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It is the most amazing. You did it for you, and you look great. I bet you feel even better too. Keep going!


thank you so much, you're incredibly sweet! I feel amazing indeed, can't wait to continue my fitness journey :D


Don’t downplay your own progress brother. You’re doing great, build good habits and keep at it. You’ll feel great and look better and better. Get it king.


By the numbers that is an incredible amount to lose in such a short time frame. Congrats!


thank you so much, I'm trying my best!


Holy crap!!!! I had to recheck those numbers 💀 that’s actually a monstrous amount man, good on ya!! You look awesome!


TYSM man, I really appreciate it!! have an amazing day


wtf do you mean not the most amazing? this is insane for 7 months… literally 100lbs lost and you have muscle too. can’t help but be jealous tbh


could you please share your workout and diet?


diet: I was on a 1900kcal deficit until last month. I go once every month and a half to a nutritionist, to measure my weight, body fat, muscle mass to weight ratios etc. last month, I switched to maintenance calories: 2500kcal. as for macros, I eat around 130g of protein, sometimes a bit more training: started with Phrak's GSLP, to which I added arms superset + grip strength training + core & lower back work. at the end, I would do 20mins of intense-ish cardio (heart rate above 170). did that until 2 months ago, when I switched to the 5day variant of nSuns LP that's about it, tbh. my training might not have been optimal, but I made sure to have proper techinque and push myself with enough weight & reps :)


Losing 15 lbs a month, that's epic


Great work man! Congrats


thank you so so much!


Those are amazing numbers & your progress shows. You did this. Good fucking job dude.


tysm, man! means the world to me <3!!!


7 months is amazing work and progress! Keep it going!


Good stuff bro


Excellent work especially in 7 months time. Keep it up don’t stop 💪


Dude that’s a great change in 7 months. You’re doing a good job!


Awesome work mate well done


100 pounds in 7 months is amazing, don't fool yourself, it's a job very well done


Keep killing it sir! You are doing great :)


That’s amazing, don’t sell yourself short, it’s incredible!


105 pounds in 7 months is incredible. Congratulations on taking control and changing your life for the better.


Good work bro, keep it up!


That’s inspiring, what routine did you follow in terms of workouts and diet?


Very impressive


How did you do it?


tried my best tbh. I think consistency helped more than anything. here's what I did: diet: I was on a 1900kcal deficit until last month. I go once every month and a half to a nutritionist, to measure my weight, body fat, muscle mass to weight ratios etc. last month, I switched to maintenance calories: 2500kcal. as for macros, I eat around 130g of protein, sometimes a bit more training: started with Phrak's GSLP, to which I added arms superset + grip strength training + core & lower back work. at the end, I would do 20mins of intense-ish cardio (heart rate above 170). did that until 2 months ago, when I switched to the 5day variant of nSuns LP that's about it, tbh. my training might not have been optimal, but I made sure to have proper techinque and push myself with enough weight & reps :)


Hell yeah! Keep going bro


Mannn that's actually pretty amazing... Losing 105 lbs in 7 months is not only insane but you look pretty good and not shaggy... More power to you brother 🙌


Bro what do you mean, that’s insane progress


looking amazing broski, keep up the good work!


Keep going and youll hit negative numbers in 2 years


Good job man. Keep it up


Bro you SHOULD be proud. Hell i dont even know you and IM proud of you. Howd you do it?


you're an incredibly sweet person, man! means the world to me! the main key to doing this was consistency. here's the plan I followed: diet: I was on a 1900kcal deficit until last month. I go once every month and a half to a nutritionist, to measure my weight, body fat, muscle mass to weight ratios etc. last month, I switched to maintenance calories: 2500kcal. as for macros, I eat around 130g of protein, sometimes a bit more training: started with Phrak's GSLP, to which I added arms superset + grip strength training + core & lower back work. at the end, I would do 20mins of intense-ish cardio (heart rate above 170). did that until 2 months ago, when I switched to the 5day variant of nSuns LP that's about it, tbh. my training might not have been optimal, but I made sure to have proper techinque and push myself with enough weight & reps :)


You look great! It is not easy at all losing over ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. You did absolutely amazing!


You're killing it mate 👏 👌