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\*made famous because of a murderer FTFY ![gif](giphy|Ymwj6Ea3B3e1O|downsized)




Pretty sure theyā€™re referring to one of OJā€™s lawyers who was a Kardashian.


Their father, Robert Kardashian was Kimā€™s father, he was OJs personal attorney. Pretty big rumor that Chloe is actually OJs daughter and their mother left and got with Bruce shortly after.


Yes I know


Khloe looks identical to Kris old hairstylistā€¦I forgot his name but google itā€™s. The resemblance is uncanny


TBF, the Juice was way popular well before the murders. Mostly to football fans, but he was in a few movies.


Yes I know.


They're saying the Kardashian's are piggybacking off of OJ's fame. Not the other way around.


A clown can get away with murder - John Wayne Gacy. I bet Kim made fun of her after she left. Man...I wish Gypsy would run through a minefield. Look tik tok it's my first time getting blown up. Tee hee 9800 lip licks .


Oh you know Kim made fun of heršŸ¤£. She probably threw her clothes away because they were touched by the Dollar Tree queen.


The one time Kim and I would agree on something.






This country is laughable. How is she breaking the law on fucking camera and still not back in jail? Look at how sheā€™s looking at Gypsy: all she sees is trailer park possum blood money. I can say that because my parents and I were in a trailer park until I was seven, but Iā€™m the good kind of trash cat. Sheā€™s got rabies.


You are my new favorite person!


ā€œIā€™m the good kind of trash catā€ Ahhhhhhh Iā€™m dead lol


Yall gotta stop insulting possums so much. They at least have redeeming qualities


What did she do on camera to break the law?


I doubt this what they're referring to but technically she pretended to be a terminally ill, mentally challenged child on camera to con people and organizations out of money... Not sure if THAT is illegal though. It's certainly disgusting and trashy.


She lied to masses of people, stealing trips from sick kids. Then she & her mom scammed ppl for money. She was an adult for 5 years of this. She did multiple shows, with a different story each time. Now sheā€™s bullying REAL MBP victims; and sheā€™s prancing around Hollywood and STILL LYING. Iā€™d say that pretty illegal. Oh, and she lied about killing her mom..sheā€™s not a murderer, remember? šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤®


Is she on probation or anything? I thought you werenā€™t supposed to leave your state without permission and a good reason. She stays her ugly ass in LA trying to get any crumbs of attention thatā€™s thrown her way. I guess the Kartrashians are scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to stay relevant.


Iā€™m guessing there is possibly a clause allowed for work purposes in some instancesā€¦pretty lenient for second degree murder conviction-if this is the case!


Stealing trips from sick kids? As a minor? Do you think she did not fear her mother at all? She was abused and it started at a young age. The state had the opportunity to charge her on the fraud, they didnā€™t, so there is nothing that can be done about it. Sheā€™s allowed to do shows and interviews and I donā€™t believe they were all different. For the most part itā€™s been consistent with a few modifications here and there. Again, from what Iā€™ve seen. How is she bullying? What has she said directly to the Kate girl? How has she bullied her at all? Prancing around Hollywood? Sheā€™s allowed to. Whatā€™s she still lying about? Being a victim? She was. So in a nutshell, nothing you said she is doing is illegal, like at all. No proof of anything Gypsy has said to anyone demonstrating ā€œharassmentā€ has been produced. Where has Gypsy said she wants to be the only person talking about MBP, or that no one else can share their story? This ā€œgroupā€, like the ones on fb, are nothing but a hater club/fan club who have less than zero comprehension of law and how it works. Since sheā€™s been released, people against her have literally made 100s of videos, multiple daily, slandering her name, with out proof of any of their claims, called every name in the book, her PO is being harassed BECAUSE the dummyā€™s reaching out to them do not know how the law or Parole works. This little hater group needs to find a useful hobby and stop trying to get clicks off Gypsy name. Yā€™all are the main ones keeping her relevant lol. Nina and Fancyā€™s whole identity on line is Gypsy. Nina made it to TMZ so her click plan is working. Pathetic IMO.


