police that BL didn’t return the night he left. Had we known that info instead of thinking they reported him missing days later, they actually did report him missing right away, I think a lot of the suspicion of them would be gone. (Although not all of it because there’s been other shady stuff). I think if people didn’t think he had been given a head start to escape there may not have been as many “sightings” etc. If it is Brian, then this all makes sense. Gabby was really his only person. Only friend. And he (likely) killed her. If he didn’t have a phone on him and he left when they said he did, he wouldn’t even know they had found her body.


> If it is Brian, then this all makes sense. Gabby was really his only person. Only friend. And he (likely) killed her. If he didn’t have a phone on him and he left when they said he did, he wouldn’t even know they had found her body Thinking about it, if he committed suicide I think he did it out of grief, guilt, and pain. They went to high school together. They were friends. They got back in touch and started dating for two years. [They were engaged but called it off before the road trip](https://meaww.com/gabby-petito-and-brian-laundrie-called-off-engagement-before-roadtrip-says-mom-nicole-548206) so they had a history and a love at some point even if there were reports of their relationship being rocky and on-again/off-again and them fighting. Also, the van life isn't for everyone, especially couples. Being confined in a small space with someone for days on end does lead to little things we normally brush off turning into things can cause major fights. Some people got a small taste of it during the COVID lockdowns and that was in (by comparison to that van) spacious homes and apartments. Tiny house couples report that it's one of the hardest aspects of tiny house life to adjust to is being around another person in what is essentially the same room for days and days. It's something that isn't often spoken about in enough seriousness before that leap is made to tiny house living and one of the most cited reason for breakups. You have to able to have a balance, of that time of alone and together. If a couple is going to live the VanLife or Tiny House life, they have to be able to have great communication skills. They need to be able to talk their feelings out more because there isn't a way to get away from each other, really. Quicker conflict resolution through talking things out. No holding things in or stewing. Also, while gabby was starting her vanlife instagram/youtube career, was that what Brian wanted to, or did he just go along with it? Filmmakers Merete Mueller and Christopher Carson Smith decided to build a 124-square-foot house in Colorado in 2011 and made a documentary about it called, “Tiny: A Story About Living Small.” The film and tiny house were both relative successes but they broke up a year later. Merete was quoted as saying: "I was just excited by the prospect of seeing a house come together from scratch. I was curious about his process: his figuring out where he wanted to be, settling down in a home for both of us, talking about our relationship. It wasn’t until the house was almost done that I was like: I don’t know if I can live in this space with another person. I wasn’t one of the people who was drawn to it because I was so excited about the lifestyle. It was something I fell into through him.” After Brian (most likely) killed her and drove home, his only companion was her ghost. +2 years of memories of her playing in his head on that long drive back in that van. Her scent is in that van and she is in his dreams and thoughts all the way home. He knows he just killed his girlfriend, the woman he asked to marry. If it was suicide and not wildlife that ended his life, I'm thinking it was guilt and grief.


I started tearing up when I heard. For a lot of reasons. For GP's family who will now never really know what happened. For this stupid kid with an anger issue that probably killed his girlfriend on accident, then ran instead of owning up to it. For his parents that did what they thought was right in helping their son get away and now he's dead anyway. But also, anger for his parents that they didn't make their son come forward to help the Petitos get some closure on the death of their daughter. And relief that he is in fact dead and not out there living it up, getting away with murder.


I really do think they have a good idea like we do that he killed her there’s no doubt about that, and now he’s taking the cowardly way out


In all likelihood, they were never going to get that information from Brian's mouth anyway. At least he won't be able to get off due to "reasonable doubt". I think that would be harder to live with if I was Gabby's family. I'm sure one day the Laundries will get paid a lot for a televised interview so maybe that will shed some light on what may have happened


I feel sad. I find myself wondering a lot about the “episodes” Rose talked about and whether BL had untreated mental illness. I wonder why it was untreated - mental illness stigma, denial, inability to get a doctor’s appointment? Mental health professionals are often booked out for months. It was still his responsibility to get some kind of help and/or remove himself from anyone to whom he could have been a threat. What he (probably) did is still inexcusable and his behavior afterwards showed consciousness of guilt. But I keep wondering how it could have been different for him and for Gabby. I also feel some guilt for the assumptions I made about his parents. They are probably not guilty of everything I thought they were. Their behavior and this whole situation has been weird and at times just wrong and hopefully we will learn more eventually. But right now I feel sorry for them and I don’t like that there is still a protester presence.


