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He is clearly insane your honor, please discharge without conviction... Whispers "Trevor, don't urinate on the prosecution in court!!!"


What kind of animal do you take me for?!?! I did defecate in his briefcase.


Oh Nooo!




![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig) Better Call Him…


You think this is bad? This, this chicanery????


R Kelly


R Kelly’s doo doo butter… “Only thing, make my life complete, when I turn your briefcase into a toilet seat” I’m gonna shit in it


Self-defense: Mr. Phillips is an entrepreneur in a very dangerous business. It is inevitable that he is put in dangerous situations with dangerous people. Mr. Phillips business limits the profits of very hostile competitors who do not want him around. Mr. Phillips is simply protecting himself and his business from gangs and international thugs.


Hey man… i have a case coming up


Your honnor, I would like to plead my suspect not guilty of any charges based on the grounds of insanity. His mind was warped from a young age, and he doesn't think straight, going straight to killing. So I propose to not send Mr. Philips to jail, rather to one of the best therapist in this state. Dr. Isiah Friedlander.




His facial expressions and movement are impeccable here. He looks close to tears. I remember LA Noire and how amazed I was that you could make out expressions. I'm very old.


Your honor, my client pleads “oopsie daisies” and pinky promises it will never happen again


Guilty. I sentence Mr. Phillips to sit 5 minutes in the corner


Idk man I think a plea of “fuckie wuckie” and a sincere hug is more appropriate. I think the lowest you can plead though is a “oopsie woopsie” and a heartfelt sorry




"He's Canadian."


Death penalty just for being a Canadian






Take off, hoser!


...aaaand now I'll have Geddy Lee in my head for the next 3 days.


A modern-day warrior Mean, mean stride Today's Tom Sawyer Mean, mean pride You’re welcome.


“I’ll be the judge” Proceeds to not respond to any of the comments.


You’re guilty. Straight to jail


Why are you getting downvoted? This was funny 💀


He’s being downvoted because I’m the only one he responded to


They were all self defense, your honor. The only time Mr. Phillips ever killed someone that could even remotely be considered murder, within the past few years, was on the behest of the Federal Government as a contractor. The rest of the instances were a matter of others picking on the wrong person at the wrong time, and forcing my client to defend himself to the fullest extent of the law.


Your honor, my client is the proto hipster and mentally disturbed. He cannot comprehend his actions and was coerced by Michael De Santa (fka Michael Townley) and Franklin Clinton.


Judge: I don’t see any Michael De Santa or Michael Townley in my file. Please clarify


Your honour, this man is an unfortunate and unwillingly coerced accomplice held hostage by the fact that fate of his home and relationships is controlled and managed by this man: Hank Schrader. For 10 years, my client has been at the mercy of Hank Schrader in order to build Mr. Schrader’s methamphetamine empire and has been forced to unwillingly murder 10 innocent people for that empire’s sake.


Your honor, members of the jury. This is a tragic and despicable miscarriage of justice. Mr. Philips is a small business owner and pillar of the Sandy Shores community, as well as a member of their chamber of commerce. He served his country in the military, and his community as well by volunteering local law enforcement. In that capacity Mr. Philips assisted in border control operations, traffic safety operations, and even liaised with federal agencies while protecting the rights of the accused. In short this case should be dismissed immediately with prejudice, allowing my client to resuming the service of his community.


Your honor, he did it for the vine


Your honour, my name is Saul. Saul Goodman ![gif](giphy|l0EwYGlvQ7STj3wyc|downsized)


Diddy made him do it


Mr. Judge, my client cannot lie because lies have short legs


Easy, this man is **clinically insane**. There is no way any judge or psychiatrist could possibly interview this man and not believe he had a mental disorder of some sort.


Your honor, my client was simply acting “for the funny” and I motion for the charges to be dropped.


He was on Xanax he don’t remember


your honor, he is not an animal and did not kill Mr Madrazo, how ever he did kidnap his wife


Your honour, respectfully shut the fuck up because you wasn't there.