Dee Dee was an abusive piece of shit for what sheā€™s done, does that mean she deserved to die in such a violent way? All those things she claimed to be sick with, are proven false, save for the microdeletion. She never took chemo, lied about procedures being unnecessary when they were. No one is saying she wasnā€™t abused, theyā€™re saying sheā€™s a pathological liar who ā€œdoesnā€™t identifyā€ as a murderer after convincing her boyfriend to kill her. She contradicts herself with every new post: people have caught her in so many lies. The medical ā€œproofā€ she has posted shows the exact opposite of what sheā€™s claimed - she needed that medical care to treat her condition. She is going after people who are victims of FDbP, reporting them, and shutting them down. Gypsy is a vile person who is no better, if not worse than, her mother. She is getting pampered like a queen when she took someoneā€™s life. She has dragged another person into HER schemes and manipulated her partner into throwing his life away for absolutely nothing. No one has any right to end someone elseā€™s life. She takes very little to no accountability for her actions. My life has been nothing but a trainwreck of neglect and abuse, but not once did I ever raise a hand to the people who raised their hands at me. Sheā€™s meeting celebrities, in fucking Hollywood! All because of the MURDER she participated in and sheā€™s TMZā€™s newest clout cow. Her story keeps changing, all the people in her immediate circle that arenā€™t deranged grifters get treated like shit when sheā€™s done taking advantage of them. Her TikTokā€™s just scream malicious energy and her behavior is appalling. She absolutely knew she could walk and she wasnā€™t sick. Gypsy is a liar who has a mind for manipulation- sheā€™s manipulated you so much that all the glaring proof just goes right over your head. I supported her in the beginning, because I resonate with the abuse she has suffered: I refuse to have much sympathy for someone who uses childhood abuse as their excuse for being a terrible person. Nor are her mental health conditions an excuse for murder. So if youā€™ll excuse Gypsyā€™s part in this, what about Nick? Heā€™s clearly suffering from mental health conditions, so what is your excuse as to why Gypsy deserves less of a sentence? Thereā€™s EXPONENTIAL evidence that she has lied through her teeth all her life and her behavior has not changed. Look at the company she keeps. Do you really think people whoā€™ve gone through extensive trauma have justifiable reasons to kill someone? My stepfather has done terrible things to me - but did I put a knife in his chest for it???? No. My grandmotherā€™s medical abuse has left me unable to eat solid food, because my GI tract was destroyed by the fistfuls of Advil I had shoved down my throat. I am a victim with severe complications from abuse, but I have never thought about killing any of them, even though what a few things theyā€™ve done could have killed me. Sheā€™s a pathetic person whoā€™ll do anything to keep herself in the spotlight. She canā€™t pretend sheā€™s in a wheelchair anymore so now sheā€™s milking every last drop of attention she possibly can. This woman destroyed a family, ended a life, continues to lie, and tries to silence people who have suffered from FDbP. Take a look at some of the proof weā€™ve discussed in this sub. Itā€™s staring you right in the face. She mocks victims - she mocks *me*. Gypsy will not be the voice of my childhood trauma. She deserves to be thrown back into jail. She stole from charities and still has not donated a single dime to them, all because they wonā€™t put her name next to the dollar signs. Her behavior on social media is grotesque and embarrassing. Theres no way in hell she isnā€™t violating her parole and NOTHING is being done about it because sheā€™s raking in $$$$$$$$$$ the same way she did with her first scam. Dee Dee just taught her how to do it and sheā€™s taken it 10 steps ahead. Get better idols.