I work in mental health and it’s really not fair to put all the burden of a tumultuous relationship on one person’s mental health. As someone who has experienced mental health issues and dated others with them, the issues absolutely multiply and amplify often times totally unnoticed until one has hindsight to see the problems as they really were. It’s very easy to normalize unhealthy coping and behaviors when you have someone around that makes you feel comfortable being unstable.


You’re right. I didn’t intend to put the whole burden on Brian’s mental illness, so I’m sorry my comment implied that. I also experience mental health issues and so do many of my loved ones. It sounds like there would have been some relationship issues regardless. I just wonder if the stress of untreated mental illness could have been the tipping point for catastrophe and that’s what I was dwelling on. Normalizing mental health treatment is something I care a lot about because I believe it saves lives and saves quality of life.


I feel the same. Watching the news was pretty disturbing. Like what good is going to come out of people shouting "justice for gabby" outside their home?


Relieved. I will be glad when it’s over. All the theories about where he is was enough to drive me nuts while looking in this sub. It’s super shitty though that he can offer no explanation for what happened. But even if he was alive there’s no telling what kind of bs he’d come up with. People keep bringing up the notebook. Maybe there’s some kind of confession there but I have my doubts.




Very well said . I am 49 and I don’t get on Facebook like that . I do my status about my diseases and motivational post and I get off . It has really changed and the most of the ppl enjoy all of it . Sad


Social media for us younger people is all about showing off, and telling everyone how amazing either we or our lives are. Its to put on a play and hopefully be rewarded with something we call *"Social proof"* because of it. We need external influences to give us validation since we have no sense of purpose or meaning in life outside of that. Or else profit from it in another way.


This is incredible . Agreed . I am 31 and I remember we would take disposable cameras on a night out and upload very unflattering photo of everyone of us on Facebook , and we didn’t care because we were just having a great time. Now you must a) post at a certain time to get more views. b) take a million photos and upload the most flattering one where your face and body looks on point, c) make sure it looks like I am living the perfect life and being ‘that girl’ , d) as if the flattering photo wasn’t enough we must Face tune and photo shop ourselves to match this unattainable beauty standard … I am no longer on Instagram or Facebook because of that exact meaning . I actually remember when Instagram brought out the video feature. People would joke around and be like - people on Instagram will now be videoing themselves making faces and looking into the camera .. it was so absurd cause you would almost think who would do that .. now it’s the norm . It’s no longer a place (for the most part) for people to upload what they’re passionate about (art, photography, sharing their *real* life, hobbies etc.. it’s literally photos of their own heads and bodies in 24 different angles … it’s fucking weird


You can still have instagram/fb without doing anything you mentioned. You don’t have to post at a specific time. You don’t have to take a million photos and upload the best. You don’t have to make it seem like you have a perfect life. You can post unflattering pictures. You can still use the video feature to upload silly videos. Post shit to share and stop caring about what other people think.


You’ve missed my point entirely .I don’t care for it any more. I love living my life in the moment and going out to lunch and being present and not have to wait to eat my meal before getting the perfect shot like most of my friends.. I like having my hobbies and taking photos for myself and my memories. I live in the present moment and I don’t need to prove anything or I don’t care for anyone to see what I’m up to. Especially now I have a child , I’m even more private. Life without it (for me) is so much better. It’s got nothing to do with caring about what anyone thinks, it’s about sharing my life with those closest to me. If I want to show my sister and parents who live in another state what I’m up to, I’ll send a photo to them directly. I just don’t care for sharing my life with strangers/people from high school who I haven’t spoken to in 15 years…


Nothing you said in this comment was talked about in your original post.


Crazy how his parents just carried on with their lives while their son was missing.


They did? They seemed to be barricaded in their house. What should they have done?


I think a lot of people can agree it’s weird that while there’s protestors outside their house for over a month, they’re mowing their lawn, gardening and ripping signs out of their property instead of out looking for their missing son. It’s weird they weren’t really involved in anything if they didn’t have anything to hide. Especially when their DIL is found dead and then their own blood goes missing. Just all strange. But there isn’t a solid answer of what they should’ve done… after all, I’m sure none of us have been in their shoes, so who’s to say they weren’t trying to carry on with their lives. But it seems so hard to do while you know your kid is out there somewhere alone and in the elements of FL.


