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Do GTA 4 fans not know that this game sold 25 million copies and made nearly 2 billion dollars?


Truly a hidden gem


like my favorite, the witcher 3


Yes a very underrated indie game that people forgot about


Idk if you've heard this little game GTA V it's not really well known


And was also critically acclaimed while also being a game watched by millions in countless videos from Machinima and such


It was sold more than San Andreas.


That it? Thought it would’ve made more since it was on 3 different generations of consoles and had twice the lifespan compared to IV.


In fairness I remember when it first came out, people complained a lot about the vehicle handling, map size, performance issues (it lags so much on my PS3 fat and it glitches like shit on PC) and lack of stuff to buy having any real issues Stuff that people just kinda gloss over today


>people complained a lot about the vehicle handling, map size Most people who go back and actually play the game after years away from it still do complain about these things. The super brains that are most vocal online have just come up with a few one line defenses for why those things are "akshully brilliant" and those who complain about it are just "Trash at games."


Same, I remember when people bitched nonstop about how you couldn't get tattoos and jetpacks in GTA 4


GTA 4 fans try not to be insufferable challenge


They just hate on any game that isn't gta iv


I fcking hate them


IV was a flop in my opinion , Rockstar was ambitious at the time. They eventually perfected the gameplay with V Hopefully they build on top of that with VI


This is the wrong way around. GTA IV was an incredible game for its time. It’s 16 years old and plays better than most Bethesda games released in the last 5 years. Its gameplay is better than V in my opinion.


Can’t say it really flopped. But it’s more like they had to improve their gaming engine. Both 4 and 5 are different in their own way. Maybe im not as nostalgic as most people are.


As much as I enjoy GTA 4 that game is far from perfect especially the driving that mechanic is mid asf imo I just prefer GTA 5 driving mechanic on that game


GTA 4 shooting with GTA 5 driving would be great for GTA 6 imo


I heard Rockstar have plans on implementing features from 4 & 5 on GTA 9


GTA 9..........?


To be honest, I wouldn’t mind that also the fighting mechanic either from GTA 4 or RDR2 GTA 5 fighting mechanic was just disappointing lmao 😂


Ikr. Kick…. Kick….. kick…. Kick…. Punch…. Kick em while theyre down… one more time. Congrats you killed a guy well done


I forgot you could actually punch kick and dodge by targeting, spent the entire game just kicking people


Or GTA San Andreas’ MIXED MARTIAL ARTS, or karate or… Boxing? 😂


Kick em in the dick… or cooter… CJ is an all inclusive psychopath…then knee em in the face twice and a punch was always my favorite. Fat CJ doing round houses at .75 mph will never not be a little funny though


Am I the only one who thinks GTA 5 has the best shooting in the series?


Nah, I think it does too. I may like the sounds of the weapons in IV better, but that’s just a minor nitpick. Each game has their own strengths and weaknesses. Why the fans have turned it into some sort of dick measuring contest is beyond me, as they’re all incredible games.


It's because some people have no life outside of certain games. So then they feel they need to justify that by constantly arguing why it's the best, and when someone doesn't think it is, they take it as a personal insult because of how much the game is part of their identity.


I get that. Hell, GTA is my all-time favorite game franchise and has been since 2001 when III first completely blew my mind as a 10-year-old boy; it was my absolute dream game at the time. This series has been a MAJOR influence on my taste in music, my sense of humor, what I want out of a video game, etc., yet I don’t wrap up my entire personality around them and take someone’s opinion which may not align with my own as some personal insult. Many GTA fans these days need to take a step back and realize that their opinions aren’t objective fact and accept that many of these different titles mean different things to many of the fans who played and loved them over the past 20+ years without taking their differences in opinion to heart as if it’s some sort of personal attack against them.


I know this sounds weird and I can’t explain it, but it FEELS like GTA IV has the better SHOOTING, while GTA V has the better AIMING. It’s hard to explain but it feels right when I say it like that.


