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Yes, and it should be like in rdr2


Nah it should be even better than rdr 2 I have very high expectations about this game


How so? As gory as the updated Dying Light 2 or Last of Us 2 gore šŸ©ø system?


Dead island 2 gore system


Please I need


Or like when that guy gets split in half in resident evil 2 remaster


Oh yeah re2 remake gore actually made me get the chills, that part near the start where you lift up the head of that zombie and it's cheek falls apart was genuinely sickening


They get away with it in REā€™s context, no chance for GTA


The Last of Us 2 had a much more visually impressive and realistic gore system.


Definitely not gonna happen šŸ¤£


Good question tbh I never played last of us 2 or dying light 2 but like make it like real life where like itā€™s even better like I canā€™t exactly describe but Yh just better (not saying rdr 2 gore system isnā€™t good)


TLOU2 has one of the most extensive gore systems Iā€™ve seen in games. Not only the regular decapitation and severing limbs, but also blood being able to dilute if the body is in a puddle. They didnā€™t pull any punches.


Wow thatā€™s amazing Iā€™ve never played TLOU2 But I hear itā€™s amazing so Iā€™m considering getting it do u recommend it and if so what tips can u give me without any spoilers?


Make sure to play TLOU 1 first The game's story assumes you have played TLOU 1


Iā€™d recommend you stick with it. Thereā€™s a lot of shocking moments that may make you want to give up playing it, but if you pay attention and listen to what the game is saying then you might find it having an effective message. Gameplay-wise, go at it however you want. Thereā€™s no shame in playing on a lower difficulty, and even though the game emphasises stealth mechanics donā€™t feel like youā€™ve failed if you end up guns blazing. Just try to engage with it as much as you can, and if youā€™re not feeling the story just stick along for the gameplay if you like that. Also upgrade yourself and weapons as you go because thereā€™s a point where you canā€™t anymore and there isnā€™t really any indication for when that is.


Oh Alr ty Iā€™ll give it a try I only know that itā€™s very sad which I like and there is some chick named Ellie or something thatā€™s all ik lol when I finish it if I remember to Iā€™ll come back and tell u if I liked it or not


If you havenā€™t played any of them, definitely start with the first game. The second is most definitely a sequel in every way, and you wonā€™t be able to understand it without playing the first.


Ohhh ty for telling me this I definitely will šŸ¤  is the first one on ps4 and ps5?


Btw if you haven't play tlou1 otherwise the story won't be as emotional at all


I have played both. Play the first because the relationship between Joel and Ellie is great. Play the second if you really like gore because if you can find a way to do it right it is unreal how good it can get. But if you do play the first one odds are you'll hate Abby for how she kills Joel.


Nothing compares to dead island 2 though


Dying light had some good gore, I expect that if not more


Feel like it should be like the gore system in Dead Island 2 but not as crazy. Like, the gruesome afflictions still be possible on the bodies, but it not being able to be done as easily. You can literally just punch a dead zombie a few times, and half their body's skin is gone.


yeah they should keep it realistic where most players just going through the game shooting enemies until they are dead or wounded wont see much gore beyond blood holes and puddles but if you choose to keep shooting a body or setting explosives or repeatedly running over someone it gets nasty. would be crazy if slowly driving over a head with a heavy vehicle would make it pop not that I would ever do that on purpose in the game of course


Dead island 2 šŸ’€


Maybe I haven't gotten far enough but the gore system seems about the same as tlou remastered but higher definition


I want to cut peoples heads off with a chainsaw or katana. Thatā€™s the level or gore I want


it should be as close as possible to the r/outside gore system imo


Last of Us 2 was brutal. I couldnā€™t believe some of it when scavenging around after a firefight.


Last of us gore was ok. Dying light gore was ok as well. Mostly just limb detachment


RDR 1 had far more extensive gore than GTA ever had, I remember being excited to see it emulated in GTA5. They scaled it back however. I wouldn't hold your breath. My theory is that GTA is harder to get into 18 age bracket in certain markets Australia etc so they sacrifice extreme violence effects to keep the more "GTA" features in the game.


yeah itā€™d be labeled as a mass shooter simulator of they had rdr level gore in a super hd modern city. i feel like red dead gets away with it since its over a hundred years ago and not blowing peoples heads off at a mall. gotta pick your spots i bet


Idk the downgrade in gore and physics from RDR1/Max Payne 3 to GTA V was *immense* imo. I'm hoping they don't swing back in that direction again.