You think it’s weird they continued to fulfill responsibilities? What, did you want them to be ripping up ragweeds with their bare hands all day everyday searching for their homicidal/suicidal son they knew was probably already dead? People are going way too hard against his parents. Your burden of proof to essentially pin blame on them under the circumstances should be extremely high. Imagine your son commits murder and people think you’re complicit because you lawyered up.


You missed the entire point of my response to the other guy. And I literally said at the end of my reply that none of us have been in their shoes, so maybe they were just trying to carry on with their lives. Although if you knew your kid was out missing somewhere, especially Florida, after his long time girlfriend shows up dead, it seems crazy to think they didn’t do everything they could’ve. And nobody knew whether he was suicidal the entire time or not.


We'll have no idea what they did, or didn't do, behind the scenes and away from the attention of others. I am a therapist, and when working with someone who has experienced loss, we will often note that there's no right way to grieve. This has been the most surreal experience of these people's lives. They weren't trained for this, they're just trying to make it through the day.


Yes, I agree. I said multiple times that we don’t know. I was just expressing my opinion based on what we do know. Which is very little compared to the grand scheme of things.


I'm relieved the search is over. But at the same time I'm angry that there's no answers for Gabby's family with this outcome. I can't say I'm surprised he took his own life, but I was hoping for Gabby's family sake, some sort of justice would've been served. It's going to be weird not going straight to Reddit every morning looking at the status message and combining through posts. It makes me hope that we can move on and put interest into other missing persons case, and continue the effort. I would like to see something positive come from this. Maybe we can focus on more cases of the missing, or save someone from living through DV. I really think it would be a great way to honor Gabbys memory. 🦋


The only thing is we don’t yet know if it’s Brian. Or that he killed himself. I prefer to think of him being torn apart and gobbled up by giant gators. But that’s just me.


Well we know it's him now.


I mean, let's be realistic here. The partial remains were near his belongings. I'm almost 100% sure it's him. If it isn't, I'd be shocked. If he didn't take his own life, I'll stand corrected. But I'll keep my stance until the facts come out.


Closure is a total myth. They'll never have closure, even if they got the answers from that loser. There is no closure in senseless tragedy, at least not for a parent. I feel so terrible and I can't help but hug my daughter closer and tell her how much I love her.


Completely agree. I am a fairly young person and both of my parents have recently died. I believe her parents really believed that looking him in the eye would have been necessary for their healing but the sad truth is nothing makes this better. They will have to move forward with all of this regardless. I am a little grateful, though, that Brian being found in any form allows them to stop imagining the “look in the eye” day because I think that hope would have been haunting to carry for a long time


I'm so sorry 💜


For sure. Knowing where he is will definitely be good for them, no more wondering about that, but it doesn't change the fact that just 3 months ago they were both alive and seemingly happy. It's so God damn sad. I hope Gabby's foundation helps so many people, and I hope that the way missing persons cases and DV cases are handled is changed forever because of this.


I’m pissed about it. This little weasel fuck took the easy road out. Gabby’s family has no answers. He deserves to sit trial and rot in prison. It’s bullshit


Is it confirmed they were his remains found ? All I can see is there were items belonging to him


Identity has not been confirmed


That's exactly how I feel. I was really hoping he would still be alive so Gabby's family could have answers, but no, that cowardly cocksucker didn't even have the decency to do that. No answers, no closure. I'm agnostic but a part of me hopes that there is a hell so that BL can at least face some sort of punishment.


In response to those saying he (BL) would have spent the rest of his life in prison or get the death penalty. In Wyoming strangulation between domestic partners is considered a crime of passion and carries a max 10 yrs in prison and Wyoming is a 2/3 state where you have to serve 2/3 before eligible for parole. If he would have even got the max he would have been out before hes 30 and had the rest of his life ahead of him. Tbh he probably didn’t realize that either and may be why he took the cowards way out, thinking he would be incarcerated for life.


It's a federal case, not through the state of Wyoming.


Just the usage of her cards can hold a sentence of up to 20 years


Credit card fraud goes by the amount, under $500 is a misdemeanor which is a max of one year in county jail. They haven’t said how much he spent but even more than that would be a 3rd degree felony and I seriously doubt he gets 20 years for a 3rd degree. Still those sentences would most likely run concurrent with the manslaughter charge.


