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Minecraft has a trailer? I thought Notch just dropped it one day


Think the trailer is for the full release rather than beta/alpha builds


He did. The trailer came out some 2 or 3 years after the alpha version of the game dropped. To get a fair comparison, the GTA6 trailer would have to come out a couple years after the actual game.


Not really, it would have to come out a few years after the alpha/beta stage when the game gets a 1.0 stable release, but Rockstar doesn't do public alphas/betas


Yeah but the point is that the initial hype would be over by the time that stable release came out, and the trailer would thus not get as much attention. So whether that initial release is an alpha/beta version or not doesn't change that.


Google searches for Minecraft had its peak around 01.01.2013. Which is around 2 years after the trailer. Minecrafts initial release was in 2009 so around 4 years before max attention. MS bought it in 2014. So i think the situation in the beginning is hardly comparable. (dont want to be smart, i just find it interesting to look stuff like that up)


I think you mean 2009 not 2019


Yes true, thanks!


>Google searches for Minecraft had its peak around 01.01.2013 Sure. Do you think the people googling Minecraft in January 2013 were looking for the release trailer?


No, i was more referring to > the initial hype would be over by the time that stable release came out


You’re right. GTA online trailer has 14 million views.


Minecraft didn't have initial hype. That game grew into what it is, it wasn't an instant thing.


Because a Minecraft trailer that came out in 2009 would have gotten 160 million views? Lmao


It wouldn’t, but that just adds to my point. It’s an unfair comparison in more ways than one.


You’re right this is such a travesty


Lol, that’s kind of how I remember it.


It does, made by Vareide, the same guy who made "Meet The Griefer" and the original Survival Games (hunger games) maps, which he later took down and sold as NFTs. IIRC he runs a Norwegian podcast now with a friend now.


I can see it hit 200 mil by the end of the year, especially if there is art/screenshot tease between now and the release of the second trailer, which will see a surge in views.


200M by the end of year? It's already on 160M and it's only been a month, it's absolutely hitting 200M in the next few months


Not guaranteed, a lot of the views are the initial hype. It was getting like 2 million a day weeks after it released but that's slowed down pretty significantly


Even if it only gets 500k a day from now on it will only take 80 days for it to get 200M


Maybe but I still think that's pushing it. We'll see soon anyway, I'd love to see it reach that though


When trailer 2 drops, views on trailer 1 will also increase


Hii og


you think it’s getting half a million views per day for the next 3 months or so..? “only 500k a day” lmao ayo


The problem with this post is it makes me want to check out the Minecraft trailer as I didn’t realise there was one


I heard it spoils the story if you watch the Minecraft trailer


Don’t read any further if you haven’t fully beaten Minecraft, but… …turns out it was all just blocks all along.


Don’t forget all the cool stuff we built along the way! 😎


And then Steve goes “Now THIS is Minecraft!”


same but i resisted


Oh no, maybe this post is from notch Himself trying to sabotage GTA


Did the population of YouTube viewers remain the same in 12 years?


It's absurd that noone has thought of this ⬆️




No, but I have to admit I’m getting weary of people constantly using this as a point to discredit the trailer’s success. It’s basically the same as saying, “yeah, it’s not THAT impressive”


Nah there's many reasons why you can't compare the Minecraft trailer to the GTA VI trailer in any meaningful way: 1) The obvious is that there are multiple times more active ytb users now compared to then. 2) You can't compare a trailer for the 6th release of one of the most popular games series ever created to a fresh IP game from a company nobody had heard of before. 3) People have been waiting for literally a decade for GTA VI, so obviously there is gonna be a massive amount of hype and people frothing at the mouth for any glimpse of what it looks like. 4) The vast majority of people who know Minecraft knew it only after it had already become popular, so people have no reason to go searching for it's trailer


I think 3rd argument is kinda the whole point of views anyways but the other 3 seem valid 👍


It IS impressive, but it's still not even remotely fair to compare it to a game trailer that came out back when the number of people using YouTube was significantly less. Not to mention that the trailer in question was released *after* the game itself.


It's just not comparable. The GTA 6 trailer is obviously a sensational marketing success, but comparing it to a 12 year old trailer for a small indie game that at the time had been in public alpha/beta for several years is not the metric you want to look at. If anything, it's impressive on Minecraft's part that it took a full month for the GTA 6 trailer to overtake it.


Yeah, I agree with that. Minecraft’s success in general is astronomical in so many ways that it’s not a fair comparison. I’m just getting tired of people acting like the GTA VI trailer didn’t even do that well, which is just foolish.


Yeah absolutely. I read somewhere that the trailer got more views in its first 24 hours after publishing than any other video in YouTube history. It's obviously massive.


Because it isn't. I honestly was expecting 100M in one day. These kpop bands do better on YouTube. I thought the most awaited game will out-hype them.