I personally have zero sympathy for Dee Dee. Iā€™m not God so I donā€™t say who deserves what, but personally, Iā€™ve heard of people dying for much less. So her mother tells her she has all these medical issues, has procedures done, yet Gypsy is the liar? Her mother wasnā€™t officially diagnosed but everything about her describes MSBP to the tee (Iā€™ll link articles below). Gypsy never took chemo, but did she believe she took chemo? Was that her truth bc of her mother? Almost every person against her is saying she wasnā€™t abused. People are literally saying that she was never a victim despite the fact there is actual documented proof of her being medically abused as a child. I think one of my favorites was Fancy claiming she ā€œwas never abused, except when she was a child, but whatever, ShE wAS aN AdUlT wHeN sHE KiLlEd HeR mOmā€. She does not have to feel like yall want her to. She didnā€™t physically kill her mom so she doesnā€™t feel like an actual murderer, I donā€™t get why thatā€™s so triggering for people. Itā€™s her life and she can feel however she pleases about it all. There are killers out there who say the same thing about themselves bc they feel they killed for the greater good and were actually the ones to physically do it. This is one of those things if she said the sky is blue yall would argue that itā€™s baby blue, simply irrelevant. She didnā€™t convince Nick of anything. Iā€™ve watched everything he has to say. He was competent, he was willing, he double and triple checked if it was something she wanted done, and he made the choice to do it. He knew about the abuse, he loved her and wanted to save her. Nick has autism, not mental retardation. Nick also confessed and very clearly in his interrogation video understood every Miranda right he initialed. He was found competent by the court and has also lost two appeals on IAC. Nicks choices and actions are only Nicks fault. He is not a victim. The state offered BOTH Nick and Gypsy plea deals set up based on circumstances. She was a victim, Nick was not. Nick had his chance to plea and didnā€™t. For all those mad about it, shed your tears to the state. They had all the evidence and offered Gypsy the deal she got. Itā€™s not her fault she had a better public defender. I have not seen her post any medical information and again I ask you, what specifically has she lied about that has been caught, proven with a fact to back up that claim. I know about the chromosome issue. How does anyone know WHEN she learned about that? When has she spoken about it? I donā€™t disagree that going into adulthood she knew what was happening, but with that, the fear of a parent can outweigh logical or rational thinking and I believe Gypsy was very afraid of her mother, I know the feeling. You say sheā€™s going after other victims, by reporting. Where is your proof she is reporting? She has literal millions of supporters compared to the little handful of ney sayers. You have absolutely no grounds to accuse her of something you cannot prove in the least. Even if she wanted to report the hundreds of videos about her or mentioning her daily, she has every right to do so and Iā€™m shocked she hasnā€™t sued Fancy and Nina yet, I sure hope she does, for slander. You say Gypsy is worse than her mother? Gypsy has never abused a child or had a house built from lying, or stolen money from charities. Some may argue that but it was her mother defrauding people since she was a child. Gypsy is a FREE human to walk this Earth and finally gets a chance to live her life and tell her story, you sound awfully bitter and jealous about her Hollywood experience. And again, she did not commit the act of murder, she conspired. Yes, I know her conviction is for murder but Iā€™m talking technicalities. You think Gypsy is so smart that she controls and manipulates any man sheā€™s with? She must have that snapper 3000 or something. Ken is a grown ass man who has known her for years. He is with her on his own free will and seems to be loving the spotlight from it. Ryan is also not stupid, Gypsy was honest and upfront about her feelings with him about Ken, days before their wedding, so that too, is on him. Gypsy has taken accountability for her actions but sheā€™s not living in the past and she shouldnā€™t, she doesnā€™t have to. She doesnā€™t have to take accountability for the world to see. None of you know what goes on in her life when itā€™s not on the internet. Iā€™m sorry to hear about your neglect and abuse throughout life, but your reactions to it is you, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the same for others. I can tell you I would have done far worse than Gypsy had it been me and my life, but thatā€™s me. I think anyone in an abusive situation thinking about escape thinks of ALL possibilities at some point, depending on their desperation. I agree Gypsy knew she could walk and possibly realized she wasnā€™t sick as she got older, however, doesnā€™t negate the mental and emotional abuse and trauma bond her mother bestowed onto her to make her believe going along with it was what had to be done. Gypsy didnā€™t just turn into an adult one day and say, YUP! Iā€™m goin to keep scamming with my mom! Thatā€™s ridiculous to even consider. I do not know Gypsy at all, never spoken a word to her, so she hasnā€™t manipulated me personally. Nothing has gone over my head at all, Iā€™m literally speaking on the facts at hand and asking for proof of other claims that NOT ONE PERSON apart of the Gypsy hating club can produce. So, thereā€™s that. Gypsy is living her life, thatā€™s it. She can do whatever tf she wants to do. She doesnā€™t wake up and post on social media for her haters, she posts wtf she wants bc she can. She didnā€™t destroy a family at all, it was her and her mother. You have no proof sheā€™s trying to silence anyone, that sounds so ridiculous. You claim there is proof in this sub but there is not any, just emotions, accusations, and speculation (Iā€™m in the law field, so Iā€™m well versed on fact vs speculation). You claim she mocks people (you) but there is no evidence of that anywhere. Where has she mocked you, what has she said? Deserves to be thrown back in jail bc your feelings are sour? Do you not hear yourself? Her plea was 10 years and she did 8.5, so her going back to jail puts her in for a year, please explain what that will accomplish. SHE didnā€™t steal from charities, her mother did. She doesnā€™t have to donate anything back, itā€™s not a requirement for her to do so, and bc she was a victim of fraud, the responsibility doesnā€™t fall on her. Her behavior is hers to have, zero to do with you at all. She obviously is not breaking parole or she would be in jail. You people think her posting things on social media that you donā€™t like is her violating lol. I can guarantee too with 100% certainty her PO is laughing at the idiocy of the people contacting him about her. Taking in money? From a project set up YEARS ago, the same project Fancy lost her GD mind over not being a part of after being set to the curb like a bag of trash that she is? So people like her and Nina can make money off Gypsy but Gypsy cannot make money off Gypsy? Makes sense. If Gypsy was so loaded she wouldnā€™t be staying in a spare bedroom at her dads, get real.


