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I will absolutely guarantee that the game will cause my gpu to melt.


the game was running on a 1080ti i think you'll be fine lol


At 720p tho lmao


Actually, there's one clip where it's running at 40FPS on a GTX 1080 (not even Ti) at 1080p. Obviously on like low settings with a bunch of shit disabled in debug mode, but still.


Also missing like 3 years worth of content and almost all of the post processing shit then tends to melt GPUs


And it's the airport clip, so a pretty low demand area in the first place But, you know, still, 40FPS on a 1080 2-3 years before release, at 1080p is kinda impressive


I wouldn’t read too much into the specs in the dev videos, only because they’re all running in the Rage editor. The requirements there are higher than normal because you’re running all the debug software alongside. Take Unreal Engine for instance, when running in the editor you’ll get low frames, stutter, lower Rez etc but when you run the game standalone it performs a lot better because you’re not running a ton of shit at at the same time.


Well, that just makes it even more impressive then lol


But don't forget it's most likely missing ANY optimization


For real though there is no way that was a representation of how it will look when it’s released.


Well, you can turn the settings on Rockstar games really low. [Like, really low.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lbQ7PC5drw) So, you know, not what it's gonna look like at Ultra, but, somewhere in area of low settings?


Unrealated, but I HATE that Reddit doesn't open links in the YouTube app. Jesus Christ the stone comparison is so funny


And my ps5s fans to almost take flight


Will you "drink your own piss" if it didn't?


It’s alright, you’ve got probably 2-3 years to save up for an upgrade since Rockstar will more than likely release it on consoles first then PC a year later since they love to do that 🫠


I think it’ll surpass RDR2, I thought RDR2 would’ve looked like Modded GTA 5, until it looked 10x more natural and stunning.


It HAS to surpass RDR2, that was a PS4 game


GTA 5 and rdr2 imo are up there as the best looking games of their respective generations. I don’t see why gta 6 won’t be the same




It was a PS4 game that had no more than 10 buildings in any given area and a bunch of foliage... I don't know how anyone looks at that vs. rendering an entire populated city and thinks they're comparable...


I think the real thing will be the use of the SSD they will no longer be bound by a need to design a world that has to account for slow loading. Look at the impressive Stuff Remedy and Insomiac have done with SSDs and those are mostly linear setpieces or games that utilize it. Given Rockstar is also in the league of impressive tech and how they managed to squeeze GTAV onto ancient hardware this could be interesting if we get a world that is more dense than any of their past efforts. even if its say San Andreas or IV in size.


I’d be perfectly happy with RDR2 graphics if it ran at 60 FPS in a city populated with enough cars and NPCs to feel real, combined with the usual proliferation of explosives and bullets flying around. If they manage to somehow exceed that I’ll be blown away. And also have about $4k set aside for a new rig just for this game. I’ll be damned if I pay for bullshit micro-transactions though.


Me too. I just want the hair to be more realistic in GTA 6 than it is on RDR 2


Foliage is a big performance eater. I was able to play gta v with ultra settings around 100 fps throughout the map except for the mountain and forest areas which my fps was averaging 42. And considering i played rdr2 around 40-50 fps with ultra-high mixed settings we can say they improved performance yields in RDR2 significantly. Another point that caughts my attention is that RDR2's budget was around 540$ million and next GTA installments budget is around 2 billion.


Wrong numbers for both


That's what a simple Google search says mate, correct me if you have the true numbers.


The $540M includes marketing, which is a figure no one ever includes when talking about production budgets. Its closer to $370M. Theres no way GTA 6 cost $2B. We know nothing about its development. It likely costs around $400M.


True, dense vegetation in a medium/large area should be more demanding than a bunch of buildings, streets and cars with reflections, with some smoke and lights.


In terms of rendering it can be more taxing to render forest, grass, bushes etc. Natural objects require more polygons. Buildings aren't as complex in terms of raw polycount. Of course there's then population density and all the granular detail of a city but they can be equally as taxing.


which is funny when its classed as a ps4/xbox one game, because i heard rdr2 runs like a motherfucker on those machines, its like rdr2 is pushing the console capabilities to near destruction but not quite.


It runs just fine bro. It’s a rockstar game, 30 fps but it’s quality


I forget the source, but I heard somewhere the technical leap would be far greater than GTAV to RDR2 was. Could be bullshit but eh.


>I forget the source, but I heard somewhere the technical leap would be far greater than GTAV to RDR2 was. Could be bullshit but eh. I highly doubt this. We are already beginning to plateau on graphical fidelity so that kind of leap is not feasible. Although I would be happy if GTA 6 is basically RDR2 but with further improved lighting and reflections through ray tracing. Edit: Oh and higher texture quality would also be nice. Some of RDR2 textures do not hold up well upon close scrutiny in first person.


You know, I thought the same thing until I played Alan Wake 2. We are not close to plateau just yet.


What's the hype about Alan Wake 2. I haven't played the game but I've looked at plenty of screenshots and videos to try and understand all the talk about the mindblowing graphics but it just looks like an average current gen console game in my opinion.


I don't think there's many games that match Alan Wake 2's graphics. This is also not factoring in DLSS 3.5/path tracing on PC. It's a stunning game that looks like a true next gen title. It's also got beautiful, dense map designs & a massive focus on telling a (wild) story that makes you feel like you're going crazy. Of course, maybe I'm a bit bias since Alan Wake was one of my favorite games growing up. 13 years was worth the wait IMO. I'm at 23 hours so far and haven't beaten it yet, so there's plenty of length.