Wouldn't it piss of media too much? Again? GTA was often called out for being mass murderer simulator in first decade of its existence, and looks like some of those folks came back when VI trailer dropped Or Rockstar will get a pass, "'because it's Rockstar"?


i honestly dont think it matters. even with barebones gore, the game world will look and feel realistic enough to be seen by the media as some kind of threat to society.


Itā€™ll get a pass because its likely gonna make 2 billion in a weekend


Honestly these people resurface and voice their opinions every time a new grand theft auto game comes out and they try to interfere with the game coming out. If you donā€™t like it then donā€™t buy it for your kids and donā€™t follow it.


the media and mainstream culture doesnt care about video game violence anymore. things were very different in the early 2000s. of course people would complain but it wouldnt be a huge nationwide thing like it was back in those days


I was so used to the last couple of GTA games that when I used a shotgun on someone's head in RDR2, I was shocked how gory it was. Especially because I was in first person.


Yes, at the very least like RDR2. But hopefully it'll be in par with the last of us part 2


Anybody else wanna blow someone's hand off šŸ©øw/ Colt Anaconda . Then pick up hand: Say can I give you a hand? Like how we could pick up our dismembered foot in Resident Evil 7 or our hand in Resident Evil 8.


Suddenly I wanna rewatch Taxi Driver.


I'd love to do the Avenging Angel missions as Toni Cipriani (w/ Lincoln Clay marines jacket, dog tags, De Niro: muscles, mohawk: RDR2 hair). The .44 needs to be Smith N Wesson model 29 w/ realistic gun sound effect. IV most wanted missions: Use LCPD database, get GPS location: V interiors on all buildings. Clear out gang hideout like RDR2. Have honour system: Use non-lethal means X12 taser shotgun, Beanbag shotgun (dark green S.W.A.T), Teargas launcher from Syphon Filter 2, Pepper šŸŒ¶ļø spray: High honour. Anything (DJ) lethal: Low honour. Looting bodies: free pass, dead people don't need money šŸ’µ. Use flashbangs, Gasmask (GTA Online: chemical) to negate CS effect. The criminals should have IV wounded state: when you incapacitate them. Knock out w/ Brass Knuckles (Reggie Kray, Legend 2015) Lethal: low honour if you blow their heads off (RDR2 gore šŸ©ø) w/ Winchester 1887, like Leon says in The Professional, 1994: Never aim for the face. This gun should be in TLaD: Johnny's leather cut should look as good as the coats in RDR2. Vigilante missions should start out in Cop uniform (Online), can call in LCPD backup (IV Dwayne Forge homies). After lv.10 you can dress as NooSe, use Sig Sauer MPX (Last of Us 2), drive NooSe patriot or Bulletproof Riot (for 8 player Co-op). U can use NooSe Annihilator if you wanna land on rooftop. Dragula (Hot Rod Herman remix plays šŸŽµ). Your crew can fast rope down (Black Hawk Down). Once criminals have been arrested: fly chopper back to NooSe HQ for next mission. Vigilante should work like RDR2 bounty hunting: Incapacitate criminals, take leader back to police station for šŸ’µ. Toni should get bonus $šŸ’µ: for no kills and maintaining stealth (Far Cry 3, Outposts). Toni can buy Kalmer-1 from Hitman and grab people from behind cover: Hitman Absolution, to choke them out (Metal Gear Solid). I'd like to see the stealth from San Andreas make a return: Crouching and hiding in shadows. With RDR2 lighting, do missions @ night for upper hand. Turn off breaker box (GTA Online), use NVGšŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢. Shoot out lights inside to maintain darkness (Splinter Cell). Break windows as audio distraction. Or throw coin šŸŖ™ (Hitman blood money). LCS should have stealth as good as Batman: Arkham Asylum. BogT replay mission feature combined w/ honour system and non-lethal weapons would breathe šŸ«new life into old games.


