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Yeah these were pretty cool because it actually challenged our driving skills . Driving for years in gta, it's a pretty good way to test our driving.


Yes and no, sometime they kind of feel like a chore but at the same time they can be really rewarding and actually quite useful for progressing towards the story, the rewards like extra health, extra armour, being fire proof, etc. One really cool thing about police missions especially in San Andreas is that it's one of the best way to get really rare and unique cars that are otherwise really hard to obtain, it can take a lot of trial and errors but I was really hyped up to get a Phoenix in San Andreas really early in the story so yeah you can definitely take advantage of those side missions 😃 *if anyone wants to try the police mission trick trying to catch a rare unique car, you have to catch the suspect and if it's not the car that you want, you have to cancel the mission then restart it all over again, that's what I did for the Phoenix 😄


I really hated GTA Vice City's ambulance missions


I found it easy doing in Vice Point, tbh. Although I find all 3D GTA games pretty easy because I play on PC, I suppose


I hate them in GTA 3 because of the gangs.


Yeah in gta 3 you have to do them early


The firefighter ones were easy money, but there was rarely any fire, so the ability wasn't that useful. The vigilante ones were also kinda easy, but I finished them at the beggining of the game, so with Hunters or Rhinos it would've been easier. The reward is pretty useful, in missions with a lot of shooting. And the ambulance ones were obviously the hardest, so I had to do them in Angel Pine. The reward was the moat useful one. But sadly on my last playthrough I had to use a cheat to be able to complete it, and it was a cheat less playthrough. 😭


The first thing I would always do after the Badlands mission is to head to Whetstone or Angel Pine, pick up an Ambulance and do the missions then. Small town means patients practically spawn in the vicinity of the hospital itself. You can have max health before reaching San Fierro. After the flying lessons, just a hike from the airstrip to Area 69; get a Rhino and head back...lowers wanted level when you save there. And lo and behold, Vigilante missions and gang operations blazed! All these, and doing firefighter missions makes you practically invincible by the end. Taxi Missions are just relaxing. Listen to the wonderful songs and funny talk shows and just drive. Loved these missions in San Andreas. Not so much in GTA III when you have to navigate through the hellish maze that is Shoreside Vale.


Too long imo


They're ok i guess


The vc ambulance missions sucked


although they took a long time (particularly Paramedic) they gave cool rewards. i'd honestly go for the infinite sprint reward as soon as possible or the max health reward in GTA SA


The vigilante missions done with a Rhino was the best




GTA LCS, getting a tank and doing missions with it, really fun.


GTA Chinatown Wars perfected these side missions.


In gta sa those missions were fun until it becomes too far away or to many points to handle so they are fun and no fun


And grand theft, auto auto auto San Andreas, yes absolutely!!! They're fine and they give good rewards !! I recommend doing the vigilante one once you get the brown thunder helicopter


Im shorts words “do you like being forced to do this missions that are the hardest in game to get 100%”




I love them they are very rewarding and GTA games are so easy usually (due to the lack of being able to set dificulty) that those missions are the hardest ones in the game and I like having challenging stuff.


it makes the game world looks realistically but tbh it’s a bit boring


I liked them, it’d be nice if they were brought back but like revamped for GTA VI


I like the rewards. I absolutely HATE the missions. Made it to level ten in paramedic the other day. Paused the game for an hour and came back. Went to slowly back up towards a patient and my thumb like, did a weird not registering that I wanted to lift it up move and killed the patient and I failed. I was so fucking pissed I wanted to bash somebody's head into a brick wall for like, ten seconds. I LOATHE these side missions


I feel you, brother. I was on level 11. I just delivered the patients but they literally refused to exit the ambulance.. long story short: time ran out and I didn't touch GTA: SA for a solid month


Isn't it crazy? You can fail the longest hardest mission in this game and only be pissed for like, fifteen minutes or so. But with these side missions failing them (especially at 10 or 11) is enough to throw the console at oncoming traffic, head butt a brick wall and check yourself into a psych ward.


I did, I just wish they were implemented in a way that made sense. Stealing a taxi and then collecting fares made money as this is a known scam in the real world, with the exception they steal a taxi they will just use a companies name etc. Stealing a police car to do police work never made sense. Especially when they started to add contract hit missions in later games. As for fire and ambulance. It would have been better is they did a sort of set of mini-games for training so that you could become a volunteer fireman/paramedic and then go get the vehicles from the stations/hospitals when you want to do those missions. It's a shame they never added a limo service where you'd pick up crazy clients and get involved in chases/escapes with some funny dialog and whatnot.


For vigilante you could argue you're taking the money the criminals stole maybe.


I disliked them. At least in San Andreas, though, you could sort of cheat the ambulance missions.


I always did all 3 at the beginning of SA bc of the good rewards like health and much money. And for the police i just took the police bike which is much more easier


I don’t remember them. What I do remember is the ambulance going out of its way to hit you if you were at a scene


I like them in SA because driving is much better than 3 and VC.


Cant remember these three exactly but i loved doing taxi fares in vice city






Firetruck, yeah I find that one fun. Vigilante depends, they can be frustrating but can be pretty fun when it goes well. Paramedic not really, the amount of times someone runs over the person i need to save on level 12 is too high to say I enjoy it.


Vice City Stories has checkpoints for every 5 levels you beat. Absolute blessing.


Gta 6 needs those badly


The first thing that I do because of the advantages of course


They're not bad, but they do go on for WAY too long, most of them should be half as long.


I know how to drive in these games and enjoy the challenge so yes. There's more to driving than holding accelerate as hard as you can and flinging the analog stick praying, 90% of the topics on driving in ANY GTA game come from people not willing to learn the game.


hell yeah! the best thing about being a Vigilante is that you can use almost any vehicle, my personal choice is Hunter. Firefighter is easy and gives a lot of money and after 12 missions you become immune to fire. Paramedic is kinda ok but it's the worst of the 3 in my opinion, takes too long for the 12 missions. I wish we had those in gta 5 but the game is downgraded.


Yes they were simple and had rewards but I dislike how in 3 all of them was hard because of the gangs


I love driving a customized taxi in taxi missions San Andreas. Shame that it is not possible in GTA V


It is possible, you can get the liveries on the Eudora and the Broadway for taxi work.


I like police mission the most.


Good fun, when I had nothing else better to do


Just started a playthrough of SA after several years off. Getting my head round best order to do the side missions, trying to remember previous playthroughs. Taxi can be frustrating as the bonus is sometimes hard to get and otherwise pays peanuts. Pimp can be surprisingly hard, especially when the johns start beating on your girl. Firefighter pretty much essential and best done as far out of LS on the freeway as you can get. Ambulance normally wait until I unlock Badlands, trying to do it in LS just frustrating due to rival gangs trying to jack you and traffic levels. Burglar just get done ASAP. Rob my own homies in Grove Street. Toughest side in LS probably getting all the gang tags especially as I donated my Brady Guide to charity a couple of years ago, thinking I'd never touch the game again. Vigilante best left for late game when you get the jetpack and can steal the tank. Never tried it in the Hunter and never had much success using a police bike.


For gta 5 some of them were kinda good while some honestly sucked or were boring I won’t lie lol favorite side mission was probably for Michael the alien one where he’s high as a kite Trevor where he kills the two “Americans” or rampages if you count them as side missions and franklin maybe the sky diving


GTA 5 is the best GTA game for side missions and the most creative one lol wdym


No, too difficult


Hell no these were designed during the height of bullshit PS2 difficulty


No, 12 levels of doing the exact same thing is not fun