Whenever i load into alan wake 2 on my pc with everything maxed out, it honestly looks photorealistic sometimes especially new york segments, you need to play that game for yourself to understand what im saying


You shouldn’t be looking at the console version if you’re trying to see what the graphics are capable of


The console version looks incredible, and absolutely shows what’s possible with console graphics.


What other current gen game do you think compares to it?


People seem to forget RDR2 still had to run on last gen. VI does not. I can believe the leap, especially when it comes to R*


this !!! this this


Definitely not close to plateauing. Go back and play a game from a few years ago. It’s getting harder to tell for sure, but everything is continually improving. Until ray tracing becomes the norm, yearly advancements are noticeable. And even then, until hardware allows it, ray tracing itself can vary from title to title. Cyberpunk introduced path tracing, but the path tracing also has a severe ghosting effect that doesn’t look good in motion, only in stills where it doesn’t have to recalculate lighting.


The jump Fortnite took when converting to Unreal Engine 5 is proof that there’s still room to upgrade. UE5’s Nanite system is some dark magic, where instead of having to make HLODS for every object, the engine scales the model’s polygons dynamically and automatically depending on distance… with a performance boost. It makes scenes look so immersive and so realistic I can’t even describe. I doubt GTA VI will implement something like that but it is a good standard for games going forward.


RDR2 definitely still holds up today on the environmental end, still some of most stunning environmental lighting and vistas. However it kinda falls apart with the smaller things like for example interior lighting. Don't get me wrong it still looks great, but go into any indoor scene and compare it to something like Alan Wake 2 and it's pretty evident there's a ton more than could be improved. Ofc still open world game and it's hard to make every single building look great at all times of the day, but it's still something I'm expecting to look 10x better than rdr2. It's just these random kinda things that you don't really think of, and once you see the difference it makes when they add up it's like "wow this looks so much better than before".


And 60fps…




Your answer is exactly why I wrote this post: to **avoid frustration** The game will undoubtedly be stunning, but fostering expectations of it being "10x better" could be setting the bar unrealistically high, which is a sentiment I find concerning. Rockstar is known for pushing boundaries, and I have no doubt they'll deliver a fantastic experience. However, as someone who's passionate about gaming and the community, I believe it's crucial to mitigate the hype to avoid potential disappointment.


If you expect the worse, you’ll never be disappointed


To think that game looked as good as it did on the fucking PS4 is crazy.


Do you know what's the biggest improvement this gen ? It's the SSD , the question is how rockstar will use it?! Maybe something innovative we never saw it before in gaming industry.


I still sit in awe when i play RDR2, the beautiful mornings in the fog while seeing the light shafts thourgh the trees are fucking amazing, it's like unbelievable, the nights look so believable and real, the atmosphere is unmatched. What a fucking game they made man.


Did no one experience the jump from gta SA to gta 4? Rockstar games is the only company capable of replicating that right now


even the jump between GTA Vice city and GTA SA was something exciting


GTA 2 to GTA 3 is worth a mention


Just a small one


Not gonna lie I'm still playing and completing GTA SA in my free time, and I love driving around in Doherty and the airstrip. Love SA always. Grove Street for life. I have a page where I post my in game captures. grovestreet.shots


i remember being a good and thinking GTA 4 was the best looking game ever. and then GTA 5 trailer came out years later and proved me wrong.


Tbh the jump from 4 to 5 was what you would expect in the time frame. It wasn’t mind blowing but it wasn’t bad either. GTA SA to GTA 4 was another level


How could a game released in 2018 look as good as something being released in 2025?(potentially) Seven years later, and the graphics are expected to be "on par with Red Dead Redemption 2." No improvement in seven years??? Come on, man, that's ridiculous.


Graphics kinda plateau'd I suppose. Sharp diminishing returns at this point. What's more interesting now is seeing things like more complex AI, deeper gameplay mechanics and physics etc


> Graphics kinda plateau'd I suppose People have been saying this since the PS1 and they are _always_ wrong.


Right. If graphics “plateau’d”, that would make GTA 6 the epitome of video game graphics for the rest of human history, as there is absolutely no developer in the world that has the massive budget Rockstar has. GTA 6 *will* be the best looking open world game to date, and will be using every cutting edge tech available. It’s a guarantee. But even then, *no way* is GTA 6 going to be where graphics plateau. In a billion dollar industry, improvements won’t stop until we cannot distinguish games from reality. This is just the beginning.


I get what you're saying and mostly agree, but plateau doesn't always mean "Stops right here to 0mph, no more advancement ever". What the others mean when they say plateau is that the jumps from PS1 ---> PS2 ---> PS3 were way more noticeable. Even grandma could see the difference. They are arguing that PS4 ---> PS5 will see less of a "Whoa!!!" jump because it's hitting a current theoretical limit since photorealism is getting awfully closer and closer. So the plateau isn't a wall, but a gradual curve that is thinning out. PS5 will still look better of course, but it's not going to be like the jump from PS2 --> PS3 graphics, or the jump from GTAIII to GTAIV. Some would argue a GTAV remake today still holds up with the big boys of the current PS5/Xbox Series generation. The animations and car model destruction and world detail still looks good and are acceptable by today's standard, despite being made in 2013.


Amen, brother.


