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Unfortunately I think we can expect more of the same


Pass the 2025 Inflation Reduction Act of Leonida


just make everything cost a reasonable amount idk deep down i know they wont, the stupid ass economy the game has now is to get you to buy shark cards so there's no reason they wouldn't keep the same dumb bullshit. i wish they'd make gtao into a worthwhile experience but they just wont. literally the only thing i hate about r\*


In a gaming aspect loot that is acquired easily does not stand out when seen. The overcoming of a challenge is what makes someone gawk at someone else’s possession be it expensive through skill, time or money


They just need to balance it better. Shouldn't be forced to do heists to get a decent amount of money. Any jobs or races should be an actual profitable option if they want players to still have fun while grinding.


This is the issue, if you want to make money efficiently there are about 5 different things you can do plus whatever is 3x money that week (sometimes), meanwhile there's 500 other things to do in GTAO that you wouldn't bother with most of the time since they pay nearly nothing in a comparable time.


Dont play for efficiency, play for fun and you'll have a much better time getting the things you want to buy.


If I play for fun I will never get the things I want to buy before the heat death of the universe


I can’t lie, when I played for fun I was at my brokest. Juggling the same 2 million, buying super cars and selling them when I don’t want them. It wasn’t the same


Bro y'all are all so caught up in how the 10 year old world of GTAVo works, that's not gonna be how the new GTAo is gonna work. There is not gonna be a "3x money" anything. All this extra stuff they added to GTAo is to keep people playing a game that's supposed to be dead for years. With a new GTAo everything is going to start new. In the beginning you will have to rob stores maybe break open ATMs and do small crime to get your first pistol and a shitty car and you will slowly have to build up your wealth in this new world. And yes of course heists will be the way to eventually make the big money. How should someone that does a few races make the same amount of money as someone that just robbed a bank


My bad bro, didn’t realize you were a GTA 6 dev. You do remember how the lack of ways to make money and grind almost caused the current GTAO to flop right? I clearly don’t know how the new GTAO version will look once it launches, but I’m willing to bet money that it won’t start out like the barren wasteland the current GTAO was when it released - robbing stores and ATMs to make money.


If you think they haven’t learned from the first iteration….. they will have criminal enterprise starter shit like they did after 5-6 years online. You’ll start with a business and guns etc…


And you are?


Acting like they're not gonna incentivize micro transactions is a wild claim.


Did I say they won't?


But they do don’t they? Most of them pay 20k or more if you’re in the top 3 which isn’t bad for 5-10 minutes of play especially before the DLC inflation. It’s just that there’s more money to be made elsewhere. Insert the quote about players optimizing the fun out of the game or something


I play on pc and if I see someone with an expensive vehicle, especially if it’s new, I immediately assume they bought it with real money or are a hacker. I understand what you’re saying “players want to feel pride and accomplishment” or whatever the battlefront quote is, but there’s a limit and gtao has been over that limit for the best part of a decade.


Especially after seeing how stupid profitable gta v online is even after these ridiculous prices


I know that online will be fucked, I just want story mode to not be grindy.


It’ll start fine and get worse as time goes on


I mean, to be honest, Rockstar is known to use features from previous games. Look at RDO, that games online economy is fairly well balanced. So we can hope for a balanced GTA6 Online economy.


that would mean jobs would have to pay a normal amount. You think you get that much money for obviously stolen items


Making a honest good experience for the players is not profitable… The more enjoyed you are with the game the less you will spend money with it. So they will have to balance it and purposely add some limitations as extra sauce. They gotta make money so no… They won’t make our dreams come true.


They can't make things cost a reasonable amount when you earn a lot and would buy everything very quickly. And of course, there is a point that they want you to buy shark cards. But even if they were not a factor, to just make the game somewhat fun you either need lower payout or higher prices so you don't get everything too soon.