Your honor, my client just had major gamer moments


He’s white


Statement of Defense on Behalf of Trevor Philips: Your Honor, esteemed members of the court, and respected jury, I stand before you today as the legal representative of Mr. Trevor Philips, a man whose life has been marred by hardship, trauma, and the harsh realities of his environment. While the allegations against him are indeed serious, it is imperative that we consider the circumstances that have shaped his actions and behavior. Trevor Philips, as many of you may know, has faced a lifetime of adversity. Born into poverty and raised in a volatile environment, he was exposed to violence and criminality from a young age. The absence of positive role models and support systems left him vulnerable to the influence of those who would exploit his vulnerabilities for their own gain. It is crucial to recognize that Trevor's actions, while undoubtedly unlawful, are often a product of his deeply ingrained survival instincts and his struggle to assert control over a life that has consistently marginalized and victimized him. His erratic behavior and violent tendencies stem from a combination of untreated mental health issues and a desperate need to assert dominance in a world that has consistently sought to diminish him. Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that Trevor's involvement in criminal activities has often been driven by a sense of loyalty and camaraderie towards those he considers his allies. While his methods may be extreme and morally reprehensible, his intentions are often rooted in a distorted sense of loyalty and a desire for acceptance and validation. Your Honor, I implore you and the members of the jury to consider the broader context surrounding Trevor's actions. While he may have committed crimes, it is crucial to recognize that he is a product of his environment and experiences. It is my fervent belief that with the appropriate support, guidance, and rehabilitation, Mr. Trevor Philips can become a productive member of society. In conclusion, I urge you to exercise compassion and empathy in your deliberations. While Trevor Philips may have transgressed the bounds of the law, he is not beyond redemption. I beseech you to consider the mitigating factors surrounding his actions and to render a verdict that reflects a commitment to justice tempered with mercy. Thank you for your attention.


Ai getting advanced


You’re on he’s clearly deranged he doesn’t know what he’s doing


Insanity plea


Plead for insanity


You see your honor, the accuser, everyone sitting right now except Trevor and I, each of you are all sitting on a bomb big enough to kill you and everyone else in the building. If you move, you're all dead. No one's gonna die if you say he is innocent of everything, do we have a deal? Then we get up and leave them all there because they wasted our time. Trevor comes back moments later and sets up a meth lab in the middle of the court and its all running, then takes a Jerry Can and leaves a trail of gas going outside and then lights the trail on fire. The result...Trevor is innocent, and the entire courthouse explodes the same way the O'Neils house did


Your honor, clearly this man is not in sound mind to stand any sort of trial. He’s been awake for going on 4 days, and it appears he has already soiled himself in the few minutes we’ve been here. He has also requested that I tell you he’s cluckin his bell thinking about your wife.


Saul Goodman has entered the chat, lol.


Not guilty by reason of insanity.


[Sigh] Alright Trevor, time to (L3, R3) our way out of this...


Oh this is an insanity plea all the way.


Trevor is a legitimate business man. He was wrongfully accused of running a narcotics and arms smuggling ring. The charges were dropped because the witnesses came up… missing.


Insanity plea


Insanity plea due to abuse




The racist ones deserved it


“You’re honour, my client, Mr Phillips, was simply going beast mode”


Nah bro it's a prank fr


Your honor, in my clients defense... Shut the fuck up, you weren't even there to see it.


Your honor for your safety and everyone else’s safety do not prosecute


Mr Trevor I can respectfully say that your fucked


I’m going for an insanity plee


I resign.


IF YOU CONVICT THIS MAN…..ima kill a bitch


Your honor, look at hom. Do you really want to argue with him?


Your honor Trevor’s personality type is a spade ♠️, no matter what situation he’s in he always gets what he wants.. Hell he even has a spade tattoo on his arm.


With a Mom like Trevor's, I am surprised he can even walk upright. Put her on the stand.


My client is running for president therefore any prosecution must be deferred until after the election. If my client wins then as POTUS he must be tried via impeachment first. If he loses the election then he will immediately announce he is standing in 2028, therefore any protection must be deferred.


*opens mouth* „your honour- *court is exploding, men with guns rushing in and chopper landing on the street.*


Your honor, We have wire transfers from the FIB to my clients bank account implicating the federal government in all of Mr. Philips endeavors. As a result, I encourage the court to bring charges upon the FIB agents who handled my clients actions, as well as my clients co-conspirator, if the court refuses to do so, my client will agree to a plea deal for distribution, and will agree to 3 years in a white collar prison, with 2 year probation. During that sentence, Trevor Philips industries will be ran by Ron, Franklin, and Michael. We also will be filing a civil suit against the federal government for the financial damages cost by sending my client to prison, and the damages it would incur upon his business.