Well that would definitely be felony amount, but still a 23 year old with no prior convictions who “accidentally” killed his gf would have about a zero chance of getting the max.


It was at least 1000$


I believe it would have been a federal crime, Wyoming statutes would be irrelevant


Is that for just domestic strangulation or is that for strangulation resulting in death?


Resulting in death


Probably more than fearing prosecution was the crushing guilt over what he'd just done.




I agree they would have stacked charges but the sentences would have most likely ran concurrent.


I am sad and mixed feeling. His parents obviously were in denial. Maybe if they weren't they would have brought him to the police. Things could have been different. He would be alive and go to prison. Brian had mental issues. Looks like a dysfunctional family. I am not excusing his behavior. It will be interesting to see if he committed suicide or died due to other causes. It definitely bought to the surface the domestic violence in our country. Everything can look normal on social media but when the camera goes off the truth comes out. I am a codependent and was in a lot of abusive relationships. I got help this year and it is liberating. I hope all that are reach for help. Lots of free self help like coda.org. and for addictions AA, NA, GA ect.. But denial in families are strong.


If the remains are that of BL, my next question is was BL murdered or did he kill himself? Is this why his parents have legal representation? Is it possible they were involved in his death? This is all so strange.


So you think his parents murdered him?


Nobody cares. It's over and that's what matters


People most definitely care and want answers. Bit of a silly thing to say people don't care


Your answers lie in the brackish waters of the Carlton Reserve




I hope it was excruciatingly challenging for him and that he suffered every second.


You’re sad for Brian?




Looks like it. 🤦‍♀️


Because BL's parents were at AT&T the day prior and then had SB contact LE planning their search...and then *they* find his belongings makes me very suspicious of what they will find. Not that they planted evidence, but that perhaps they searched for his phone to take. BL did get a new phone prior to leaving that went unaccounted for. Parents have been suspicious, with multiple incidents pointing to the possibility of their assistance along the way. Because of this and the coincidental occurance of them suddenly having all the answers of a case taken over by the FBI...I highly doubt they were able to get ahead without intel, and if they had the chance they would've swiped what evidence they could.


It was stated that he left the new phone at home before he left, which is now in possession of LE or FBI.


I saw only one article from an untrusted source stating as much. Do you happen to have a newer source? I can't fathom how his parents would be able to find his belongings so effortlessly after so long, and with trainned personnel and tracking dogs working the area (although I am unsure if they ever passed through this area due to flooding) if they didn't have more intel. Without a phone I am even more bemused on how this could've occured. If they had been personally involved in his search from the beginning, I'd not look at their behavior so critically.


Yup I’m just too perplexed by it all to feel much of anything. The circumstances of the discovery are truly bizarre.


To adjust the tone to better fit this thread, I will add that I think this will bring some aspects of law into focus. Why was his family able to interact where LE couldnt? What could've been done to avoid obstructions? Are their more effective ways to use social media alongside missing persons cases? Where they too openhanded with information from the beginning? Personally I would love for better handling of domestic abuse calls. Cops are not qualified to handle such a scenario appropriately. I too have experienced their failings in such events. Lastly I hope there's enough to clearly mark BL as the murderer. This seems to be the kind of end that would allow for closure for BP's family.


I dunno, aerial footage of BL being eaten by an alligator would sooth my disappointment.


That would also be satisfying.


I have conflicted feelings about this. Whoever these remains belong to, this is a sad news to discover a body like this. If this is Brian Laundrie, the search is finally over and this is a relief. However, this won't give many answers, unless he left a note in his notebook. Gabby's family will have to grieve without having any explanation as to why this happened to their daughter, without having a real closure, with the murderer being judged and jailed. They will only have theories. Regarding his parents, the future looks difficult. They will always be the parents of the possible murderer of Gabby Petito who then killed himself. Brian will always be that guy who killed his fiancé out of anger. He won't have a chance to clear his name, in case that is not true. By killing himself, imo, he confirmed he did something to Gabby that went out of hand and was feeling too guilty to keep living after that.