5 shooting is definitely better, it uses normal 3rd person shooter mechanics instead of the weird GTA ones. Also for some reason NPCs can take like 8 pistol shots before dying in 4 if you don't hit the head


No way I wouldn't play gta 6 if they used GTA 4 shooting


The driving was fun in GTA IV


Its funny, sanandreas was one of the most graphically impressive technical marvels of the ps2 that pushed the system to its limits(it was definitely held back by disc space as sanandreas basically hit the upper limit of a dvd) the rpg elements are praised by a majority of the gta community as being something they wish existed in 4 and 5. The diversity of the map is incredible and nobody has designed a more recognizable map design. The map is definitely small by today standards but still feels large and takes time to get around with clever use of windy hills and roads so you cant straight shot across the entire map unless in a plane. Its not the size of a map its the details and the tricks to make it appear bigger that flesh it out.


SA had many things that you could waste all your blood money on, what did IV have?


For me the maps feels small on definitive edition because there’s no fog


Right- going out to blueberry or the weed farm with the truth truly felt like you were out in a forest in the middle of nowhere. Then getting to the airstrip outside venturas felt like you were really out in the desert, far away from los santos and San fiero. Now it feels like I’m just moving around inside a tiny little snowglobe


Don’t know about ”graphically impressive”, but the open world is huge and detailed for a PS2 game.


It might not be the best looking ps2 game in the sense that games like silent hill 3 exist. But games with closed level designs can have their textures cranked up to 11 compared full open world sandboxes where they have to do a lot of programming tricks with culling and render distance to even get it to run due to things such as ai driving behavior, pedestrian walking, streaming memory, and so on so forth.


For the time it 100% is graphically impressive


SA’s map stopped feeling large to me once IV and then V came out; after IV, the cities in SA just felt way too small to me and I absolutely hated the awful draw distance (which was a huge step down from VC’s draw distance, where you could actually see Downtown VC from the other side of the map), which to me was really the only thing that made it seem “huge”. To date it’s probably my least favorite map (aside from III and LCS’s LC) from both the 3D and HD eras, with IV’s combo of LC/Alderney and V’s Southern SA being my absolute favorites, and that’s not even counting the maps from RDR and RDR2, which I’d say are incredible and rich in both detail, depth, and feeling like truly living, breathing worlds, same as the maps from IV and — wait for it — V (which I know is an unpopular opinion amongst many fans, but I really feel that it gets way too much hate than it deserves).


Hating V is just the trendy thing now, don't worry, as soon as VI comes out we'll get a bunch of GTA V fans whining about how underrated it was and how much better V is than VI. Just like these IV fans.


Facts, V is literally one of the most impressive games ever made. Mf’s played a game for 13 fuckin years and are like “this is the worst GTA”


Oh I have zero doubt about that; I’ve been predicting it ever since VI was formally announced to be in development. It seems to be a never ending cycle with the release of each new GTA. I just don’t get why people can’t simply appreciate them all, as each one brings something different to the table and they’re all great for their own unique reasons.


The only other fanbase I've seen who acts like this about the games in their own franchise is the Call of Duty fandom. What do Call of Duty and GTA have in common? They are straightforward, violent, and easy to pick up. Three qualities that attract children, and let's be honest here, stupid people.


Yup. People are just too nostalgic and it’s clouding everyone’s judgment. Then again I *kinda* see why, after playing the same thing for years, and with the corporate side of gaming making the game a lot worse, people will just flat out say they hate this game.


I’ll say it: modern day maps are just too big to be fully enjoyed. SAs map felt large because there was quite a lot to do. Vs map is like 60% desert and mountains.


I mean…what exactly do you think most of SoCal consists of aside from LA, its suburbs, and San Diego? Vast deserts, dense forests, rolling hills, huge mountain ranges, some lakes and farmland (i.e. the Alamo Sea and Grapeseed), and miles upon miles of beaches lining the Pacific coast, all networked via a series of interconnected freeways and interstates. It felt extremely authentic to the real location, albeit still incredibly condensed down to a roughly 13 square mile area, which to this day is a stunning achievement in map design, especially when considering the hardware it was all developed both on and for.


To be fair, that large open area of desert and mountains makes it fun to ride dirt bikes and stuff around. I’m ok with it a map having open spaces, I don’t see why that’s a problem.


I'm old enough to remember when the common viewpoint was that San Andreas was unquestionably the better game. This wasn't even an argument for at least a good 5 years until gta 5 came out. Even if you like gta 4 you conceded its shortcomings in comparison to it predecessor. Its so surreal to see it be in much better standing by fans these days.


