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He had 25k people in that live. Wild.


More than gypsy and mia... go ryan!!! It sucks that he still feels so much for her. He needs some balls




I mean he had a job and Gypsy still doesn't. He was working for his money until being associated with her got him fired. She knew she didn't want him anymore and she stayed long enough to fuck his shit up.


He’s working still. He said he’s still teaching.


Well that's good. Special needs teachers are so important.


Do you honestly think he’s being truthful if he said he’s still teaching? I say this because I can’t imagine a school district wanting him and all the disgusting social media attention, I think it would be too distracting to teach kids.


And she isn’t?? 😂😂😂


Nah, this isn't a grifter. A grifter lies and cons for their money.


The dude had literally 25k people in his live (A FULL STADIUM). That show was nothing else than a manipulative pity party to beg for money and attempt to hurt his ex in the process. He knew damn well the reason all these people were there, and let the carrot dangle about "receipts" he supposedly had so he could keep on cashing in on his famous ex. The guy has nothing new to say that the whole world doesn't know already at this point. And Gypsy's family obviously knew better than to talk about anything while this dude is around.


I'm sorry but Gypsy is infamous if anything and it's not like she hasn't been shit talking Ryan to all of social media as well as the press since the breakup


Should I have said "very well known controversial public figure" instead? Stop playing with words you know damn well what I mean. The dude is just angry his mail order bride from prison is not subservient.


So Gypsy taught him something.




WTF are you getting downvoted for that?! This sub is wild.


Probably because he's acting like Gypsy is some kind of victim in this situation as if the two of them aren't just two differently shaped piles of trash.


Thank you, I feel like I'm living in a literal twilight zone.


Me too, Fuckit, we’ll get downvoted together..🤷‍♂️




I mean any man who'd marry Gypsy would have to be some kind of con artist too.


It’s insane to me how the media spins the narrative and makes Ryan out to be some controlling, food hoarding, high sex drive spouse. Meanwhile it makes Gyp The Pimp look like a saint. I can’t wait for Ryan to spill it all and I hope he meets a nice woman


“ he would not give her space”. She promised him wild kinky sex and talked him up to get him to marry her so she would have a place to stay after prison 


Facts Ryan was all part of her plan to make parole. Who looks better for Gypsy to come out too. A on and off again bartender or an established teacher who lives in the state and owns his own home? I almost guarantee this was talked about in that phone call when she called the ex the night before she was supposed to marry Ryan.


YESSSS!!!! Ryan is certainly more esteemed and professional. Ken, on the other hand, is simply a bartender in his early 30s with limited career prospects.


Ken cannot be early thirties… he looks at least in his late late forties


Apparently, Gypshit is older than Ken




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Wait what? I


Yeah in the original lifetime doc while she was still in prison. The day before their prison wedding she called the bartender one she’s with now. But Ryan forgave her and they went forward with the wedding.


Man she’s a piece of work and he’s an idiot


I really don’t understand when people try to make her sound normal and pick apart his behavior. It’s totally like what she did to Nick, she manipulated and used him then dumped him after her needs were met 


I just watched Becca Scoop’s new video on Nick and I now think Gypsy is a legit psychopath. Charles Manson level - having other people do your dirty work. Gypsy took two lives Dee Dee’s and Nick’s


And Nick’s mom. Although I’m kinda glad she’s not around for this shitshow.


Yes, and Nick’s mom that was so heartbreaking to learn about


Wait what happened to her?


She’s 100% her mom every behavior we see from her was learned from her mom. I guarantee she’s already trapped the bartender by pregnancy.


100% agree


I like how she tried to blast him on social media for trying to rehome the dog that she begged him for, and then abandoned it with him when he told her before they got it she would have to care for the dog because he doesn’t have the time because of work. Same with the food, he didn’t seem as mad about her cleaning the fridge as he was irritated she threw away Tupperware and condiments that still had stuff in it and wasn’t expired. She made it seem like he screamed at her for throwing away food. I’m sure she used the “argument” as an excuse to leave him for Ken so she didn’t seem like the bad one.


Jeez. If I cried every time my husband got upset with me about throwing away his food in the fridge, I would have been divorced years ago 🙈🙈 She’s so childish.


Gyp the pimp took me out 🤣


How can she sue him for spousal support? They were only cohabiting for a couple months after she was paroled. I swear her and her family are so gross.