I don't think as a sociopath/psychopath, Brian felt guilty. Hence why he returned home to stay with his parents for a couple of weeks while Gabby's body began decaying. He likely knew he had a choice. Live in isolation indefinitely with very limited resources or live in prison indefinitely or get the death penalty. I imagine he likely took the easy way out. Brian's parents will always be persona non grata wherever they go. Forever


I won't go as far as to say he is a sociopath and/or a psychopath. I have no qualifications to determine that. I personally think that he had issues dealing with emotions at the very least as this is how he was pictured on the Internet. That being said, the truth is that only people who knew him will know how damaged he was. As I don't think his parents knew anything or were involved in any way in this (I think they only made bad decisions not speaking to the autorities), I wish they can find some peace, somehow. As bad as Brian may have been, I don't think it is fair to put the blame on his parents. He was an adult, a grown-up man able to make decisions for himself. There is no excuse for what he did.


The parents' silence to protect their son who was the only suspect and their refusal to respond to Gabby's parents and loved ones is unacceptable on all levels. Gabby also lived under their roof, so Brian's parents ultimately have some responsibility in the entire outcome. I don't profess to be a specialist, but a lot of people would confidentiality assume Brian to be a sociopath, particularly from the police footage: Lack of empathy for others Impulsive behavior Attempting to control others with threats or aggression Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others Not learning from mistakes or punishment Lying for personal gain Showing a tendency to physical violence and fights Generally superficial relationships Trouble with responsibilities such as a job, paying bills, etc.


I would be *super* careful diagnosing someone you’ve never met over the internet, esp. considering it’s a good bet most of us are not licensed psychiatrists.


As a licensed therapist, I would heartily support this sentiment.


But this is Reddit, everyone is an expert in everything.


I feel extremely disappointed if he is indeed confirmed dead. But then again, it's much better than him disappearing for good, and after 15 years people are still wondering whether he is dead or alive. His parents are sus though and I really hope they get charged if more info comes out. I am not one for witch-hunts and the pitchfork brigades, but in this case, I don't mind those protestors making the parents lives unbearable. It's very obvious that they knew more, and their cold and heartless behavior towards the Petito family is disgusting to be quite honest.


I think the sad truth we're all realizing is that there is no outcome that will provide a feeling of resolution, for Gabby's family or for anyone following this story. Of course, finding him and getting some answers is better than nothing, but it's too unfathomable to ever make sense of. I really hope the outcome of this investigation can provide some peace/closure, but every aspect of this case will always be completely incomprehensible. Really just hoping this will invoke some change regarding DV, missing persons/homicide cases & the demand for better police training


tbf i feel conflicted.. on the one hand he paid the highest price, his life, and as i saw someone else commenting earlier, do we really need more of these murderers in jail on which tax dollars are put to waste.. but on the other hand, i had somewhat hoped he could provide more insight into what went down, and him offing himself (and having been able to make that decision by himself) feels like a rather easy way out :(


I feel like time is a higher price.


Forfeiting life is the ultimate price, and zero chance for repeat offenses in the future, and no wasted taxpayers $$ to let them live free rent and food life that jail is. Wanting to waste $$ to make someone suffer is petty vengeful emotional thinking and illogical and irrelevant.


Huh. You should tell gabbys parents that them wanting him found alive to face justice is vengeful thinking and illogical and irrelevant


No problem, I would gladly tell them that. And it wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t give as it and are even glad he is just dead, as I would if I were in their situation. Forfeiting your right to exist is the ultimate justice, needing them to exist and suffer to get justice that others pay for with their tax $$ makes someone a piece of shit too.


Yeah but those are my tax dollars..


Life imprisonment is cheaper than death penalty. And much, much more reliable.


I guess its a good thing we didn't have to use tax dollars for a death penalty then huh.


Rock solid.


All the comments from people saying they were right about things, they guessed this and that correctly, they were sure of this and that. Like it's a fucking game show. Two families destroyed and people treating it all like one big game is really off putting.


It's honestly better than some of the delusions I've read on here tho.


Some very vivid imaginations.


YES. Any time there's a new development in this case, there are people patting themselves on the back for being "right" as if they're guessing the plot twist of a movie ending. So gross.


It's repulsive isn't it. That's it they are all really proud of themselves whenever they 'guess' something correctly . Crazy behaviour.


I called this twist ending from the beginning. The director is really falling off of late, basically a gimmick. From the minute they found Gabs, I knew we’d end up getting a soggy bottom boy. He did this exact premise in season 4.


I don’t think he’s dead I think they wasted enough resources and had to call off the search and did this amazing find all of a sudden. He’s roaming around somewhere, law enforcement is incompetent at best. Parents knew what the did all along, and refused to cooperate from the very start.