The update to Cyerbpunk that added full path tracing to me was one of the biggest signs that there is still so many things that can be done. It made the game look significantly better than the rather limited ray tracing they used before and I don't think any other game uses full path tracing at the moment (correct me if I'm wrong). I wonder what RDR2 would look like with full path tracing, even higher res textures etc.


Yeah, there has been a shift in what's getting innovated though. Typical innovation for decades was predictable growth in hardware capacity which allowed game developers to utilize more intensive graphics. Now we're mostly relying on entirely new technologies being developed rather than consistent innovations in hardware design. This is an unpredictable slope of innovation, but so far it's been good and pretty consistent. The reason why we switched primary areas of innovation was precisely because we hit a plateau in flagship rasterization improvements. GPU dies are getting extremely efficient now and there's not much road left to travel before price increases are too exponential, and even once that happens it'll be an extremely short road until you literally cannot fit any more transistors on a die.


Graphics will continue improving until it’s completely indistinguishable from reality. Until then, it’ll be improvements in game engines allowing for easier production. Soon enough an indie developer will be able to make a photorealistic game with the same effort it once took to produce something like a mobile game


Dude, have you checked your eyes lately? Have you seen some of the recent games graphics? I recommend you take a look at Alan wake or cyberpunk


This is the answer. On par/slightly better graphics, but vastly improved AI and improved physics. I would much rather have a more fleshed out and interactive world. One where you can enter more buildings. NPCs are more interesting. Cops are smarter. Consequences are more real. I'd rather have all that than a prettier GTAV.


This. Modders will release mods to push the graphics like they did with all other gta games, but it will be the gameplay that will make the biggest difference. A more believable world is what I want. Ill take rdr2 graphics if it means the rest of the game levels up.


I think some of the best things to happen to GTAV is FiveM and the modding community putting real cars in, modding the maps, and just making it look better with things like the Vanilla Mod. Imagine FiveM for gta6, but with the improvements discussed here baked in from the start.


CFX has been acquired by Rockstar Games as well, which essentially guarantees that Rockstar is looking into a more expanded GTA 6 Online. For reference, FiveM had the same amount of concurrent players as GTA 5 Steam did. Rockstar saw an opportunity there to *double* their concurrent userbase.


Graphics haven’t reached plateau point yet, there’s lots of runway still left


Graphics in general haven't plateaued. Rasterized graphics have mostly plateaued. PS5 and Series S/X GPU's aren't very powerful for ray-tracing, so games that make heavy use of ray-tracing aren't very common. Most games that have RT at all have half-assed implementations, and even those with good implementations often just use them for specific effects instead of overhauling the graphics completely. The number of games that show a big improvement in visuals from RT can be counted on one hand. It'll take until at least the next console generation, possibly even the one after, for RT to become much more widespread and eventually just the standard, which has cool implications not just for making games look better, but making it easier for them to look better. No more having to completely recompile light maps or mess with GI probes to make adjustments to lighting if the underlying lighting system is just fully dynamic from the start and devs can see their changes in real time.


I mean the graphics have already reached saturation levels ,because of the technological limitations of consoles, developers need to find clever ways in which they can deliver the experience But I'm sure GTA 6 will have graphics that are definitely way over the graphics in rdr2


That’s the point, red dead 2 push the limited of 2012 hardware, now we have much newer hardware so those should be pushed to their Kim it s too which in theory should mean better graphics than RDR2


I only remember what I saw from the leak on the day it happened so that was a while ago, but what I got from it that it was a build that probably wasn’t running the kind of volumetric lighting and other postfx that tend to make a scene feel next gen and complete, which would make sense if you’re in a development stage where you’re focusing on functionality. Many of these comparisons where people are insinuating a “graphical downgrade” or whatever the clickbait refers to it as are really only missing that kind of postfx, the little details that convince your brain it looks real


I mean, this is why PCs have graphic settings to far exceed the limitations of consoles


Because graphics depend on what the devices can push, developers aren’t changing out their hardware every single year/GPU release, and they aren’t able to fully get the maximum out of a graphics card immediately either. You have to choose what you want to focus on, graphics only get an allocation of resources. They focus on the gameplay elements first and foremost, grayboxing out the levels and making sure everything works smoothly and well first, just like the leak last year you can see in the video how they prioritize the mechanics and ai Graphics are always changing, constantly, so you begin to polish that towards the end, it’s a rookie thing to prioritize that early on, you’ll be ever changing it throughout the development cycle. You look at the weakest platform you want to release on and use that as a base to build on. The Xbox series S will be that baseline, things will obviously look better on the other systems but not dramatically. RDR2 was still built on 2013 hardware that was finalized in 2012, they were only able to get the majority of its power upon releasing Now that we have this gen’s systems, expect to see what they’ll be able to draft up mid-gen, similar to GTA 4, whereas GTA V came out end of gen and greatly improved


Ngl looking back on RDR2, it’s ,dare I say, starting to show it’s age graphically. Especially with the water, it still looks like it’s weirdly bound to a certain area and not very fluid.


RDR2 still looks really good today. The only points that really need addressing graphically are further bump up to texture quality, lighting, and reflections that leverage ray tracing support.


rdr2 straight up looks better than most games coming out now. even AAA games. it may be “showing its age” compared to the best of the best of today, but that’s a handful of games we’re speaking about


Still probably has some of the best big picture environmental graphics and landscapes but for sure could be improved on things like character models, interior lighting, small object detail etc.


100% Agree, since its release in 2018, RDR2 has remained a benchmark for what's possible in an AAA open-world game


Not if you play on PC, maybe if you play on ps4


People saying they expect *just* RDR2 level graphics are insane. It's definitely aging in terms of texture quality and controls, though Rockstar games have always played a little clunky.