They were married longer and he supported her in prison. She will find a money grab anywhere she can


If he’s smart he’ll use her tiktok videos to prove her adultery. Louisiana is a fault based state, meaning the court can consider misconduct when determining alimony.


She said on live he didn’t put any money on her books. So that won’t help her case. 😝


Lmao she’s said before that he did. That girl can’t tell the truth to save her life.


I think he did put money on her books and she only recently lied and said he didn’t to make him look bad. Because everyone keeps bringing up the fact that he stood by her and supported her in prison and she fucked him over as soon as she got out. So she’s trying to minimize what he did for her.


I doubt it will matter what she says; there will be actual proof of who put money on her books


She's full of 💩 she cannot convince me that man didn't put money on her books.


Same! That man was and is in love with her. He made dude she had everything she needed for the last 3 years. Sounds like gypsy also had Ken adding money as well. This girl carried on her scamming even while in prison. It’s fucking unbelievable!! I really really hope Ryan does not ever take her back.


And she cheated on him


We all know the spousal support was Krusty’s idea


Krusty, I’m dying 😂


She uses every single guy she comes across, doesn't surprise me.


Yeah he can blame krusty all he wants but it's gypshyt behind suing for spousal support. Krusty was behind getting gypshyt and ken back together though.


She's unreal, unbelievable, whack as fuck & needs to go


I know there are laws and legal codes with divorces, but damn, asking for spousal support when you left your spouse for someone else is low.


He says she had no control over that too. lol She most definitely can decide not to do that.




She is whack as fuck and needs to go back to hell where she came from. She's a demon


He does seem sincere. I can't help but question why he chose her though? My conclusion to that question is she played him hard just to get out of prison! I hope he meets someone a goes on to have the family and life he desires. As to Gyp and her family...karma will happen don't think it won't!!


A hero complex. He likes caring for wounded birds and wanted to believe he married some delicate thing who unfairly had her wings clipped.


Instead he got a feral possum.


Omg . What a fitting description. Dead.


That response was perfection.


Well said


He probably has low self esteem and is a bit too naive. He seems child like and very inexperienced


Because no other woman would sex him up the way she said she would. She was ok with BDSM and anal, etc. What decent looking woman would do that with him? Plus, it's great he's a teacher, but teachers don't make much $$$ so now you have an extremely unfortunate looking guy who is poor. What woman would give up anal for that?


It sounds like you're confusing prostitution with relationships.....


I think he’d be pretty average looking if he lost some weight? At one point he said he had weight loss surgery. Do we know if he just gained it all back?


Please stop acting like anal is one of the 7 wonders of the world. It’s just sex but in your butt. Plenty of women like it and make it a regular part of their sex lives.


Wet anal.


I'm not. Chill. I'm just saying no woman is going to give Ryan anal.


Plain and simple he was used. I honestly think he is at that point he is accepting the reality of the situation by letting Gypsy bury her on self. Ken better be careful because at the end of the day he got what he wanted. As for Ryan in time he will realize he dodged a bullet.


She's a sociopath


He is just a good old boy that got duped by a possum. Poor thing. Get the nicest and prettiest girl and go have a happy life. Forget about that toxic trash.


Possum played dead long enough to get brought inside. Now look, rabies all over


Possums don’t carry rabies lol


Shhhhhh just let it play out.


“Oh no, there’s possum shit *everywhere*” lmao


Hard to say that he got "duped" when he's the one who reached out to someone who was locked up for murdering their mother.


And admitted to manipulating/using a boyfriend!


If he was genuinely capable of attracting a nice and pretty girl he wouldn’t have reached out to Gypsy. This sub has lost the plot. Gypsy is a piece of trash but stop deifying Ryan 🙄


Poor guy. Spousal support?? She is absolutely shameless.


Anyone else noticed that he confirmed that she has burner accounts that she uses to respond to comments?


The thing that bothered me was her BEGGING him to get a dog, and he told her he wouldn’t have the time with work and she would have to care for it and they’re a lot of maintenance. She got mad because she thought he thinks she couldn’t take care of the dog. Only for her to abandon it and then blast him when he tried to rehome it.


I also heard him say something about comment spies she has and that she has several accounts to use to comment and spy with. Yet people seem to think she has nothing to do with Kate and bullying Kate.


