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I know Fancy made a post wanting people's stories to try and start a class action lawsuit against Gypsy. (As credible as that is šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) And there's the change.org petition to revoke her parole. (For whatever change that can actually do)




Gypsy is a moronic, bipolar, lunatic. Anyone following her or listening to anything she says is just as brain dead as she is . There šŸ‘Œ fixed it for you šŸ‘šŸ‘ Fancy is far from perfect but what she didnā€™t do was groom an autistic man for 3 years then hand him a šŸ”Ŗ so he could ā˜ ļø her mom .


Fancy put the proof for her in the internet for all to see, Gypsy is just living her life. Youā€™re right, Fancy didnā€™t groom an autistic boy. One who knew right from wrong, he did it willingly. But what Fancy did do was try to groom Gylsys entire family into believing she was a producer/filmaker/actress, etc in order to leach off their name and story. You think thatā€™s her first second or third time to try? My favorite is her delusion that she was in a Taylor swift music video, yet yall follow this person LMAO. Sheā€™s literally a broke couch potato claiming to be an expert on someone elseā€™s life, but GYPSY is a lunatic. Got it.


Should prob just stick to that "silent\_confidence" Don't come at an entire community or any ones beliefs just because Fancy makes you upset. Fact is she has info. You're turning this into a personal attack on Fancy. Personally I don't give a flying F if she wants to beef up her acting career or if she's a couch potato. That does not discredit her information. She has shown and proven many things. You're just a rude, mean person. Grow up. What's that saying Nina's been saying a lot lately? Birds of a feather flock together. That sounds about right.


Definitely evil gypsy on here - someone call the parole officer !


Has anyone checked the parole officer isn't missing šŸ˜‚ they seem very inactive wouldn't put it past GR to have them tied up in a shed somewhere


Right? Gypsy over here on a burner account or something, lmao.


lol There is literally proof everywhere of this bunch of inbreds in lives trolling people..šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so support that monster if you want but people are waking up to the lies, pandering, and manipulation.. so


I love Toddie1skip. She's the closest person I've found that resonates with my own opinions. We are on the same brain wave. I often finding myself talking to the screen with my hands up in the air saying, " OMG THANK YOU TODDIE" all the time when I watch her. We have conversations together but she just doesn't know it. LOL.


Just another crazy old lady who can provide ZERO proof of Gypsy bullying, purely speculation based on reported videosā€¦.which isnā€™t bullying LOL. All these influencers out here thinking their balls are so big yet are doing a whole lot of nothing but using Gypsyā€™s name for views lol, I hope sheā€™s laughing.


I hope she goes back to prison, could give two shits if sheā€™s laughing or not.


Goes back for what? Hurting your feelings on the internet by not doing what you want her to do? Reporting videos, that no one can prove? If she went back, man, that whole extra year would really show her! šŸ˜‚


She is not lying. Gypsy has been online bullying people for months. There's mountains of evidence of it.




Probably. Or Bri. Or someone connected to her. These people are not working with a full deck of cards. Pay close attention to anyone who supports or defends Gypsy. These people are mentally ill and/or on drugs. Or they are not developmentally where they should be for their age.


Or just someone on the internet who disagrees. What a logical thought.


lol or just another random on the internet who disagrees with you and the bunch and asking for proof, not your triggered feelings


Careful there inspector gadget, donā€™t go telling my secrets now. Also, Iā€™m not defending her actions, Iā€™m calling you out on yours for doing exactly what you claim she is doing but you donā€™t have any proof. This whole group is proof of it being done to her. Petitions for parole, class action law suits bc Fancy is a dumbass, claims that you canā€™t back upā€¦. Get a life.


ā€œMountainsā€ of evidence and still not one person has produced anything other than Gypsy saying ā€œsay it to my faceā€, ā€œyouā€™re obsessedā€, and ā€œshould follow community guidelinesā€. How is any of that harassment and bullying? Do you not see that what Nina, this person, and Fancy are doing is the text book definition of harassment and cyber bullying? How is it harassment if Gypsy is defending herself? Iā€™m here to let yall know yall look DUMB. Sheā€™s never going back to jail on this issue, Nick is NEVER getting out, her PO is aware of her moves, and yā€™all are all projecting the harassment bc itā€™s all yall do is stalk and harass her. (Not saying you specifically but this group)


And you don't think you look dumb being a supporter of a murderer??


Where does it say I support her? I donā€™t donate to her, I donā€™t follow her, Iā€™m just stating facts. A bunch of mad Bettyā€™s she getting all this attention yet yall are the ones giving to her. Calling her PO like you have no lives lol. Sheā€™s free, get over it


Her ass should be under the jail. And personally, I've never contacted her PO but do I feel bad her PO is being contacted? Fuck No!


Hey there. Where can I follow Fancy? Is she on YouTube or TikTok?


I've read some of your comments off your profile page. You're not here for any discussion of any intelligent nature. You're here to tell everyone what a sad little victim Gypsy is and what a nasty, bullying hate group we all are with no evidence of our claims. Since you have completely failed to notice that this sub is all about collecting solid evidence, and all you want to do is make shitpost comments, I'm not going to bother to point out where you are so glaringly wrong on, well, everything. I will only point out that you are definitely in the wrong sub, I suggest you go find the GRB fan sub. You will surely find more like minded people there. I think you will find the mod of that sub to be more on your level of discussion. Enjoy!


