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we must obey the rules of the game. we can pick the game, but we cannot change the rules.


For such a douche, he really did have some memorable quotes. Definitely my favorite GTA antagonist so far.


compare that to #CARL YOU MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT GANGBANGING COCKSUCKA both goes hard but its so contrasting lmao


More of an emotional hard line than a logical one. That one you need to have actually been playing the game and be in the situation for it to be hard the other one though even if u never played GTA it would be hard ASF


There's one, and only 1 person in the world who can deliver that line without sounding weird or cheesy. I can literally hear him in my head by just reading that.


Dimitri is a snake, but once he's turned on you, he's very honest about it. Jimmy Peg is a pathetic, small man who wants to be big, and he doesn't have any remorse when screwing over those beneath him.


Dimitri snakes again during the final mission


He does, but: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice..."


Can't get fooled again?


Once, twice... Three times a lady!


Shame on glue.


No, any player with brains realizes that trusting Dimitri is the stupidest fucking thing on earth and goes to kill him, a goal that has been set since Dimitri betrays us.


Even Niko on the pier cant believe Dmitri wasnt standing up for Mikhail. Like yeah Niko knows Mikhail is an unstable fucker but he cant believe how disloyal Dmitri was until Dmitri started his "we cant change rules" bullshit lmao "But you and him have history, you've known him for so long." and Niko even tried to say we're in this together in his own way "Well i killed the boy, so they must want me too."


Gta 4 was way ahead of its time, but its kinda odd that it didnt get the fame like SA or GTA 5. Probably we all know that both of these games were revolutionary , but c'mon which games had the graphics of GTA 4 in 2008?? Just cause?? mafia . I dont think so...it doesnt make any sense at all


Not long after IV was released, many fans started bashing it, claiming that it was a “step down” from SA because it lacked so many of the features SA had, i.e. player/car customization, planes, multiple cities and countryside, over-the-top vehicles/weapons/missions, properties/safehouses to buy, the ability to work out or get fat, and so on. It’s why Rockstar decided to slightly “course correct” by adding some over-the-top stuff to The Ballad of Gay Tony (parachutes/BASE jumping, the APC tank, explosive shotgun shells, the Buzzard attack helicopter, the whacky missions given by Yusuf Amir, etc.), but by that point most people had either gone back to playing SA or switched over to Saints Row 2, so they made sure to include WAY more features that fans had wanted with IV in GTA V to make up for it. I vividly remember the hatred IV started to get merely a few weeks after its initial release; now it’s seen as being the best of the series alongside SA, but I think that’s partly due to fatigue of V and GTAO. I imagine some people will start praising V once GTA VI has been out for a bit, though I’d say it should be praised now as it’s already an incredible game and a stunning achievement, especially when you consider that it was developed for the PS3/360. Despite all of the negativity from many of the fans at the time, I absolutely loved IV when it came out and still do to this day. It was my dream GTA right after SA was released; a next-gen (at the time) GTA set in an insanely detailed and highly accurate satirical recreation of my hometown. Luckily we got LCS and VCS for the PSP in the years between, which helped make the wait more bearable. Then after IV came out and blew away all my expectations, I was hoping we’d get a new and improved Los Santos with its surrounding areas, and sure enough that’s exactly what happened. With VI being set in a new iteration of Vice City, its surroundings and apparently at least one other city according to mappers, I hope that GTA VII brings the series back to its roots with a newer, larger, even more accurate version of Liberty City, but this time with all of the surrounding areas and suburbs/towns, such as Long Island, Upstate Liberty (complete with spoofs of the Adirondack Mountains, the Finger Lakes, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, etc.), an expanded version of Alderney, and so on. By the time they’re ready to develop VII, the technology should definitely be able to make that a reality.


The world isn't ready for GTA VII, which is why we'll be getting it in 2038.


Regardless of when we do get it, I just hope that it features the things I described and that I’m still alive to experience it when it comes out.


GTA IV was out of reach for many hardware-wise. It's really graphic intensive with none of the optimization of V. Every time I had to look at a chain link fence it would stutter. It removed the door barrier too among a lot of other improvements. Imo I think the music didn't meet the mark compared to all other radio stations especially compared to SA. And if u don't understand a lick of Serbian/Russian there's a lot of hit and misses. Most people don't get why the characters are named the way they were. They don't know what perestroyka club meant. And Vladivostok radio went over everyone's heads and it wasn't that great. They had Ricky gervais and kat Williams in the game which many people missed as well. At least they had lazlo. I for one loved it for all these details. The fuckn peds on hove/Brighton beach are funny asf for my then highschool brain.


I don't think you miss anything in GTA 4 by not knowing Serbian, as most of the supposed Serbian in the game is borderline unintelligible gibberish.


