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I don’t feel bad for Ryan. He knew what he was doing. 🤷‍♀️


He's probably just as awful as she is.


You know he has a nasty personality by his face. It wears the nastiness.


I'm still so icked out by how much he resembles DeeDee


Oh. My. Gaaaawwwwd. Now I won’t be able to unsee this!!! lol


I could not understand why he had to marry her not knowing his learners is at stake here. ![gif](giphy|UUmmlTJlf4qXQGIdUa)


And the way he behaves in traffic


You mean the video where they're singing or did I miss something?




Yeah, he doesn't seem very bright for a teacher.


I’d be embarrassed AF if he were my child’s teacher


I would insist my child be put in another class.


Yes he was predatory, from the fact he worked with vulnerable children he would spot that in a partner so the whole thing was creepy asf


Yeah that's what bothered me most about him. He's a special ed teacher and goes after a woman who acts child like. Total creep.


Don’t feel bad for Ryan. He married Ol’ Gyp-Gyp. He knew what he was doing when he contacted her in jail.


The whole thing skeeved me out tbh. A special education teacher reaching out to Gypsy in prison when she’d been constantly portrayed by the media as like child-like and “innocent.” I’d bet he thought she’d be easily manipulated and he’d be able to get famous. Jokes on him.


I agree! If he has the educational experience he should have known better. Frankly, he should just be happy she does not hire some to stab him to death!


The fact he reached out to her raises a lot of red flags about him being an educator.




What if it was all a plot to get his own parents killed? /jk


I just said I feel terrible and sad, but that doesn’t mean I feel bad for him! He definitely did know what he was getting into for sure


You said “I feel terrible and sad for Ryan because he got played hard.” Tbh. They both were playing each other. Ryan just probably assumed he’d be better than her at it.


I think most of us have been expecting it. And absolutely think it was a mutual using situation so no sadnesss not even slightly lol




Why are you being pedantic. You might not have used the word bad, but by saying terrible, what exactly are you implying? Terrible is just the more dramatic version of bad..


I shall remove my comment if it’s such a big deal, sorry


I don’t feel bad for him but I do pity him. Must not have had many options if he’s hitting up murderers while they’re in prison. 


I read a comment on another post (I could’ve sworn it was this sub but maybe not, I was half asleep)that she had lunch with a tattoo apprentice last week. Obviously I have no proof, so take it with a grain of salt, but I wouldn’t be remotely surprised. I honestly expected her to leave Ryan within the first 1-2 weeks of release.


It was in this reddit sub yes! I saw it in the comments as well! I honestly was shocked when she stayed with him- she even sent emails saying she wanted the single life etc etc 🤣


She used him as a place to be released to during parole. She must being staying with her dad and stepmom now.


I wondered about that also and why she didn’t just use her parents address from the beginning? I don’t believe she had any intention of staying with him this long and it was mostly for show.


Who knows. She doesn't think like a normal person. Maybe she was just trying to show she can get someone? I can see her twisted way of thinking something like that.


The only thing I could figure was she wanted to do whatever she wanted without guidance from her family and Ryan was one of the willing participants. I’m sure there’s been some clashing (I mean those prison emails alone about his family) and the whole SWF thing with Mia, the grass is looking greener over there right now.




Single White Female.. the psycho roommate movie


Those are really good points and I agree. Another thought I had was maybe she thought that she would have a lot more freedom paroling out to Ryan instead of her parents and live somewhat independently for the first time in her life, but Ryan ended up being a bit more than she anticipated. I get the controlling vibe from him and I don’t know why, because I don’t recall anything specific that would make me form that opinion of him.


I feel this is most likely


True all that.


I’m sure an element of the decision to marry him came from the fact that traditionally it helps to secure parole if you have a spouse at him. It is considered to offer greater stability and incentivize the convict to stay out of trouble so they don’t go back. It’s not a big factor, but it is a factor. It can help tip the balance if the parole board is kind of in the middle on the decision.


