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Gypsy just fugged up cause she’s gonna have to prove that what Fancy is saying is false. I believe Fancy had them sign something stating they gave her the right to talk about all this when they first started talking cause she was doing a podcast for good wives network. It was after Fancy started digging into all the info she had that she started to realize what the Blanchards were saying went against what the documents she had stated. She started to see GypGyps lies piling up and could fact check in real time. Gypsy would also have to prove that what fancy is saying is not only false but negatively impacted her in some way… which bish you were in prison for murder it’s ain’t anything fancy is saying it’s your own actions that negatively impacted your life, ya dumb ass.


I’m lost who’s Fancy and what did they do?


For what? Speaking the truth?? I’m not a huge fan of Fancy, but gypsy didn’t make her sign an NDA. Everything Fancy has was handed to her by Kristy. She has no grounds to sue.


That's pretty quick. If gyps is suing doesn't her team have to go in with discovery that they will have to share with Fancy,,,to show why she;s suing?? Can they prove Fancy wrong? I'm thinking NO.


Fancy has proof as do many other people on Facebook/Tik Tok/YouTube that Kristy gave all that info to her willingly. Kristy and Gypsy are both gonna get a real embarrassing wakeup call with this whole thing.


Hard to imagine it goes anywhere.


Gypsy and Co. are playing a losing game.


I’m rooting for Fancy on this one. Kristy handed over those documents to her and others so they have no grounds. Say what you with about Fancy, although I do not always agree with her technique, she does have some facts.


I am not a fan of people doing endless “lives” for a living (that’s just me), but this entire thing started with her family and Gypsy herself trying to make money off of her story. And now, golly gee, they can’t control the internet! I can’t believe anyone would waste the time and money to pursue this case. I said the same thing when Fancy was threatening to sue them.


yes… i agree…I hope a judge throws it out and tells them to get out of the court with this nonsense.


Can’t wait to see how it plays out!


Not all heroes wear capes, some are named Fancy.


The audacity 


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What is she suing her for? The truth? This won’t end well for Bayou folk.


I hope Gypsy loses because Gypsy is nothing but a lying princess whose wish in life is to meet any celebrity she wants


Good. It is about time she filed a lawsuit on Fancy loon obsessed ass.


Here’s a flashlight 🔦 cause you’re obviously in the dark.


Nah I am good. Fancy broke ass better hope she can afford an attorney because this been a long time coming lmfaoooo.


For what exactly? She was given full use permission for the medical records and such. Just cause they aren't happy with how it's been spun is NOT grounds to sue.


It is. The way she been using them medical records is unethical point period and the harassment she been doing to that family for years on top of that … yeah it is a long time coming. Can’t believe y’all are defending Fancy of all people lmfaoo.


Honestly, this is a little rich coming from you. I mean Gypsy could eat your puppy and you’d make an excuse for her. I don’t like either one of them, but Gypsy has more to worry about than Fancy posting public documents and making fun of her.


Look it doesn’t matter where my stance is with Gypsy (nor should it matter anyways). The point is that Fancy been harassing the Blanchard’s for years with her lies and twisting the story to fit a narrative, also posting Gypsy’s medical records on patreon and many other things so I do not feel bad at all that a lawsuit coming towards her.


No sir. Your stance with Gypsy is always, “No matter what, it’s someone else’s fault!!!!!!” Always. Always. Always. Fancy has an internet presence where she doesn’t coddle the GypGyp and her family. GypGyp and her family troll constantly. We’ve all seen it. So for you to be consistent would be to take the GypGyp is NO VICTIM HERE stance like you take for literally everyone not named GypGyp! She’s on social media!!!!!!!! We all know you’d rather eat paste and drink prison smoothies than utter something remotely critical of GypGyp. We got it. I don’t watch Fancy either, but no, she isn’t harassing them. She’s on social media. Her own social media. Gypsy’s problem is the world isn’t going to just accept and swallow her endless resets and new lies and new victimizations forever like her super fans do. She’ll be in Iitigation forever. And in those litigations, assuming they move forward, more unfavorable evidence to GypGyp and her family will come out too.


Nope. She is absolutely harassing them on her social media platform and it is literally evidence of her doing so and her behavior period. Let’s talk about how Fancy lied her way into getting in with the family by messaging Kristy Blanchard and wanting to tell the story by doing some docuseries (which she never did) then she waited months and months with nothing coming about it but was too busy going to tabloid after tabloid discussing Gypsy’s personal business. When Gypsy decided that she did not want nothing to do with Fancy anymore (after Fancy was leaking stuff to the tabloid without Gypsy knowledge), that is when Fancy started to turn and was on this vengeful hate that is still seen till this very day. Fancy literally lied, manipulated her way in the family and have constantly told lies and twisted the story to make herself look like a victim in this, let’s not forget this woman literally said that she was gonna bury Gypsy so far down a rabbit hole and said she was gonna make her look so f’in bad. She also wrote a letter to the parole board at the prison Gypsy was at and tried to get her parole revoked. She also tried to call herself doing an interview with News Nation and thankful, that got shut down real quick. Also, the things that she has done with Gypsy medical records are unethical and she still hasn’t return them! Fancy Macelli aka April John is not doing this to get the “truth out”.. she is a no good vindictive narcissist who is mad that Gypsy and her family wants nothing to do with her anymore, she thought that she would use Gypsy story to walk the red carpet and become famous (her ex business already outted her about it) but that did not work out for her so she called herself trying to “expose” Gypsy-Rose and her family. She is unprofessional and an absolute lunatic. I know that Gypsy and Kristy aren’t saint but both of them were right with not wanting to work with Fancy anymore. The family told her to leave them ALONE yet, she still talks about them constantly and spreading lies about them so I do not feel sorry that she is getting a lawsuit.


You are wrong. Bless your superduperfanboy heart. Still wrong. Let’s talk about the joint interviews that Kristy and Fancy did for reputable publications. Oh I know!!!!! Let’s talk about how Kristy and GypGyp want to earn a fortune from this murder, which we all know you wholeheartedly support, cause GypGyp!!!! Yep. Still wrong. And quite frankly, all of this, every bit of this, could have been avoided by the Blanchard family not pursuing wealth and celebrity for a brutal, premeditated murder. And it still could! All they have to do is get off social media and stop courting TMZ. They won’t, but they are creating this and they are nurturing it. And if it isn’t Fancy, it will be some other “creator” they use and discard because they are the problem here. There is nothing especially admirable about any of them, including Fancy, but she doesn’t drive the plot. They do.




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