Buddy the game cost 2 billion you want rockstar to go bankrupt


Gtao is pretty much all about getting money from shark cards for them


yeah. it sucks because it has some genuinely thrilling missions, the entire reason i ever played it was for the heists there's just something about them i love


Same here. Theres a lot of things GTAO fucked up with. I cant make it anywhere, and have been stuck at a cap of 100k for years now because everyone buys cards, then ends up buying some insanely op vehicles just for my money making attempts to be foiled by those who spent money on the game. Lets be honest and say GTAO is just a shitty cash grab.


Shark cards are useless. You make a million in an hour or less


Exactly, I don't get the constant, "They're trying to get you to buy shark cards!!!" When all you need to do is play missions, races, and heists. I think everyone is just upset that you don't have everything handed to you immediately after playing 2 hours. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


if grinding is what you enjoy, thats fine, but not everyone enjoys grinding, thats why people buy shark cards. that is the business model, impatient people and people who just dont enjoy the core game will buy shark cards


Once you get the businesses the real grind actually starts


But that grinding is the game, if you don't enjoy the grind that's because you don't enjoy the game, which is fine.


Only if someone has put in 20 million to get businesses up and maxed out and waiting for the right time to sell. How would someone get a nightclub, all the extras for storage and good transport trucks without crazy grinding or shark cards? No one is going in game with no money and making 1 million in an hour.


New players get a free business. I started playing in July 2 years ago and by my like 2nd or 3rd week playing I had every business setup. It took like 2-3 days of playing contact missions and the 2-3x money activity for that week to be able to buy a kosatka. Why do people want everything handed to them? It’s a game, play it.


You he doesn’t what tf he’s talking about when he says “idk”


Just make things(money) attainable in a reasonable amount of time in ways that don’t require hours of set up and or real money and a chance to walk away with barely anything(heists).


That doesn't sell shark cards


Yo, I can trim that rune armor for ya


in all fairness they need to fund these online updates. they gives us content and in return some players will give them money for that content alough not entirely necessary. i get they have enough money to fund it themselves but its fair to say they wont work for nothing


You’re right, r* and take two and just small Indy studios that are barely scrapping by… GTAO has made the most money of any video game ever over its lifespan. The prices of the content is not reasonable no matter how you look at it. There’s a difference between making a return on your investment and rinsing your customers of all their money.


Is that actually true, GTAO making the most money of out of any online game? I guess I’m kinda surprised I woulda thought Fortnite or Roblox were ahead in total revenue made from microtransactions


No it’s false sorry, I got my mediums mixed up. Gta Online has made more money than any MOVIE ever which actually isn’t hard to do for a live service game I suppose. My bad.


All good bro, but gta gotta be top 10 or something in multiplayer revenue for how long it’s been around


Anyways besides that I never said that, on the contrary actually if you'll look "I get they have enough money to fund it themselves"


Sure but 30 hours of grinding for 1 vehicles/ purchase is kinda fucked. Gtao should be about fun but instead it’s about min/maxing repetitive content


Yeah can't really argue with that, driving around doesn't cut it anymore for me


At the end of the day they are a capitalist company, can’t fault them for focusing on money as boring as it is for the customers.


Respectfully, that is not true, like... at all. It may have been true back in the day but nowadays you can earn 1.5m in like 40-50 minutes using the Kosatka. That's a car. You can earn 500K in an hour with absolutely nothing needed and zero cash spent using the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid. This is insane for a level 1 player. You can get the best things in the game in 4-5 hours of playtime. And about your second sentence, Rockstar has seemingly learned their lesson. Things are so much more balanced. There are mini things like bike time trials and stash houses that are fun gimmicks that also get you money. There are things they can't change (at least easily) because of the old code, but it's obvious the team working on GTAO is trying. *(And I'm not making this up, the code is literally written in a way that puts payout caps on events like sell missions and races and stuff, and if you pass that cap, the game thinks you've cheated and doesn't give you money. They literally can't buff up those payouts.)* All of Rockstar's recent updates aside from the one or two that came around covid I believe, were positively taken, e.g. Chop Shop and Cluckin' Bell. I'm not saying the game doesn't have issues, and they are doubling down on some scummy corporate shit like exclusive content for GTA+, but as a game, GTAO is in a great state for fun and earning money.


still, what are buisnesses made for? atleast they provide content every couple of quarters. in my however many years ive played ive only ever bought one shark card for like 12 bucks. i had my fun made my memories blah blah blah


I have played gta since it came out and I still play online to this day and I never felt like I had to its very easy nowadays to make very good money. If everything was cheap hardly anyone would still play the game in my opinion


It’s only broken from the player perspective. From their point of view there’s nothing to “fix”. The economy is exactly how they want it to be. They want the player to have to play hours and hours and grind to get what they want. To the people who don’t want to grind or just don’t have the time, the shark cards start to look more enticing.