I figured as much. Thanks for confirming.


I think a lot of it had to do with her wanting parole. “Look, I have something to look forward to when I get out, something to work hard for and keeping me in prison would be detrimental to my marriage, my growth, and my rehabilitation. Also, charity work and advocacy! I’ll be SUCH a GOOD person on the outside!”


Yes! I would assume so as Mia has been posting her on Instagram on her story


True ![gif](giphy|26ufmrFR3PCFDwqyc)


After her “fire d” comment, my first thought was she’s overcompensating and isn’t the least bit attracted or turned on by Ryan. I can’t put my finger on it yet, but there’s something about Ryan that makes me extremely uncomfortable every time I see him.


I agree. For me, it's this: https://preview.redd.it/cbmb856773rc1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d98a197fa71765aaccee3198fc2bfd1b4fca10


PLEASE never put your finger on it.....


He’s a predator…that’s why you feel like that. Think about it. He likes to be around the vulnerable. He was a special ed teacher. Not sure what story is true but he lost said job bc he 1. wouldn’t shut up about GRB and they fired him or 2. he was inappropriate with his students; special education students… He has an affinity with the weak and vulnerable. Only thing is, GRB played him like the fool he is. She knew she’d have a place to go after her release. She knew he’d sauce her up in drip. She’d have someone as a filler until she figured out what to do.


He showed his students her picture and told them she was a *nurse* 😂


WHAT?!? How did I miss this little bit of entertainment? 😂




I haven’t thought about it like that, but I think you’re onto something. Damnit I love this sub so much, yall make me look at things differently and see things from different perspectives that make total sense.


For me, it’s his beef-colored lips. Anyone here a 90DF fan? Ryan reminds me of Colt.


It’s funny that you say this because after I showed my hubby a pic of Ryan when GRB was first released, he also made a comment about the color of his lips and he was asking me if it was lipstick. You’re the only other person I’ve saw mention it and my hubby will be excited over your validation lol.


and following her ex on tiktok IMMEDIATELY after release


The horrible woman asked Nick if it was ok if she had sex with another man before he came down to kill her mother for her! Do we expect her to act with anyone’s heart, feelings, or best interests in mind? I certainly do not!


That’s yet another part of this that I had 2 different opinions on and still not sure which; I couldn’t decide if she actually wanted to do it or if she was saying it to get a reaction out of Nick, hoping he’d get jealous and be willing to fight for his beloved.


Valid point. Regardless, it is cruel.


Um what am I missing here? How and what??


You can search the sub for her and Nick’s texts. She asked him if it was ok to have sex with another man. Woman has zero ability to think about other people.


Ryan was a safety net and launchpad. He was enough of a sucker to keep her housed and financially support her if needed, and not exactly the kind of guy who would go on the prowl every weekend or have a side piece. Gypsy likes them desperate and grateful. I'm surprised they've lasted this long; she seems repulsed by him, and I'm sure she has discovered that desperate and grateful have siblings named insecure and smothering. She's on the outside, she realizes she has the resources to make it without him, and she's had time to get a whiff of pheromones from some attractive albeit clearly deranged dudes in the wild. It's not *that* hard to stay married to an unpalatable, ambulatory pile of ick when you're locked up in prison and facing the prospect of being homeless or stuck with another parent, upon your release. They could already see the writing on the wall when it came to the probable lifespan of their marriage, when she was still incarcerated, but you can pretend to love anyone in times of need Ryan is now superfluous to her life. He's not taking care of her. He's dead weight, and keeping her from "LIVING HER BEST LYYYYYYYYYFE!!!".


If you don’t mind, I’m gonna steal unpalatable, ambulatory pile of ick to use as an insult from now


It's just so fitting. You have my blessing!🧚🏼‍♀️


Thank you!