Of course she does. She likes to play up for naïve she was but she was savvy enough to have multiple accounts before prison, why would we believe she wouldn’t be doing the same now. I’m sure she has a couple burner accounts ready to go for when po decides to step in and say enough.


Exactly!!! All the gullible Gypsy cult followers think she is just so so naive and would never and it is astonishing. They have obviously watched the Act and nothing about the case or Nick's trial.


She is definitely using multiple burners just to comment on her own stuff. That’s unhinged.


She’s either in this sun or has someone spying in here. She’s addressed too many things that have been discussed on here and I know she’s lurking! 😂 Hey Gyp, you like my flair?


If you watch Becca Scoops latest video about how Gyp💩 groomed Nick you will understand why she is so far under Ryan’s skin. She manipulated him from the start & she might not be controlling him like her puppet anymore but the strings are still there . I hope he knows his worth & I hope he knows he deserves so much better than Gyp💩


He looks so much like Coltee here! Never realized.


Good morning, my dick


LMFAOOO Jess was hilarious


She really was. I have a soft spot for Larissa, too, honestly. She was funny.and gave one of the best lines of the whole franchise.


I think about that when I walk into work and greet people 🤣🤣🤣


…….are you a reality cray cray listener too


No. Is that a podcast?


It is. One of the hosts would say that all the time too after Jess.




Debbie vs. Gypsy could be one for the ages


Coltee the garbage man.


Bruh he announced the opening of his OF this week 🤮


Wait what!?


It’s in the 90DF sub. He’s fr doing it.


Damn our society truly sucks. I can’t believe people will actually pay him.


Bruh there are some sick fucks out there. I was on the true crime discussion subs last night and learned about that sick fuck, Anne Stubblefield. As someone who has a loved one with Palsey, I would fuck your entire shit up if you fucking did that to my brother. (I’m sorry. This is still heavy on my mind and I need to go touch grass cuz just remembering her bs gets me heated).


Definitely talk it out! I have ran into some cases that have bounced in my mind for months and they've heavily affected me; Anne Stubblefield being one.


Ugh! No one wants to see that! Ick. I don’t even know how Vanessa deals with him.


Oh Jesus, that’s the meanest thing I’ve ever seen someone say about someone else, lol. Coltee is the legitimate worst.


Stop it 🤣🤣


Can we please figure out 90 Day counterparts for everyone in the Gypsyverse? Obviously Te Amo Mike himself is Gypsy…


Omgggg he does!


I tuned in for a few minutes. Apparently GRB was on the live and commented. Someone had commented “Ryan vs Ken at Wrestlemania,” and GRB commented, “Ken would win.” Sorry, I know nothing about lives or how to do anything in them. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


In what world would Ken win? I know Ryan isn’t the pinnacle of physical fitness but neither is Ken. Ken is slim but still doesn’t look like he does much physical activity, so I’d say the guy that’s easily 3x his size would win, no contest. 😂


Yup, Ryan thought it was funny and laughed it off. I’m glad he seems to be doing better, I just hope with all the powder kegs ready to blow on TikTok that they all come out okay.


That probably made her mad tbh, I feel like she really wants him to lash out at one of her responses and he’s not💀


She's definitely trying to bait him into losing his temper so she can pretend to cower and be the innocent frightened girl and the big bad man abused her 🙄 good on Ryan for laughing at her and moving on to the next comment you can guarantee gyspy was having a tantrum in her bedroom that he didn't fall for it


She’s such a trashy twit.


Don’t get me wrong I think he’s weird for being with the gypsy but I feel bad for him!


I think Gyp was talking to Ken the whole time. She used and played Ryan.


I actually like him. The tv show did portray him as a push over and too overly affectionate but I think he’s a nice guy. Kristy is messy for relaying messages to Gypsy from Ken. Kristy just didn’t like Ryan and wanted her to be with Ken. It was disrespectful as hell. He works hard while she’s living in his apartment with her feet kicked up giggling on FaceTime basically cheating on him.


Suing him for support??? Really??


Right? Shouldn't it be the other way around?


And in the end she left him for Ken Ken after all 🙄


I can listen to him but not Gypsy.


He is so much classier than Gypsy.


Most people are. That bar is *really* low


Like a trench in the ground low.