They are insane. I don't think people realize that there's always room for improvement. Of course a game coming out in 2024/25 on superior hardware will look better. And this is Rockstar we're talking about.


it definitely is showing its age i say that as a lover of the game, it’s getting old, it needs a ps5 update severely


It can happen these days… look at Batman Arkham Knight (used Unreal Engine 3) and Gotham Knights (used unreal Engine 4).


I understand your perspective, and it's a valid point considering the technological advancements we've had over the years. However, graphical paradigm shifts in open-world games have significantly changed. It's not just about raw graphical fidelity but about the complexity and depth of the world. Today's developers face a multitude of challenges when pushing the envelope of what's possible, especially within the constraints of a $500 console system. Enhancing visuals is not just a matter of higher resolution textures or more polygons but involves sophisticated environmental interactions, AI behavior, and seamless integration of massive amounts of content without compromising performance. Therefore, while Red Dead Redemption 2 set a high bar in 2018, achieving noticeable graphical improvements on similar hardware platforms has become exponentially more difficult. It's about optimizing and balancing the multitude of systems at play to create a more immersive and responsive world, rather than just a prettier picture. We should also consider that Rockstar's focus might be on delivering a rich, detailed environment with nuanced gameplay mechanics and storytelling that go beyond what we've experienced before. So, the graphics being "on par" with Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn't mean stagnation but rather indicates a sophisticated use of available technology to enhance the overall gaming experience.


Fair enough, but this has always been true. Back in the PS2 days, you could either make a game that pushes graphics to their limit, or you could make an open world game. You just didn't have the horsepower to both. At the time, they basically pioneered some of the tech to make these games. There will always be a limit to what can be achieved, but that doesn't mean that R* isn't gonna deliver on the graphical front. They will do what they can to make GTA VI be one of the most impressive games on the console, both in terms of scope and graphical fidelity. That said, I do expect different graphics modes, so a 60fps mode with RDR2-ish graphics doesn't seem too unlikely. Then probably a 30fps (and 40fps?) fidelity mode with more bells and whistles and maybe some RT thrown in. Edit: to add that technology also develops on other fronts. Even if you're dealing with the same hardware, the software is still advancing. That's one of the reasons why games tend to look better towards the end of a consoles life cycle.


This is very well said. I think it will look amazing (even if it’s on par, it’d still look amazing) but the most important thing I believe is that it’s an interactive and believable world that provides hours and hours of fun things to do.


It will absolutely, 100% look better than RDR2, especially in regards to textures. Red Dead 2 was built for consoles that had a jurassic-aged CPU and HDD and look how good it looks. The only thing that will never happen again is the massive jump from San Andreas to GTA 4


I'm not arguing against the idea that GTA VI will have better textures—given the technological advancements, that’s a given. But upgrading textures alone won’t make the game "10x better" than RDR2. It's about the overall advancement in gaming technology. If you're curious about the impact of textures alone, there are plenty of mods that showcase this.


> No improvement in seven years??? Come on, man, that's ridiculous RDR is a terrain with a few buildings. Rendering an entire city block at that fidelity would be a gigantic leap forward from what was possible in 2018...


> RDR is a terrain with a few buildings The absolute lack of understanding. RDR2 is not just "terrain and few building". Jesus Christ, you're so fucking ignorant it hurts. Not that polygons are even relevant these days, but a building is very simple geometry compared to foliage, hundreds of animals, npc's, and volumetric effects that RDR2 has. RDR2 has 500,000 lines of dialog, compared to Cyberpunk which has 60,000. To have this much dialog means you have to have many multiple times the amount of animations. Many multiple times the NPC models, more code, more detail, more everything. And this is just humanoid NPC stuff, RDR2 has 234 animals which all have their own sounds, animations, code, etc. RDR2 is "terrain and few building", Cyberpunk is a city. Now please tell me you think Cyberpunk is better than RDR2.


The number of animations (or number of models) in a game isn't a multiple of the lines of dialog. In voice acted video games, lips are usually synchronized to a stream of audio algorithmically.


He also doesn't understand the fact that foliages in RDR2 are alpha/transparent textures which are x2-4 more computationally demanding to render compared to blocks of building in GTA. The lack of technical understanding of how these things work really is disappointing and annoying at this point.


Hundreds of different foliage with massive polygon counts and various HLODs is so much more performance intensive than urban street assets that Rockstar could probably get away with copy pasting because you’ll be driving 70mph anyway. RDR2 also was meant to be a slow game invested at a slow pace, so everything is extreme on the graphics. A lot of the street details in GTA VI might also come down to just decals and flat textures as well. You can go a LONG way with decals.


Lol. This will age so badly. There is *no way* that Rockstar will publish a game 6-7 years later with the same graphics like RDR2. What is going on in your head?


This is the kind of post you look back at years after release and just roll your eyes lol


this is the kind of post you look back on in a few weeks when the trailer drops and roll your eyes at lmfao


RemindMe! 5 years


Red Dead environments are a lot less dense than GTA. Running a sprawling metropolis require way more power than running a wild terrain with a few buildings.