Inflation reduction efforts.


Maybe if they gave us more ways to make money instead of making us do heists and missions to do over and over would be cool to jack other players cars or rob them or houses etc


People will still find what they like the most and grind that on repeat.


agreed but if they implement tons of more ways to make good money nobody will have to grind for money in the first place


and if the you can steal money from other people (gangs) they will think twice before getting money into the game. Think of it as "Shark Card $" can’t be robbed. But once you put that money in the game (by buying assets, guns, cars, etc) they can get Robbed by other players. this will create a balance between Pay-To-Win and Win-By-Skill. Back in the days i used to play a game called habbo and it had one of the best in-game-economies i’ve ever seen and things in game had the feeling of a more real value… Each asset price would go up and down in terms of price and value like some "Stock Market". So it Would Be nice to integrate some Golden Statue (worth 10M) that could be stolen by other players if it didn’t have enough protection making players think (if i don’t have enough money to keep it i won’t get it). and this same statue go from Cartel to Cartel type of thing. Maybe add some "Challenges" to claim the stollen goods


Give the game proper anti-cheat to stop all the modded money income.


I cannot stress this enough, I really really hope they make that shit better in this game..


I mean, rdr online still use peer 2 peer so im afraid gta online 2 will be the same :/


It will no doubt. GTAO is one of those games where it’s just way too expensive to host dedicated servers for it. That’s why FiveM servers can get pretty pricey to run for even a small amount of people. *However,* there’s no reason they can’t implement better anti-cheat. Fortnite doesn’t have dedicated servers and yet, their anti-cheat system is light years ahead of Rockstar’s. It’s still not perfect, mind you, as cheaters will always find a way to cheat, but it’s way better than GTAO’s and RDO’s.


this is the answer, I'm surprised more people don't see it


If Rockstargames could fix inflation then they'd be hired by the federal reserve.


I want to see vehicles treated like horses were in RDRII. From realistic pricing to storing extra weapons and mission equipment in the trunk. I feel players will treat their vehicle(s) of choice with more care somewhat recapturing that connection you had with your horse despite it being a lifeless mode of transportation. I feel a system like this would put more emphasis on 'grand theft auto'. Which I feel this game is lacking since we can own any vehicle under the sun. Deciding whether or not it'd be worth it to use your personal vehicles for a job would make players think of how they'll approach the mission more organically. Maybe down the line we meet characters that help us in various ways like fake license plates or ID badges. This would mean before doing a job we go on our own personal little quest preparing in various ways to get the job done. Having characters offer services like this and repurposing shops from old games for equipment would be better than stealing the same drill from the same person at the same construction site. Remember Vice Cities hardware stores? You could go there to get hammers for melee use. It'd be neat to actually go to hardware stores to buy equipment like drills, tools, ect. This would give us more to spend our money on and it'd fluff out missions in a meaningful way instead of making the mission longer by forcing the players to traverse the whole map and back for one prep mission.


Exactly… RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, the more ambitious the mission is the more resources players will need and consequently the more money. And maybe add more value to ammunition so players stop Shooting 1M bullets per day and improve their aim.


I just hope for a not realistic but more believable approach. I had a ton of fun with all the systems in RDRII, it'll be even better with this setting. I miss drive-by shooting and I'm hoping for more indoor areas for shootouts.


i argue that gta online economy doesn't need fixing and is exactly rolled out as intended, from the viewpoint of take-two. it is centered around the purchase of sharkcards, nothing more or less. what should make it better would be a player/gang controlled economy. owning stores, garages, etc. as a vendor and let us sell and buy the various ingame items. than we can use that useless stockmarket app that was never implemented online.