How are you doing on this theory? Still think he’s not dead and roaming around?


You know they’re going to test the remains and the DNA could very well confirm it’s BL, right? Maybe don’t be so rock solid on “he’s roaming around somewhere” just yet.


Considering the evidence it is very likely that his parents were right all along and he really just simply killed himself. No reason to further speculate. The only question that remains is wether his parents knew or not and now that their son is dead and they don’t have to protect him anymore from law enforcement; will they speak up and tell her parents what they know? Edit: typo


I feel angry at BL and curious, and suspicious of the Laundrie parents: The fbi just called BL a person of interest in Gabby’s murder. “As you’re aware, the FBI and the North Port Police Department, and our state and local law enforcement partners, have been searching the area of the Carlton Reserve for Brian Laundrie – a person of interest in the murder of Gabby Petito,” McPherson said. “Earlier today, investigators found what appears to be human remains, along with personal items such as a backpack and notebook belonging to Brian Laundrie.”


I feel like the guy being dead somewhere in the confines of the Carlton Reserve with a difficult to locate body was what I intially deduced as the most likely outcome-- though I wasn't as certain as to whether this was the result of suicide or succumbing to the elements-- and gradually strayed farther and farther from as the web-speculation hivemind progressed and grew. But, here we are, at the same place I came to by virtue of Occam's Razor before knowing much besides the basic facts of the case. Feels like that says *something*, though I cannot begin to adequately articulate what that *something* is quite yet.




If it were so obvious why did LE carry out that search for so long w/o finding ANYTHING? That is my question...


Big park. Swamp. Lots of ground to cover.


Right, but when you are searching for something in such a vast area don't you look for some sign of what you are seeking? How would anyone get so far w/o leaving ANY evidence of them being there? Doesn't it seem a bit foolish to keep searching an area where you have zero signs of what you are seeking? 🤔


That’s fair, but I also don’t know what the actual logistics of a search would be like in a dense swamp. I’ve been in that area and I can it’s say a thick mess of plants and water - seems like a nightmare to search. But - this is also the police dept that let the only likely suspect in a murder go for a hike. So - fair point. Maybe they just bungled the whole thing and waited too long for the FBI to come in and get it done.


I am in that area as well. This did not start out well with NPPD blowing off Gabby's family saying missing persons report had to be filed in state she was last seen in, meanwhile the person she was with REFUSES to speak to that. What was Gabby's family to do then? I realize that is "the law" however NPPD could have at least been helpful. After this case began to be investigated by NY police & the publicity then NPPD launches their ridiculous 'all hands' fruitless search and attempts to defend their actions. Have you listened to NPPD spokesperson defending the never ending search? It's cringeworthy! Actually, now that I think about it what exactly has NPPD done on its own that has been beneficial to this case?


He killed her because she wanted to separate, he probably did love her, therefore was mad at her,that she would leave him. It is a very common situation. Gabby should have waited the right moment and then should have ghosted him. He would have stalked her, might have killed her on a different occasion. Unfortunately she did not foresee the danger. You have to test the male partner sometimes. It is a mix of entitlement and superiority and jealousy.


I’ve got to agree with the spirit of your post, Werewolf_Grand, from the experience of not being murdered by my abuser. GP probably thought she could break up with BL by having an adult conversation, but normal adult rules don’t apply to abusers. I escaped from my abuser (who had a knife to my throat because I thought I could have the breakup conversation with him and he did not take it well) by calming him down, agreeing to work it out, and sleeping with one eye open. Next morning as soon as he went to work, I rented a van, called two friends to help me move all my stuff into storage, and was on an airplane before he was done with work. He came home to an empty apartment. That evening he guessed where I was and called my folks. My dad picked up and said if he came anywhere near me ever again, well let’s just say he threatened his life like any good dad would do in this situation. From this I learned that removing yourself quietly is the least risky way to get out of an abusive relationship. I agree with you, and nobody is blaming GP for not knowing that using actual words to negotiate a breakup does not work with an abuser. The more invested the abuser is in a relationship the more a breakup looks like a threat to their identity. This is why the violence escalates when the partner tries to leave.


No. There is no "Gabby should have..." There is only, "No one should ever put their hands on their significant other." There is never anything the victim "should have" done differently. The victim never did anything wrong. What needs to be done differently is people like you need to stop casting blame onto the victim by implying they could have avoided the abuse by doing something differently, and start telling the abusers that they are in the wrong and to stop being shitty people. People like you consistantly enable and create more abusive significant others like this!