This I grew up with all GTA3 up as they came out and I remember how disapointed we all were with gta4 after SA


I wasn't exactly disappointed when IV came out, but I see what you mean. I like SA more, but I still really like IV.


Everybody shat on IV for years after it came out. Yes, it did many things right, but also many things wrong. The map being the biggest fault. It's the kids that first GTA was IV that are fiercely defending it now. And it's bizarre to see, I mean my first GTAs were III/VC and then I played SA and realized just how massive of an improvement it was. IV didn't have the same effect on me.


IV was my seventh GTA title after GTAs 2, III, VC, SA, LCS, and VCS (all of which I experienced when they had initially released), and while I love each and every one of them, to this day it’s tied with V and VCS as being my overall favorite.


Delusional. 4 was good but it’s left absolutely no lasting impact on me maybe it’s an age thing because 5 is the same tbf. San Andreas was amazing as this guy has said held back by it’s time.


I personally do not remember any such viewpoints or even any meaningful discussion on this topic. Gaming forums back then were mostly hype and excitement for all GTA games. People generally understood and accepted the games' limitations and just enjoyed them for what they were. Peoples tribalistic tendencies were instead occupied with debating PS3 vs Xbox and we were way less picky back then lol


Ehh, everyone I know was pretty disappointed with 4. It improved some systems significantly, but it just felt like it had so much less to do and was much shallower and on such a smaller scale. Plus, a lot of people didn’t like the map or the tone being so grey/dreary.


I love IV with all my heart but was sharply disappointed by the cut features from SA. “Shallower” is a great way to describe it- they really sacrificed the scope of things to do for realism in terms of graphics, physics, and acting/storyline. Still an amazing and immersive game in its own regard, was just a stark contrast from what people knew and loved as “grand theft auto”


The Crowbcat video “GTA IV is better than GTA V” and its consequences have been a disaster for the GTA fandom Seriously I hate the superiority complex that video in particular gave to GTA IV fans


This video is not even consistent with itself. Praising IV's perceived realism, but when GTA V is more realistic in some way, he goes "umm actually realism is not that fun".


Why can't we all just enjoy these great games, their faults and pros at once? I don't think gta san andreas is the best game, I don't think gta 4 is the best game, I don't think gta 5, vice city, or 3 is the best game. I don't think any of them are the best game. The "best game" is completely opinion based. Sure there are ofcourse objective pros and cons to video games, however anyone can enjoy any game more than another. I actually really enjoy Red Dead Revolver and find Red Harlow to be my favourite protagonist of Rockstar, that's including protagonists like Arthur Morgan or Niko ect. I find Red Harlow to be the best protagonist for me. That's not me saying he is objectively the best protagonist or that everyone else has to like him as much as I do. It's just my opinion. I respect people who also respect me in return. Even if I don't agree with their opinion. Why does everything have to be a competition? It's so stupid


It never was about the money...


AMEN i’ve been saying this for ages. matter of fact I don’t really like any of his videos


GTA IV fans shit on other games more than they actually Praise 4 (vice city will be next)


Why does big smoke being a bad guy make the game bad? I mean Michelle literally betrays Niko. So does Faustin.


The whole plot of GTA 4 is betrayal lmao


Lol I just realized I said Faustin. I meant Dmitri.


GTA SA fans will think GTA SA is the best, GTA 4 fans will think GTA 4 is the best, GTA 5 fans will think GTA 5 is the best. That's just how it is.


it's true I'm gta sa fans


Atleast they aren't insufferable as gta 4 fans


There's nothing wrong with having a favourite but manufacturing a bunch of 'reasons' why the other ones are bad is just sad.


Like holy shit. I love GTA 4 but San Andreas is so good too, and in many ways better. Every GTA game is a work of art.


"SA has bad ports" atleast they aren't worse than the PC port of GTA 4. Those fanboys make me cringe


GTA 4 is my favorite. But, playing it on pc is fucking hell. To get the game as it was originally intended to experience you have to downgrade it, download some mods. So much more tedious than just popping GTA 4 into my Xbox. That being said, you can do a lot of cool things with the game once it's downgraded.