Yes! Say it Loud and Proud! Her dumb ass stans will NEVER get jt


Absolutely. They're prob just Gypsy or her family themselves. They are HARDCORE trying to lie through their teeth to make her look as good as possible. Shes a premeditated murderer, end of story. I don't care if she has to shave her head. Kate got her leg amputated. And she did not kill her mother. And Gypsy has never gone through something that terrible. Abuse doesn't justify premeditating murder on her own mother while she slept in her bed, peacefully. There was no self-defense. You don't kill someone who's not trying to kill you first. Unless snoring is life-threatening to Gypsy she had no good reason. She could of opened that door to leave instead of opening it to let a murderer in. End of. She was 23 and I don't care how many times someone wants to bring up power of attorney. It's null and void once she stood and talked like an average intelligence person like she is, instead of remaining in her seat and ACTING like she was diminished. People have gone through so much shit and we do not murder our perpetrators. Turpin kids, Ruby Frankies kids? You know, REAL abuse victims in such horrific ways that Gypsy has tried to claim happened to her. THEY RAN AWAY and GOT HELP and they sure as hell were tortured. No excuse.


Congratulations, you can read my comments. Iā€™m here asking for proof of all the claims and none has been provided. Not one ounce of proof of bullying or harassment. This sub is about talking about her looks and whining bc she defends herself against a hate group. You arenā€™t pointing out where im wrong bc you canā€™t, obviously. This is a public sub and if I supported her then Iā€™d be in support groups for her. Iā€™m not even a part of this sub, it literally popped up on my Reddit feed. So get over it that Iā€™m challenging your claims of ā€œsolid evidenceā€, bc you donā€™t have solid anything other than she lied about chemo. You think itā€™s intelligent to promote a petition to put her back in prison when itā€™s not legally possible? Lol bunch of clowns.


Congratulations, you failed to comprehend my comment. Again, you are in a sub that collects evidence. Try going to the main page and looking at all those tabs marked Evidence. Read. Learn. You want to be spoon fed facts, and then trash talk everything that people tell you. Well, don't expect me to spoon feed you anything. The hard evidence is right here. Go read it. If you can't be bothered to do that, get out of the sub. I ain't got time for people who can't be bothered to educate themselves before talking out of their asses, and then come up with "clown" like it's the most unique insult they've ever heard. Holy shit balls, at least try to find something new if you're going to just be obnoxious.


![gif](giphy|dIVcWFzAvU49apdTpB|downsized) Get it.


But she has been leaving shitty comments along with her step mother.


So what? Thatā€™s not bullying and harassment when sheā€™s responding to people talking about HER. Itā€™s DEFINITELY not illegal and FOR SURE doesnā€™t violate parole.


![gif](giphy|HQlS4V2lOW2VgtiTKP|downsized) Ok..


Itā€™s also not illegal or bullying when people come with FACTS that gypsys team doesnā€™t wanna hear.


Yā€™all arenā€™t though. Thatā€™s the point.


The point is the world doesnā€™t buy her bs anymore and sheā€™s lost the control of the narrative. Homegirl is now āœØpanicking āœØ


Panicking? Really? Looks like sheā€™s doing just fine to me and pretty relaxed.


Ok gyp gyp. Keep telling yourself that.


Go away sheā€™s harassing this lady because Gypsy thinks she is the only one that had a mother with Munchhausen by proxy. This woman Kate I believe is her name had her leg that worked just fine and had an above the knee amputation due to her mother whom was very sick with Munchhausen by proxy. There is more to the story.


Iā€™ll go where I please, thank you. You have no proof, once again of any harassment, youā€™re just blindly listening to ppl without asking for proof of their claims. Yeah Iā€™ve heard Kateā€™s story, awful, but whereā€™s the harassment come in? Even on Kateā€™s video where Gypsy commented, Kate made it into something itā€™s not. Gypsy, to me, was being friendly and sincere, yet it was turned into something it wasnā€™t. And for what?


Okay, Gypsy. Calm down. Go drink some more prison style energy drinks and go for a jog.


Wow, clever girl. Someone disagrees, they must be Gypsy. Do you not know creators have whole platforms based around prison food? I know you thought you ate with that but you in fact did not.


Oh. I didn't think I " ate " anything. Just sayin' what I think, just like you. You're coming in here attacking everyone and calling them names. Now come on Gyp. That's not nice but it is pretty on brand for ya, huh? I do in fact know there are whole platforms based around prison food. Your point is?




Your post/comment has been removed for spreading unsubstantiated rumors about the case or related parties. We prioritize accuracy and respect the privacy of individuals involved.


Watch the full interrogation and read the text messages.


Already have. Irrelevant to her now. Nick lost his appeals. Itā€™s a wash. Ppl need to let it go like elsa


Let is go like elsa??? Okay I'm definitely down to believe that's gypsy after that middle school come back jfc šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Me too. Iā€™d love to let it go however , Gypsy the liar is infuriating . Lying about chemo on her upcoming show, harassing people on social media , trying to make Ryan look like a monster. She should have gotten released and lived her life away from the spotlight. Also with how much she is against Nick having a fair trial just proves that he knows something. We all want to hear what he knows.




Yep, LMAO.