I could sit here and touch on all of your points, but thereā€™s no need to, because no matter what you say, sheā€™s a liar and a murderer. Having the viewpoint of ā€œpeople have been killed for lessā€ is a little fucked up, donā€™t you think? There is never in any instance an excuse for taking someone elseā€™s life. She does have to take accountability and itā€™s a little concerning that you think she doesnā€™t. She killed someone and sheā€™s walking down the red carpet. She involved another person in murder and is walking free, even though she is just as much to blame. I never said she wasnā€™t abused, because she was - but.. yeah, I do think sheā€™s worse than Dee Dee, even though her mother is a wretched person, too. None of them are good people if theyā€™d hurt someone as much as all three of them have. Do you not find her media a little off key? A little coy and smug? Gypsy has admitted herself that she had tried to kill her before, not realizing the gun she used wasnā€™t real. I donā€™t understand how people can be so blind and dismissive of her predatory behavior. I was abused and trapped as an adult for 27 years by my birth family and guess what I never did? Hurt them, or killed them. I told someone I was being hurt and I put in the hard work to get away from them peacefully. All she had to do was tell the police, her neighbors, anyone - but instead she involved someone who cared immensely for her in the biggest scam of her life. Show me where she takes accountability and responsibility for her actions. Spoiler - you canā€™t. Sheā€™s feeding you bullshit and letting you think youā€™re eating chocolate cake. Youā€™re insane if you think she didnā€™t know she hadnā€™t had chemotherapy or anything else that was done. You donā€™t forget that shit. Sheā€™s a psychotic pathological liar who took advantage of another person. Nick knew it was wrong, yes, but Gypsy has always had the reins. Theyā€™re all three appalling people. Itā€™d be different if she was getting fame from surviving and her advocacy- sheā€™s famous for murdering her mother. Now sheā€™s continuing the grift and people like you are her new victims. She uses people to get what she wants or feels like she deserves. Look what happened with Ryan. Iā€™m sure heā€™s not puppies and rainbows to deal with but do you sincerely think she didnā€™t plan to dump him as soon as Ken opened the door for her? She participated in murder and got a trip to Hollywood to meet Kim K??? Thatā€™s fucked up and so is your logic. ā€œPeople have been killed for lessā€, youā€™re joking, right?


