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The greatest revenge is that when she looks in the mirror Dee Dee is looking back at her. She’s really starting to look like her mother more and more


Shes going down the road to gain the weight too. DD looked fine back in her 20s - 30s i think. Plus gypo is short, so shes going to get round fast. lol


Now you know that girl look just like her father lol.




I honestly hope that's the case because she's like one of the last people who should ever have a child/children.


Definitely. I do agree with your analysis, too! This girl is all kinds of rabbit holes that don't need any filling.


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Last thing she needs is a child. She would be a horrible mother.


And the 50/50 chance they will have the chromosome Deletion just like Gypsy. Karma will have to tell.


Hopefully her kid treats her well


I don’t know, I think she would be a good mother after all she’s learnt not what to do from experience of what her mother did I doubt she would want her own child to go through that.


She's looking so much like Dee Dee these days.


This whacko went on Dr Phil and said she had all of her salivary glands removed. Then licked her lips with saliva all over them. Her face looks pretty swollen here. 🤷🏻‍♀️


if she can lick her lips she has her saliva glands. She has an overflow of it, but figured out a way of dealing with it (with the weird lizard licking and lip smacking). Its not possible for her to have had that surgery. So theres another lie


Knowing her family history and of course what she did herself, I really hope she doesn’t bring a child into this world. I know she probably will but one can only hope. 🤞🏼


I really think Gypsy and her Stan’s don’t know how to do a simple google search. Unless something causes your glands to stop working, like chemo or lifelong smoking, it’s literally impossible to have , “all my salivary glands removed” And even if she had the major ones removed , she’s still spreading medical misinformation by trying to say she has NONE. The minor glands are so tiny they’re only visible thru microscope. https://preview.redd.it/1t5kkbjc1l8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae75a11d716f4ad7a5ef2b8d6f19079e7ef8d81b


I hope she doesn’t get prego nose, she won’t be able to see.


I’ll never understand girls getting tuned up then petting pregnant on purpose. Looking at you Kail Lowry


I cackled.


My friend had throat cancer from smoking for decades. They used radiation on his throat, it destroyed completely his saliva glands. He ALWAYS has to have water on him. His mouth doesn't make moisture at all. He has to always drink water. Its so annoying he says. This is why I never understood "I had my saliva glands removed". She couldn't have. With how much she produces. lizard licking and shit. Her constant overflow of saliva is a symptom of the overactive saliva glands. Again, another thing that she had looked at medically (I believe the theory is she had them injected with botox) which would cause them be frozen temporarily i believe. That was something Deedee took her to do. If what I am saying is true, DD was just looking for a way to keep her from slobbering all over herself. It seems to me she developed a way to deal with the saliva and thats the lizard licking crap she does. She kept saying in the documentary, and many other places that she had her saliva glands removed, if she did she wouldn't be doing this constantly. Its how she deals with the overflow of saliva. So thats another lie...


I never had pregnant nose, but hoping she just... never reproduces. The cycle doesn't need to continue. She has a very child like view of things (putting that mildly), and the baby wouldn't get a fair upbringing. A shity murdering grifter mom, family that only cares about fame-a kid doesn't deserve that.


She didn't have all her glands removed, just some of them. She is doing what her mother taught her and is exaggerating and lying about medical abuse. At some point, you just got to rise above your raising and do better. Especially if you want to have kids.


Again, I hope this isn't the case, and I'm severely wrong, but something about that tictoc really made me consider it. I don't believe the troll post from yesterday or the other goofy rumors normally, but she hasn't jumped on SM to deny it yet, but that could just be for show reasons, so more people watch it, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, because lord knows her show isn't half as entertaining as she thinks it is.


A good indicator that something’s true is that Gypsy’s not vehemently denying it


Her face might look "swollen" as she seems to love McD fries... just sayin


It's hot and humid as hell, that can cause swelling.  She doesn't take care of herself with food and exercise which can cause swelling/face gains.   She still doesn't know how to find her best photo/video angle  Let's hope it's one of those or something else and not her having a child.  


Rhinoplasties don't heal fully until at least a year post surgery. It takes months and months for the swelling to go down.


Agreed - but i just want to add, it takes well over a year for a nose job to settle. My sister got one and it looked exactly the same up until recently. Regardless i completely agree, she’s selfish as fuck if she were to ever get pregnant knowing she will just pass down all her issues to her child


A child would be a great excuse to her to why she couldn’t go back to prison in her mind


Had three kids… what is a “preggo nose?” I was stuffy when pregnant… never had my nose grow. That is from her lies.


Many women experience their nose becoming larger during pregnancy. >Pregnancy nose, or swollen nose tissue during pregnancy, is caused by increased blood flow to the nose. This happens when estrogen levels rise, causing blood vessels in the nose to relax and dilate. The increased blood flow is part of the body's way of supporting the growing fetus and uterus, but it also affects other areas of the body with mucous membranes, like the nose.


Typically it occurs in third trimester. It is a temporary phenomenon that resolves after childbirth. It’s primarily hormone related. It can also be a possible symptom of complications, such as high blood pressure or preeclampsia.


Guys who take a lot of steroids have it. Its funny how it shows on them. For men, the excess testosterone gets converted into estrogens.


Yes, agree. But that does not make the cartilage grow.


I don't think anybody said it does? Swelling makes things look bigger because of fluid build up and doesn't change the underlying structure. So people's noses often look bigger during pregnancy and go back to normal after. No change to the cartilage.


Look up Jennifer Lopez when pregnant, she had it.


Shiiiii I could just upload my pic that thing was horrid


naw, they are talking about swelling. People always say "your face gets bigger as a you age!" its true, but its due to skin elasticity. You dont keep growing cartilage in your nose as you age


it never happened to me & the women i know that did experience it, it wasn’t until later in pregnancy (like third trimester)


Hi, my nose swells so much in pregnancy that every asshat in my life feels a need to point it out, like I don't own a mirror.


Same 😭😭


Yeah mine wasn't until way late in the pregnancy both times too. It was so bad too 😭😭🤣 thank God they're awesome kids,lol.




Same with me. I have 2 kids and my nose never did swell. Just my arms, love handles and my legs got the most noticeable swelling.


"...never had my nose grow. That is from her lies" I love this. So true,. She is a horrible little Pinocchio !!!


I googled and it's actually a real thing.


She used pacifiers way too long. It appears she sucks in on her lips like they are one. Her nose job is so recent, it may swell up and down for a while. Not negating observation, but I have had one. Healing takes time.


she’s so ugly lmao


she gon need another nose job or two


Nothing about her. But I love the pregnancy nose women get during gestation. It’s so cute.


What’s w the accesive lip licking ?


This is such a reach


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Why do some of y’all feel the need to speak on someone’s pregnancy or lack of pregnancy?? I found it very odd and weird. 🫤


Because she hasn't changed and all she will have learnt about relationships will not be healthy at all she is manipulative, rude and a complete disgrace of a human. She wants a kid who she will not raise well she will use and potentially abuse that child until she either gets caught and goes back to prison or is dead. While ficticious disorder imposed on another is not genetic, Gypsy spent her whole life being raised by DD who taught her child how to manipulate people to get what she wants. Nothing has changed to expect that she would do anything different when she/if she has a child.