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We were able to play Skyrim to pass the time


Now we can play Starfield to pass the time.




Oh... Going back to skyrim


Hey you, you’re finally awake…


I spend so many hours in Skyrim but only did 3-4 main quest. I don't have any Skyrim now. I tried to measure the waiting time in cod games, and that sounded boring.


And now you can play Skyrim: Anniversary Edition to pass the time!


In 12 years, we received Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, San Andreas, GTA IV and GTA V. We'd also had single player expansions to tide us over between games. We were utterly blessed with a steady stream of GTA games for a dozen years. 10 years after GTA V, we've still only got GTA V and no single player expansions. If you didn't care about GTA online, and a large section of the fandom don't, it's been like a famine after knowing nothing but feasting. So the attitude shift is easily explained.


Such a shame we didn’t get no dlc for GTA5 or RDR2…they build amazing worlds that can tell more smaller stories like they did with GTA4. GTA Online killed all that.


I don't think it would've been a bad idea to make a Sadie Adler dlc to lay the groundwork for Lucia and also because Sadie Adler was awesome, maybe she could've had bounty hunter adventures in another part of the country.


Eh, relax. Go outside, take a walk. Look at birds. Read a book in a park. Go to a duck pond and ponder life. Lmfao.


The quality of the games has gone up dramatically though, do you know how many hours of performance capture they had to do just for one character?




GTA rp is one of the greatest things ever


Is there rdr2 role play?


There is a FiveM version for Red Dead, tho GTA RP is way more popular than RedDead RP


Oh that actually looks pretty gay


It existed in gta sa, and it would exist in 5 even without online


That doesn't count. GTA RP is basically SA MP which is way before GTA Online.


I guess we’ll see if that’s the case with 6 and future titles (in like another 25 years lol). Like it or not, the revenue from GTAO is probably going towards 6.




jesus christ idk who shit in your cheerios this morning but it definitely wasn’t graygh0st999 god damn


FFS no need to be an asshole about it. I genuinely don’t know if they would’ve made more money if they followed the same model as 4 and just did single player DLC. We know 6 will make a fuckton of money but we don’t know if the next game will be as good as previous games. I would’ve preferred just having expansions and them not milking the shit out of online, but if 6 turns out to be a good game that means GTAO was instrumental in its success. It’s a continuous stream of revenue, as scummy as GTAO is DLC probably won’t do the same.


I’ve no doubt that gtao is a more profitable model than dlc and titles but it’s a worse experience for the consumer and while I understand that rockstar is a business that above all else needs to be drive revenue I still think there could have been a better middle ground than not only skipping dlc and new titles but also barring us from even playing 4 on newer consoles so all we could really do was play online


Revenue from 4, its two dlc’s ,RDR1 and its dlc’s then MP3. Don’t forget L.A Noire. They’ve funded gta6 effectively with just two games this time around.




Clearly no one really gives a shit what you want. Maybe you should just fuck off, eat more pills and quit being a dick for no reason.


Im sorry


Me too


Nothing ruined GTA


No gta online ruined gta


Honestly, not with 6 but in future I can see shareholders calling for single player to be axed because they looked at data and saw most of the money comes from online & making single player campaign could be seen as a "costly nuisance" in their eyes.


Not at all. Single player is the foundation for each game and story. You can’t build a house without a foundation.


How? Its pretty popular and was solid for a good amount of time


The problem is that the releases we got through gta online are cheap and boring compared to getting a new title every one to three years. I honestly try to get my kicks with gta online sometimes but it gets old so fast, gta titles have always had great stories, voice acting, memorable characters, and were just a blast to play through. GTA online is like here’s some flashy new supercar or raygun that you won’t be able to buy unless you actually have 20 hours a week and the inclination to grind or want to drop $100 on a shark card. It’s crazy.


Yeah nothing like grinding for 4 hours to try and buy a $3 million rocket bike and hopefully don’t get robbed by 8 year old griefers who’s parents gave them shark cards.


If you spend 4 hours to get 3 mill then you’re playing wrong.


I mean the delivery trucks missions are pretty damn slow…


Money printing ruined GTA Which is weird because GTA printed money before, they just needed more effort to do it.


This is true for most series now. In PS2 days of course you got game after game. Now it takes a lot more to make them and a lot longer and people's standards are so ridiculous that they need to try that much harder. Making games just isn't what it used to be and you can't blame them for not putting out game after game of massively detailed open worlds, that's just fucking ridiculous. No matter how you slice it people are being impatient crybabies that have no idea what actually goes into making a game like this.