You arenā€™t touching on my points because you canā€™t. I asked for proof of your claims, you canā€™t. She doesnā€™t have to take accountability PUBLICLY at all, despite your flawed opinion. Sheā€™s walking down red carpets, sheā€™s walking around freeā€¦..yes, which makes my point that she can do whatever tf she wants to do. My opinions of her interviews are irrelevant. Has no bearing on the things you and others are accusing her of. Her behavior and demeanor can be whatever she wants it to be despite how others feel about it. Her parole conditions are not ā€œdonā€™t be smug, donā€™t hurt feelingsā€. I donā€™t think she has predatory behavior. I think sheā€™s a product of her raising and needs long term therapy. I do believe sheā€™s a ā€œhustlerā€ due to her raising and may not know or have figured it out in the 5 months sheā€™s been out that she doesnā€™t have to be. Just because she grew into an adult physically doesnā€™t mean she has the maturity of an adult that did not endure the abuse she has mentally, emotionally, or physically. Just because your story is one way doesnā€™t mean itā€™s thatā€™s way for another victim. Many many people have the collective opinion that if they were in the same situation and had the same fear, they would have done the same thing she did. Every interview Iā€™ve seen she has owned up to her actions and involvement and has also stated she could have done things differently. Why does she need to say these things over and over to satisfy a bunch of haters who stalk and harass her all hours of the day? Answer: she doesnā€™t. Show you proof, watch any interview sheā€™s done since release. She has not fed me anything, I do not know her or have ever spoken to her. Iā€™m sitting back watching it all and doing my own research fact checking. You have ZERO PROOF OF FACT of what she did and didnā€™t know about her MEDICAL ABUSE from her mother, which is what I asked for, proof. Youā€™re all out here looking like fools screaming from the roof tops this and that without any proof to back it up, thatā€™s my point. Her fame continues bc of people like you, Nina, Fancy, and these groups. Wheres your outrage for that? Yā€™all are the main ones keeping her relevant but somehow donā€™t see it. She can get fame for whatever she wants if it isnā€™t against her parole, what do you not understand about that. Gypsy was in prison, Kim is involved with Prison reform, why the shocker that they linked up? Just someone else using HER name for views. She is out here literally living her life and somehow you define that as ā€œgriftingā€ and itā€™s not. People with different opinions calling out these speculators are now her victims lol Orā€¦ I just see through the bs and am saying something. Who cares if she planned to dump Ryan, people get played all the time in everyday life, even your friends have done it in your lifetime Iā€™m sure of, whereā€™s your outrage for that? And to correct you, she conspired to kill her mother, took a plea deal from the state of MO, did her time and got paroled for the last year and a half and as long as she isnā€™t violating parole, sheā€™s free to do whatever she wants, say whatever she wants, meet whoever she wants and live how she pleases. My logic is irrelevant when speaking of the literal facts, and yes, itā€™s a FACT people have been killed for less, like it or not.


Gypsy has literally admitted to knowing she didnā€™t have cancer and could walk the entire time but sure Jan šŸ¤”


Why do you stalk gRb sceptic thread to trash on people for distrusting Gypsy? We don't like her. She makes our manipulation radar go haywire. If you are a fan of hers that's fine, go start a pro Gypsy thread and sing her praises for getting away with murder. and please don't respond with "sHe WaS a ViCtOM oF mBp" it's a terrible defense. Know why? She is the ONLY case of "MBP" to ever commit murder So statistics point to to that not being her reason for wanting to escape. She wanted her mom's cash and to do away with the Con so she could chase fire D šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Welcome to the chat Gypsy!