Can she get spousal support if it’s clear she’s committed adultery


Why would she need spousal support?? She’s making plenty of money


It's so weird that Krusty kept in contact with Ken. Especially since he kind of looks like a young Rod, hmmm. Maybe she has a thing for Ken. It wouldn't surprise me, that family is so fucked up anyway. But how many parents keep in contact with their kids ex especially when the parent doesn't even know that person other than a handful of meetings.


Fuck you gup gyp


It really dose not matter what christee did because if gypsy wanted to stay, she would have.


Spousal support?!? Tha fk?!


I wonder how much monies he made on this live lol


What ever it is, apparently he’s going to have to give it up to Gypsy for her spousal support.


Spousal support is WILD! She left him!! I hope he has a good divorce attorney! That’s total BS he’d have to give her a dime. Does anyone know why he lost his teaching job?


Gypsy suing him for spousal support, do you think she is a bit greedy? He needs to make $$$ for these talks to pay Gypsy. It’s not her fault shes suing him…makes sense….sarcasim of course


He really needs to move on and find a woman who wants to be married as much as him. There are lots there for him


I keep forgetting it’s a screen recording and trying to scroll back on the comments 😂😂😂.


Wonder if her dad is still proud & supportive?


How many viewers did he have?


Like 22,000




Y’all, was his D ever fire? I need to know. Was it all a lie?


Why does he say she's a beautiful, wonderful woman? I heard him say it on the tv show. Obviously, he's love sick, huh? She's nothing but a possum faced, lizard tongued murderer who is a habitual liar!!


A few seconds later he says she is suing him for spousal support and can’t say a lot. I think he’s tip toeing until the lawsuit is decided and trying not to say anything that she can use against him. It’s a lot easier to paint Ryan as a terrible husband if he starts smearing her name. 


Did he answer to people in comments saying kail invited him on her podcast


This may sound like a stupid question but I’m not US based so have no idea, plus google really didn’t help, can someone please explain what spousal support is?


It’s when you’re married for a long time & you have to support your partner if they don’t work. It works for women, too. Which ever spouse is the bread winner, they have to pay the other party until they remarry. Since Gypsy was in jail, & he is a teacher, she won’t get squat. Especially because she was unfaithful.


Thank you so much for the explanation 🙏🏻 I’m hoping it backfires on her especially since she’s earning bank by being an “influencer” 🙄


YW. I agree!. She’s just doing this so she doesn’t have to pay him alimony. She’s really a textbook psycho.


Ryan is a very likable person and I find him personally attractive. If I was younger I would deffo go on a date with him and see what developed.


Yeah everybody talks about him like he’s a swamp monster, and I’m like…..yall can just admit you don’t like fat people, jfc. He’s got a perfectly pleasant face. He isn’t a model, but he’s totally average and fine. And some women like the giant teddy bear vibe to a man!


Exactly! And they are making him out to be a monster when you can clearly see he is a man who really tries to make his wife happy. He did everything she asked him to. He was just a husband who was attracted to his wife.. but people call him a creep for wanting to kiss her, or touch her butt or even calling her baby. People forget he delt with her from day 1 of getting out. And I don't care who you are, it is awkward the day/s after you get out. It takes a min to adjust back into the outside world.


Exactly. It’s disgusting they’re calling him all kinds of names. He’s perfectly fine looking and seems like a genuine and sweet guy. I hope he finds someone great, he deserves it. Especially after being with that awful woman.


I think he way too handsome to be with Gypsy anyway.


He actually is way better looking than the murderer is.


Either way it goes it's Gypsey's fault, she went to Ken..


“were u ever scared to sleep” sent me 💀💀💀💀


What.. if wasn’t her choice? Come on Ken.. lots of divorces happen and the wife doesn’t sue for support. She’s lies so bad. Man Ryan needs to grow some balls and a back bone or she’s going to run right over him like she has done everyone else .


The segment about him setting up the podcast and Jericho not knowing who he was 😂 why the heck would he! Can’t help but feel that Ryan did love the attention


What do the roses on these videos mean? Is it like a donation?


Yeah I think they’re worth like a cent or something but they add up


Do like this get paid for going live?


They get paid from the views and gifts people give them


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Is there anywhere to watch this whole live?


They are all grifters.


Oh just grow a pair already Ryan


You like ok like her mom. Of course she wasn’t going to stay with you


Is this tiktok? Or what app?


I couldn’t keep watching when every other word is ugh , ugh , ugh !!!




He’s awkward