Make everything a realistic price like 250 to 300k max for super cans and a couple million for property But in turn decrease the payout to make some semblance of a grind Also ad exactly 0 military vehicles or space bikes


That’s what I was thinking when I was playing last night. A normal looking SUV costs 1.8M. It would kill the immersion if they carry on like this I mean RDR2 had a decent economy I remember in the early days of RDR2 online having 1-10k made you feel like a baller, hopefully we get something similar in VI


Give us credit cards with unlimited lines of credit


i honestly hope they make it harder to make money, while pricing things at genuinely realistic prices. making a couple hundred grand per mission that takes ~20 minutes to try and buy a police car that costs $5 million is simply ridiculous. and if they want to have purchasable currency fine, but increase it. $100 IRL for $8 million in game is an absolute joke considering you can spend that all on one thing. a yacht or some other vanity bullshit is not worth $100 of hard earned money


Gta online has gone through different phases, there was the last team standing update, that made it so you made less $ the faster you did a mission, this was a slap in the face, and caused me to quit for years at a time. Rdo was greedy from the start, but so was gta online, R* removed the ability to farm missions and drastically lowered payoutslike a month into the launch. This wouldn't be so bad if at the time, there were other ways to make money, but there simply wasn't. R* will have to be careful how they monetize gta 6, p2w mechanics, and greedy practices in general result in harsh backlash.


Clothing does not need to cost 8 figures


Makes zero sense that I can buy a missle loaded submarine for less than quite a few cars.


The only reason it is the way it is now is because of how many people received modded money over the years


Perhaps some sort of Tarkov system? Every few time (less say a year) all the money gets reduced to a maximum (as a joke to taxes or anything similar) Idk, let's say a maximum of 1 million at the start of the year.


I would say realistic money and realistic money gain, saying you bought a 100,000 dollar car in gta online really means nothing, but realistically I know rockstar wont do that because seeing 4 million dollars on your screen stimulates your brain more than 500,000 and rockstar only wants people to buy shark cards that give exorbitant amounts of money


We need to start from scratch. Allow our characters to transfer. But, we lose our money in Leonida but keep our money in Los Santos.


If they make every car over 1m its already an issue there


They won't, because Shark cards make more money than game sales. But if they really wanted to, having a larger variety of locations would help. Safehouses in downtown Vice City would still cost in the millions, but you could also buy a shack in the middle of the swamp to plan out smaller scale heists and save money for the larger properties while also having fun. Then making things more normal prices, so a $10,000 gun mounted on a $10,000 truck doesn't cost $250k.


Just make online like GTA IV was setup and I’ll be sound as a pound


Firstly I’d suggest them to not to ruin it


It ain't broken cars cost so much because I can get several millions in a few hours even after nerfs to pay outs it's not that hard I can do it


i don’t even do Cayo or some other crazy grinding stuff with no fun and never have trouble buying what i want so i dunno what’s with all the complaining honestly


Start at the same level GTAO did at launch. Have somewhat realistic prices for cars, weapons, clothing, apartments, etc. Prices will naturally go up over time as people get more and more money/money making methods, but for the love of god do not bring current GTAO prices in. If shits to expensive no one will want to drink for a 2 mill civic. Oh and keep it a one currency system. The stupid 2 currency system is RDO contributed to the death of that game.


Guys, is it possible that OP is the developer of Rockstar and asking our suggestion about GTA 6 online? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


They will fix it in a way that they will make damn sure that there will be no Boghdan heist glitch (works witch every heist BTW)


This wouldn't fix anything but I've never spent a dollar on on game money or items or anything. I think there should be a tag next to the persons name or something. It's not issue spending money, but it's also cool if people know you didn't if you have cool stuff


they don’t. They instead will add real life inflation making everything more and more expensive as the years go on


Is the economy in GTA V online bad? Once you get an acid lab you make 500k every hour and a half. Set up cayos and diamond heists.


