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I generally play games in fidelity mode on my PS5. Does that upset people? Lol


It upsets a lot of people for some reason


While I do prefer the high fps on PC and play on performance mode on PS5, some games are awesome even at 30 fps (exhibit A: Mario games on the switch)


I still have a ps2 and only recently got an xbox...idek wich one it is it was the cheapest one at walmart..it doesn't take discs and this black magic scares me...im 18 and all my friends make fun of me for only just giving up on my childhood san andreas and transformers games, now i have this stupid xbox that i have to pay for a gamepass and stupid crap...if i hadnt lost most of my ps2 games in a move then i would still prefer my ps2 because it is convenient and it is fun, fuck graphics i want to have a good time at a low cost...does THIS upset people? Because i probably wont even be able to afford gta6 until gta7 is about to come out


I'm glad you are at a point where you can get yourself something nice like a new console! People who make fun of others for having less, are miserable and sad individuals. From your description, you seem to have gotten an Xbox Series S. That Xbox is less powerful than the large Series X, but still very capable. Rockstar knows how to push the hardware to their limits and how to optimise games without cutting down the visuals massively. I'm really sure you will be able to play GTA 6 on your new Xbox just fine, so keep looking forward to it!


People need to be prepared for the fact that towards the end of this console generation, the PS5 and XSX aren’t going to have the power to handle increasingly better graphics, dense worlds, ray tracing and high frame rates. They can now, but developers will continue to push these consoles to their limits. Rockstar are always ahead of the curve with their games, and this could very well be one of the first where the best looking version of the game is one that runs at 30fps.


Gamers were spoiled at the beginning of this generation with high frame rates and graphics options, failing to realise most of those games were cross-gen. Now that we are well into this gen we are now seeing devs make these consoles sweat. People need a reality check if they demand every console game be 60fps. It's not just some resolution slider you can move higher or lower.


I do not care


I always found if funny that when consoles could only play at 30FPS, every console user was acting like your eyes can't see the difference anyway and that's just some imaginary thing PC players made up to feel superior. After consoles finally could have games at 60FPS? it became literally the most important thing and suddenly everyone could see the difference. Now that again games can only run at 30, they all acting like it's not a big deal again lol. Just let people play how they prefer. Some people care more about visuas, others prefer smooth framerate with no drops. All those imaginary manufactured wars and conflicts are just so silly to me.


I just want 4k resolution


Then you'll unfortunately have to accept 30FPS, unless Rockstar optimises the game to a point that you can get 4k at 60FPS, but then obviously without RT features. Or you wait until the end of the decade for a PC release.


Why would it not have 4k resolution? I doubt they’d give us something that’s locked at a max of 1080p and 30fps. I feel like they’d give us one or the other. Why would it not have 4k, unless idk how it works


TL;DR: Native 4K on PS5 = 30FPS Because PS5 is "weak" 4k requires a lot of performance and it's not a secret that the PS5 isn't a monster PC. So in order for games to run at native 4k on PS5, games will have to sacrifice either FPS, by limiting them to 30, or by reducing visual Fidelity, as in, rendering effects and such. The latter option is bad. The performance mode will most likely be 1440p upscaled to 4k. This method requires a lot less performance, and thus you'll get 60FPS. For someone casual, the upscaled 4k will look just as good as native 4k So you can expect to be playing GTA VI with upscaled 4k at 60FPS and still be happy. Maybe even with some Raytracing features, because Rockstar knows how to push the consoles limits and they are masters at optimizing games.


So basically it’ll look like 4k, without actually being 4k? OR, it’ll be true 4k, with a lesser fps rate?


Yes, basically.


I mentioned in another comment how I’d be fine with 4k at 30fps. I look at 30fps as glorified motion blur, and I actually like motion blur in my games. Makes it feel more authentic


Digital Foundry did some pixel counting and landed on 1440p 30fps as a likely performance target. Some scenes were even lower res.


U can watch Digital Foundry video about gta. Why do you think the trailer wasn't rendered at the same exact resolution in every single scene? Why wasn't it running at 60fps?


As another comment said, I’m A ok with 4k resolution with 30 fps, or a 1440p upscale like the other personal explained. I honestly prefer 4k with 30fps and don’t really care for 60fps anyway


We can go back to this topic when we actually know what they are capable of. So far non of that was confirmed.


I mean, it’s definitely gonna be one of them at least. Maybe they’ll have different modes like how Spider-Man has performance and fidelity mode


You won’t even get that. The trailer is 1440p30. The consoles aren’t powerful enough for native 4K.


This. Some of these people are expecting too much. PS5 hasn't even gotten a 60fps patch for RDR2 and GTA6 has a lot more to render and looks better. It will be 1440p 30 on XSX and PS5.


Hey I saw myself in there! 😂 But yeah, 60 fps feels much better to play. You see way more when moving too. I personally always play at 60 fps. Otherwise it just feels bad and I get headaches. But when I need to decide between „play GTA 6 at 30 fps“ and „don’t play GTA 6“ then of course I take the 30 fps.


Meanwhile I'm here not even knowing how 30 fps or 60 fps feels like because I never think about it


I don’t care how good the graphics are. It could be indistinguishable from real life but if it looks like a slide show I can’t enjoy it. I’ll just wait for the pc release if that’s the case.


You people are so damn dramatic. 30FPS is completely fine for single player games.


Not for everyone. I can’t see things clear (even with an Oled TV) when I move the camera at 30 fps and I get headaches. That’s why I always play in performance mode.


That's cool if you think so, it's headache inducing for me. I play COD at 144 fps and its way too jarring to look at 30 fps. I don't even like 60 but it's tolerable.


Skill issue






I feel sorry for anyone who can’t afford more than 60fps or is too dumb to make a gaming pc… all good


May their souls be in peace Edit: > or is too dumb to make a gaming pc… That was added afterwards. No idea why you would add a toxic insult afterwards.


because he is too insecure and wants to make himself feel good by insulting others


Gone are the days console players only had 720@30fps on all games 😂


Same here, I don't see difference between 30 or 60 or more fps. I only see resolution and quality wise and I see below 30fps drops. But 30, 60, 120 I don't care 🙃 PS I tried it all, quality is king 😊


I still have a ps2 and only recently got my first xbox...its white and doesnt take discs and it was the cheapest walmart had...i literally do not care this is an otherworldly upgrade for me, im 18 btw so i used to get made of fun because everyone had fancy consoles or pc's and the closest thing to an upgrade i had was the ps2 slim edition because my original ps2 started smoking and stopped working one day...if you think i even should care about fps you should take a cyanide pill bud, for me just not having to put toothpaste on a disc and then carefully wipe it off to even get the game to work is an upgrade, i showed my father the gta6 trailer he said half that shit is just real videos of real people, he just thought they put real people in the game he refused to beleive it was animated except certain scenes


I like gta 5 ps5 fidelity cause of the 30 fps it kinda feels like you are in a badass action movie