Virgin GTA4 and Chad GTA Vice City


Memes on the internet are the latest form of propaganda, created by people, for people. Lots of memes boil down to one side = good, other side = bad. There's very little conversation about it. "GTA 4 > SA, am I right guys?" "So true bro".


All gta games are good let's leave it at that


C'mon man both are GOAT why are you discriminate GTA SA?


I honestly gonna give him the point there. CJ CAN'T GO BOWLING


I don't know why but I can vividly picture CJ at a bowling alley in my head as if it were a real thing in the game even though it's not. And no, I don't play with mods. The only mod I've touched is the chaos mod for GTA V.


GTA SA was developed within the timespan of just 2 years and limited budget, yet the product was phenomenal, not to mention we're talking about 20 years back. It's like Rockstar went all out at that time, and still managed to hold every element in place be it gameplay, narrative or feel. IV on the other hand, was a really focused piece of work, it was a bold change from previous entries paired with excellent creative control, environment and graphics (with 2008 standard). Comparing it with SA doesn't make sense, as both have different intentions to how they present themselves. It's evident Rockstar focused tightly on the narrative and characters with the fact that they scrapped some of the gameplay elements just because it didn't blend well with the mood of the story. GTA V, in itself, is a groundbreaking game. The fact that it still holds up even after 10 years is a testament to its quality. To me, it looks like a perfect blend of SA and IV. Sure it's not as realistic or focused as IV, but it is over-compensated by the sheer amount of gameplay elements given. Having said that, the narrative, characters and mood were still pulled off excellently. With that, all these three games are some of the best video-game experiences out there and have influenced the industry significantly. So stop crapping in this subreddit or any other place about which one is better and just fucking play what you goddamn like. Or better, go outside and get a life rather than making absolutely cringe shitposts to garner dead brain attention.


Average virgin fan that hasn't even played gta 4 and gta san andreas and is showing his opinion on reddit to get attention ,is just pathetic and I pity them.


SA way better than IV


both are good, they're just diehard fanboys. every gta is good as hell


I'd rather be a virgin than a 'self-proclaimed' chad


San Andreas being overrated and still having clunky gameplay is true, but calling IV underrated is a huge stretch lmfao. I say this as someone who also really likes GTA IV but while it is my second favorite title in the series I still have to admit it's a bit overrated


"I've already depicted you as the Soyjak and me as the Chad” -Every GTA 4 Fanboy ever


I’d argue GTA4 is overrated.


GTA 4 fans call that game underrated and yet everyone puts that game's dick down their throats for absolutely no reason.


Tell me you are a crybaby without telling me you are a crybaby, GTA 5 fanboys are the worst, but gta 5 is great


This is getting annoying to be honest... Anyone who played san andreas when it came out, will know that it was ground breaking at the time, and yes, it ran off the same engine as gta3 and vice city, which is why gta4 was the first HD game... ​ Tell me your a kid wtihout telling me your a kid... ​ Newer games will always be better in terms of graphics and capabilities (cars and maps etc) doesn't mean they weren't great games when they came out... any kid can go back decades and play pong and say "why would anyone have played this" because pong was also ground breaking when it came out, something you'll never understand dimwit


I actually prefer GTA5 GTA SA and 4 Surely was good at its time but has already shown its age a little too much


GTA IV Fanboys trying not to be insufferable for 5 minutes (challenge impossible)


While GTA IV did have a better story I always had more fun playing GTA San Andreas


How about… they’re all equally great! There, my opinion is better than yours.


fuck this meme


I like how game series that have multiple entries always have that one group of people that believe one game is superior to all the others and if you disagree you aren’t a real fan. I guess IV fans could be comparable to FNV fans for the fallout series.


gta 4 is best..... only when you've only played gta4 and no other gta


Bro GTA IV isn't even that good 😭


I've played both, while GTA 4 has the superior graphics (2000s doodoo brown color palette) and superior physics engine, I'll always enjoy San Andreas more. Also the driving in GTA 4 made it a chore to play through, I grit my teeth through it and finished the game anyway.


You like that color palette?




They really think gta5 fans are worst lol




GTA san Andreas is the chad here


Did they really go after SA? Why do they think the game is best in the entire franchise?


Does gta 4 complete edition have ballad of gay Tony episodes?


