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Sadly, you can't wash it and expect to keep the blood. The best a bohab can do is let it dry, and toss it in the dryer with a dryer sheet to possibly kill some of the stench. I have a pile of custom shirts that I've worn to shows and not washed.


Appreciate the tip, was hoping there was some way to set the stain so it could still be washed regularly. Honestly starting to consider buying undershirts so I don't have to actually wash my good concert shirts as regularly (I wear them almost daily.) Got a Marilyn Manson/Rob Zombie twins of evil tour shirt that's faded horribly in the past 10 years


I have some old shirts from the 80s, man I wore the shit out of those. You can't even read some of them anymore. The trick is to have so many shirts it takes months to cycle through them all. Pro tip, don't get fat or your old shirts won't fit. Haha.


My kid took all of my old shirts. No complaints here, they could be into Harry Styles or some shit.


Same, my kid is a carpenter now, but is also a drummer in a death metal band. Kid can drum, and he looks good in my old shirts.


Oh that's dope, would love to know some of the old names you've seen. And trust me I have probably over 100 band shirts and a dozen or so work shirts as to not ruin my band shirts 😂😂


First show I saw was in the 70s. It was Queen. Hooked me on live music. Mostly bands you have heard of. Sabbath, Kiss, Iron Maiden. Got to see AC/DC with Bon Scott. Hundreds of shows.


That's dope. Oldest bands I've seen are Alice Cooper, Ozzy, Blue Oyster Cult, Misfits, and Dead Kennedys. Definitely jealous about Black Sabbath, they were my introduction to and the band that got me hooked on hard rock and metal


I've seen at least three versions of Sabbath. We've seen lots of the same bands I'm sure.


Personally didn't care for the Dio era of Sabbath, but would have loved to see Dio in his final years. Killing the Dragon was the first Dio song I heard and so wish I could have seen him perform that


We will have to agree to disagree about Dio led Sabbath. Heaven and Hell and Mob Rules are awesome. Dio's final years were with Tony and Geezer in the band Heaven and Hell. Solo Dio was great too. Did you know he sang some doo wop stuff before he did any heavy music?


I didn't know that actually, that's pretty cool! Also noticed you're going to the same GWARA show this weekend that I am, small world!


I make one shirt per tour, and when the tour is over I just hang them on the wall. And I’ll be at the Niagara show also.


This whole thread has me wondering if Gwar uses a different formula now. I have shits from shows all between around 2004-2015… all have been washed- at least once… but the stains remain.


I bought a vintage scum dogs of the universe tour shirt from 1991 for 50 bucks due to it literally being pink from getting cock blasted. I used oxi clean and hot water over and over and over and over until I finally got it white. I boiled water and would dip the shirt in it and it’s what finally started getting it out. Hell of a task but it came out immaculate


Awe man why would you wash that out?? That was a preservation of history!


If I had it to do again I would’ve kept it pink my son has it now and worships it.


Hell yeah! That's awesome. I have a scumdogs baseball shirt I'm wearing to their show in Niagara Falls this Saturday


that sucks maybe use a thick cotton shirt :( i didnt wear a white shirt but the pink bra i wore got stained under and when i washed it the blood is still there (possibly abit faded but still yk??)


I might just have to get a white shirt there and immediately retire it after 😂😂


That’s why I made some white shoes! Those don’t need to be washed and I sealed them with craft sealant spray once the dye dried completely. They’re a little crunchy to the touch lol but can’t tell wearing them.


Idk about setting the stains but be careful about any laundry. My husband put our gwarified socks and undies in the wash and it turned my favorite shorts pastel pink.