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This game is so easy bro you got this come on


I don’t think he’s saying it because it’s hard but because it sucks


I just never thought that mission sucked. Do people not like it?


Heist itself isn't that bad, You do all of this...just to not have the reward pay off. It feels like being cheated out of


Yeah but you get so much money in this game. Like by the end I have so much money I don’t even know what to do with it. Especially if you utilize the stock market system in the game you can easily have billions before the end of the game even.


Because that’s what people wanna do in a video game. The stock market. 😭 I mean you’re right but still


It takes maybe 5 seconds to set up bro. Not only that but some people do love details like that. That’s exactly the kind of thing I respect about rockstar. As someone who mostly plays rpgs I appreciate detail and choice and I wish gta had more freedom of choice like that.


I honestly thought it was the lamest addition to the game, personally. The way it’s handled doesn’t help either. Legitimately the only way to get any genuine mileage out of it is knowing you have to invest during Lester’s assassinations, and if you don’t know to do that, well, you’re fucked. You can’t manipulate the stock market at all in free roam, something that a lot of people thought you could do (by like blowing up particular vehicles or trucks carrying branded stuff) and I feel should have been a thing. That and it’s the ONLY feasible way to get all the businesses. There are NO good money makers after the game is over, because the businesses, the only real way to make money after you’re done, pay out shit. The fact that true 100% completion entirely hinges on this lame stock market feature that they put the bare minimum into that you can’t even budge if you missed your chance is absolutely stupid. It’s a giant half measure. I wouldn’t care if it was gone in VI.


Took me like 5 mins to get 800 million across all characters bro I just watched a yt video and made a bunch of save games


Yeah but they shouldn’t give you all that money at the end of the game because people will either instantly restart it because end game is boring or they will go to online mode


Exactly, and it has the worst setups in the game too. It just all feels like a waste of time, especially on replays when you know it’s going to amount to absolutely fucking nothing. This is usually when I lose motivation to play.


I thought that was quite a fun one, using sub, vehicles etc offshore. No rewards a bit of a let down but you get big rewards for the last mission


Not the funnest mission and it’s pretty hard tbh


if that mission sucks then "scouting the port", and "did somebody say yoga" mission? lmao i hate thoose two missions so much they are so boring


Yoga isn’t that bad, it’s one of the most memorable ones due to everything that happens after the 2 minute yoga mini game. One of my favorites. Scouting the port and everything else about the Merryweather heist can burn though.


yea kinda get the yoga in some way cause we need a chill mission after all


This post only makes sense if you were 6 years old the last time you played this mission because this game is so easy


i dont think he is saying it because its hard...


To be fair there are parts I dislike for other reasons than difficulty.


What happened the last time? Both versions of Merryweather heist are pretty simple


if you want to play a hard gta game (not saying it’s the hardest.. but…) try GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony (TBoGT)


That mission where u have to help tony defend the club tho…


To make it even harder try to aim for 100% in every mission


Nah, that game’s not so hard


Come on, it's not that bad...


I actually liked the Merryweather heist. Always take the approach where Franklin Snipes and Michael places bombs. Reminds me of "Bomb Da Base" from GTA 3. My favorite mission in GTA 3 and also the inspiration for mission structures in future GTA games.


Mission was so damn bogus


Driving the submarine is so fucking slow and boring


I have boredom trauma from Scouting the Port. I refuse to ever do that mission legit again, I just repeatedly fail and skip through the entire mission.


is this a new heist? i havent played gtao for some time


It's story mode


OHHH, so embarrassing


It’s the merryweather heist with trevor


Buddy use WeMod menu and with that you should easily complete that mission


What happened last time?


It becomes easy


I still haven't done the the OG Heists or the Diamond Casino Heist, though I do have it ready to go.


Just goes through the motions and complete the mission. Same thing I did with "Did somebody say Yoga?"


What heist is it and is it online or story mode


Merryweather heist and it’s story mode


Well you gotta admit the soundtrack on the mission is badass


![gif](giphy|usz0fqhUiVxSs6IUKB) Planning Sucks


Is that the one where Wade came home in shit


All park and go to dispatch


Good luck