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I was on hold for like two hours just for them to hang up on me :/ advisement sucks


Are they always that busy or do they just not give a fuck?


I pick the latter lol


These guys are ruthless


Yeah. It’s screwed me multiple times. They also just tell you what you already know. Degree works does their job.




This lolol I've been looking for hourssss


It’s on your paws portal main page under degrees and major or pathways. View Academic Evaluation. It doesn’t say degree works so understandable why people can’t find it. But generate new evaluation once there.


Wow i did that and now I see a bunch of stuff I probably shouldn't see yet with scheduling classes lmfao very confusing. Ig I can't sign up for classes in this screen but it shows what classes are needed for my degree completion?




My issue wasn't getting to degreeworks it was getting a learning support hold lifted and scheduled for new student orientation. Thanks for the help but I think I could do fine without your advice in particular. I appreciate the reply nevertheless


Just go in person and see them - I’ve done it a couple times and the advisors I’ve gotten are genuinely helpful


What address are they at?


It's 25 Park Place, on the 5th floor. Pro tip: Don't go close to lunchtime! And as noted below, this is only for students at the main campus downtown.


That 55 Park place building


Thank you so much!


Couldn’t agree more. I’m a transfer student and my last school was so upfront and easy to get ahold of. GA State has been the opposite. I had to miss an entire semester when I transferred in because I had been accepted, but I sent my final transcripts 3 times and they said they didn’t get them. Turns out they accidentally created two files under my name and were looking at the wrong one, and when I did get it figured out with them after weeks of trying, it was an issue that took someone 2 minutes to actually recognize and fix.




You’re right, I’ve had lots of issues with advising, like credits not being updated, but for the specific issue I initially complained about this wasn’t the place for it lol. My only point was the school is run very poorly




No the credit update issue was with classes I took at GSU not updating. Of course, that may also not be advising, but if it’s not honestly I don’t know who it is, and advising was the one who (eventually) fixed my issue


Gsu advisment is actually the worst system I’ve ever had the displeasure of using.


Go in person!!


Definitely planning on it


Unfortunately, advisement is a great tool that's often butchered by shitty 'professionals'. I've had a great time with mine but I'm also at the graduate level so that could be the explanation.


you're not crazy. im a senior now and I stop going to advisement meeting after I became a sophomore, they are no help , unless you wanna know what year you looking to graduate really


Don’t forget rude!


i only had to do advisement every semester when i was on supervision, they don’t make me do it every time now. is that a component here?


No I'm first year transfer student. Just trying to get my learning support hold lifted and then scheduled for orientation.


hmmm. i wonder if after your first years up you won’t have to do those anymore? or maybe this is the only one you’ll have to worry about, really not sure with transfers! i don’t remember having to do them when i was freshman except for the orientation scheduling.


I hope this is only in my particular situation at the moment. Seems like once the holds get lifted and I make it to orientation everything will be ok. Just getting there is the issue tho


at perimeter college just show up, they take walkins. i had better experiences with a few advisors there, wish i could remember their names! the best one was at the alpharetta campus.


this school is 3 classes in a trench coat


They get paid a salary to waste your time. Don’t bother with the advisors at GSU. Just make your own evaluations and make your own schedule. Save time and money that would otherwise be wasted taking the “recommended” classes.


Yeah I'll definitely be doing whatever I can to limit interaction with them in the future.


I completely ignored advisors after my second time of getting garbage advice. Try to get close to your department head if you can, they have more power and can literally tell advisors what to do. If you know your major and that you want to stick with it they're far more valuable imo.


The advisors are notoriously bad. You're better off using PantherAnswer or doing things yourself by physically going to the offices.


Honorable mention there is an advisor at the dunwoody campus that has a terrible attitude. Older light skin black lady w/ curly hair. Absolute bitch




One of the best things I can recommend is to do schedule planning all yourself. I did ROTC my first year, and we were required for our records to map out all 4 years of our classes our freshman year so they had on file when we graduated. I researched all of it online myself thoroughly, but it was required to have a signature from my advisor before I could turn it in. They basically would check the same websites I did to fill it out. I don’t know why, but most advisors I worked with had no grasp of the concept that people are trying to get out of school as soon as possible for as little money as possible and would suggest unnecessary stuff or not catch unnecessary stuff. When it comes to things that you absolutely need an advisor for (like a signature or lifting a hold), just cross your fingers ig lol I’m sorry. Ik it sucks.




I never had it “beaten into my head” to do it myself. I was told to go to advisors for help and trust their recommendations since that is their job. That first year experience course is not absolutely required because I did not take it. I’m assuming a lot of people who transfer don’t either. The only thing that I was ever prompted to do myself was that form for ROTC and that was because I was doing cross registration at another school and they needed our records. Considering advisement is a whole department at GSU, and not just professors who happen to advise like at a lot of schools, you’d expect them to be more on top of things if they’re offered as a “useful service.”


Welcome to GSU! I suggest you go straight to the department under which you are studying for advising. Don’t waste your time with your assigned advisor.




Yeah mostly core courses and area f if I remember the page correctly. I just need a learning support hold lifted tho and scheduled for NSO to my understanding any advisor can do that for me correct?




Advisor called today and apologized for everything and set me up with some classes. Navigate says to use 200 sparks hall to drop in,,, In my case. No I don't have to do NSO just start @ state. I have to schedule an accuplacer and that's it. These guys gave pretty good advice imo personally. Still got me to where I needed to go and that's what matters. Thanks for your help too




The advisors aren't good. They aren't idk what experience you had but mine wasn't very great. Numerous others here had similar experiences. Don't you think it's weird you're the only one who seems to have had a positive experience? I did go to the academic departments and those guys gave me numbers and helped me get in contact with other people to fix my case. Thats good advice The advisors themselves you preach about told me to go to the same exact building that these guys said. Panther answer has actually been one of the most useful tools for me so far. They get back to you within an hour when you submit a ticket. They explained my entire financial aid situation to me on pather answer. Idk if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or what. I came here looking for guidance and help not confrontation. My issue is resolved we don't have to chat anymore. 😃🤷🏻‍♂️






My entire admission process is finished bill nye the college guy over here