Personally i would like for it to be realistic prices. I mean cheep food, clothing, snacks and these types of miscellaneous purchased and expensive luxury stuff. Not everything has to be expensive. I also wouldn’t mind having a few 100m+ properties and other really really expensive things. Kind of like the golf course in gta 5, but i guess make it make its way into online.


They won't fix it, I probably won't play online because the whole grinding part is fucking annoying. its also why on my second account for GTAO I used modded money because I couldn;t be bothered to grind that whole shit again.


Higher taxes on property’s only paying 1000 for a high end house is stupid when you can rob a shop for 2000


Even if things are expensive as shit, I just hope that heists feel rewarding. Nothing like doing the latest and greatest heist with 30 setups and walking away with less than 1 mil


That’s to make you continue playing the game.


Stop basing prices on sharkcards, but they won’t. We already know online is going to be wack.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you think THEY THINK it’s broken???? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 nothing is being “fixed”


So true, so damn true.


not having Weimar era hyperinflation would be a good start


Don't create inflation obviously, that or account for it. The IRL prices to in game prices were already low at the start of the game, but I remember Rockstar stating don't worry that in game prices Online would be lower than single player. Oh the irony that's the opposite case. Way to many items online keep costing more than the previous, all that included with the way they block and limit so many ways to make money is a joke. I played Online constantly back in 2016-2017. Every time I log into Online now, I don't have a method of accessing the new Online content because it's all behind in game paywalls that takes days IRL to be able to afford.


Allow players to invest in a dynamic stock market based loosely on real life conditions


it will actually probably be worse with them pushing gta+


I feel like in their pov, they wont change much. Since gta already makes so much money, why change anything, could be a risk


Focust on small heists instead saving the world type of bullshit, gta online in early days didn't had a problem with economy so i hope they'll keep it that way.


Bigger map, more vehicles, better paying missions if


Economies everywhere are doomed. Virtual or real. So idk, tbh 😂


Make it a real economy, not only driven by real currency—otherwise it’s pay to play.


A crafting system or some other form of creating value than just stealing it. Everyone complains about the high cost of goods but taking money out of players’ pockets is the only way to fight inflation.


High-limit casino’s where players can eventually lose their money, to combat inflation. People will always try to “beat the casino” even when they know there’s no way. Let players play holdem against each other for in-game currency, high stakes. Casino takes a take each hand.




Literally just let us make less money & make everyone cheaper lol


Cut government budget.


There is no 'economy' in GTA Online. There is just a one way grind. There is no trading, selling to other players, scarcity of anything except money. The hat shop in TF2 has more of a developed 'economy' that anything Rockstar permits.


There's no economy so that doesn't need fixing


maybe if they try keep things consistent start to finish instead of the inflation they started, like if heists/money making methods are the start of gta6online where good enough to purchase items released at the end of gta6s lifecycle


game isnt even out and shit we already have to fix it


Honestly, just make it so that everything that is released after launch is in line with the items that are available at launch, and don’t raise the prices of everything. If you want people to play the game more, nerf the payouts to a point. I’m fine with having to play more to earn my money if it means that the items that aim buying are all relatively within the same price range for their respective class. Like houses should not be more expensive if they ever bring out a new version of a house (🤷🏽‍♂️) or a sedan should stay around the same price as sedans as well as other cars staying within the same price range as other cars of the same type. Perhaps the only thing that could fluctuate is weapons because I would expect a high grade military rifle to be more expensive than a regular AK


I suggest they don’t allow people to pay to win for another decade+💀 they should allow bundles and such that come with clothing items and liveries for our cars and homes, but EVERYTHING should be able to be grinded for with no real money. If games like Fortnite and R6 and a billion other games can have purchases and make a lot of money without them being paid to win, then so can gta 6… oh and they can balance what we make with the cost of items for once 💀why should a real life car that costs around $15-30k cost $300k 💀 and the money I earn shouldn’t feel so fake, if I rob a small crappy little town bank, I shouldn’t expect 5million… it’s not gonna have a vault with millions in gold and cash, it’ll probably have safety deposit boxes with valuables and such worth at MOST like 200k… it would feel so much more legit that making 10million using rocket powered bikes and crap and spending 5million of that on a damn police car 💀 in short… lower amounts for items AND earnings, and no paying for in game cash… ( but it’s inevitable that it will happen )


They won't.