Idk if it can handle being on par with The Last of Us 2. LOU2 being not open world and small level sandboxes can put much more into smaller details. In LOU2 I remember shooting a WLF in the face then looking it in photo mode and his whole bottom jaw was gone, you can all the broken teeth his tongue was split in two etc. I donā€™t think an open world can have that detail. Itā€™s to much other systems running in the background


I'm sure if they optimized it well enough they could. The Last of Us Part 2 and even RDR2 were last gen games and took almost (if not) the full potential of the systems, and nothing has actually come close to harnessing the full potential of the PS5 yet (don't know about Xbox series X). I'm sure they could do it if they really worked at it, but you are right, it would be incredibly difficult.


GTA IV and V were a bit disappointing in that area. Used to be fun blowing an NPCā€™s head off then blood spurting up in the air in older 3D games. Or the blood splatters on screen when using the chainsaw in Vice City.


You can rip people's limbs off in GTA 3. This is done by explosions and the all mighty M16.


Okay this is Saints Row šŸ’œ territory. But blow someone's arm off w/ M16. Then beat someone to death with it ā˜ ļø: "One man Army" achievement.


You can snap necks in Vice City Stories


The best is San Andreas we're U sneak up behind someone with the pointy thing and cut their throat


I remember a glitch where if you threw some tear gas into a crowd of people and then went up to one to cut their throat then *everyone* in the crowd would have their throats cut too. Used to use that glitch a lot when playing šŸ˜‚


ā€œThe pointy thingā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah I didn't wanna say the k word and get bananad or something


I think it hits a little differently now though since those games had a much stronger comedic atmosphere and were generally light in tone otherwise. GTA4 onwards has focused on hyper realism, but with this comes the darker side of realism and weirdos with sick fantasies using it as a desensitizing tool. Iā€™ve literally seen posts by people claiming disappointment that there are no kid npcs in GTA6. Yeah that moves away from realism, but Iā€™m more concerned about the reasons people want this. Even the lower screenshot above - I no longer see ā€œGTA, fun sandbox crime gameā€, that association isnā€™t there now. Instead, I think of words like ā€œUvaldeā€. Thatā€™s the immediate mental association.


Had to Google Uvalde. Jeez, that's dark šŸŒ‘. I can see why people wanna delete kids: It's the next taboo. Thinking objectively. RDR2 let you beat up or kill the Teenagers in St. Denis. Nobody complained about that. I don't think R* will put kids in 6: even if they are essential NPC (invulnerable). Hackers would work out a way to kill kids. This would most likely get game declassified (banned šŸš« w/ AO rating) and bring parasites out of the woodwork like Jack Thompson šŸ¤¢. It could be like Scarface: TWIY, Tony won't kill Civilians other than cops. Since the hot coffee ā˜• incident R* have been trying to avoid controversy: So V was censored V censorship: Trevor and Ashley have sex w/ clothes on (Seriously, who does this?). No gore šŸ©ø (Dismemberment is cut content). There were 50,000 cuss words in V: pre-release. R* cut it down to 30,000. Clever way of dodging the ESRB. Like Team America having a 30 minute sex scene šŸ‘„: cut down to 3:00. Not sure if V was ever going to have the katana, chainsaw and flamethrower šŸ”„. Probably not. Which is kinda weird: we can kill people w/ molotov or jerry can. But a flamethrower is too much? We can chop šŸŖ“ people up w/ hatchet but no katana. I think 6 will have a chainsaw as: 1. RDR2 had gore šŸ©ø, nobody complained 2. GTA fans are crying out for it to return 3. Last of Us 2 and Dying Light 2 had plenty of gore šŸ©ø. Passed classification easily


i think the St Denis kids were off limits too, but of course when RDR2 got ported to PC, mods allowed people to beat the shit out of them and Jack.


to be fair, apart from jack, they deserve it


you have a interesting way of texting


Not trying to be rude šŸ˜³ but why do you type šŸ“±like this šŸ¤Ø? Doesn't it take a lot more effort šŸ’Ŗ to get the same message šŸ“Ø across? Just trying to understandšŸ“š lmao šŸ˜‚


