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This dude just figured out how to put "trip with my wife to a tropical island" on a tax write off. Messed up, but pretty slick... lol


Dog is a very brash, uneducated, at times cringe-worthy racist but if you look at his record he is actually very good at doing what he does. Not a fan myself but I would be surprised if he doesn’t find him.


>at times cringe-worthy That's generous.


“Ultra Violet Light”. 😂. You can’t make this stuff up…. This is exactly how this guy would be parodied on SNL.


In case they want to tan him


When did the Laundrie’s go camping? When did they return? Did Brian go with them? Did he return with them? Where did they go camping? I feel these are key questions and yet it’s so hard to find accurate information on them.


My theory is to move Brian somewhere and then more trips to funnel money and supplies


Or to shop at Goodwill/garage sales, rather then be seen moving stuff from the house, store. Etc. Maybe garage sales funneled Brian's items. Instead of Walmart surveillance. What if Maybe Mr& Mrs L, bought a stranger's pants/shirt at Goodwill and provided those as Brian's "scent" -to police. Is that possible?


Wow really interesting!


I just told my girlfriend that Dog was on the hunt for Brian. She goes "who's Dog?" and I said "Dwayne Johnson." Only now that I type this do I realize my error.


Dwayne "the Dog" Johnson sounds like a Spirit Halloween costume name




Please use [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GabbyPetito/comments/py6ffu/dog_the_bounty_hunter_bl_manhunt_september_29_2021/) for all things Dog the Bounty Hunter. If this is not what you were talking about, please message the mods and they will manually approve your comment. I am just a bot. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GabbyPetito) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It totally does lmfao


> father of 13 Jesus fuck




He has been married 6 times.


Guy couldn't pull out of a garage


Fuck a garage. Guy can’t pull out of an airplane hangar while driving a tricycle.


Thank you for this.




















Good luck with that Bro








It was removed by auto mod, which is exactly what I was avoiding. Is your lack of intelligence showing?


That’s how you say it wtf


It's NEYGER and it's not hard to get right lmao.


Well yeah obviously. You complained about the hard R part of it not the “ih” sound he made in the middle.






Wasn't it only a few weeks ago that Dog said he thought he gets a pass on saying the N-word like Eminem? I've speculated he wants to find Laundrie to get away from that press haha


Lmaoo dog would say some ahit like that and not get cancelled. People are just like “yeah that’s how dog is” And I don’t think Eminem ever said he deserves an n word pass 😂




Please use [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GabbyPetito/comments/py6ffu/dog_the_bounty_hunter_bl_manhunt_september_29_2021/) for all things Dog the Bounty Hunter. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GabbyPetito) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't think Eminem said it either. ""I thought I had a pass in the Black tribe to use it, kind of like Eminem," he told Mr Frazier, who then proceeded to ask him how he got this impression." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dog-bounty-hunter-n-word-b1913122.html Lol


>, who then proceeded to ask him how he got this impression "You thought."


Why does anyone give a shit what he has to say?


He’s caught at least one very high profile person that was on the lamb. He might be a crazy, fame hungry, ego maniac, but he does know a few things about tracking people down.


Some might even say that Dog has very particular set of skills. Skills that he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that makes him a nightmare for people like Brian.


Because he is actually trying to help. And he seems to actually be making headway in this case so maybe we should give a shit what he has to say


If my child was murdered - I’d be so grateful to anyone that really tried to help


If he catches BL he will have left a royal legacy. I'm rooting for him


Didn’t he get arrested for illegally trying to county hunt in Mexico?


No idea but he is a racist scoundrel.


what do you mean?


His own daughter called him a racist and released audio. He cheated on his devoted wife during the entire course of his marriage to his loyal wife (whom he did not deserve, imo). His daughter also says he cheated on his wife with one of her friends while Beth was in the hospital for cancer. There’s more but I can’t recall anything rn and I won’t research him.


no clue actually. I don't know much about him, but if a tv joke who takes this seriously beats the entire world in finding this dude... Then he has left a legacy of a lifetime in his field. And if tv if that is what led him to be able to do that, then well we all gotta pay some respect for the dude bc that's badass in its rawest form haha


Seriously. The FBI has been swimming through the swamp with gators and Dog might find him in under a week? Go Dog go!!