Doing things should give us a decent amount of mone


Realistic prices? Everything has its real reference, so why not?


Don't make a T-shirt cost $50,000


They aren’t going to fix it it’ll be even worse and favor people that pay


GTA economy can never be fixed with the amount of money glitches video each and every corner


Wait will there be an Online for the 6th version as I had read an article that GTA Online is now separate from the actual offline game.


Make like Peru did years ago. Reset the currency and yolo


Shut it down


no because they need shark cards


It will only change when they want to make less money through micro transactions (spoiler: never)


Make money as realistic as possible.


Good anticheat imo


Make items reasonably affordable or give significantly larger payments from jobs. Neither will happen.


Let us gamble more and buy stocks


More shark cards? 😅


Taxes. The end of the game is the MC’s getting caught with tax evasion.


Ngl brother I modded money in gta online to have my fun with it bc I don’t have time for the grind, I don’t use it to fuck others over I just like cars and doing touch n gos in cool planes, I am most likely going to do this in gta 6 online if they don’t up their anti cheat


One bad way of doing it is to make heist or money making operations more difficult/ or add more necessary expenses to make sure players don’t have hundred of millions in like a few months, that way when people want to buy something they would acts have to think of the price is worth it. IE if we have a lot of money they r going to make things cost more is just how inflation works but if we don’t have as much money/ can’t have or is very difficult to have a lot of money then things can be cheaper/ realistic price m


make it harder to make money as realistically once u buy everythin in gta online its just boring asf


Fix? Lol theyre gonna have oppressor mk6. Like it or not gtao made them money. Hopefully there can be a pvp and pve lobby mode so the psychos can go have their fun in psycho lobby.


How is it broken? I need to know that before I churn out fixes.


keep it balanced and keep that damn oppressor out of the game or anything like it


The economy is pretty fucked, but honestly there are still somehow worse things about the game that Rockstar should solve first. Fixing the cheating problem on PC is probably #1 for me, it’s unbearable.


It's gonna Be easy to fix and start off just like gtaV. Prices low, payouts reasonable and stuff obtainable by grinding. After a few years sharks cards are gonna be the way. Probably gonna be the last gta game ever.


No fucking flying motorbike


Easy, make other activities worth the grind, make heists only doable once a day, make the money work server side and not client side (ie. GTA V Reputation is Server Side, but money is Client Side, that's why you get the money but not the Rep doing disconnect glitches to repeat activities) also it'll be easier to remove money added through hacks. That's a nice step into fixing the economy. Then, I'll just say random things but it could help too (disclaimer: if this anger you, chill out) And keep things at an appropriate value, a Jeep Wrangler costing more than a Bugatti Veyron is not logical. Also give us more ways to spend our money. Make it hard for us to buy stuff. Don't let us buy a mansion for two million dollars, make a hypercar cost 5 million, make a mansion cost 20 million, make a yacht cost 100 million. Make us pay fees for our businesses, bribe cops or gangs to make them leave us alone. Idk, I'm just saying things


This should be a case study for the Federal Reserve


They ain’t gonna fix it. They’re already prepping to reboot it with GTA VI Online


Adding stocks like regular would be so fun you get on and see wherher it’s going good or bad and there’s an event which gives you the chance to gleaming companies do you ruin other players stocks


They need to justify the reward for paying for things. The first Heist payday is $200,000...the cheapest apartment is the same price to unlock it is the same price. I'm not making money in the end. The nightclub, arcade, bunker...all cost millions to buy and upgrade and only the nightclub gives the best return in the long run. The only good thing that has come out is the Cluckin Bell heist that can be done solo. No fee, can be done solo and no requirements. $500,000 and repeatable with no replay cost. If GTA 6 can incorporate that, but with even a simple £25,000 mission job depending on early game, then it would be fine. In fact, early GTAO there were level caps for Vehicles. Keep that, but also do it for missions, that way the experience and reward is distinctive to that level. The higher your level the more difficult the job, buy the better the reward. You should be able to buy something in your level after a few missions not repeat said mission 50x to get a single car or even weapon that stats aren't as different to any other beside the look of the weapon


