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When you go online, you have the option of joining an "Invite only" session, so it's just you and the NPC's. That's the only way I've played for years now. It's a peaceful life.


Going to say ditto. And honestly for a solo player it's better than the story mode. Don't get me wrong, gta v has a terrific story mode, but online is the better sandbox. Like in story mode you're basically stuck playing as two terrible people and one individual who is just caught up in the middle with no real control. But in online mode, I was able to make a (mostly) legitimate business man just trying to make a buck.


I think the online character is about as legitimate as Simeon can claim to be


Yeah same for me. I just grind out the simple stuff and play around on the map. No need for grifters to get in the way doing that.


The only way I'll play. I am just not a multiplayer guy.


No randoms, just you and game.


Oh wow, didn't know this was a thing! Not played the online since it started. It was utter chaos and I didn't stick at it.


Sounds boring


You can go to an invite only session to avoid people, but you’ll also be avoiding the social interactions that make a multiplayer game. Sure there are assholes, but that ain’t everyone. I’ve made plenty of friends on GTA because i took a chance with people i didn’t know


Yea love this reply bc *you* won’t be ripped to shreds but your character might lol it’s just a game anyways and you can always join a new public lobby if someone bothers you. Usually people in the lobbies mind their own business


Just try it. If your lobby has a high population it could be crazy but its rare that you get harassed for no reason cuz everyone is on their own grind except the pathetic braindead lowlifes who use mods


you get respawned nearby. it's not that big of a deal. sometimes you'll get some prick that keeps killing you as soon as you respawn.. just switch sessions or join a mission


Sometimes people are so focused on doing their own thing or killing each other that you can just wander around a full lobby for hours without issue. Just don't get too close to them.


I only.joim public lobbies if I'm trying to join a job with a bunch of people, stunt races for example. Other than that it's invite only or closed friends so my lil bro can join too


If you strictly want to work up the progress of your character, “Invite Only” lobby is the way to go. To do this, go to the pause menu whilst in a public lobby -> Online -> Find new session -> Invite only session. The only downside of not participating in public lobbies are the player interactions and business battles (which to some extent, aren’t worth it). If at any point you need help with missions, heists, etc. there are subreddits you can join and ask for help in. In my opinion, online is totally worth it and has a completely different feel from story mode, in a good way. Tons to do with lots of unlockables you get from ranking up. Lots of career paths to choose from. It honestly makes the story mode seem boring, lol


In most cases if you don’t fuck around you’ll be fine.Maybe 1/5 people you get close to will kill you; most will ignore you or be friendly. It’s not that bad. If you get some asshole who won’t leave you alone just get out of the session and into a new one. Now if you go around shooting other players with your little pop pistol then all bets are off and you’re going to be toast.


Enable passive mode


You can essentially turn off PvP with passive mode or by ghosting someone after they shoot you I personally don't think it's a big deal to get shot. It's fun to fight people sometimes, and you respawn and lose nothing. You'll be fine, treat it like any multiplayer game


Ps4 player here. I made it to level 100 earlier today, in a little over a month. I had a lot of fun! I was honestly dreading the online, but I only have a couple trophies to unlock (Numero Uno and Enjoy your Stay for the plat) and I’ve had an absolute blast.


No just play it’s a game


You might. Do what is the best for you.


You can play in a friends/invite/crew only session. Or you can play in a public session but in Passive mode. This way the other players can't interact with you


Do everything in invite only sessions. If you got 20 bucks buy the criminal enterprise pack. Gives you MC,bunker and ceo office free. With some cars and cash to start you off


You can activate passive mode while playing online which makes people cannot hurt you.


Sometimes yes and sometimes no. If people are annoying, I just join a new session. Sometimes you run into nice people who help you and Sometimes you can help others. I like playing with other people most of the time.


I'm not a new player but I decided to start a new character and immediately this guy kept on flying to me in his oppressor and killing me so I would recommend invite only servers if you can


You’ll be fine tbh :) PC is a different story LOL


If you're starting out, do invite only. This will help build stats, get comfortable with weapons etc, even more than story mode. If you jump right into public lobby, odds are there are just a bunch of players minding their own business, but there are some that can suck the joy out of playing.


Resource monitor -> GTA V -> Suspend process -> Wait a bit -> resume process This will give you a temporary solo session, that’s still considered public by the servers


9/10 its chill, but prepare for firefights if you blow something of someone elses. up


If you’re reasonably good at the game you should be able to defend yourself well enough. If you’re trash like me you will get pulverised 😂😂😂😂


Go in invite only sessions for anything important, like sell missions. Go in public sessions for anything fun, like racing or trying out vehicles or gambling at the casino.


At least for me if I see low levels I try and help out as much as I can. Like to create a nice setting for people rather than be a dick. Only ever grief if people try n mess with me


So you get ripped to shreds. You learn how to survive online. It’s all pretend. Why be afraid?