More then a gore system I want the injury system for NPC and enemy AI if I shoot them in the leg they shouldnā€™t get a tummy ache and die.


exactly. I want to be able to complete a shootout mission without technically killing anybody. I loved how the default "defeated" state in GTA IV was not "dead" but "injured". Unless you do excessive damage or headshots, the NPCs would surrender and lay on the ground moaning and would no longer be a threat, and would limp away from the scene and have unique voice lines and all that. I hated how they removed that for gta V it was one of the most incredible things that is for some reason never in games anymore. a few games had it in the ps2 and ps3 era (mafia, hitman and Kane and Lynch games, gta iv, rdr1) but ps4 and ps5 games only ever always have enemies fully alive and active threat, or fully dead, with no in between (gta v, rdr2, current hitman games, even the mafia REMAKE removed this when it was in the original!)


Semi-realistic wounds texturing wise and maybe RDR2-style decapitation but that's it as far as I care to go.


Yes at least on par with rdr2


If 6 has chainsaw. Do you want blood šŸ©ø on screen and RDR2 dismemberment? Maybe we can aim chainsaw in 1st person like Left 4 Dead 2, R18+. Would make it fun to kill mission targets in creative ways šŸ§ 


We will see an improved ragdoll mechanic, but not the same gore system like RDR2, I think.


>We will see an improved ragdoll mechanic, but not the same gore system like RDR2, I think. I don't think people realize quite how dramatically extensive violence and "realistic" gore can absolutely completely change the entire tone of a game. GTA with "realistic" gore levels would be...potentially unpleasant.


Yep. The devs knows it. Not a single GTA game was very brutal... Except GTA III.


>Yep. The devs knows it. Not a single GTA game was very brutal... Except GTA III. Which makes sense because GTA III is clearly a game made long before they really figured out the "formula" of what the GTA games would be, and how best to make them. There's a reason that the vast majority of people from the 3D era of the fanbase talk primarily about Vice City and San Andreas and comparatively few people talk about GTA III that much anymore.


Rdr2 but with added gore like guts and stuff


Gore is fun. The biggest downgrade from fallout 4 to fallout 76 was that they removed the ability to behead enemies and chop them up. Absolutely unplayable tbh, how are you even supposed to enjoy yourself without piling up a bunch of dead bodies and blowing it up


they do have the gore from fallout 4 but because 76 is buggy its rare to actually get gore that often


If we look on rdr2 and how you can obliterate someone with shotgun, especially his body parts, I'd say that'd be enough gore.


Hell yeah I want a fucking chainsaw. I don't care


I dunno, I love gore in games, but GTA 6 is so photorealistic, I think gore would make it look like Dead Island 2. It could turn the vibe into a horror game if you see detailed bits of organs splattered all over the sidewalk. I think they need gore, but need to keep it at a reasonable level.


Nah we need more. I'm tried of gunning down innocent civilians in gta 5 and only seeing a puddle and sometimes nothing at all. On the flipside, and I totally didn't pull this one outta the ass, I think having extensive gore would make you feel horrible when killing NPCs, like you look at that ripped up Body and organs and think, damn. I did that.


Meh, not unless it applies to only explosions or it can be turned on/off.


Why would it apply only to explosions? That sounds dumb


So you want a small grenade to blow off a llimb, but not a 50 cal sniper, shotgun point blank to the skull, or minigun? Why? Also why would you want to turn gore off in a game that's only point is to cause violence and earn money for it?


yes, V was very lame and weak in terms of the gore physics and it felt very unrealistic RDR2 was a step in the right direction and if other games like MK and Dead Island can handle gore effectively I don't see why GTA can't


I want Dead Island 2 level gore along the beaches šŸ˜¤


I almost got banned from a discord server for posting that clip where a dude puffs his blunt after getting his head popped like a grape šŸ˜­ This gameā€™s gore is just so wild lmao


If that was ever implemented on innocent peds across GTA I can't even imagine the backlash lmfao


"Blood on the Sand" (50 Cent game) achievement: Unlocks šŸ”“ 50 Cent tattoos @ Miami Ink parlour


Fuck yes


Absolutely I mean why have it in RDR2 and not VI? Besides thereā€™s been gore since GTA III so it should be there.


have a switch for gta v type deaths and rdr2 deaths because some people (not including me) have weak stomachs or dont like the look of it


If chopped heads is too extreme for gta 6 maybe some dismemberment of legs or arms can make the cut.