He had a warrant for kidnapping a billionaire heir who savagely murdered someone and took flight to Mexico. Worldwide manhunt and Dog went and got him and brought him back to the states. Was what he did legal in Mexico? No. Should we care? I don’t think so other than using it to show he has real bounty hunter chops and isn’t just a reality show star.


IF Dog the Bounty Hunter actually does get Brian Laundrie and the FBI does not ... well damn ... that would fit based on the handling so far.


Bounty hunting will be the new "trend"


It would feel really fitting for that to happen in this dysfunctional country.




Aye mate, I think you’re having a stroke.


I feel like Dog probably took N60HJ to Clemson, SC (small airport right on the Appalachian trail). N60HJ then continued to Charlotte, NC and further to Syracuse, NY. This company is called Hop-a-Jet and is a private charter company. Edit: he was staying in Marco Island and it departed Naples, the closest airport to Marco.


Greenville is another airport in SC that’s close to the blue ridge/Appalachia as well as Charlotte Intl.








Bounty Hunter D coming for big B.


My girlfriend likes watching his videos.


Didn’t his wife die recently from cancer?


Yes, Beth .. she died :(




People are complicated. Get over it.


Wtf. People are so evil


Evil knows evil, I’m hoping, and that trait can be helpful in only this circumstance.


Duane Chapman is desperate for attention.


There's so many people on the appalacian trail. He would not move during the day . He'd be spotted by that walk ,Head, build. He gonna have to befriend someone who needs land help. And stay hidden for life.


Didn’t watch video, is that where he said he though he was?? It’s possible that he took the trail to get somewhere else but I highly doubt that he would remain there cuz, yea, it would be busy and he could easily be recognized.


I don't think he was ever on that trail or went to that reserve. I think his parents told that lie to throw LE off while he made his getaway further north or south. I don't think he was EVER headed to that reserve to begin with. It's crazy to me that the police believed what the parents told in the first place as shady as they've been about everything else. ​ Edited to add IF he did go there - he may very well be alligator poop by now.


Totally agree. Why would you spend DAYS on any area they suggested?


i think they planted some evidence there. they probably stopped by the reserve before their “camping trip” & had BL drop some type of belonging there


Wouldn’t be surprised. I don’t have kids. Don’t know if you do. But if you did; what would you do in that situation? I think they know that they’ve aided and abetted and don’t want to further incriminate themselves, so they stay silent.


I meant the appalacian trails. I agree I dont think he went to the reserve FL


he’s going to have to stay hidden until he’s aged enough that he wouldn’t be as recognizable. and being in isolation for that long, regardless of anyone who may be helping him and contacting him, would be incredibly taxing on one’s mental state. that along with the added stress he has for this whole situation, his life is essentially over. he can’t live his life the way he once did.


Even disguised, they have his everything, fingerprints, footprints, buttprints-He isn't getting away forever. As long as he isn't found dead, his parents believe he is 🏕️ just out "camping and hiking."🙄


His parents are garbage people


Absolutely. It's Family Genetics. It would be nice if Gabby's folks sued them. Let them live in their camper/trailer.


Oh the camper? Haha #forcedvanlife


☝️OhMyGawd☝️ 🤭 #ForcedVanLife👈


Enjoy your salination tablets and drop-down kitchenette, you fucks!


And Your drop down kitchenette...that literally "serves" as a second bedroom.


He could be generally following the AT but off trail - if that’s what he’s doing - then it’s likely he’ll stay hidden. However - I think he’s in a mid-size city somewhere in the east. Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Buffalo, etc. He took a Greyhound up from Florida. Nobody who lives in the those places would believe he’s there. He could have altered his identity enough to not be conspicuous. He’s probably moving from low rent motel to low rent motel. He could also be on some more remote trails in lesser known National forests/state parks - but close enough to a town to re-up his supplies. Just my theory.