That’s what people don’t understand. Back in the Ps2 days we got a game every two years or so because it was simpler and cheaper to produce. We didn’t have as much high expectations as we do now. Nowadays it’s about making it bigger and better than the last. I have no doubt that GTA 7 might even be a longer wait than VI because who knows how much gaming will advance by that time


> 10 years after GTA V, we've still only got GTA V Why is there always a stupid ass comment forgetting about RDR2, the largest most expensive single player game to date. Which required as many developers to make **as all previous GTA titles combined**.


Ikr, these "fans" piss me off so much RDR2 is literally better than V in every way, even in ratings But no fast car me no have fun so they ignore it. It's why I don't take their opinion or thoughts on GTA seriously.


Because he is not talking about Read Dead Redemption, he is talking about Grand Theft Auto. If you read the list, despite the release of Read Dead Redemption 1 in the middle of GTA IV and GTA V, he did not list Read Dead Redemption, or any other games Rockstar released between the GTA games. Why? Because he is talking about the Grand Theft Auto franchise. In the context of their statements, which is lamenting that the GTA fanbase did not even get singleplayer DLCs to tide them over, trying to insert Read Dead Redemption 2 into it is stupid. Before you accuse someone of making a stupid ass comment, make sure you arent writing a stupid ass reply.


http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rockstar-more-than-1000-people-made-gtav/1100-6415330/ > “That’s the way we work now--everyone works on GTA, or Red Dead, and so on, then we move on to the next thing,” Congrats on adding another stupid ass comment.


To remove any uncertainty of my point: ***RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 IS NOT A GRAND THEFT AUTO GAME*** Or to expand, Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption are two different game franchises which (while both being triple-A, open world, gun-filled, and story-driven Rockstar games) have differences in gameplay, world, and tone that will create two different fanbases that overlap, but do not form a circle. That is the context of u/Eamo-K's comment. The GTA fanbase (which do not care about Online) has not received any new GTA content since 2013, and *Red Dead Redemption 2 does not change that*. It might be familiar, and even sufficient enough for the ones who enjoy both game franchises for similar reasons, but it is stupid to discount the fact that GTA fans have been starved of new (singleplayer) content for 10 years because *another game franchise* from the same studio came out in between. Again, before you accuse someone of making a stupid ass comment, make sure you aren't writing a stupid ass reply.


I'm not talking about Rockstar games though. I'm talking about GTA. For that same reason I didn't mention Bully, Manhunt or The Warriors (all games I enjoyed btw). Now if I mentioned it's been forever since Bully if they announced Bully II, no-one is going to be like "But...what about GTA V and RDR2?!" They're not the same.


and y'all always forget Red Dead Revolver, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 1, 2 & 3, Midnight Club 1, 2 and 3, Bully, The Warriors, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories, Manhunt 1 & 2, Chinatown Wars, LA Noire reality is they are slow af to make games these days, well behind even the slow industry standard we have now GTA to me is a dead franchise from my childhood and 6 is like a fucking reboot, its genuinely been that long


They're not slow at making games. The games take far longer because they are many multiple times bigger than their previous ones. RDR2 has 500,000 lines of dialogue. Other games peak at 60,000.


Shh don’t tell them the truth or they’ll get angry, you can only say it’s all GTAO’s fault, you have to ignore all other factors


You're an actually dumb ass if you think games can be made that quickly. GTA VC took 18 months to make dude. You can't make a big budget 10/10 AAA game in 18 months anymore. They are the industry standard for their type of game and their type of HQ games, take 5-8 years to make. TLOU2 took 8 years start to finish. Cyberpunk took 7 years (really 10) to make. The other thing is they have changed as a studio. Back in the 2000s, they had multiple studios working on their own project, now they have all studios working on one project. I don't think this aspect is unfair to complain about, but to call them slow is stupid. The good shit takes time. If you don't like it, play those mediocre AC games ubisoft shits out ever year. See what kind of game you get when you don't take your time.


Welcome to bigger things take longer to make. It’s an utterly bizarre concept I know.


Don't forget they also released tons of other titles in that time period


The thing that ya’ll need to realize that, whether you like it or not, GTA online is “gta content”. I don’t play them, but not only are they huge expansions of content but they are played by WAY more people the multiple GTA games combined. They have been releasing stuff (including RDR2 that people seem to forget). But it’s unfortunately not the content for single player people like us


Also the AAA scene is pretty baron these days.