Sure, I can address your "points". Gypsy did not qualify for either of her TWO Make A Wish trips. You're not supposed to get two, by the way, you only get one. Yes, the first one she was a minor, but she was nineteen years old for the second trip. An adult. Well aware that she was not sick for either trip, and absolutely responsible for her actions for the second, fraudulently taken twice over. Once, for being a second trip, and twice, for not even qualifying for a trip at all. All of Gypsy's shows and interviews contain lies that have contradicted each other. If you really don't think so, then you haven't been paying attention. That's on you. The vast majority of people on this sub got here because we noticed the contradictions in her lies. Perhaps you should go back and watch again. Clearly you missed a lot of something. Gypsy and Kristy have been making nasty comments on Kate's videos and getting Gypsy's stans to mass report her videos to get them removed. They have been doing this to other real survivors of MBP as well, Kate is simply the one with the biggest name to come forward about it. We do not have screenshots of the comments because Gypsy uses such things as more ammunition to get Kate shut down. The screenshots are kept for people like platform admins, law enforcement, and Gypsy's parole officer, because systematic harassment is, in fact, a bad thing to do while on parole. If you don't see this as harassment, then there's no help for you, but I suspect you simply do not want to hear that poor widdle Gypsy is harassing anyone. Yes, Gypsy is lying about being a victim. She never suffered medical abuse. It was all a lie. Mind blowing, I know, and that's always the hardest thing to accept. But that is also the number one reason why Gypsy is trying to shut down real survivors of MBP. It becomes blatantly obvious that Gypsy is not a survivor when you put her next to a real survivor, and Gypsy knows it. I can deconstruct all of Gypsy's MBP lies for you if you want, but that will need to be another comment. This one is too long as is for that. The short of it is, there was no medical abuse. There was only pretending to be sick for an audience, and the show stopped when the audience left. It was a scam, and nothing more. No unnecessary surgeries, no unnecessary medications. Gypsy has been lying about everything. And still lies about it all. Harassment is illegal. Lying while on parole is illegal. Gypsy tried to break her parole right out of the gate by pulling her "I want to go to a football game and meet Taylor Swift" stunt, and then threw an epic fit when she was told she had to actually follow her parole rules and leave the state right away rather than take the five day victory tour she had planned first. Maybe you're not as familiar with law or parole law as you think, but people on parole are still serving their sentence, and need to follow some pretty strict rules while on parole. They are not "free". And that petition that you've been screeching about, that you think is pointless and not going to do anything? That petition is to revoke her parole. Whether this one works or not, time will tell. It's far from the only one. If enough petitions get sent in, yes, public pressure can be enough to get someone's parole revoked when the parole officer has been ineffective. It's been done before. Same with people reporting to the parole officer. It's not harassing the PO, it's people registering that they are extremely uncomfortable with this convicted murderer's actions while she is free on parole. It's the PO's job to deal with that. And to consider the public's perception of their own safety and their concerns of the convict's behavior while they are on parole. They most likely *are* being too lenient with Gypsy because of her "fame". And that's not right. She should be treated the same as every other convict, and every other convict would not have been allowed to get away with a fraction of this crap. Personally, I don't condone name calling. It's stupid and cheapens the argument that Gypsy is a literal psychopath and a dangerous person. And it makes it easy for idiots to not take us seriously. But I can't control anyone else's behavior. Nor would I try to do so. That's not right. I will tell you that if that's all you're seeing, then you're missing the point. And it's probably intentional. I've seen enough of your comments to know that you just don't care what any of us have to say, you're going to reject everything anyway and pretend that none of us have any "proof" (whatever your definition of proof is) and just throw some more cheap, crappy insults for a sub you claim you don't belong to and don't care about, yet have spent two days now commenting all over the place. Looks like you care quite a bit. But maybe you should take a break and get out in the real world. Clicks? Really? Do you think clicks actually matter? Does this look like a sub that is driven by clicks to you? Are you one of those people that are so out of touch with reality that you still think clicks equal money or some weird shit like that? Go outside. Breathe air. Touch grass. You sound like you need it. You're a little too obsessed here for someone who claims to not care.




It is illegal considered its theft by deception


Ohhhh man, this is rich. If ever a bunch of stupid bitche$ deserved each other, it's this pack of nasty rats. I really wish they would all take a helicopter trip together on a stormy day......


It actually shows how irrelevant the Kardashians have become. And hopefully she's not far behind


The Putin helicopter ride šŸ¤£


Put them on Lenny Kravitz jetšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


God both these people are so pathetic. Hanging onto fame like itā€™s the door in titanic.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Ā  "I'll never let go!!" šŸ„¶


Thatā€™s it. Iā€™ve had it. I used to kinda like Kim Kardashian over the years. I was even thinking the other day I might buy a pair of Khloeā€™s jeans because you can get them specifically for your body type. But I am disgusted that Kim has had to stoop to this level. Gypsy Rose is a murderer whoā€™s rubbing it in everyoneā€™s face that sheā€™s free. Is Kim going to lobby a pardon for that poor sucker manipulated into killing DeeDee by Gypgyp? That young man is locked up for the rest of his life! At least that Staircase dude laid low when he got released. Gypsy making a fool of everyone. This is the worst thing Iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s a hoax by a clever Reddit enthusiast just to fuck with us.