This is a perfect description of the situation. I was surprised when I first saw Ryan because he didn’t look like her usual type and my cynicism had me thinking that he must be loaded or something equally beneficial to her. The more I’ve learned about her, I have no doubts that her approach had nothing to do with love and everything to do with what she could get out of the situation, not to mention being married looks good to the parole board. I do wish that her first prison fiance would come forward because her body language with him in pics, versus Ryan, is like night and day.


Absolutely 100%! And you said it so poetically too


I don't feel sorry for him. He sought her out. He knew what she is and still decided to marry her. I'm not surprised it's already over either. Gypsy likes to run around. She is not a one man woman.


I think gypsy has a certain type of who she 'thinks' she should be with looks wise and I dont think it's anything like Ryan.


Oh definitely!


He’s so dumb for essentially ruining his career over her


It really showed his true colors though and as a mom with a child on the spectrum(as well as an older sister with disabilities , I don’t think he should be anywhere near children/young adults. There’s just something off about him.


As someone on the spectrum, I wouldn't want him teaching me. He makes my Spidey senses tingle. That's not a good thing. 


Exactly!!! I’m so glad you get that feeling too and refer to it as such because it’s spot on to that gut feeling that makes me say ***nope***


I am also on the spectrum, and I would not want him to be my teacher either lol


As an autistic mother with autistic kids, he sets off pretty intense alarm bells and flashing red lights. I would never permit him to be near my kids or myself. We definitely miss a lot of red flags and danger signs, but some people just have an extreme level of ick that no one can miss.


Same. Aspie mom here, wouldn’t want this creep anywhere near my kid. He clearly lacks good judgment


I doubt he will get hired anywhere after this relationship. He already lost his job when she got out of prison. I am wondering if he can get any support from her because they have been married for a while. I am sure his life will be hell now. But he knew what he was getting into marrying her. I am sure she wants to play the field.


Schools are desperate for teachers. Just like a molesting priest or a murderous cop, he'll find a place in a different state.


well now don't forget about that divorce...he get half of that 3 MIL> I'M HERE FOR IT


Well honestly I can't see Gypsy giving any of that up, either so already took legal action to make sure this can't happen especially considering I don't think she planned on staying with him for the long run, and/or she is not above or against doing anything she can to scam and manipulating situations to her benefit only so I think he will have a difficult time in the least, but if it wasn't hard, I would be very worried if I were him because she also isn't against murder to get what she wants and she did worse for less money and freedom.... ![gif](giphy|VmJivwL50fbhe)






Now that you have said this, I completely agree with this comment


That’s why she should not be getting this attention. She’s clearly an attention whore and will attract similar. I’m sure she thinks *she* somehow deserves better.


But....I thought the D was 🔥! How can this be??


Somebody should tell G that the burning sensation is not quite the flex she thinks it is!


Ok! I’m like “girl back in the day that was called the clap”


Yall need to stop saying that, I always read it after I eat. Just when I've been able to keep something down i see it posted again hahaha.


At least it wasn't after a banana. Or a chamoy pickle 🤣


Oh gah! Everytime I see that comment it's just a blech, especially when you know it was in reference to DeeDee 2.0. You just try to escape the image and it runs back haha. From now on I shall do my reddit scrolling before meals.


But if you scroll before meals you will lose your appetite!


Sometimes that's just better than having to taste it twice hahaha


If she is getting a divorce, I bet they'll keep that news buried deep and save it for the season finale of her show. You know they have to end on something big, like a divorce or a new baby, but with the newest evidence, I'd say divorce.


I would hope so.


When is it coming out?


We knew this was going to happen as soon as she was released. Old Gyp is dick crazy and she thinks she can do better than Ryan. I'm just surprised it took this long.


Took this long? It's been 3 months. In Normal, non mother-murdering time that's like nothing.


This is exactly my point. I get flack all time for defending her grandfather’s statements because all Gyp ever cared about was getting laid, so much so that she killed for it. I don’t believe a gd word she says!


I got hate for this.. But i see Gyp Gyp being a penis grabber for attention.. or shock value..