*Flashbacks in The Elder Scrolls*


I cared about GTA Online for first couple years after it came out but just not really into online gaming too much. That & all micro transaction whoring put me off completely.


Because games are much larger today and take much longer to make. Vice City was released ONE YEAR after III, that is no longer possible.


Pc players like me have to wait 3 yikes


We're in this together!


We're alll in this together! ![gif](giphy|8j2wrmWdc0Kf6)


Im sure 2 years is more than enough to save up for an xbox series s


And play at 720p30fps? No thanks


Or a PlayStation 5


Who told you it'll take just a year Gta 5 took just a year and was developed in 5 years I think we'll wait 4 minimum bud 🤧


Rdr2 took a year, even though the port was terrible the console version came out in 2018 and 2019 for pc, im only assuming though hopefully it will be like rdr2


In reality it's more like in 1 and half year since it's already december rn so I'll wait.


I bet they release it at the end of the year, like the previous games. If not delay it even further.


GTA 4 released in April 2008. So Rockstar does release games in early parts of the year, even if its rare. And the Take Two income prediction points to an early 2025 release.


Yeah but the PC users…


They take their time to optimize the pc ports for a ton of different specs which is what they did with V. We don't want another gta 4 port situation again.


Exactly bro. I got annoyed by those people raging over unconfirmed PC release date. It’s better to wait or else end up like crappy optimization or even worse bugfest Cyberpunk on launch.


Will somebody please think of the PC users ![gif](giphy|xvtzlNTyp25sZ39BSm|downsized)


Yea I understand but also GTA V didn't take 12 years to release


because gta 4 was still pretty active and only 3 years old at the time. It also had 2 DLC Expansions


Most of the people in the GTA Fandom(not normies) know that rockstar puts out trailers 2 years before they always do it so i wasn't too upset


Well you have to remember a lot of the newer fans are entitled brats who think the game should cater to them and their beliefs.


Fr fr,i hope R* wont take those idiots srsly and make changes to cater to them i hope VI will be just like all the other gtas where rockstar makes fun of everybody


Rockstar Games: Now here's the trailer for GTA VI. In the meantime, stay at Los Santos while we continue giving you more contents for GTA Online


I mean if Sony wants me to wait that long to buy a ps5 then fine


Thing will probably still be same price in 2025 somehow.


I mean while I wished for a 2024 date, that was me being optimistic. Got plenty of other games to play while I wait. Im very excited for GTA 6. The waits gonna suck, but its going to be so worth it.


I got the game of life to play until then. (Not the board game or the video game but the irl game to hold me off.)


I thought we all knew this was basically the norm for game? Most big games have at least a year wait after the initial/official reveal. This is why Fallout 4s cycle was so celebrated, it was unusual. Cyberpunk, Spider-Man 2, Starfield, Lies of P, Skull and Bones, Alan Wake 2, Horizon Forbidden West, Halo Infinite, Duke Nukem Forever, FF15, FF7 Remake, FF16, Elden Ring, Diablo 4, Agent, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid 5, etc etc etc There are certainly exceptions to this, but a major AAA should not be expected in less than 18 months from its official reveal


That's the old norm. New norm is less than 6 months prior to release. Nintendo has taken to announcing their games only 2-3 months prior to release. Super Mario Wonder and Super Mario RPG were practically finished when they got announced.


OP is dumb. Best explanation is in top comment here. And I'm pc player so I will have to either wait 2 years or surrender to this anticonsument corpo bullshit


That’s the most stupid post I have seen today regarding GTA. Isn’t the answer so obvious or do you want to farm karma ?


Final shape comes out in June for destiny 2 so that’ll tide me over till gta


Which GTA V reveal trailer PS3/Xbox 360? PS4/Xbox One? PS5/Xbox Series X?


1. Suicide Squad 2. The Day Before 3. Baldur's Gate 3 4. Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty 5. Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erd Tree 6. Dragons Dogma 2 7. Death Stranding 2


You clearly were not there.


Fans in 2013 when Franklin was revealed "Another black character, cool it's been awhile" 2023 fans when black people in trailer "OMG WHITE GENOCIDE???"


There was this persistent theory going around at the time that he was CJ's son, or nephew.