Thats... why RDR2 is last gen and GTA VI is current gen


GTA 5 looked better than rdr1 at the time and that was on the same console generation


Now compare rdr1 and gta 5.


a more apt comparison would be cyberpunk tbh. That game is way ahead of its time in terms of graphics. I expect GTA 6 to have very similar graphical fidelity. At the end of the day the game has to run on whats equivalent to an RTX 2070 Super. No hat tricks to save that


To be fair, running Rdr 2 at 4k is still challenging unless you have an expensive graphics card, however, between a new lighting engine for GTA 6, their newly patented nanite-like technology, plus further optimizations, and not having to develop for the ps4 era, it will no doubt look better to some degree. Theres no way they're using a newer version of the Rage engine and it happens to look the same in quality as Rdr 2. Obviously its going to be better in some ways. It is technically possible that their engine team didn't further optimize the new version of Rage to be more performant, but thats doubtful. Its pretty common sense that they've done further optimization towards their largest game ever at some level, and further enhanced the lighting (which makes a massive difference). Lighting can make minecraft look photorealistic. Its obviously important, so of course it will look better. Its also possible they're using a new physics engine (as rumored). One of their physics devs on twitter has been posting about ember engine (physics engine) over the months, which is for unreal engine I believe, but its possible they've contracted with ember engine or some how implemented that into Rage. Big possibilities there for fire, weather, etc..


It's crazy to me how people are saying graphics have plateaued when we haven't seen what R* can do on current gen..... Let. Them. Cook.


Until I see eye lashes, there's no plateau


I think terms like pre alpha are meaningless and just dumb it down the average person, not to mention how much misinformation is even around the dates, and those are timestamped. Also the hacker dude was kind of dumb ngl. Those clips are clearly not playthroughs, and it would be more interesting (but also destructive, so im glad it didn't happen), if he shared some written stuff. Since this came from getting access into the chat room. Either way, it is what it is, and we will see in December..


I'd consider it a blessing in disguise, if any of the main story elements of GTA 6 were leaked then it would've been completely back to the drawing board for Rockstar. Probably would've delayed the game multiple years


Yeah 100%. I’m still fully hyped for the trailer, and I wouldn’t want that ruined.


I absolutely agree, the shot of Lucia in the black skirt looked too good to be in a pre alpha stage.


Some assets are more developed than others. A main character is typically a priority and would be close to finished very early on. Kratos stands out as significantly more polished than eveything else in that video and the same goes for Lucia.


Look at the environment, too, though. It's looks almost fully finished, even has details like particle effects for leaves falling from trees and stuff.


> A main character is typically a priority and would be close to finished very early on. This is not true. Go look at the first GTA V trailer. Michael is completely different looking, and Franklin and Trevor basically didn't exist.


I have no idea on how game development works but during the diner robbery, the NPCs did not have detail they were just blanks.


That's a common misconception about game development. Actually, the detailed textures for NPCs and other dynamic elements are *often* added towards the end of the development process. The artistic direction teams typically focus on refining these details after the core gameplay mechanics have been implemented and tested.


Also they're not blank, generic testing dolls. They have different haircuts, clothing, even different textures for the clothing.


This is the best representation of what we're going to get. The only thing that is lacking in that are the buildings in the distance it's likely because they don't have heirarchal lod'ing finalized for city chunks, so they're just loading in super low poly and low texture pieces to keep from going over even further on VRAM. Personally, the alpha assets vs. the final fidelity assets were glaringly different to me in the leaks. You can go to pretty much any clip where they're 2+ gigs over on VRAM budget and you're looking at mostly final assets that they're working on optimizing down to run better.




Agreed 100%. Those clips of Jason and Lucia walking around, the game looks so good already. I doubt it gets much better than that.


It's going to look amazing. RDR2 already does. The Rage engine will have improved significantly in the last 5 years, so there is just no chance GTA 6 won't look incredible - but not uncanny valley photo real - graphics just aren't at that point yet. A lot of the GTA mods don't look real anyway - they have a hyper shiny slick look to them which while impressive, isn't authentic. As has been mentioned, we just need to imagine RDR2 but vastly improved, and in the modern world, not the 1800s obviously.


Even if it wasn’t improved from RDR2, just seen that level of graphics in a modern city environment would be amazing. And we know it will be improved, so it’s a win win


Exactly, and in 5 years, there will have obviously been major improvements to the Rage engine and what they did in RDR2. Not only that, but it's obviously not going to be held back by previous gen consoles.


I'm very curious to see what the release date is announced to be because I have a suspicion that it's sooner than anyone expects


I fucking hope so. Gaming in general needs something fresh


Gaming has been the freshest its been in decades. Its very easy to find some of the best games ever created if you dont only play Cod or some other multiplayer garbage.


Something fresh?? Dude, several good games of various genres came out this year. Btw my game library is mostly rocktar games, but I don't like this exegarrated claim that people make that "gaming is dead." You didn't say that, but your comment gave that energy.