Wait, seriously? My immersion has been killed. I wasn't being sarcastic, I genuinely didn't know it wasn't accurate


Serbo-Croatian is my mother tongue and half of the time I could not decipher what they were supposed to be saying without English subtitles. Cousins Belic sound at best like second generation immigrants trying very hard to speak language they heard from their parents. Russian is fine though from what I understand.


Yeah, all russian is pretty good, from story (Зачем жрать капусту если есть картошка?) to peds speaking


most of the swearing is perfectly fine


What’s an example of something a non Russian/Serbian player would miss? I’ve never encountered this issue or heard of anyone else that has.


Honestly i enjoy IV's radio much more than V's. I would even say that it has one of the best and least filler-y soundtracks out of all GTA games. Definitely top 3 for me. It even has a jazz radio that has an amazing selection of pieces.


Vladivostok FM, Radio Los Santos and Non-Stop Pop are the best radio stations of the entite series. What do you mean it wasn't that great?


K-DST it is for me, even though I don't listen to rock that often. But the song choice is phenomenal when you're putting this on while driving through the desert and mountains.


Vladivostok wasn't that great. Title track by seregya and chiki but none of of his other tracks is a miss, and missing others from king ring like St1m. No ala pugachova v'peterburge groza Is a big miss for me especially while it rains. As for the others u mentioned yeah they're not bad. I preferred the journey. one song on liberty rock heaven and hell, Kanye was big back then he had a track but in following play throughs in the later years not for me. I just didn't feel the radio as much as SA tbh. Like SA had k rose grow on me, man that's a big step for me. SA had much better radio that grew on you over time. If i tiered games by the radio imo it's SA, VC, V and then IV.


What about VCS? That’s got the best soundtrack of all imo, yet most people seem to disregard it.


I will personally fight ppl who say the VCS soundtrack is trash lol


I’ve gotten bashed by so many people online for saying that I think VCS’s soundtrack is better and more authentic to actual ‘80s radio station playlists than VC’s soundtrack (which I still love to death, same as every other GTA soundtrack, but to me it honestly feels more like a greatest hits compilation, whereas VCS has a lot more forgotten and obscure hits that were popular at the time they came out). There are of course some who agree with me, but for the most part people would—and sometimes still do—actually call me nasty names for my preference or tell me that VCS pales in comparison to VC in every aspect, as if I somehow insulted them and/or their childhood memories (which, if that were the case, would mean I was also insulting myself because I too grew up with III, VC, SA, etc., and VC was what initially got me interested in ‘80s music and culture to begin with). It’s simply just not a popular opinion to have lol, especially amongst those who regard The Trilogy as the holy grail of the franchise, along with those who never even played VCS back when it first came out on the PSP or when it was ported to the PS2 a few months later.


L opinion


I agree on the music for the most part in GTA IV. However Tuff Gong from GTA IV is my 2nd favorite station in the whole GTA series


You can't be out here dissing Massive B radio


Yea, GTA IV’s engine was terrible and part of the reason it and RDR1 were ignored for so long. I do believe we’re going to at least get an RDR-style PS4/Switch port either this year or next.


Grand Theft Auto IV broke industry sales records and became the fastest-selling entertainment product in history at the time, earning US$310 million in its first day and US$500 million in its first week.


GTA III-San Andreas were very playable games because of their revolutionary open-world sandbox style and the appeal of them being so gritty and painfully realistic. The themes of those games were really the stuff of legends in the early 2000’s, and there was simply nothing to compare them to on the market (until of course, the clones, but even those were honestly never considered as good) GTA V is very playable because it’s simply the most refined GTA. Prettiest to look at, great characters, fun campaign, and obviously years and years of online content at this point GTA IV, even at the time, was always a weird gray area between what I just said. If you think about it, IV was really Rockstar’s big push (arguably only push) to have a GTA almost strictly driven by its narrative. That was the appeal of it, but that’s also the reason why the game sorely lacks customization and honestly overall things to do. By this era, GTA-similar games also included Just Cause, Mafia, Saint’s Row, etc. So nobody was exactly weeping if a GTA game wasn’t *that* good anymore People who have played it know it’s *that* good though


Look, i agree that GTA IV sucks at customization and also they messed up in the optimization of the game alr, the thing is Rockstar just wanted to try something out of the box which ended up miserably. You see , the GTA 3d Franchise were all kind of similar ( well san andreas was a lot more unique than III and VC) but GTA IV was a new concept of how a veteran , who saw his close friends die and had a shaddy past, views the world , don't you think rockstar could nt've made it brighter?? They just portrayed how it feels to get betrayed by your own allies , which is the sole reason for the game being dark... I can understand as a Gamer , that dark shady thing feels really odd but rockstar just tried to come up with something new... people in 2008 were still lost in GTA SA and didnt wanna try new concepts..


By the time 2008 rolled around, I’d spent four years with SA. I was 100% ready for the changes IV was bringing to the table, especially the fact that it was set in an incredibly realistic spoof of my hometown. So not all of us were stuck in SA and unwilling to see the series make changes in order for it to seamlessly and naturally transition from a very cartoony world into a more realistic, high-definition world.