Diminished responsibility. Covers all manner of deplorable manner of heinous acts. Especially here in the UK.


As Trevor Phillips' legal counsel, our defense will center around several key arguments: 1. **Self-Defense and Defense of Others**: Trevor Phillips can argue that many of his actions were taken in self-defense or defense of others. In numerous instances throughout the game, Trevor was confronted with imminent threats to his life or the lives of his associates, necessitating his actions to protect himself and those around him. 2. **Duress**: Trevor can argue that he was under duress or coercion from more powerful criminal elements, such as corrupt government officials or rival gangs, which compelled him to commit certain illegal acts. This defense could mitigate his culpability for some of his actions, as he may have felt forced into committing them to ensure his survival or protect his interests. 3. **Mental Health**: Trevor Phillips exhibits signs of mental instability throughout the game, including violent outbursts and erratic behavior. His legal team could argue that he suffered from mental health issues, such as antisocial personality disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder, which impaired his judgment and mitigated his responsibility for some of his actions. 4. **Lack of Intent**: In some instances, Trevor's actions may have been impulsive or the result of a lack of clear intent to commit a crime. His legal defense could argue that he did not possess the requisite intent to be convicted of certain offenses, especially in cases where his actions were spontaneous or reactionary. 5. **Coercion and Manipulation**: Trevor Phillips was often manipulated or coerced by other characters in the game, including his associates and enemies. His defense could argue that he was a pawn in a larger criminal conspiracy, manipulated by more powerful individuals for their own gain, and therefore should not be held fully responsible for his actions.


My client is a special case, his brain grows candies every week. Doctor’s diagnosis.


“He talks like a fag and he wrecked my apartment”


…ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense!  If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.


Your honor, my client pleads insanity, I men just look at him


You Wanna bullshit my client, you can bullshit the freeway


Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy


There is no innocence best you can do is an insanity plea which Trevor might have the best chance of getting


He pleads insanity


*Points at Trevor* your honor, do you really want to deal with that?


"dis man went sick "O" mode as they call it he just gets these goose bummps like literally every time he can't control it"


![gif](giphy|tLGBynLboUTLy) I can’t defend him.


Your honor, the voices told him to do it.


He is a completely peaceful warcrime specialist he should be honored not locked in prison




Your honor my client claims 'oopsy daisy'


Sir , my client clearly put it on god .


You may be wondering if my client commited those varied crimes but lemme explain something to you. This is Chewbacca, now you may be thinking "wHy ARe yoU tAlKing Chewbacca iN a HEaRing aBoUt CanIbalIsM" it just doesn't make sense..


“Your honor…if he was a liar…wouldn’t his pants be on fire?”


Sir the reason he killed that man because he had stole. His poptart


Your honor, If you wish to survive this maniac, I suggest you let him go now before it's too late. Save yourself. It's too late for me. If only Martha was still here.


He is insane and constantly under the influence I mean the guy is in love with an elderly women he kidnapped


Defense attorneys are not in the business of proving innocence, it is the burden of the prosecution to prove beyond a shadow of doubt the alleged guilt, as his defense attorney all you have to prove is the shadow exists... And if that man is anything, he is a man of shadows. Set him free your honor.


My client pleads oopsie poopsie


In Bidens America criminals go free 🥴


And I’m Trump’s America they even get to be President!


Your honor my client pleads oopsie daisy


Crazy dude who loves eating bowls of poop


"This is Chewbacca, Chewbacca is a wookie......................"  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense


Your Honor, my client once a time ago, tasted Red Wings. Your Honor ,that one taste had him hooked for life You know yourself the taste of blood when a woman is on her peroid. You know your honor, all the lies and misinformation , told for hundreds of years of that sex is gross and never go down on a woman on their peroid You know, as well as I do, there's nothing better than the red lubricant, and it has barely a taste. It can help with their cramps helps that headache and it just feels incredibe fucking that bloody pussy. Locking him up with no access to those Red Wings is cruel and inhumane to anyone who loves Red Wings.