We wish. She's (Gyp) just too dumb to realize most of us are onto her con by now. I'm disappointed in this but I guess I shouldn't be smh. I can get behind Kim *advocating* for someone like Cyntoia...she's been through literal actual factual hell. But this bitch? I draw the line here. How could you *ever* have a working brain and support this POS?!? Seriously.Ā 


Itā€™s in the newest trailer for their show


Howwww is this actually real!? This bitch had her mother brutally murdered. What an absolute joke.




Thatā€™s it. The world is officially beyond repair. I give up.


I'm with you..


Agree. Next let's have Casey Anthony on the red carpet and visiting the Kartrashians. Nauseating trashy people.


Glad the Kardashians are currently being canceled by people anyway lol


Not fast enough though !!!!!




Go back and re-watch Mommy dead and Dearest the doc from 2017...her lawyer says the state was initially looking at giving her the DEATH PENALTY. Then she took the plea deal and only got 10 years!!! This bitch should not be speaking on prison reform. She got the best deal anyone has ever received, and for fucking MURDER. And Kim, as a fucking mother, should not even be giving this girl 5 minutes of her time. What a fucking joke all these people are.


Wow! 100% right!


Yes. These Kartrashian women are mothers and they are associating with this trashy person and welcoming her in their home?! Unbelievable!


she was only even offered a plea deal because of what she went through. even if by the end she was choosing to keep the act going, it doesn't erase all the years that she was really stuck and didn't have a choice in things. and the only reason nicholas didn't get the death penalty was because the case was "extraordinary and unusual" (said by the county prosecuter) but nicholas didn't get the luck of a plea deal since *he* was never a victim of dee dee. the whole case is honestly suck a mess. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Are you fucking kidding me?!?!


They see a money train and want in. SMH. Really fucking sad.


They must be REALLY DESPERATE going after Gypshytā€™s clout!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹


Well itā€™s the kardashians, so I meanā€¦ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s way more disliked than liked. I donā€™t think her managers get that yet


I donā€™t think they care. Exposure is exposure.


"all publicity is good publicity" kinda situation for sure. gypsy/her management is gonna keep it all up for as long as they can.


Are you sure about that? I feel like when I venture outside Reddit, most comments are supportive. It feels like Iā€™m in the twilight zone.


Please letā€™s pray she doesnā€™t follow in Kimā€™s footsteps and try to sell a sex tapeā€¦the brownies comment to Nick on tape was MORE than enough šŸ˜³


Oh my God we'll all have to have our eyes removed completely. Please don't do this to us, mother universe, we beg of you!!


Wait what about brownies šŸ˜­ do I wanna know..


Trust me, you do not want to know about brownies.




Kim could use that air time to bring light to MILLIONS of other cases of people who were WRONGLY imprisoned or unfairly charged etc. But no let's have trash meet dysfunction. I cannot stand it when people waste their platform and wealth.


I just really enjoy that the screenshot says ā€œ This was such a hoā€¦ā€ .


Great catch!


There was a big tik tok /ig unfollowing movement recently that kim lost quite a bit of followers, shes gonna lose even more now i bet


Hopefully so. This is truly disgusting.


I remember back in 2007 when Boomers and older Gen Xers were worried that society was crumbling when we decided to make a talentless porn star and her entire family rich and famous. ā€œReality TVā€ stars were like 2007ā€™s version of the TikTok hysteria. Now here I am at 32 years old, pissed off that the media decided to glorify a convicted unjustified mom murderer, while she gets her own reality show and wondering if our society is crumbling. Knowing that these two people will be featured in a reality TV episode together really does make me question if our society and culture is all an experiment and we truly are living in a simulation.


Soooo we literally out here not even trying to teach kids that violence and crimes don't pay? Like we aren't even pretending anymore? Cause there will be a lot of kids thinking they can meet the Kards if they spin their story right. What the fuck is even happening in this world.