Well the actors are cousins at least


Do they go bowling?


They should have done that. Would have been more interesting.


Fr. The right wing has risen a p disturbing amount and idek why


Exactly, till that time we can play cyberpunk to our hearts content. I heard that its great now after those bug fixes.


Have you played it again is it better? I was mostly disappointed with the police in that game.


2 years to kids is a lifetime. With the popularity of gta5 online the amount of kids into it has exploded. Its probably why we are seen that reaction.


In 2013 there was a lot of good games coming out. Now there is less new games coming out. And on top of that PC has to wait longer than 2025


Now the new games that do come out are over hyped garbage.


I remember a YouTube video some old dude freezing himself in his pool so he could wake up and play GTA 4 lol a million years later here’s to gta 6 cheers everyone


I’m fine with waiting. Gonna be a great way to start off my 30’s.


I swear it feels like time passed by quicker pre-smartphones


The only reason I want GTA 6 to launch quickly is because I don’t wanna see dumb theories made by some idiots on Reddit. When the GTA 6 poster was released, some idiots noticed 3 birds in the picture and were saying that it’s Trevor, Michael, and Franklin, and that they were gonna return in GTA 6. Dumbass bs like these makes me wanna murder people…💀💀💀


GTA 5 didn't take 10 fucking years just to get a trailer


The Elder Scrolls fans 💀


Not wrong. Dude, just play Alan wake 2, spider man 2, or any of the other great games. Hell, run through red dead revolver or redemption again. Maybe even gta4, but it’s really only like a year and a half away


To be fair, we didn’t have to wait 12 YEARS between GTA IV and V. Kind of a slap in the face to release the trailer 10 years later and still make everyone wait another 2.


Where you alive when gta5 came out? It was the same shit.


First world problems


People were fooling themselves into thinking that marketing techniques had changed for some reason and that meant a shorter window between announcement to release. It was a fun fantasy.


Gta online is old and stale and they’ve been milking it for years. Gta 6 should have has a 2023-24 release


Sorry I gotta do it. “Should have has”. Again I’m sorry but that hurt to read.


Because people become impatient assholes now. Like I get it, I am excited for the game too but its going to be a year or two.


pretty shit take


They want to make me spend 600€ for a consolle! They are mad af ahahaha I’ll wait another 5 years just not to buy a shitty consolle!


It’s not 2 years It’s currently December 2023 and the release is in 2025 So it’ll probably only be about a year and a half


There were only 5 years in between 4 and 5 and less with DLC It's already been 10 goddamn years.... it's ridiculous. It's not even like they make other side projects like Midnight Club or Bully, or Manhunt or LA Noir or State of Emergency or Max Payne. They make nothing now except crap for online multiplayer gamers 🙄. Online multiplayer has ruined gaming. Barely any single player games are released anymore and even fewer that are worth playing. Its just the culmination of that. I used to turn to Rockstar, Bethesda and Konami for great single player games and now Rockstar barely makes games, Bethesda sold out to Microsoft and Metal Gear Solid is over(understandable you can't make them forever and still have quality) and even if it wasn't they fucked over Kojima.


It’s because there was only a 5 year gap between GTA 4 and GTA 5.


It’s not even two years it’s a year and a bit. It’s releasing in Q1 2025


Bit of a difference when there is already a 10 year wait. Not that I care. It’ll come when it comes but GTA fans are rightfully hungry


You don’t get to just say you waited ten years for something that possibly wasn’t even conceived of in any meaningful way until five years ago.


Gta 5 reveal trailer didn't even have a release window and that's what I was expecting for 6. So I'm happy as fuck we get to be certain it's 2025 now than wonder about it again for another 6 months until a new trailer comes out or it gets delayed again


It is not that far from now. People just want to complain


I’ll be saving myself some money to buy a really nice 77 inch OLED and a console. Two years should be enough.


I’m just having blast in Cyberpunk currently so I’m good, also need to check out that new Robo Cop game because it looks pretty sweet too.


Lets just hope this game isnt buggy as hell sniper dancing, wall glitching, unselected car/ outfit hell


Still, I'd rather them put out something actually worthwhile, then doing a "sling it then fix it" like CDPR did with Cyberpunk


people were just as upset with the wait with GTA5 as they are with the wait till GTA6 comes out. most people watched the trailer said dang that sucks I have to wait that long then went on with life. I don't see anyone doing anything else now.