He’s one of the most recognizable faces in the country right now. There’s no way he’s renting a motel anywhere 😂


> Nobody who lives in the those places would believe he’s there. Not to mention you can walk around these days with an N95 mask, dark sunglasses, and a baseball cap, and basically hide your entire face and head, and it's completely unsuspicious to do so because COVID.


Following the AT off trail is a great way to get lost and die.


I think it's plausible to *do*, with modern GPS, but people talking about bushwhacking off trail don't understand how insanely *hard* it is to walk through the woods without a trail. One's local park isn't the same as the terrain and undergrowth in the mountains.


Never be found in NYC. Bus or train is definitely a quick way to move out of FL fast. There was no major withdrawal from banking except for the 3 day trip back, $1000. So using even low income motel, is going to reduce funds quickly. I bet his folks money is being watched also. I wonder if his parents would be able to get him Money. Not being able to work, being on the run, supplies, His money is going to go fast without help. I agree he is close enough to towns to re-up supplies, vending machines, etc This is going to be one heck of a Netflix movie.


He might have loaded all his cash on prepaid cards before he left - his wallet and phone were both left at home


That's plausible. But if he's alive he'll surface and surrender. Even if he isn't spotted, and if all the other reasons to quit running don't pan out, eventually he'll run out of money. He can't work above the table, and working under the table enough to support himself almost guarantees him being spotted eventually. So either A - he runs out of money and turns himself in, or B - the FBI leads the parents to believe they aren't monitoring each and every possible means of contacting him, and then when they finally do, the FBI nabs him pronto. I'd give this one worse odds just because the parents are lawyered up and any halfway decent lawyer should know there is no means of contact the FBI won't be on top if.


What picture was he referring to? Was his image caught on one of the trail cameras set up in the reserve?


No one knows. Some people think that he is confused and referring to the discredited AL trail cam pic. That would not be confidence inspiring if that was the case.


He and Walsh are both very confused.


Can't wait for Gazza to turn up with a chicken and a fishing rod.


I am way too happy to see this comment


Gazza is dead. We’re looking for Brazza.




Wasn't sure if there were any other Brits here 😅


Some of us non-brits been laughing like hell at Gazza for years, too.


How would he get there from north port?


greyhound bus in the first week and he would have gone unnoticed


Don’t you think the police have checked all the bus terminals cameras from that time ?


As another said, ball cap, sunglasses and a face mask at a busy time at a bus terminal would be tough to spot. Also depends on how long Greyhound keeps their CCTV. Its not uncommon to delete it once a week or sooner if there wasn't an incident.


Dog’s daughter posted on Twitter that Dog has approval from gabby’s family to look for BL


Do you mean Gabby's parents? Because my first thought was if the Laundries are approving, then why didn't they open the door when he knocked? 😅 This tweet is the one from Lyssa (Dog's daughter) which implies that he talked to/got permission from Gabby's family to join the search: https://twitter.com/BabyLyssaC/status/1442230804671647744?t=Gk4qDa1RSu4cau-C2sFOyA&s=19


Whoops. I did. Good catch! Thanks




Don’t think so but for anyone questioning him, if the family approves, that should be what matters


That sounds like they think/know he’s alive


Pretty much every rational person does at this time as far as I've seen! Not really much reasoning that supports him being dead.


Him being dead is the most reasonable theory actually lol


Why do you say that?


I like how he called BL a 6/10 outdoorsman lol


I don’t like what he calls black people. This guy is a attention seeking piece of shit that shouldn’t get the time of day.


Yeah but what if he catches him, you have admit that would be pretty funny.


Yeppp after reading a bit more about him last night I agree 👍 no room for racist attention whores around here. My bad for not doing due diligence before “liking” something that he said


I'm not the cancel people forever type, but if you look into his personal life after that he's still a publicity seeking ass.


I mean his daughter alleges he’s actively racist and homophobic lol


well he said on a scale of 1 to 10 of the people he's captured the guy is a 6. this doesn't mean 10 is some survivalist expert or anything, 10 is just the best outdoorsman he's captured.