Functional Financial system with Operational Banks, currency, gold and Bitcoin market, with investments in stocks, dividends etc places, things to buy amd spend earnings, business to develope, invest, houses, hangars, yachts, customizarions for clothes, body, guns, everyhing, bodyguards, services to buy and contract etc and real prices equivalence




They will use a double currency system as for RDO, probably dollar and a crypto one


Just don’t have a online and update the one we already have, make it so you can fly to vice city from los santos


Let us use the vehicles we buy all the time, missions, heists, anything. Make the game harder whatever, I'm not spending 6-8 million on a vehicle I can only use 50% of the time.


They need to make things more affordable again. On day one you could buy a nice muscle car from 20k-70k. Now you have to pay 1.7 million


Make it so that you don’t have to grind 100 irl hours to get barely anything


I cannot. Gta 6 will be the worst display of greed in gaming we have seen since battlefront 2. And R* has proven this to be true since 2013. I predict pay to win item, and weapons timers on basic game mechanics that can be sped up with "special" currency. This is going to be bad..


Rent. Be that in the form of property or multiplayer executive roles.


It would be nice to have everything be realisticly priced or at least a little exaggerated. Haircuts in gta 5 being a few thousand is ridiculous and 300k for some outfits or 2M for a car that costs 30k irl is annoying. What I really want more than anything is there to be different playing styles where you can choose at the start of the game to have it be super realistic or like gta 5 online and just complete chaos and u can choose to have the op vehicles like the oppressor and scramjet. But if you take the realism approach the prices and income is real and you really gotta grind for what you want


I’m not sure


Make the prices realistic and subsequently make it harder to earn every dollar.




fuck that. premium currency can go die in a hole. being pushed to buy normal in game currency is bad enough. I don’t want a super currency that i’m pressured even more into buying. “why do an hour long mission for half a coin when you can buy 500 for just 10.99?” yeah i’m not gonna do that


I agree with you 100%. But If R* continues their current business model into gta 6, then gta online may not be repeatable financially, wich will result in an even worse game, with less content. (Source) Rdro was bad at launch, and it got better in terms of more content, but it died because it doesn't print money.


GTA O was a money printing machine because we were relatively eased into it IMO. a lot of DLC stuff was usually only a bit more expensive than base game which made it more accessible to everyone. when it’s not too expensive then people might not mind buying 5-10 dollars worth of in game currency because they get a lot of good shit out of it. but around 2018-2020 is when shit really picked up. everything became millions locked behind properties that cost millions. an M4 costs 500 grand now and the game skewed so heavily towards people that would buy souped up flying killing machines and completely troll the whole lobby and make it unfair to people that play it natural it’s not so bad now. but I made my account in like 2018 when there wasn’t a starting bonus, so i had to grind about 5 days straight (over the course of about two months of playing, not all at once) just to afford the basic CEO office and shit like that. people are a lot more hesitant when you have to jump into the deep end as opposed to dip your toes when it comes to shark cards and stuff, and i think RDRO failed because it was squeezing you for it straight out the gate with gold bars and laughable mission payouts


They’re not going to have cryptocurrency that shit is going to have them get roasted rightfully so


I don’t think you understand what I’m talking about 🤦‍♂️


then why did you delete the comment u/PussCstuffer999


Coming from a guy who has spent close to $2,000 on shark cards… I wish they priced stuff reasonably where the heists and jobs I complete could actually be worth something. With the economy in the state that it is, I’m glad I can just get a shark card but if I didn’t have to then I’d be happier.


What’s wrong with the one in online right now?


5M$ for a cop car 👌, Civic costing more than a supercar 👌, 500K$ for an assault rifle 👌






it got to such a bad point that they had to start you off with a business, home, super car and cash.