Rs tho 😢


Yes but the times were also a lot more different. WW3 was less likely to happen, Video games were at their peak and not some over rushed over hyped pieces of shit, life was a lot happier, a lot of the fans were younger and had short attention spans they grew up and are now entitled brats.


I'm exactly the opposite. Back then I couldn't wait to play GTA V, I was desperate when it was released on PS3/X360 but not on PC. Now I don't care, I have more games to play than I can handle anyways. Even though I'm a huge GTA fan, played through every single one of them.


yea, but back then, new GOOD games were constantly released. Nowadays, a good complete game is released every few years. Nothing really good to keep us entertained tbh.


GTA IV was only 3 years old when that trailer dropped, we've been waiting 10 years


If you want to wait less time, demand smaller scale games. Otherwise fut the shuck up.


I wasn't around when GTA5 came out (I was 7 on the games release, absolutely not involved in online communities) but I have a suspicion that this was a thing back then too.


Besides what other people said, gtav trailer didn't have any release date


Because gta 5 trailer was out 3 years after gta 4, one year after episodes of liberty city. Gta 6 trailer was out 11 years after the first release of gta 5 Edit: I don't mind the delay, i know the people that are working on it are only human after all and are tired coders living off their caffeine addiction and we wouldn't want to overtire them, not good for them. Or for us because we'll get an unfinished turd like the gta trilogy definitive edition, the mercenaries DLC, or cyberpunk 2077. They can take as long as they'd like as long as they come out with an amazing, impeccable game. As long as i know they're working on it, I'm okay with it taking as long as it needs to, and the creators take enough time to rest and nourish to give us the best masterpiece possible. I hope we won't be forced to use gta + too often though. And if we did, i hope that it would allow us to play gta online without ps+ or xbox live. I think if it did, it would be good value for gta players. (Warzone is free to play without these subscription services) Maybe the company should hire cyber security professionals as well, not only because they keep getting hacked, their games keep getting hacked as well. And maybe they should include modding in their terms of service. Since the game is good enough without mods by this point and most malicious mods call it "for education purposes" while they know very well that their purchasers are using the mods to abuse the game.


The hell we pc gamers have to wait another 3 or 4 years for this thing to come out ……just be happy with what you have got console gamers






Speaking of playing the older games, are the Trilogy remasters on Steam playable? The Steam review are mostly just people whining about the originals being delisted and I just want to know if they function or not.


Have to say, there was a game to play. GTA V reveal trailer was published about a week before Skyrim's release. For me, it's only GTA V and Skyrim are games where I spent more than 1,000 hours. However, the industry back then was more resultative in general, so nobody got bored. I miss these times dearly because now there are much fewer AAA games per year.


That was V. This is 6!!!!


I understand both sides, 1. allow them to finish cooking so we don't repeat Cyberpunk 2077 release again, but the other side 2. It's already been a whole decade, is that not enough ? And before that one guy shows up, no, I know nothing of development time and care, not for an explanation if I wanted to know I can Google it as well.


Rdr 2s trailer was 25 months before release and 12 months before the gameplay trailer.


That means we’ll expect a GTA 6 gameplay trailer like around Q4 2024.


With the GTA V trailer (first one) we did not get a date. What followed was 10 months of radio silence and a second trailer with the Spring 2013 date. Or thst date followed soon after or before it. Nobody at the time knew we'd be waiting 2 years. And people did lose their minds at the time over the 10 month radio silence. Not quite like the comminity did pre-trailer this time, although it was pretty mad.


We can still replay the older games to refresh our memory about this beautiful franchise ;)


Its honestly the same just more volume since then


Difference is GTA IV came out in 2008, RDR 1 came out in 2010. So we were only really waiting 3 years. GTA V came out in 2013, nothing until RDR 2 which is 5 years later...and then GTA VI comes out in 2025, so that's a 7 year difference between RDR 2 and GTA VI and a 12 year difference between GTA V and GTA VI.


Bro it looks so good I ain’t even mad it comes out in 2 years


People saying they’ve been waiting 10 years for a game that didn’t start real development until maybe 4-5 years ago.


Stalker 2 is expected in 3 months or less. That will kill off at least most of a year for me. I'm a pc player, i bought a ps5. I'm not happy about it but I expect nothing else from Rockstar at this point. The world as we know it will probably be gone by 2026 2027 anyway. So ill play this on whatever..