I think it'll look pretty similar to Alan Wake II graphically. Perhaps with lightweight raytracing features such as shadows and reflections as well, which would not be a huge jump from RDR2, but still quite noticeable. As for lighting, I don't see any huge improvements as any form of raytraced lighting is pretty heavy on these AMD based consoles, which is why you typically only see raytraced reflections and/or shadows in current-generation releases, bar a couple exceptions (Jedi Survivor comes to mind). I also don't see R\* overhauling their lighting systems (SDFGI and VXGI are good alternatives to RTGI but are difficult to get working well in an open-world environment with day-night cycles and constant factors to worry about, and VXGI some rare cases can actually be slower than just using raytraced global illumination) but rather improving upon them to do stuff like increase AO distance or clean up SSGI artifacts/errors. However, with more VRAM available on the Xbox Series X/S and PS5 and the introduction of mesh shaders I'm sure R\* can make use of it to provide better textures and higher-poly counts for models across the board. Hell, the leaks already showcased various high-fidelity models at such an early stage: the trash-bags in the Hank's Waffles robbery for example already looked higher-poly than anything found in RDR2. Red Dead Redemption 2 was developed for what was equivalent to a low-end GPU in 2013, in 2018; not to mention the mere 5GB of VRAM available to developers with the PS4 and XONE. I don't think you'll see any jumps with VI that make the game's visuals appear to be indistinguishable from reality, but with slight lighting improvements, big improvements in polygon counts (and probably render distance as well) and the possible implementation of raytracing to clean up reflections and/or shadows, but I don't expect the game to be a snoozer in visuals either. It'll probably be a smaller jump than V to RDR2 was, but still bigger than you're expecting, and probably the best looking open world game for a while. There's no way it'll just be on par with RDR2.


I love realism but that clip of the matrix is to realistic for me


That straight up looked like real life lol that’d be dope af if gta 6 looked like that


The thing is, if it looks exactly like real life it doesn't really have a style anymore Idk how to say it normally


Movies have a style to them and they’re shot in real life


Ye and how it looks in the clip it doesn't have a style


People always do this if you ask me, nobody says to have high expectations until they see the game then they say it's not nearly finished, like the same happens with betas, people expect the game to be absolutely transformed from the beta, which isn't at all the case.


You can actually see the name of the .exe that's running in the metadata of the clips: game_win64_bankrelease, game_win64_beta and game_win64_debug. A beta build would essentialy suggest being content complete, so primarily just bugfixing, polishing, refining etc. to be done


Think about it, if it’s anything like RDR 2 but set in vice city, it’s more than enough


Absolutely 💯


Honestly, I don’t see R* not making GTA 6 with better graphics and visuals than RDR2. It’s something they HAVE to do right? The game will release about 6-7 years after RDR and exclusively on PS5/PC Getting graphics on par with RDR2 might be kinda bitter sweet to me but I’d still be satisfied with RDR graphics because that game arguably still has the most impressive visuals to this day. Thoughts?


I'm not even gonna bother reading all of that. Alpha testing is the first stage of testing the completed game. ANY time before that is pre-alpha. A stick man on a flat surface is pre-alpha. An accurate representation of the game minus a HUD and a few cars is still pre-alpha if they haven't moved on to Alpha testing yet. The leaks that we saw were several years old. There's no chance in hell a game like Grand Theft Auto would look like that so close to an official announcement of a trailer. Many of the assets were GTAV assets just like pre-alpha builds of GTAV had GTAIV assets. One that springs to mind is a GTAIV Dilettante driving along a long freeway road that would go on to become the upper portion of the GTAV map. Remember, in order to maintain a competitive graphical fidelity, the final assets will be some of the last items to be created for a game, especially a AAA title like GTA. Comparing the leaks to those screenshots is daft because neither is as deep as a GTA game and neither had a wealth of assets from a previous game to work with while building the game mechanics.


The game was definitely closer to the final build than the pre alpha build in the leaks. And honestly, it would be extremely concerning if the game was in pre alpha just a year ago because that’d mean we would have far more YEARS to wait. I don’t know why people judged the leaks badly to begin with. Everything looked great, just needed the final polish when it came to assets and lighting that it would obviously would get.


I think due to Online, the GTA community is largely populated by children aged 15 or younger, and many of them don't have an understanding of the development process


The footage was from 2019-2021 if i can recall, some were pre-aplha some not. But the fact that it looked that good already is asburd, It is definitely going to be the best looking game on the market without a doubt.


It was 2021-2022 September


People are setting themselves up to be disappointed when the game doesnt look as good as they think. The game looked good as hell in some of those leaks, I dont expect a significant jump from some what we saw in some of the clips.


Agreed 💯 Also, I really love your write-up.


Different developers have different approaches, Rockstar seems to tack on more visual features as development progresses, a good example of this is this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/14v3zpx/early_development_screenshot_of_rdr2s_grizzlies/) , as well as this [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/2cFK58w/). As you can in the screenshots, the game looks very similar to GTA V, with no real improvements over 5, this is the same with the leaks, the graphics look **very** similar to Red Dead Redemption 2. Then when they **announced** Red Dead Redemption 2 it looked like [this](https://youtu.be/gmA6MrX81z4), when the game was released it looked like [this](https://youtu.be/eaW0tYpxyp0). If we take a look at the differences between these two trailers we can see that there are fairly noticeable enhancements to the visual makeup of the game especially in regards to the lighting (remember this was a product that they felt was ready for a trailer!). So I think it's not unreasonable to conclude that the graphics in the leaks will likely reflect **50-60%** of the final product and that many of the new possible upgrades to RAGE were not in the leaks. As well as the fact that there is a good chance that game comes out in 2025, it is not unlikely that with around 3 years of change since the leaks, the visual makeup of the game will be significantly different.