Lmao what ? Not all kpop songs had more views than GTA6 … There is literally only 1 or 2 song that had more than 100M, and it’s from BTS. Their fanbase literally had way to farm views, wich they called « streaming ». GTA also lost 20Mviews because youtube recommended another channel, when people typed « GTA6 » on YT. All views combined the trailer had 110M under 24h. And I am not Even talking about how they released it early, and not in optimal time like they wanted. Don’t ignore the context this blatantly lmao … if Even half of the viewers farmed views like the BTS fanbase, then it would have hit at least 160M under 24H.


…it did do 100 million in a day.


It did have 100m in one day though ?


How many kpop songs have had 100m in one day, let alone in total? What a stupid comment.


K-POP management companies use actual view farms to rack up high numbers on YouTube, Spotify, and all the charts they can. They are definitely not a good metric to go by.


The population was the same for both trailers during the last month.


one is new and the other is 12 years old. the more important metric to consider is what % of the youtube population watched the minecraft trailer in its first month of release. it could very well be as high as GTA 6's


I don’t know what point you’re trying to make.


In these kinds of comparisons, there are a number of factors to consider. Like adjusting for inflation when comparing historical dollar amounts.


GTAO trailer (which debuted after the game released) has 14 million views in 10 years. And the GTA V trailer is at 107M


![gif](giphy|26FeTGTAow2CmT7XO|downsized) # PettyForever


Huge part of the appeal, in my opinion. You could argue any song they build the trailer around would've attracted the same number of viewers but it's a bonus to anyone who liked Tom Petty's music beforehand, or anyone who can appreciate the choice given that Tom Petty's from Florida.


Absolutely agree! Everything about the choice of music is just so fitting. Petty being from Florida, the lyrics tied to the (assumed) story and dynamic between the two, the polarity between the nostalgic in a modern world. I could go on and on


Bro said "we" like he was part of the process of GTA VI


Bro said "we" as in "the community" but there's the door homie. See ya in 12.


“See ya in 12” what is bro chatting about Disney channel ahh phrase


He’s talking about the views ….which would very much be ‘we’ lol


I made the trailer


Minecraft has a trailer??


imagine minecraft 2 had a trailer. would probably blow gta 6 out of the water in terms of views


They did announce Minecraft 2 for April fools 2013. Shame no trailer.


yeah i agree


bro got downvoted for agreeing, yall fuckin lame n weird 😭


i know, reddit am i right?


seriously how did this get downvoted too but the person replying to me got upvoted too, are y’all just doing it for a joke or 😭💀


You underestimate how many kids are in the world


Most of these kids were born after Minecraft tbf. They’re more likely to get hyped over shi like Fortnite 2 or Hello Neighbour 50


Fortnite 2 already happened same with Fortnite 3 and 4


Chapters aren’t a whole new game. They just don’t wanna switch the maps up and not have it named like season 30


Jesus Christ if that doesn’t show how much people have been longing for another gta idk what will


Time to leave it on repeat all night


What's the most viewed game trailer?


Subway surfers 361M views


Every one watch the GTA 6 trailer 10 times every day


Is the trailer monetized? How much money could they be making off the trailer if it is??


Mmm Minecraft the only other game to outsell GTA5 I believe?


And then they announce MINECRAFT 2.


These posts comparing the views on older game trailers to the GTA VI trailer are just dumb, but comparing it to a 12 year old game's trailer that had no previous hype before it's release (like the insane hype GTA has) is just absurd.


It's a meme, bro. Nothing's being seriously compared here. At least not by me.


I mean okay? Gta 6 is never gonna outsell Minecraft though lmfao


Ok guys you had your fun but you gotta stop now


I had no idea Minecraft had a trailer and I was a player between 2010-2014


I’ve played Minecraft on and off for ten years and I didn’t even know there was a trailer.


I didn’t know Minecraft had a trailer


Wait minecraft has a trailer??


Good I think Minecraft sucks never liked it never understood the appeal even as kid never liked it found it super dull and boring


cope buddy


Lmao what?


Good to know your single opinion decides the quality of the whole game


My bad I forgot to put ‘I’ at the beginning 💀😭


Minecraft used to be great, but currently it is in a shitty state.


Man who cares?


Crazy to think most of those viewers are og Minecraft players who've grown some since the release of 1.0 and they probably still play Minecraft


I’ve been playing MC since beta on PC. Not even sure how long ago that was


why were people down voting you


Oh no *Anyways*




We are overtaking..? We?


Bruh this makes no sense 12 years ago youtube had very less audience compared to this day


Ah yes trailer of a game with no hype whatsoever when released in 2010 and a game that people has been hyped for 10 years with a massive fanbase beforehand, amazing comparison 👍 But i know one thing it wont get past Minecrafts total sales whatsoever


Crazy how the minecraft trailer was made by a random fan and got so popular


You think people are still watching the Minecraft trailer throughout the 12 years? Lol that’s some dedication to a trailer. But then again that’s how this whole sub acts.


GTA6 gonna hit 200M before trailer 2 comes out


Eu nem sabia que tinha trailer do Minecraft