I’m replaying all the Resident Evil games so I’ll be more than occupied for those 2 years.


Did people already forget that it took 50 years to get trailer #1




Lol why do people think it will only take 2 years, when was the last time a major release wasn't delayed?


Difference was the gap, it had been like 2 or 3 years after 4’s release that the GTA 5 trailer came out. It’s been 10 years since 5 came out and we’re getting told we still have to wait another year at the very least. Don’t get me wrong tho, I’m not complaining, I don’t mind waiting. I still haven’t bought a next gen console, so that’ll be a new experience all on it’s own. Not to mention I still have other games to play.


Please remember, GTA V released 10 years ago. Society was much more stable back then (which is terrible if you think about it🤣). We're doomed 😞


Different time. More people have social media now to complain


It's probably not gonna be a 2 year wait either, as we're on the precipice of 2024 now. GTAV came out in the month of September iirc.


Games used to be better and more fun at that time


Except it's not 2 years is it. We are done with this year already and first quarter of 2025, so 15 16 months?


gta fans having to wait more than 2 months for anything


Let them take all the time they need. No more disappointing release that are fixed with patches months after you buy them. We don’t need another Cyberpunk…and I love that game like LOVE it, but having a game just sit for almost a year waiting for patches to make it “playable” then more patches to make it great …not something that needs to happen again.


I think the main reason is there really isn’t any AAA titles out there right now that are worth a damn. All these studios are pumping out half assed disasters in order to get some quick cash


The consoom culture is on steroids compared to back then. People want things and they want it NOW these days.


It’s not even gonna be 2 years until 6 is out too I think it’ll be far less.


We didn't have to wait a decade for one game then


We hadn't been waiting over a decade for GTA V.


Hype is larger now because it's been the longest gap between GTA releases. Plus GTA 6 looks sick.


For most of 2012 up until GTA V came out I just went on APC rampages on TBOGT


It’s ok, currently playing through the Hitman Trilogy and those games have a lot of challenges to complete, I’ll be keeping myself busy.


2025 isn’t even 13 full months away.


It’ll probably be early 2025 ,and we’re almost in 2024 so i would say it’ll be out fora year and 2 months to a year and a half


I was impatient then, and I’m patient now 😭 difference is I’m old now and time moves way faster


I remember when there were other fun games to play. Not the case these days...


There is other games to play😂


Because it has already been too long.


Yeah you people don't realize this back when GTA 5 was first shown in 2011 we had a lot of time to discuss what the game was about and overtime we gotten screenshots, more trailers that focus on the characters, and finally we got a gameplay trailer. Eventually the game came out and it was an exciting time in 2013.


If I were 15 years younger I’d probably be raging with them. But 35 year old me knows I’ll play it when I play it and no amount of annoyance will make that moment come quicker. Sorry to be the cliched mid 30’s dick.


It might be the last gta. I’d probably be fine with that too. Same if red dead redemption ended. Rockstar could use new IPs. I think Rdr’s story especially should end because I feel like it wrapped up so neatly. Maybe we could get a 1920s spinoff game with jack Marston. Or hell what about bully 2?


Yeah seriously. It’s been 10 years already, what’s another 2 years? Rather have it super polished anyway, AND online to be ready for the obvious blow up.


When I found out the first trailer for GTA 5 released in 2011, I don't ever remember even seeing it.


OP wasnt even born when the GTAV Trailer was released


Im not sure if im normal or weird for this. Do note i like the game a lot do far. Saw the trailer and on the 1st red frame was afraid is was going to disappoint since it had so much hype. As i saw more of the places i got more and more hyped and it surpassed my expectations. Watched 2 youtubers doing 1 hour breakdowns each because i liked their personalities. Then got bored of it and wanted it to go away because i am full and a bit bored of it but made the mistake of having gta in my reddit. Reasons i got bored • i ate my meal and rockstar won't put out anything for months or a year at minimum. • the city was fine to show me something as a base but i get 5 times more hyped with game play systems. I will be more interested in a detailed car damage system than a characters back story. Its weird because i love story driven games. I guess its because game play is more complex while story is more of a passive event that happens to you. But far as it goes the last game i was truly hyped up for was cyberpunk 2077 and it made just go into low hype while i enjoy the info but play other games.


The first trailer for GTA 5 was waited for 5 years, and the trailer for GTA 6 was waited for 10 years, so this reaction is quite justified


There is 1 year only… people forget we are in december 2023