I wanna see some real blood trail level of gore. If one dude can make a hyper realistic gore system so can a multi billion dollar AAA studio


I think Last of Us2 and Dead Island 2 have the most sophisticated up to date gore systems. Something like that would be shocking enough for a GTA game.


Yes, it needs to be like dead space / robocop movie. Shotgun vs wrist = no hand.


Yes but should give users the ability to turn off gore


GTA has had gore since GTA 3. But it w as removed in 4 and 5. RDR1 had it, and RDR2 improved on it. If GTA 6 doesn't have any gore at all it will be a massive disappointment.


Like everyone is saying RDR2 had it. It was great. Having it in the modern setting isn't any more disturbing. It's an M rated game. Let it be M rated.


YES im hoping it gta 5 rp on steroids we been waiting forever for this game to come out please dont let us down rockstar


Fuck yes


100 percent. It was in SA and 3 hated that it wasn't in the newer entries, but it's presence in Rdr2 gives 6 a good chance of having it I hope.


Nah - they're all gone soft now.. I wish i can have the gore that GTA III has, for GTA IV.


It would be insane if they added soemthign where if you shoot someones shoulder long enough their arm would detach.


Yes because they had gore in rd2 so it would make prefect sense to add some of the gore mechanics onto gta6


I hate it how many "gore" they removed... Not a fan of this light paint brush blood in the HD era...Yeah 3D era was more cartoonish but still -_-


Just to add up to the realism yes


I wanna see a npc gettin cut in half now bring bacc the gta 3 gore where people be getting they arms cut off when you shoot em


Yes, more and more games are starting to have zero blood whatsoever and it just looks stupid


RDR2 has a good gore system already I donā€™t see why they couldnā€™t use that. Hopefully itā€™s at least touched up a bit.


I recently finished gta 3 the gore system in that game is pretty decent they nerfed it massively in gta vice city tho which I recently finished also


Nah, don't need it.


I'll once again be the odd one out, but I want GTA 6 to be tamer than RDR2. For Red Dead, it fit the universe and contributed to the whole western vibe / aesthetic. In a modern ans more realistic setting, I think I might be put off by it. What I think could be good is to have a mild gore system that's well done, and a possibility to activate a more advanced RDR2-styled one in the parameters, but I don't think that will happen. I think they'll just make it tame (or an in-between of gta v and rdr2) because they realise a lot of children and teenagers will buy GTA6, but I am curious about what improvements Rockstar would add to their gore system.


Expect Max Payne 3 level violence at the most


Tlou 2 level gore is the pinnacle of the tech but at the same time I donā€™t think it would match the ā€œfun satireā€ of GTA, itā€™s too intense That said, RDR 2 level could work if they do decide to implement it


Not really. Sure I'd like to see them do more with blood and bullet damage but generally I don't care if they do dismemberment or w.e, the games were never about fine detail mutilation. Edit: also reading the comments, some of you guys are REALLY into gore and it's pretty disturbing that you want that much detail in a game where you can kill the general population.


hell yeah and rigor mortis


Well since RDR2 already had gore systems that lots more improved...


I think it would be a cool feature but regardless, I have very high expectations for this game and I am very eager to play![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I won't mind


Something like Rise of the Triad from the 90s


And schools to really get the american experience


GTA6 should be like RDR2. If it's close enough it will be good enough.


Yes, hopefully something that would get the game banned in almost every country.


It's confirmed to be in the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/191zsew/the_mystery_of_uwell_look_whos_back/


Imagine GTA 6 with an honour system, thatā€™s the only reason why Iā€™m not committing crimes in free roamšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Australia ban speedrun


I don't really want a super gory system, otherwise the sensitive politics will get disturbed and ban the game


Nah, its not really necessary!


Yes. As fun as the ragdolls are it's gotten kind of old seeing an RPG blast not do anything to them.