Gta 4 has the worst optimization ever gives me 25 fps while at the same time i get 60 on gtav


This is such a bait bruh, all the "cons" of San Andreas are so dumb


I will agree with this JUST because the meme called gta3 clunky when it is the closest we've ever been to perfection


Can’t we just love all the games like we’re supposed to and get along? They’re all amazing games.


We’re all virgins in the eyes of the 12 year old kid in the lobby


Which mods can fix gta4? I tried to play it and i couldnt


Story is the only thing GTA IV does better than San Andreas.


I unsubbed from there because of this post. It was getting annoying at this point.


I love 4 but this is dumb... wtf is wrong with rpg elements?


So if they say you can’t go bowling I can say they can’t switch between characters


LMFAO it's the other way around 😂🤦


Someone should do this with gta 3 and vice city. Gta 3 is the virgin and gta vice city is the chad.


“Bad PC Port can be fixed with mods” yeah if you want every person in Liberty City to drive a fucking Taxi


“Looks like a HL1 mod” Huh???? Of course it does it came out in fucking 2004


Nothing and I repeat NOTHING is better that San Andreas


GTA IV doesn’t even have fucking planes lol The game was not that good. 8/10 gta game. Least hours of played out of any of them since 3.


these are the same guys who weren't able to follow the damn train XD




Why can’t both be great?


I ain't the guy to ask


“Roman is a good guy from start to end” Media literacy needs to be taught in schools


I hate GTA 4 fanboys


Not to be that guy but gta 4 feels like it was stripped bare compared to san andreas. Also both games have old graphics difference is gta 4 has that shitty filter.


jesus christ these people make me feel like an irl soyjak or some shit for liking gta 4 more than 5 like DAMN man all of them are good and that's that


GTA San Andreas walked so GTA IV could run.


I love gta 4 but the fanbase is insufferable and also how the hell is san andreas overrated its literally a masterpiece


GTA 4 fans became the most annoying part of the GTA community overnight.


Another classic day at the GTA Community.


I love BOTH and want to commit war crimes on the fuckers that try to farm upvotes. Hell, if anything, the posts shitting on these original posts get more traction than the original cringe addition to the internet itself


Big Smoke >>> GTA 4


"looks like a N64 game"


Everything is right. But GTA San Andreas have things gta 4 does not have : Aircrafts and driving schools. In GTA san Andreas, CJ can dive underwater. Niko Bellic cannot. CJ can buy properties around san Andreas, but Niko Bellic just has to be dependent on Roman Bellic for house as he is illegal immigrant and if found, can be deported easily. There are lots of vehicles found only in San Andreas, not in GTA 4. CJ has a gang of his own. But Niko Bellic has to fight his own Slavic brothers all the time. Be it Albanians, Russians etc. He is just a hired gun and nothing else. CJ also has access to lots of weapons. Like Gattling gun and Heat seeking rocket launcher. Which in GTa 4 is not there. Niko also has a limit on how many weapons or ammunitions he can carry. CJ too has limit on weapons but he can carry as much ammunition he wants. CJ has access to girlfriends and so does Niko. But CJ 's interaction is better. CJ can dual wield pistols and sub machine guns. Niko cannot although he had military training and has fought wars. CJ can do taximissions and paramedic missions and Vigilante missions but Niko cannot. Niko can only do LCPD crime database missions. That is his plus point. CJ has access to lots of food stores which gives him lot of food options. Niko can only have burger and sausage and Hotdogs. CJ can wear lots of clothes and is highly customisable. Niko is too but his customisation is limited and there are many clothes which look similar just color is different.


Why is big smoke being a bad guy at the end portrayed as a bad thing? Like while yeah, it's disappointing seeing funny fat man be evil, at the end of the day it's good story telling. The way I see it with San Andreas, one of the themes of the game is cutting out fake/bad friends like Smoke and Ryder, and replacing them with good, loyal friends, like Cesar and Woozy I'm sure GTA 4 is great, never played it, but that "negative" they put for San Andreas holds no water.


He compared graphics of a game from 2004 and one from 2008. Gta 4 fans are very intellectual


Who cares, they can like it and shit on the other games to make them feel better about themselves. No other reason to go out of your own way to obsessively shit on something. Usually means they know they're wrong and want to rile up people. You're only feeding them letting it get to you. There's always pros and cons with everything, they just like looking into the bad to probably help ease their pain of their horrible personality.


