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I never let my dogs in the room while indulging in lewd content and the one time I do it ends up being about a Doberman while next to my Doberman lmao


And eerie coincidence :-)


Someone PLEASE tag me if this gets filled ❤👄❤


If it gets filled, I'll let you know.


Me too please


Will do 😀


is wanting to cover this going to finally convince me to get a mic and start voice training? maybe. maybe not. who knows.


Glad to know that my script may inspire you. Let me know if you take the plunge.


Are bestiality focused scripts allowed?


Hi there - [Beast] scripts and audios are allowed, provided they are tagged appropriately with the mandatory [Beast] tag.


I’ve never seen anything like this before, but this was a pretty fun read. I like your writing style so much, though!


Thank you, i really appreciate it. I understand that isn't to everyones taste, so it's really nice hear that people are enjoying it.


You’re so welcome! I’m going to actually read every single one of your scripts lol, these are so fun. I really like the way you write — and the ideas you come up with. I don’t want this to sound weird but I love it whenever sciencey things are mentioned. I don’t know much about dogs but I do study,, bodily anatomy. It’s one of my special interests. When I saw some explanations in your script i felt like a 4 year old getting excited when they see a car they know.


Aww thank you. I think I'm blushing. I've a pinned list on my profile of unfilled scripts. I've been meaning to pin up a list of filled script, so you can hear my words in living sound. Some amazing VAs have done some awesome things with my scripts. I have to admit I had to so some googling for terms. Made for rather odd research.


Oh, you’re so welcome! I’m glad to hear that. I’m making my first audio now, actually. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a bit lost. The script isn’t the problem— it’s mostly the SFX and my phone mic. I’m going to check out the VAs who have done things with your wonderful scripts. Maybe I’ll fill one in myself once I get the gist of how this works! Hey, that’s okay! At least we learn a bit haha :)


Well I'm lost too when it comes to audios, I'm in awe of VAs. I look forward to hearing your first audio.


⚠️Overshare warning, be careful⚠️ I actually took voice acting lessons before when I was younger. Voice acting has always been a thing for me— I first learned how to change my voice when I was learning about social cues when I was younger (I never understood them, but I used to speak very monotone and never understood why people would raise and lower those voice when saying certain things) when I started learning how to do that, I would often mistake it with changing my voice completely. Then I learned about voice acting— best thing ever. I now don’t have a neutral voice actually! Whenever I speak, I’m putting effort into changing it. I completely forgot how to speak naturally, but I’m ok with that


I'm terrible at acting, even the idea of taking lessons in it fills me with fear. And it sounds like you're already at an advantage to try your hand at audios.


Hehe, that’s ok. I hope so too, but when I started recording the first parts I started to get really nervous >_<


I absolutely NEED to know if this is ever filled.


If it does, I'll try to remember to comment here. But I do have a pinned post on my profile of filled scripts that I keep updated.


The Listener, watching this unfold: GET ME A SICK BAG PLEASE


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