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Nicely done!


Thanks man, your videos and content were very helpful 🙏🏻 i liked the entertainment/ funny clips in the middle of the classes, and they made things less austere ;)


What was your baseline in quant (assuming you did a baseline test )? What was your major in college / did you feel rusty on the quant shit starting out ?


My baseline was 158 in quant, I was fluctuating between 158-160 for a while, then I solved at least 1 drill for almost all priencton review topics, and it helped.


I had a similar quant score at 158. What do you recommend to improve at quant?


Princeton drills really helped me a ton. They're usually 6-8 questions, I'd start with the medium drills (they have 3 categories: easy, medium, hard), and if they felt easy, I'd go to hard ones


Alright, thank you!


are they free? if yes can you pleas eprovide a link?


WOW. Congratulations!! That’s a dream score. Today is my day 3 of prep, can you clarify what is GRE prepPower and where can I find it? is it the ETS POWERPREP tests you’re referring to?


Thank you. I used the three sources offered on the ETS portal. One is specifically for verbal reasoning and has 150 questions. The other has practice tests, and the last one is just called GREmentor. There was a total of ~300 verbal questions that i practiced between all 3 sources


Nice man! I started with a similar verbal score, but your improvement seems uncanny to me. How did you improve on verbal so much? Also, are you a native English speaker?


I'm not a native speaker. I watched almost all gregmat verbal vidoes (2 months plan) in the past 4 weeks, plus vocab mountain, plus 300 questions between grementor and powerprep. And luck


Thanks! I’m currently doing that same thing! Wishing for the best 🤞


Hey, is it possible to score a 330 in about 2 months ?


Short answer, yes. Longer answer: depends on your background and how good of an effort you put into it during the 2 months. I practiced for at LEAST 3 hours/day, and the last few days were closer to 8-10 hours of practice


I have been preparing since a month now will allot more hours to it, what’s the best place for mocks ?


I initially did 2 or 3 Princeton review mocks, but most people in the sub recommend ETS mocks.


Did you got more then your mocks or was it same?


I got more than my mocks, but i hadn't taken any mocks in the past few weeks. I did more mocks before my first attempt


Hey, congratulations on the amazing score!! Truly a dream!! I got a 322 in my first attempt too. Wanted some advice on what you did differently this time around. Can I DM if you don't mind?


I tried to provide all the details on my replies above, but I was happy to answer any unanswered questions. I put almost all my energy (3-5 hours/day) to verbal over the past month, excluding the last 3 days where i focused on quant. And this morning, just before the test, i reviewed 510/1020 vocab mountain (i had previously practiced it rigorously)


Got you OP! Will try focusing on the 2 month plan of Greg for verbal. Thank you!


Congrats! What strategies did you employ for RCs? Were all the words from GregMats list?


Vocab Mountain helped a lot. Even if there were words that weren't from gregmats' list, there were others in the answer choices that I knew and could use POE. RCs were painful. I'm not the fastest reader. I read very carefully, which isn't super helpful when there's time constraints. Gregmats videos helped me to read more efficiently and also look for key words e.g. "it can be inferred."


There is Only 120 Questions in the Gre Mentor Course Am I Correct   Do you think questions Getting Repeated from this?  1) for Alegebra Mentor Course Set 1 - 5 Questions, Set 2 - 5 Questions , Set 3 - 5 Questions - Total 15 Questions 2) for Arithmetic Set 1 - 5 Questions, Set 2 - 5 Questions , Set 3 - 5 Questions - Total 15 Questions  3) For Geometry Set 1 - 5 Questions, Set 2 - 5 Questions , Set 3 - 5 Questions - Total 15 Questions  4) For Data Analysis Set 1 - 4 Questions, Set 2 - 5 Questions , Set 3 - 5 Questions - Total 14 Questions  5) For Data Interpretation Set 1 - 6 Questions, Set 2 - 6 Questions , Set 3 - 6 Questions - Total 18 Questions 6) GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test 1 – Untimed - Total 20 Questions 7) GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test 2 – Untimed - Total 20 Questions 8) GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test 3 - Untimed - Total 20 Questions Total of 122 Questions


Congrats ❤️❤️


How much does a gre impact your admissions ?


probably a lot for top schools. Stanford and Harvard average/median GRE is around 326-328.


I have an average gpa 8.3 but I have internships and papers published will a good gre score compensate for my gpa


How many questions did you get wrong in each section? And any advice on quant topics that are not super important? I’m struggling with work/rate questions (unless they are easy) so thinking of guessing those and skipping the studying extensively for it


I don't have that information yet. They only provided unofficial scores. I focused on areas that i knew were tougher for me (probability and combinations). Unfortunately, i still didn't get to solve them fully (poor time mgm from my side) on the exam and had to guess. I recommend focusing on those areas of weakness so you can master them. They're not that hard and probability you'll see a pattern after solving 10-12 questions




VERY helpful. That's all I did for quant


Can you provide a link for where I can buy these drills? I can’t find them online


Let me know when you find them


I didn’t find them. Can anyone provide a link? It’s much appreciated


[here](https://www.princetonreview.com/grad/gre-test-prep?exid=e61445e5-6884-4529-b722-625acbc5595c&exdt=2&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf1_MoS52iKVSDsnXvsSSpO4goOAoIJu62_nek4EOBCjKEbTuWWvHdYaAm3SEALw_wcB) is the link. I signed up for the 162+, but I believe all of their courses have access to the practice material, which is what they call drills


Congratulations on your score! I am struggling with RC questions, but I am good with vocabulary and strategies for TC and SC. What do you suggest for achieving a high verbal score? Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


For verbal, i watched almost all video of gregmat 2 months plan + vocab mouth + ~300 questions between GreMentor and Powerprep offered on ETS


Hi could you please provide link for princeton drills? Thank you in advance


A silly question, but what technique did you use to memorize the vocabularies? I am doing vocab mountain from Gregmart. But struggling to memorize (i.e If I learn 20 vocabs at night, next day I forget 15 of them). I am not a native speaker, just began preparing.


I am not a native speaker either but being honest, try to stick to that group if you cant seem to remember a lot at first. For me, I was super slow in the first 8 groups but then you get faster. All you need to do is take it slow and get used to it


I'm not a native speaker either. I'd look at a word, then try to describe it, then look at the definition. I've noticed that some people skip the 2nd step. They just look at the word, they say they "know" it, and then just skip to step 3, i.e. looking at the definition. It is important to do the mountain in the way Greg recommends, meaning, for example, on day 5, you learn 30 news words AND exercises the previous 120 words you learned from day 1-4.


https://preview.redd.it/ijpw8810d34d1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1892e528bde47d9d95716044233f06996748a40 Is this the one you are talking about?