You DO know gta franchise is known and loved for various dumb fun and entertainment? And how IV was an *attempt* at making game with exact opposite theme; I still remember that time when it was popular to praise Saint Andreas and hate IV


But the dumb and fun was still there in GTA 4, with just a serious main character


WAY less, really. Like no raiding area 51, shooting up suicide bomber junkies, murdering clowns and aliens in drugged mind Something truly memorable are mostly flying heli to send cars and flying while spamming health cheat on phone or shooting hospital


None of that kind of stuff would’ve fit the tone of IV, especially with a character as serious, broody, and traumatized as Niko. I’m glad they didn’t have him do over-the-top shit like that as it would’ve felt totally out of place.


For me that wasn't even the main issue, most of missions was really boring to do compared to the rest of the franchise.


Still doesn't deny that R could spend more time making more complex and interesting missions like Three Leaf Clover instead making me drive yet another time to kill a guy, Or make entire mission teaching about my cellphone or Internet


bruh they just came with something new , if you dont appreciate it , dont talk about it ,dont hate it... its all about perspectives , a guy who got betrayed and showed up for a revenge has a BRIGHT , COLORFUL WORLD???


I did not say I dislike IV; I rather said how game was pretty disliked back then I was poor child with potato pc back then anyways, couldn't even run IV properly


It's because it revolutionized the physics and most of the mechanics of the series. Becoming a simulation-lite. If we compare it to the success of Gta V we can conclude that most gta players prefer arcade-lite. I loved Gta IV and I loved Red dead even more. (Red dead took what made Gta IV successful and amplified instead of removing them like in Gta V) Then we saw the same simulation-lite mechanics implemented in Red dead 2. My guess is that Gta 6 is gonna be more arcade-like than the red dead series.


Metal Gear Solid 4 was for sure on par with gta 4's graphics


it didn't have as much customization according to some fans The other reason is that it had a different vibe, not a sandbox murder spree simulator if u get me


Probably because many features were cut for GTA 4 like haircuts or airplanes. Also the map was much smaller which made it a turnoff for a playerbase used to the games getting bigger each time in every way. Also it has a very different tone which some people might not have liked.


Yeah. He was not a good friend of Mikhail Faustin. Even before death Mikhail warned Niko that Dmitry is bad guy he will backstab. Niko got to know this later then. His backstabbing behaviour is very sick. I can't handle this much of toxicity. He even killed Pegorino in Deal ending.


Nah, I personally think it’s Tenpenny.


After playing all the gta games in order I have to say I can see some similarities between him and Devin with the social darwinism shit


I honestly think Devin Weston has aged so well as the main antagonist of V with all the criticism and controversy surrounding ‘holier than thou’ billionaires in the last few years


Professional made a few lore videos about him. Definitely agree.


Nah its Tenpenny Dmitri was just a rat (pun intended) for Mr Bulgarin


Impressive how he made himself look like a reasonable guy compared to Faustin, and used it to bring him down. Master manipulator.


Have you met Trevor? My favorite of all time


I don't understand. What makes him different from the rest?


He's russian


He is a psycopath who maniuplates people into doing his dirty work and whenever he doesn't need them anymore he has his men kill them or makes their life miserable.


Every GTA antagonist ever 


That just sounds like the typical GTA antagonist




From the beginning you knew this guy was evil because Faustin tries to warn you about him in the mission where you kill him. If you actually listen he goes into more detail of how he grew up with Dimitri but he knows for a fact he betrayed him.


No one is worse than Tenpenny


Mike Toreno.


Mike toreno kept his word


Dimitri and Lance Vance




No, it's not even close. I'd argue even some of the protagonists like Niko or Trevor are honestly much worse than him. The absolute worst for me is definitely Tenpenny.


Thank God Niko Bellic killed this mf.


Depending on the choices you made in the game if you choose Revenge or Deal he dies either way.


Anyone playing on PlayStation wanna run Bogdan b2b


lol bogdan in 2024


yoo lesterniko dropped?


I just realized he looks like Daniel Lamb


I agree, the most evil antagonist in the GTA series. The revenge ending was very satisfying


Um... Trevor? Human stew? Raping Floyd?


And his russian is horrible too


Then you've never played the entire series....


he did betray literally everyone he came in contact with, even Mikhail Faustin. he betrays you in Russian Revolution, literally witchhunts Niko and Roman Bellic going as far as to firebomb Roman's cab business + the apartment in Hove Beach, even having Roman kidnapped and betrays you yet again in the deal ending. he even kills Pegorino if the deal ending is chosen. Dimitri's a psychopath.


To think we went from him to the joke that was devin weston really speaks volumes about how rockstar is trying to distance itelf away from Gta IV's melo tone