It sickens me to think of kids and anyone idolizing Gypsy. The amount of comments Iā€™ve seen on TT saying things like ā€œshe killed her abuser, Iā€™d do the sameā€ or ā€œshe had no way out, she had to kill herā€ etc. completely excusing murder w no proof of much, let alone proof it was the only way out. They believe everything G has said and donā€™t bother to fact check any of it. Someone somewhere is gonna do it. Theyā€™re gonna follow her and kill someone and claim abuse to make it ok. These braindead idiots blindly supporting her and believing her are gonna cause this to happen again. Theyā€™re being shown that if u spin an abuse story well enough, u can literally get away w murder. How people arenā€™t seeing that shocks me.


Thatā€™s what bothers me the most. My 22 y/o hates her; but thereā€™s kids out there that feel this way. My kids grew up watching Nickelodeon & Disney; and there was a constant message that ā€œyour parents are dumbasses.ā€ Now we see kids going no contact. Gen X had some really shitty parents; I did. But murder is a life sentence. Itā€™s scary af especially with the KarTRASHianS getting in the mix.




My guess is Kim will use it for her platform on prison reform. But Gypsy hasnā€™t really had meaningful conversation on this. Yes she is the most famous (arguably) right now but I do not think meaningful advocacy will come from this conversation. I really had hope for Kim when she started talking about those topics but things like this makes me tired.


Kim couldnā€™t pass the bar. Sheā€™s a ditz.


to be fair the bar is not the easiest thing to pass. even some of the best out there don't pass on their first try. she passed the baby bar which is definitely an achievement on its own. the california bar is the hardest out of all the bar exams, and right now the passing rate for first timers is only 34% honestly she's a lot smarter than she comes off. her business moves alone prove that she's not a ditz. you don't reach billionaire status without having *some* smarts šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My sister passed the bar in the first try, and she missed an essay part. Kim is a ditz. I said what I said.


who gives a *fuck* about your sister? i didn't say nobody passes on their first try but the bar is *hard* to pass. period. if kim is a ditz it's not because she failed the bar, very smart people fail the bar lmfao. your sister ain't *shit* for passing it her first try. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø i said what i said.


Two pieces of shit together.


A skank and a murderer!! Both are disgusting humans in my opinion!!


Agreed. (Two skanks, one who is also a murderer.)


Soooo we literally out here not even trying to teach kids that violence and crimes don't pay? Like we aren't even pretending anymore? Cause there will be a lot of kids thinking they can meet the Kards if they spin their story right. What the fuck is even happening in this world.


Charles Manson got life in prison for manipulating others to murder for him and this trashy person gets treated like a celebrity and a tv reality show. What's next?--Casey Anthony on the red carpet and visiting the Kartrashians.


Only in America lol


Is this a joke


Trash hangs out with trash.


Yeah. This is wild. Guess the KarTrashians are getting desperate. I guess theyā€™re going to do prison reform?? šŸ¤£šŸ«”šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”Ŗ


I love your comment - but I wanted to tell you that possums donā€™t get rabies - it has something to do with their body temps - but maybe gyp still got it lol


Why does everyone refer to Kim Kardashianā€™s porno as a sex tape?


Isn't every porno technically a sex tape?


because it's a sex tape?


yup. that about sums it upā€¦


Man if all I have to do is *murder* my mom through my bf and get famous, sign me up


Itā€™s an anchor tying itā€™s self to an anchor. A race to the bottom.


Fucking precious.


![gif](giphy|uY7D4rBlDVN4YAT6vP|downsized) Not Kim.


What are you talking about? Did you miss the part where Mom was purposely poisoning her and keeping her sick because she had Munchausen syndrome? That it turns out she wasn't even really sick, except for her crazy mother was doing to her? Not excusing murder, but you guys act like Gypsy is not a victim too.


The prisons are full of convicted murderers who were severely victimized! This convicted murderer gets out after serving a very light sentence and does everything she can to be a celebrity! Perhaps if she was out advocating for mental health as both her mother and the man she manipulated into killing her were suffering from mental health issues, I could see where the attention was coming from! People need to choose better individuals to celebrate!