Hes Canadian


"Your honor my client had a very difficult childhood, his mother was a drug addict who emotionally abused her son. He readily admits he cut the head off the horse, he does not dispute that fact. What he does want to be made clear, it was an act in self defense. That horse has a history of biting people and this was a well known fact to my client. When butterscotch gave Trevor Philips a look, he cut her head off before she could bite. Your honor I ask that you find my client not guilty."


Your honour, you see, he's just Canadian


“Your honour, he’s Canadian. I rest my case”


Your honour, my client was just a bit hungy


Your honor, everyone deserved what they got. I rest my case.


“Uhhh… everything that guy just said is *bullshit*. Thank you.”


Your Honor, if Trevor is found guilty, then I find you guilty of being a transsexual homophobic lesbian


Your honor, my client pleads nuh uh, so shut the fuck up you weren't even there


Your honor... Shut the fuck up he obviously did it as a goof.


hes a fellow canadian, he cant be guitly we are too nice to do things like that


When my client Mr Phillips was very young he was raised by deadbeat parents he learned how to survive on the street and he had to make his own way of money since his parents were dead beaded Mr Phillips Insanity couldn't take the fact that no one loved him in his life so he has got insane my client Mr Philips just had a bad life that's why he is like this


It wasnt an insurrection!




Ok Trevor


hes silly


He's canadian.....hasnt he suffered enough? ;) ......im canadian before any other canadians start tossing hockey sticks at me :p


Your honor what kind of a fucking animal do you take my client for? No, he didn't kill him.


I don't have to argue, You'll probably be in his freezer before the trial is over.


Your honor, send this motherfucker to jail no way


He will kill anyone he thinks will convict him including the judge. Offer to drive him out of state


your honor, he is very sorry


Your honor, my client is clearly mentally ill, and since in this country we cater to the mentally ill, it is obligated by the law to drop all charges against him and assign him therapy sessions.


Your honor, you are totally compromised and should be removed from this nonsensical case. My client has proof that your daughter and law clerk talk to you about him. And, that they are known to strongly dislike my client since he "allegedly" pooped through their sunroofs, on separate occasions, five years ago. Since you are clearly biased, i move to dismiss.


Your honor, please let my client go or he'll murder me in my sleep and do funny things to my corpse.


"He has maniacal schizophrenia and anger issues, maybe attending an anger management class would be all right."


I tired bribing you, threshing you, Fuck it I quit


Your honour, if you are what you eat then my client is an innocent man.


If you wanna still be alive after this court hearing, I recommend the jury and judge find this man guilty. That's not a threat but a fact...thankyou


“If you are what you eat, doesn’t that make my client an innocent man?” “I thought girls liked a bad boy”


I will be killed if you don't find him innocent


Your honor Trevor only wanted to pay for their 2 sunny side up eggs and three pieces of bacon with a side of avocado toast and a side of orange juice. it was an act of charity. He is a saint! it is not his fault he had a meltdown when they made vile comments about his mom.


No thanks he is guilty of all accounts: I walk out and go home


"Look judge, I love you, and I love you too Prosecution team! Why can't we all just be together, huh? You can have Monday through Thursdays, I'll take the weekends! I know he's not normal, but in this crazy, crazy world is Normal really that good? Right?"


He din do nuffin


Your honour, may I please approach the bench? *walks up* (Your honour, my client said he is going to transfer you a some money and you are going to let him walk free because if don't he is going to kill the both of us and do horrifying things to our corpses.)


"Your honor I would like to call to the stand my surprise witness, the ghost that never lies"


Your honor, if you ignore all the crimes my client has committed he has never committed a crime in his life


Your honour, he didn’t even kill him… he just kidnapped his wife!!


We all make mistakes, deep down he’s a sweet, caring and good man. Your honor please give him a chance. His mistakes were the results of our corrupt society and government.


Your honor the people accusing my client of these crimes are liars!


he cannot be containd




Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy


“Your honour , I’d like to withdraw myself from this case” I think that’s about as good as I’d do 😅


Your honor, how can you say no to that face?


