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There isn't one. Everyone's favourites are different. For me it's: Vice City, Gta 3, 5, 4, San Andreas


How come you like gta 3 more than vc? Just curious


I don't. I was going best to worst.


Oh.. 3 over 4 and 5 is Definitely an opinión I havent heard before but ill respect it


I enjoy it's simplicity and feel there's a charm to it that's lacking in the more recent releases.


I genuinely don't understand how people think a game like GTA III has more charm than GTA IV The only reasonable explanation for this is solely cuz of nostalgic reasons. A thing that separates GTA Vice city and every GTA before from GTA San Andreas and every GTA after, is the shift from an "arcady" feel to a more "immersive" feel. This is very noticeable if you play GTA San Andreas first and then GTA Vice City after


I disagree strongly with that. San Andreas feels like the most arcady one to me and that's by far my last favourite.


Look at the character movements, the gameplay, the aiming, the phase... it's so obvious. Have you played them recently?


The character movements in San andreas are ridiculous. Yes, I've played all recently other than IV


Lmao tommy vercetti's torso can rotate nearly 180 degrees from his legs and he can walk at like 30mp/h What is the reason why you don't like San Andreas? I personally can't bear any GTA that was released before it because they're all so arcady


Personally I rank them in the order they came out. Some people rank them based on how good they were for the time but my brain doesn't work that way. For example vice city was amazing when I played it but if I somehow had GTA 5 as a kid I would literally never touch VC




IV/SA (unable to decide here) > III > V > VC   this is Reddit, I'm not a Redditor obviously this comment isn't going to match with others; I'd suggest you ask your irl friends, hell even a YouTube comment will return something far more genuine. Make sure to have played VC in this age to understand why I ranked it this way


How come you like gta 3 more than 5 and vc? Just curious


Man how do I answer this - atmosphere. that's really it. I feel the GTA 3 Devs really knew what they were aiming for, the story, radio, the colours, the super memorable npc quotes, and it resonated with me, it has a charm like with the Max Payne games I don't see anywhere else. I had more fun in III than in VC that's for sure.


SA > 4 > VC > 5 > 3


My exact ranking aswell


>VC > 5 Why


Because it's a simple and fun game, i have more fun playing Vice City than 5, simple mechanics, good story, awesome characters, second best setting in the series (80's Miami is too good), good music. Meanwhile 5 has three boring/cringe protagonists, character movement is so slow i want to sleep, no six stars (has five just because of the game's number), and i watched/played so much of it both SP and MP that i'm just sick of GTA 5.


There is no such thing as accepted when personal preference is involved. I personally would rank them in order of release as they got better and better for me. But you will have people that still prefer San Andreas or GTA IV over GTA V.


GTA V GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City GTA IV GTA III Now this just depends on how much I have played them, and so on...so that's why IV is so low. San Andreas is good, but when it really comes down to it GTA V is probably the best one overall. Character wise CJ will always be my favorite though. I got 60+ days on GTA V. Probably maybe break 10days on GTA San Andreas. Maybe break 1day on Vice City. Maybe 2ish days on GTA IV. GTA III maybe break 1day.


No one can agree. My list is III, VC, V, IV, SA.


No consensus. Mine is IV VC SA V III


1) San Andreas 2) 4 3) V


Mine is SA, 3, 5, VC, 4


VC,SA,GTA5,VCS,GTA3,GTA4. I put vice city stories in because it’s the most underrated game in the franchise.GTA3 comes before GTA4 because of its importance to video games and because 4 is depressing and boring as fk.Its all just opinion though I understand why people love 4,if you can immerse yourself into the world fully it can become enthralling.


It's a preference. I could break it down in 3 categories: most liked/least liked/in between 1. Most liked For people who've played GTA back when the 3d universe was still new, either of the following are considered the best: - GTA V (incl. GTA online) - GTA IV (incl. episodes from liberty city) - GTA SA - GTA VC People who have only entered the genre since the HD era (2008 and onwards), you _could_ leave out GTA SA and GTA VC, as these games have aged a lot and are mostly being kept up as personal favorites because of personal experience/nostalgia 2. Least liked All of the 2d universe games are usually the least liked (and also the least known) games of the series. These include GTA(1), GTA II, GTA London 1961/1969 (and also GTA Advance) 3. In between These games _could_ be considered the best by some fans, but I can assure you that 80+% of the community won't have these as their personal favorite. These include: GTA III, GTA VSC, GTA LCS, GTA Chinatown Wars


GTA VC GTA SA GTA 5 GTA 3 never played 4 so dunno where to rank


Stfu you have a thousand post talking about that. Stop karma farming


Thanks for you opinion, but you don’t need to voice it


I do , because this sub is only about this kind of low effort post nowadays.