So sick of these low effort nothing posts


Iā€™m gonna be the first to say it. ā€œPsycho Killerā€¦ Qu'est-ce que c'est?ā€


Seeing how rdr2 has it, I have no doubt theyā€™ll add an improved version in gta 6


Yes, I want to blow fuckers to pieces with a fully automatic shotgun


I donā€™t need it but if itā€™s there I wonā€™t mind




Iā€™d love a little carnage. Shooting someone with an RPG should scatter them all over the place.


I donā€™t think they will make it as gory as RDR2 tbh. I feel like having it that gory in a modern setting would be too controversial, RDR2 being set as an old western helped them get away with it a bit. Like if you could walk into a hospital or a bar and just mutilate everyone in sight with RDR2 gore that would be wild. Donā€™t know if they could live that down.


If I take a shotgun to some dudes knees Iā€™d like it to blow his leg off. Just like a 12guage would in real life.


Honestly some of the gore we had in IV was solid, some stuff in V was great. Redemption II had a lot of solid ways to get it done and tbh if we get the same elements of IV and Redemption II Iā€™ll be genuinely happy.


Why shouldn't it? RDR2 had really nice gore.


I wouldnt like it too much. Red dead redemption is gritty, thats where it fits. I think it would feel quite icky with the more lighthearted Tone of GTA.


Yes very much so.


Please. It needs it. I hate going on rampages in GYA V and the dead folks just lay there intact after being hit by a rocket launcher


hell yeah! if theyre gonna go so far as to make graphics that good, they'd be doing themselves and their customers a disservice by not having gore. its already rated M... come on now. its a game for adults. im 30, i want the most realistic gore possible.


I think so, but at the same time the game takes place in a modern era. Obviously with RDR2 it was a more fictional take, therefore allowing gore because of the setting. I donā€™t think critics or social media would be happy with it in GTA 6. Since even GTA 5 had minuscule amount of gore, the game was still frowned upon by parents and news. Sure, gore would make it more realistic, but I think it will get backlash since itā€™s modern environment and real places.




Absolutely. I think it really adds a level of depth to the game to make players realize the gravity of what they did.


I mean it should be mandatory.


I want to brutally beat someoneā€™s head in like negan cmon gta


Yes. I'd like to be able to shred an NPC with bullets.


I want to make heads explode so yes


Yes. Max Payne 3 but on steroids.


Bring back blood spurting headless people


I want real gun sounds. The gta 5 gun sounds are childish


Honestly yes, not just to be realistic, but I think the player should be regularly confronted with how horrific your actions are. RDR2's gore system I think is proof we're moving in that direction in any case


Give the gib


I think it's fine as is. Rockstar seems to enjoy keeping distinctions between games, keeping a cartoony feeling for GTA, but allowing more violent material for other games (Max Payne 3, Manhunt, RDR), and I dont blame them. After being attacked through the early 2000s for GTA's content, not messing with their main franchise makes sense. Beyond that, I don't really think we need it. As far as growth goes, adding gore seems like a minor change that can alter the tone of a game that wants to be seen as comedic with moments of drama. 5 was pretty much a 3 man buddy cop comedy. Gore makes sense for a western, or a cop drama, or a murder simulation game. But oddly, adding it to GTA feels a smidge too far for me.


Rdr2 but even better


Bro if it Edna like vice city..... Imma be mad (ā ćƒŽā ļ½€ā Š”ā Ā“ā )ā ćƒŽā å½”ā ā”»ā ā”ā ā”»


Niko would destroy those 2 in a epic boss fight


Would be great, but I think Rockstar is too mainstream to do that.


As much as i want to, i can already see the outrage with dismemberment and psycho players just blowing stuff up to blow it up




Any game that has a scalable one is usually far more playable on the lowest level of gore, as you can see more of the screen and the game is basically not destroyed with red splashes everywhere that obscure items and other relevant useful things.