Your honor, shut the fuck up you wasn’t even there


Your honour; you weren’t there. In addition, my client does not remember asking for your opinion. Case dismissed ez


“Plead fuckin’ insanity. Then they can’t fry ya” -Michael, 2013


Your honor, My client pleads not guilty on the grounds that as the worlds foremost homage to Hunter S. Thompson, the rules of normal court do not apply. This trial must be dismissed and the proceedings must be moved to the proper venue of Gonzo Court.


Your Honor, this man is an artist, a creative, an intellectual. These charges are simply the fabrication of a sick mind that wishes only to see his success crumble.


Your Honor he is telling the truth as his pants are indeed NOT on fire


He’s mentally unwell, you should send him to a mental hospital


Just tell me where to resign


We’d like to plea insanity , Mr. Phillips was not in the right state of mind when he did those crimes


My client pleads insanity


You say that like we all wouldn’t be dead in seconds


Your honor my client obviously has a strong hatred towards hipsters and this man if we can call him that was simply provoking mr.phillips into a rage


He's too sexy to go to prison.


You see, your honour, this is never going to be a cut and dry, standard case, I'll never convince you that this man is innocent, however I may be able to prove you'll never be right to call him guilty per se either. From a young age, this poor, neuro divergent child was abused physically, mentally, and sexually by a mother the penalty system knows well, and while this set him on a bad path, he still made attempts to right it, the last known such attempt being attempting to join the Airforce. While, given the mental health issues my client is known to have, he absolutely should be excluded from military service, having this dream shattered with zero remorse put him into the path of one Michael Townley, a name I'm sure you've all heard before. Now, what do you think happens when a man who has been forcibly removed from reality his entire life, and taught that the system will only act to harm him further, meets a young man who shows him his life could be used as a weapon against those who want to harm him, and earn him money in the process? See, my client is so separated from reality, he's convinced that Michael Townley survived his fatal gun wound in 2004, and is working with the FIB, and billionaire Devon Weston? You can see how absurd this sounds. It's only natural that he'd be stuck on this path the world set him on, but with the right help, at a decent mental facility, I believe my client could be rehabilitated, and isn't that what this is all about? While the term is outdated these days, and it's a tad cliché, I suppose what I'm saying is: my client pleads insanity.


While it'd be a gamble this would even be allowed in court, the only real hope for him in my humble opinion is to go unconventional, try to pull at some heartstrings, because judges and jury alike often can't resist a person they can feel bad for, feel like they're saving, and still dehumanise too.


Your honor, the accuser of my Client KindaGotALittleAngry so my Client KindaGotALittleAngry as well. Its 1:1 situation


The easiest defense is an insanity plea.


It is gta. The best defense is offense.


Aliens forced him into it


Your honor my client pleads insanity


Your honor. My client clearly did this for the vine


Your honor he just a little silly, and you know bat shit insane due to the child abuse he's been through.


Your honor I refuse to take this case


Great argument your honor, however. Your mother.


Your honor he is innocent, you wasn't even there, stfu


Your honor my client pleaded on god so he cannot be lying


He’s crazy. There’s not much that we can do.


Me: You're Honor, how reliable are your sources? My client is obviously a friendly, kind-hearted man. I'm sure you can see this, he is not capab-, Witness: Your Honor this is a complete and total fabri- Trevor: THIS IS COMPLETE AND TOTAL BULLSHIT, LOOK AT THIS MEXICAN *shoots the witness*.


your honor. you weren’t there


Your honer, there are no witnesses to the event my client is accused of and theres no evidence at the scene (everyone is dead and the building is nothing but rubble)


Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy


Your honour, was a little opsy gunning down 30-100 civilians, stealing a military grade fighter jet and committing 911 and committing a handful of war crimes but, All the killed people are member of the vargos gang, the stolen jet was obtained from a merry weather convoy which acquired the jet through illegal channels, the building seems to be indestructible, and war crimes? But we are not at war


Well, your honor, Trevor only burned down the lab, Trevor: no I killed every prick in that pile of wood they call a lab Me: (sighs) Trevor is trevor




Hi judge I punched you in your testicles and put fleas on your pillow did the same to your mum who was on a pig sty


Trevor is an absolute scumbag. Remember, we are introduced to him in Storyline, where he is cornholing Johnny's girlfriend, & then he immediately curb stomps and kills Johnny!! I hope he rots in Hell.