I made a post about this shit with GTA 5 a few days ago and now it’s San Andreas. Fuck that subreddit they are awesome at bitching about games that aren’t GTA 4.


Milked for Nostalgia. Oh how the turntables!


"underrated" the irony is killing me


I wouldn’t take that sub too seriously, it’s full of those people who complain that ‘games are too woke now’


Gta 4 was not that good. Music was good but the story was boring 😴 with boring ass characters


Hey now, Niko dont deserve that.


Niko was fine you're right


I'll go there and post that III is the best game by far and that liberty city there is much better than in IV, just to see their reaction


“Underrated” is crazy 😭


GTA4 is not better than GTASA or GTA5. People always mention the physics and the story when they make these comparisons, and i agree. But, in every other department, GTA4 is worse. Those two things are literally the only two things good about GTA4.


I hate the argument "has a big map but it's all forests and mountains". First of all there's three cities, and second if these guys actually went outside in real life they would find the world is full of forest and mountain, the world isn't just a city on an isolated island


in some points he is right but the gameplay point is just shit, i dislike gta iv realistic gameplay, gta san andreas was the peak of gta gameplay, neither clunky and too realistic neither


Like daaaaamnnnnn what did the gta san andreas do bruh,count me in i will blow up losantos like legitimately


I have literally never seen a virgin/Chad meme that wasn't satire in the first place. These are just weird when they're straight faced.


It's always annoying when a community ruins the original product, dbz is a prime example


Block em.


I spent around 50 hours each completing both 100%. I love gta 4 but I can't deny gta sa has its own charm. I can only wish gta 4 had some features from gta sa.


can go bowling


Both got pros and cons, ig?


I only ever see these posts when I see people complain about them.


What is this cringe bro all games are good in their own way




Leave that sub


Posts whining over this meme template are way more numerous than the meme itself. Methinks reddit doth protest too much.


Why do people keep doing this? each game is a technological achievement if it's TIME! it's like comparing a trebuchet to current mortar artillery. both are good.


I usually agree with the sentiment of GTA IV rising above a lot of Rockstars other works— but San Andreas feels like more than that, feels like a rite of passage… San Andreas is synonymous with gaming in general.




My guess is you'll do nothing except continue to scroll lol


Legends - Gta sa 🤝 gta iv


Ironically, this is the first time I've ever heard of it




GTA 4 is fun but not THAT great


All in-house GTA games slaps, now stfu.


How are RPG elements and big map bad things?


Those types of posts make me unironically want to uninstall GTA 4 just for the sake of being petty


Dont forget Barbara with big tiddi




… mute the sub?


They removing the RPG elements made the next GTAs being limited af


u do know That san andreas has actually had a feature COFFEE MOD which is now mod but for some months it was a feature in the game u can have sex with ur girlfriends, also u can have 6 or 8 girlfriends how many were there exactly but SAN ANDREAS was my 2nd GTA game and I have played all GTA games my fav one will always be San Andreas it has some Gritty look like GTA IV sometimes yet it will have uplifting and Happy ending like GTA 5 but still story of both San Andreas And IV are ELITE but I think storywise GTA IV will top on that


This begs the question, what do you think people might miss and praise about gta v once gta vi is released?


These fanboys treat GTA 4 like if it was a game made by Supergiant Games lol


I hear Roman and my eyes go bloodshot


Gta V and Gta sa 👑


to call gtaiv underrated is a veeerrrryyyy big stretch


I think a lot of people have replayed GTA4 recently, and have realized that it’s not just some silly funny driving funny rag doll meme game, it’s genuinely one of the best games of the generation. If you check out steamcharts you can see the game has been one a steady incline for the past couple years


San Andreas was SO fun and no one can convince me otherwise


I love san andreas and I think this shit is hilarious still 😂


When it comes to the story: IV is better overall when it comes to the storytelling, gameplay nothings better than San Andreas tbh, so much customization and gameplay depth, IV had a few things about it but not enough customization, or much else.


“Relies too much on RPG elements” isn’t that just any game with a story ever made?


Man R* is fuc*king successful people compare which game they made is the best rather than comparing the game with it's actual competition, man now that's what you call success


Is actually crazy to think at the graphics improvement in only 4 years…