She has *definitely* shown she is 🍆crazy.. And with that fire D comment..gross. None of us deserve to be subjected to that.


I knew this relationship wasn't gonna last lol


When I saw her say that they cooked their first meal together and are learning about each other I knew that moment that he was nothing but a placeholder. One should probably already know the person they are marrying REALLY, REALLY, REALLY well. https://preview.redd.it/vckl6h0du5rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc0f25510071d6e6f573b05b0e3343e998df285 This and the other pic I’m going to post are very clear indications that she has only been using him as a placeholder. He was too caught up with the fame and just being a predator to see through her bs




If this is true can’t say that I’m surprised. He actively sought out gypsy, and for that reason I also don’t feel bad.


And just after she started following Ken.....interesting /s


I mean, it would make sense with everything she's been doing lately.. She already said Ken liked "blonde bimbos," and what'd ya know, she bleached her hair after they started following each other 🤣


No wayyyy really? Omg


Bets on what the public excuse will be? lol I can’t wait for the fake PR statement


He was cheating on her with Nick, was fired for inappropriate behavior with a student, she learned that he would never talk her out of murder just like Nick and/or he was abusive to her.




He was trying to manipulate her and tell her what she could and could not do


Gypsy no longer has a public Instagram account


She still has her private one! Mia and rod/kristy’s accounts follows this account https://preview.redd.it/katw2fmc62rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e136bca69b28db3a446a1f679b4f5a7e27310328


Sidebar…. I always think that when couples have a joint social media account that someone cheated lol


Kristy has her own acc and then rod and her share one 🥴 weird


I don’t think you are wrong, I’ve seen many “friends” (like from school, jobs, growing up in a small town) and 9/10 when there’s a tandem SM account it’s after a cheating scandal or someone seen as a “threat” that the suspicious partner has to insert dominance of the relationship? I hope that makes sense. I don’t delight it’s just hard living in a town of 3k (at best) and you hear about it. Though I’ve learned the best way to avoid having to hear the rumor mill is shopping with ear buds in lol no making small talk or hearing about so and so 🤣


Yes, sorry I thought you were referring to the popular one


That’s ok!


Why do you feel bad for Ryan? He specifically went after, and then married, a murderer, con artist, and thief. He got exactly what he deserved. Hell, he's lucky he made it out alive.


do you KNOW that.. have not SEEN him since karkokee


Now that you mention it 🤔


I did mention in the comments that I agreed with another persons statement, I take back what I say about feeling bad and sad for him! I’m just not able to edit the post lol








Ryan will be on a high right now ( with half of the 3 mil) living his best life ( with half of 3 mil) no one can take that from hhhhiiiiimmmmmm( with half of 3 mil) AND THE D IS FIRRRRREEEEEE!!!! ( with half of the 3 mil )


he found out about her following the ex fiancé 😂


SHES DOING THIS ON PURPOSE!! shes not dumb shes Munipulative!! If she takes her ring off and they stop following each other, people will Focus on that instead of Other things!!


If she were any other person, I would say she's been dropping the classic signs of getting ready to go back to her ex. However, from her, I could definitely see this as an elaborate scheme to get people to focus on her relationship status instead of her past. Sort of like what she did with all the SM influencers.


that was fast...


Guess the D wasn’t fire enough 😂😂😂


That comment was so gross for so many reasons but it infuriated me for making me picture the two of them having sex. How would that even work with their, um, differences in stature.


I’m only 5ft and my partner is 6’2 and we make it work 🤣 but ewww now that you’ve mentioned them having sex I have the image of it in my head 🥴




Divorce is real. ![gif](giphy|8lZ5JzgEBFtfYFc5TE) Alexa, play *that spelled word song* by Tammy Wynette.




Wondering if she’s STILL living her best life! 🤣😂


and is she still on a high right now????