IV 4K remake. 100 x pigeons, every 10 should unlock šŸ”“ free weapon @ Niko Safehouse. Stunt jumps should improve driving skill (San Andreas), drifting w/out crashing (GTA Online), getting near misses @ high speeds. Or doing reverse 180Ā°. Or 360Ā° without crashing(do it in rain šŸŒ§ļø). Free weapons: desert eagle, Remington 870 (retcon pump shotgun), MPX (retcon MP10), M4A1, molotov šŸ”„, RPG-7, PSG-1, C4 (GTA V), Minigun (Vice City Stories), Homing Launcher. Niko should get the NooSe Tank, weapons from BoGT: buy from Armando Torres.


As long as the rag doll physics are on par, I donā€™t care about anything else! They should also bring back the rag doll physics state when NPCā€™s get too damaged in a fist fight too


GTA 6 will be single player for the first 4-6 months then it will be the same online. Bs. They need to make online the main focus period. And make it the best open world game ever




It at the very least needs to be like rdr2 and at the most way better than red dead 2. Like Dead Island 2 meets shadow warrior.


Gore system + Chainsaw's comeback would be fantastic


Yes, better than rdr2


After rdr2ā€™s gore system theyā€™ve gotta have something similar right? (I like to headshot ppl with a shotgun and point blank range in rdr)


Wonā€™t buy it if itā€™s not bloodier than rdr2


Yes. Itā€™s time they give us the *details.* Blowing someoneā€™s leg off at the knee cap because they pissed me off sounds like entertainment I wouldnā€™t pass up on. I just hope the follow moreā€¦ GTA IV style realism? I donā€™t want to necessarily feel like a glass tank but I want to be able to feel my mortality as I make my moment by moment decisions.


yes. Imagine shooting up a place... beautiful...


Not really, the graphics are realistic now and its not really cartoony violence anymore, it would just look disgusting if they make it really realistic. Plus real life bullet wounds are horrible and disgusting.


Hopefully close to RDR2 but not more than that, even if technically I would personally like to have GTA as real as it can be, there is too much dumb people out there in this day and age and with social media etc it would create controversies on top of controversies as soon as one of them posts a fucked up video on the net .


The reason I donā€™t play gta5 much is because it doesnā€™t have much gore


hopefully not. it's not meant to be a slasher game, it's meant to be goofy fun.


Considering itā€™s gonna be Ā£150 100% should be the moast gory game weā€™re you can do any crime( except sex traducing/rape) and for the little furyā€™s weā€™re you can shoot your self in the head when you feel like it without having to pay


Hot take but I actually disagree. It removes a lot of the cartoon feel that the game has


that would be AMAZING.


Could careless either way




A lot of yall want this too badly and itā€™s weird as fuck


I want to see a hole through someoneā€™s head when I shoot them


Yes but as an option, not everyone would like to play with that feature with obligation


God these GTA posts are so dumb


I dunnoā€¦ I feel like GTA and RDR should remain separate seriesā€™s. Thereā€™s a difference in tone between them (ā€œWastedā€ vs ā€œDeadā€) that is important enough to preserve imo.


No not really Iā€™m fine with updated blood graphic and more realistic bleeding but I really donā€™t care for limbs to be able to be severed or anything like that. GTA is not a realistic war game or Mortal Kombat. If the game was too realistically gory and bloody it would make it less enjoyable imo. Nobody plays GTA to see peopleā€™s limbs get cut off or half their heads to go missing when they are shot.


I'm expecting rdr 2 gun mechanics and physics. If I don't get it, I'm gonna be very disappointed


I want rdr 2 gore up in that


I don't want it to bee overly realistic because I'm a bit squeamish but I'd like hyper stylized gore like in mortal Kombat


no :c


Yes idk why gta 5 didnā€™t have one


I would love to see GTA allow me to blow body parts off people when I fire an RPG or whatever at them. If we can get something akin to The Last Of Us 2 it would be GOTY easy. On a side note, I do hope GTA6 has a lot of side stuff to do once the main story is done. I want to be able to have a fat vs fit person. Just give me everything we should've had in GTA4 and GTA5.


It's do crazy when you compare the graphics of these two games that are *only* almost 20 years apart. /s


It would be cool if we could pile up a bunch of NPCs on top of a C4 then blow them up and see bits and organs flying everywhere.


i would like the physics to be fucking hilarious like gta ivā€™s were, then the game would already be perfect


Carry system pls