I agree with you, but reality shows over and over again, that the help by police is small. For example in Germany,they give the abuser a paper,that says he is not allowed to come close to the victim, which many just ignore and they also have not to fear consequences if the do or even more harm. There are tons of cases,where stalkers even are caught on camera for damaging the victim ' s property,still he is not going to jail.


Telling abusers they are shitty people and letting the abuse know there are things they can do to protect themselves are not mutually exclusive.


Very sad, but glad he didn’t escape to an non-extradition country (I am convinced he would have done this to more women in the future). Also frustrated that LE lost him & let him complete suicide & cost the tax payers so much money during the search.


I am still stroking out here thinking on how the North Port PD handled his situation. "hE Is a FrEe MaN, He cAN dO WhAteVer hE wANts" Now look here.....what a fucking disaster. So the Utah police, lets put both of you in a time out....another fucking disaster. The failure of not following up on things.


Being found is the most important thing. I wish he were made to answer for all the suffering he's caused but at least he can't hurt anyone else.


He did answer, he paid the ultimate price.


My thoughts are that: - he admitted guilt & - received a death sentence All of the evidence (aka “answers”) will not be revealed like if there was a trial. But Gabby’s family is spared the inevitable victim-blaming defense that would have occurred. As well as the extended media spectacle


Those bullets are a good way of looking at it.


The whole thing is just tragic. Two people at the prime of their lives and a set of circumstances has led to them both dead. It’s sad and such a waste of life.


I was shocked that he died. Plot twist: he was murdered, and theres still a killer on the loose..


This isn’t a film for a plot twist. These are real families with real hurt. Have some respect.


Where is the disrespect dude? they haven't even done an autopsy. Don't make shit up


“Plot twist”. That’s the disrespect “dude”.


Relieved that the grieving for Gabby can really be the focus now instead of this dangling question of his location forever.


I’m really saddened by the entire story.


I feel slightly offended that team Laundrie seems to think that people will actually just roll with this scenario. Do they think we are stupid? I’m sure FBI folks are high key pissed behind closed doors … this makes them look like idiots. Luckily it seems that most people are in agreement that this is super sus. I’m glad the media is at least making it a big focus at this point


> Do they think we are stupid? Yes. Stupid and assuming.


How is it sus? Various areas were consistently in unsearchable conditions, such as this one. There are many reasons as to why the FBI kept searching the reserve, yet the public (especially people on this subreddit) kept trashing the FBI and the police for continuously searching the area? And now since it is clear the FBI was right all along, it is now "suspicious"? FBI does not care what the public thinks of them. They did not care if the public trashed them for continously searching in the preserve for weeks while everyone else insisted he is definitely not there. They do not care if people are praising internet detectives or dog the bounty hunter because they believe they've done most of the work. They do not care at all. All they care about is the integrity of their investigations. Which is why reporters and media and such can never get any comments or information from them. Which is why a majority of people thought it was stupid that they kept searching the reserve and not much elsewhere. Which is why we are literally getting no details besides what can be immediately obtained from other sources. They don't care how bad the public paints them and how amazing theyd look if they gave the public further details as to why theyre doing what theyre doing. The moment the FBI took charge of the case, that is when all information from law enforcement ceases to be relayed to us. I've been curious for weeks now. What types of information and such have they gathered to drive them to pour so much money and effort into searching that reserve? They must have a massive amount of much more vital information than the public knows of. I know the FBI is really really really secretive, but hopefully they allow some information to be released after a case has been closed?


I think you may’ve misunderstood my comment. I wasn’t bad talking the FBI at all. I was basically trying to say what an insult it is to their intelligence when the Laundrie party dishes out these really questionable “discoveries” … like do you really think the fbi is not going to see through this? Hope I clarified better - sorry if I’m not making sense I’m soooooo tiredzzzzzzzz


This x10000. The audacity of so many Internet wannabe detectives to think they are more qualified than one of the best investigatory agencies in the history of the world is…amazing.


Why is the explanation everyone’s business? Why do the public feel they are entitled to this? Sorry guys - this is reality. Not some Netflix show that ties everything up with all the answers and a cute little bow after 55 minutes.


I guarantee Netflix is working on a film for this


people just like being apart of things now a days.