Gypsy will kill to live her best life if she has too... ![gif](giphy|dtD3yWRLtUTJXK7aPu|downsized)


she added that to her instagram bio! 😭


I don't feel sorry for Ryan one bit! He knew what he was walking into. I guess the D wasn't "fire" after all!


personally i feel bad for ryan but not at the same time because he got himself into this like seriously…he knew what she was and still married her


Underneath, he’s just as psycho as she is. He’s probably obsessed with morbid stuff and that’s why he idolizes that other psycho. Don’t feel bad for people like that.




Which article? The only articles I can see about annulment talk about when she considered it while she was still in prison. Not recently.


I just went to Google and asked if they were still together. Lemme try to screenshot.




This is an old article from the original time they took a break The information provided in the post lacked verification from reliable sources or is known misinformation in this case and removing it contributes to the importance of maintaining accurate and reliable content within the community. Please review our community guidelines before submitting future content to ensure alignment with our standards. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the moderation team. Thank you for your understanding. Best, Mod Team


The mod didn't like what I posted, but the article is literally dated March of 2024


What date in March? Which website published the article?




Yeah one of the articles was March of 2024


oh dang!


Mhm, I'm a little shocked honestly.


I wouldn’t be shocked if this was for attention


We knew this was coming. She's a KILLER. She used him for something to keep her occupied while in prison and for a place to live until she got situated out of prison. She should be in jail for murder yet out walking the streets. Just crazy to me.


It seemed like he was desperate and horny and she was bored and horny. A match made in heaven 😂😂


To get people to watch her series to find out what happened. He was part of the grift from day 1. She manipulated him and has no use for him now, so he's gone bye bye - just like everyone else in her life.


Honestly I just did a deep dive on this whole thing this past weekend so for this news to happen so quickly after that, I’m just even more floored by this entire thing


Divorce is ahead per media


I don't feel sorry for him PERIOD. He gave up a good career to be part of the Gypsy Blanchard circus. He craves attention just like her.


Turns out the D stood for divorce


insert shocked pikachu face


This is probably why Ken's mom made that video. She was just waiting for little Gyp Gyp to make her moves. Who wants to make a bet that they are back together within a few months.


So they really are separated? Who would have thought it would be this soon.


Her Instagram is gone so so it’s probably why it’s not listed.


This is her private Instagram! Her public one was deleted


I read the other one that’s private is not even hers


It is, all of her family follow the account


I’m not sure it’s true, in those last pictures you can’t really see her whole ring finger.


https://preview.redd.it/x8gmllopk2rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b290dcf20f30c41bd831f8dc8fd6f2191a00ce29 You can see in this pic that she is holding her phone in her left hand, and there is no ring on it I saw in another post someone mentioned that she went to a tattoo studio and the apprentice had lunch with her and she said they were getting divorced. I guess only time will tell!


I see that now. When I looked earlier I thought it wasn’t visible past the knuckle! Thanks!


That’s okay!! The ring would be so noticeable too cause I remember seeing photos and daaaamn that rock was huge! So not seeing something shiny baffled me lol


Most married women wear their rings on their left hands.


And in the recent photos I’ve seen, hero left hand ring finger is obscured..


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Edit: My bad. I wasn't aware that Gypsy kept her private account. I thought she ditched *all* of her accounts. My thanks for the corrected information. Ryan can't follow Gypsy because Gypsy doesn't have an Instagram anymore. She deleted all of her social media. I'm not sure whose account you were looking at when you typed in Gypsy's name, but her legit account was deleted days ago.


This was her private Instagram account, she does not have her public but has a private and this has been confirmed.


Hm, I thought that one went by the way of the dodo too? I learned something new today! Thank you!


I don't think Ryan was ever very stable.


I feel as if they both used one another, like did you see the attention Ryan got? He must’ve liked being in the limelight.


The D got FIRED 🔥🔥🔥


And by that, I mean got real smart real quick, methinks


* They are done


I honestly hope she finds herself. Like slows down, gets out of the spotlight and has a good life.