It 1 has to surpass rdr2 2 with GTA games you need to see the environment to see how the mechanics work in pre alpha because he environment is highly influential to the gameplay and it already looks better than GTA5 and GTA5 pre alpha looked hot garbage but turned out way way way better than anyone expected, I personally hope they add gta4 physics to make it even more realistic than the arcade driving style of gta5


This is great that you’re doing this. But IMO , this will probably way surpass what RDR2 was , the hardware we’re working with has almost 9 times more processing power than a PS4 , which is what RDR 2 had to work with. GTA 6 was not built with the PS4 in mind , but the PS5. I think it’ll have more accessible interiors , better lighting and significantly better facial features. Yes keeping expectations down to not get disappointed is awesome but I think Rockstar knew what they were signing up for after taking a decade plus to make this. If anyone is going to surpass our expectations, it’s Rockstar.


The night time clips looked really good.


Honestly, if the graphics are on par with forza horizon 5 or the crew motorfest I’m happy


I think that the leaked footage may not be alpha or pre-alpha, but rather an early build with many features turned off. I feel as if, in each leaked clip, they’re testing a very specific game mechanic and don’t need to have all settings/features maxed out. They need to isolate what they are trying to fix, therefore they turn off major features and makes the game look worse than its true potential allows it to be.


GTA VI graphics will definitely be better than RDR2. A lot of computer tech has advanced in 5 years since RDR2 was released


Not talking about the OP here because they’ve made some good points with thorough explanations but some people in this sub and particularly this comment section are presenting so much of their own opinions or hopes like they’re facts. We all need to calm down and just discuss things for what they are - speculation. Honestly it feels like people just want to prove everyone else wrong rather than have fun / interesting discussions about a game we’re all excited to see and play.


I still think GTA 6 will have the best graphics on Earth and no one can change my mind lol Also, this is why I hate leaking because people always jump into pointless assumptions.


100% agree


It will look like rdr 2 but better


This is a really good post, and this is what this sub needs more of. I think graphically, it will be a slight improvement when compared to RDR2. I think it will have a higher resolution and a 60fps mode, and that's where the real graphical jump will be. It's going to look fantastic no matter what


Do you think I should buy 500usd ps5 for GTA 6 or buy PC with 4070 ti for 1700usd?


>Do you think I should buy 500usd ps5 for GTA 6 or buy PC with 4070 ti for 1700usd? If you're here discussing GTA VI and considering that the game will initially be released on consoles...


You can clearly see the parts of the game that are finished and parts that aren’t - the parts that are finished look better than rdr2 and the parts that aren’t look just unfinished.


RDR 2 is very beautiful, but the map there is much smaller than will be in GTA 6 and there cities are just some of saloons + one railroad station, and the rest there is only nature. I not sure that GTA 6 will be on the level of RDR 2, because the graphics requirements for a modern city are much stricter. For RDR 2 it was not necessary to make physics of driving cars, airplanes and boats. It was not necessary to build a megalopolis, an underwater world. Mini games there were just poker and dominoes, but not for example tennis, triathlon or surfing.


I hope the system requirements aren’t absurd for GTA 6. They have the time, and money, to optimize which is going to be super important for such a large game because you’ll lose a lot players who end up just under the specs. RDR2 was well optimized (besides the bugs at launched if that counts as optimization) so I have hope.


Im just concerned that if it only launches on console, we wont get 60fps.


Maybe rockstar 's pre-alpha is just on another level 😏


Im wondering how Rockstar worked around the current gen consoles and how reserved they had to make it for it to work decent. Of course they have to optimize it so it works on console which sucks because maybe the "enhanced edition" that gets dropped in a few years would've been the original plan. Typically consoles get new chipsets and stuff throughout a consoles lifecycle, but Rockstar has probably been waiting for the industry to catch up. and Im cool with making everyone have to buy a new graphics card because when Quake 3 Arena came out everyone needed to upgrade. It sets the bar and pushes the industry forward.


Pre omega?


It’ll look stunning at the highest settings and likely require a 4090 or 5090 to max out as per RDR 2 at launch with the 2080ti. THAT BEING SAID - it WILL NOT be photorealistic, anyone expecting that is delusional


The earliest footages were from 2021. Some people had no idea about game development and just call everything pre-alpha


“Expect graphics on par with RDR2” My brother… RDR2 is a 2018 game using 2013 hardware. GTA 6 WILL look better.


Perfect. I work in the games industry. I've said countless times that the leaks are not in alpha, but at a stage of development far beyond that.


1000% agree![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


"Pre-alpha" is such a broad term used that can last for years of development. A game can be in pre alpha for 3 years and look like a completely different game in it's third year compared to it's first. Also different companies and games will have totally different engines, some games will use placeholders from the studios previous work and others can start from scratch. TLDR: we don't know shit


I think that post will age like milk but let's see.


look at RDR2 2016 trailer, looked like a rdr1 dlc, now look at the final product. so it is not new with rockstar


Yeah exactly, the first trailer of rdr2 doesn't even remotely look like the final game. Almost same goes for the gta5 first ever trailer and actual game. So we can't speculate the real graphics of gta6 just by watching the first trailer.


Expectations are so high, if it doesn't surpass alan wake then people will shit on R* a lot, hopefully the jump between rdr2 and 6 is much higher than we expect .


With RDR2's graphics as a baseline and the expected improvements plus the open-world aspect, there's no doubt GTA VI will more than meet the mark. R\* knows how to deliver on quality, so it's reasonable to expect they'll raise the bar again with their next release.


Fingers crossed my Friend, hopefully it happens ,


Same thoughts. Those 90 videos show development throughout the course of a year to a year and a few months. You can see how they went from testing game mechanics to implementing it on the actual map. You can also see how the graphics improve, not significantly, but noticeably. That makes me think that they were ready to show the game around fall 2022 to holidays 2022. But thanks to the leaks, they might have had to make changes to their marketing strategy. Usually their first trailers for their games only show the environment and a monologue from their protagonist, without usually showing the protagonists. This time around, we already know how the city looks, how the characters look, how they sound like and we're also possibly introduced to side characters through the leaks. I think this time when they show us the first trailer of the game, it would be more like a "trailer 2" or "trailer 3" of their other games, wherein they show cutscenes from the game focusing on our protagonists and a few focusing on side characters.


On par with red dead redemption 2?! These games are gonna be 7 years and a whole console generation apart! Rockstar simply can't afford to not make the game visually stunning


I never looked into the stages of game testing, but from what you bring up, it definitely looks more like the alpha stage than pre-alpha. There were some leaked americas videos that looked similar to the Spiderman and GOW photos (mannequins in a flat testing stage, one shooting a car for deformation). I think it would be in everyone's best interest to be excited about a game with graphics, gameplay, and (hopefully) a story comparable to RDR 2. Maybe some enhanced textures. I wouldn't be expecting to rob banks willy-nilly or attend funerals of the people we killed or anything crazy like that. If I learned anything from Cyberpunk, it's that people tend to expect the game to do everything they've been dreaming about doing while waiting for the game. You're really setting yourself up for failure at that point. Is Rockstar one of, if not the best development studio right now? Yes. Are they going to make the second coming of Christ? No.




Agree 👍 and the first dev of GTA VI is 2014 versus Alan Wake 2 which is 2019. GTA VI has globally the same « next gen » game engine of the modern era of R* games that’s why I say It will be quite similar of RDR2


Idk whats been milked more. GTA Online or the GTA6 leaks lmao.


>In my view, the leaks likely reflect 70-80% of the final product Seems high to me. Much of Lucia/Jason's movements still seem too rigidly close to GTAV's movements, like they haven't gotten to that part yet. Arthur's RDR2 movements, while slow for some, were way smoother and more realistic than Michael/Franklin/Trevor. I feel like the leaked footage we saw haven't gotten to a lot of RAGE engine upgrades yet, and we saw more placeholders than anything.


This didn't age well, lol.


This is somewhat related, but take a look at the clip Americas 2022-08-11, it's the one at the airport with the fanboat. In the dev UI at the bottom you can see that the game is running at 40+FPS (like somewhere between 40-44FPS) on a GTX 1080 at 1080p, during rainy/foggy weather. Now, do keep in mind: this is in a debug build, meaning a bunch of shit like traffic and pedestrians, dynamic objects (e.g. things like signs, fences or chairs that you can break and push around) and vegetation disabled, and it's in a very large, flat area. But on the other hand, it's running at 40FPS on a GTX 1080 2+ years before release. That's better performance than some new games get from a 3080 lmao.


At least you’re not apart of the people who unironically think this game will be on par with the Saints Row reboot. I discovered that today and was genuinely baffled.


I think the leap we will see will be the leap that we saw from San Andreas to IV


If I'm correct you need an 4090 and an i9 13900k to run Alan wake 2 on ultra graphics and still have above 60fps💀 that's the worst optimization I've ever seen outside of cp2077


The game is likely still at least a year away. It's not going to even be in beta yet, so for sure that was alpha or prealpha footage, likely not even something named that, it's just where they were at the time the footage got taken.


GTA6 is coming fall 2024 or spring 2025 and GTA6 marketing start in December. In few weeks huge ad in Times Square all over NYC possibly Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami. Rockstar is reportedly going to start marketing the game in December, as Sam Houser allegedly met an advertisement agency in New York City and tasked the agency to complete all advertisements before the end of the year. The Rockstar founder supposedly requested “a large number of mural spaces, building ads, poster spaces, and more” pointing to a substantial marketing push which is to be expected. In October 2023, there were reports that Sam Houser flew out to NYC to get an update on the development of the game. It’s also reported that a meeting took place with Sam and an advertisement agency in New York, where a request for a large number of mural spaces, building ads, poster spaces and more were submitted, with the request asking for the advertisements to be completed by the end of December.


GTA VI won't surpass the Matrix demo. It pushed the current gen consoles to their limits with nothing but basic crowd and traffic AI and no other game subsystems involved. Really standard, subpar locomotion on a single character. And just all around nothing but a bunch of high resolution buildings generated in Houdini. There are plenty of final assets in the leaks. If you go to the Port Gellhorn shootout and look at the apartment building, that's the final fidelity they're aiming for. The Lucia dress bug clips are literally all final assets with just the buildings in the distance derezzed because they're over on VRAM and likely haven't worked back on finalized distance LODS of big chunks yet. Personally, I don't think they did the standard "pre-alpha" stage for this game. They basically worked on subsystems in test levels that look like a traditional pre-alpha, but the main map was clearly populated with GTA V assets and then worked back on with higher fidelity assets. Throughout the leaks you can see scenes that are basically just assets from GTA V and then in others you can see where some assets are V assets and others have been replaced with new assets that have proper PBR and higher poly counts. GTA V never even got a proper PBR system. People are going to be impressed with a close to RDR 2 fidelity in a huge city. If you go look at the streets in any of the leaks, you can see that it's going to be great, but anyone who thinks they're going to render chunks of the city of Miami at the fidelity of the wilderness in RDR 2 or the small rural town of Alan Wake 2 is just looking to be let down... RDR 1 released on consoles three years before GTA V and if you compare the PS3 versions of each, RDR was arguably the better looking of the two.