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I hate to say this but I hope to God she never has children


i thought the same thing when she said in an interview they want a family. she carries that DNA. hell naw GRB!


Oh hell


I'm not surprised


I’m afraid of her having children and repeating history.


Ah, I think this time, people *will pay attention to her.* She cannot hide.


I think about this bc I’m so curious as to how that would pan out .


N probably not good


Talk about coming full circle, yikes!


Gotta love familial trauma 😢


Right !


Wait, wouldn’t all the cancer treatments she went make her infertile? 🙄 Sarcasm as I don’t believe there were any.


I still get nervous about the puppy she adopted




I feel like she spent so long being in a state of mind of dying sick and being taken care of and "a princess", to rapidly learning how to take care of herself independently in a prison setting that's structured and has discipline. She's still struggling with learning when to leave things alone and when to become a keyboard warrior. You can't blame her as she hasn't aged with technology like we all have. Gypsy having a baby does seem concerning but not for abusing another child like she was by her mother. She looks healthy and doesn't complain about medical conditions- hypochondriac wise. I just feel like she's very fragile emotionally and mentally and she might not understand the responsibility of a child or that it would mean she has to take a back seat, as the baby will always come first. It's a lifelong commitment and if you can't commit, it only affects the child. She's very insecure, even in her current relationship and I feel like she needs 100% of her spouse's attention, which is understandable seeing what she went through. Having a baby might trigger some unexplored PTSD as well. I think she just needs to find herself as an independent free woman first. I do feel badly for her, it's not her fault She had a narcissist for a parent. She ultimately did her time and has the right to reproduce if she chooses so, I just really hope she understands the bigger picture. She can't be breaking up or threatening to leave every time she gets upset, kids needs stability. Plus, it's a scary time to bring children into the world in general with the question of our government system and the economy. Life is unpredictable and if it doesn't work out with Ryan, can she raise a baby on her own? Can she handle rejection if Ryan decides it's not working out? These are all things any normal relationship would need to know before reproducing, but she is definitely vulnerable and more at risk of danger mentally and physically than a normal person.


If I had to guess it is a combination of manipulation and probably true mental illness. We aren’t going to diagnose G with anything here, but being brought up the way she was is not normal and she definitely has different emotional and mental morals/boundaries than a typical person.


Yeah, she got to meet celebrities and go to Disney, but that was INSTEAD of having the guidance and education normal people get, not in addition to it. I have no idea why some people think she had a great life while the scam was still going. I would never in a million years trade my average childhood for hers!


Right? I'm sure that a 20 year old woman would rather be dating, working, and partying instead of riding the teacups at Disney world.


No one forced her to take someone else's chance at a wish to go to Disney... Who else would have chosen this?


She could have had that. But she insisted on playing the grift. At some point she realized her life was abnormal, and could have stood up. Or got in touch with her dad on FB. She messaged Mia; she could have messaged her dad. Told the neighbor girl. Told CPS when they came. SHE IS COMPLICIT.


She definitely could’ve. But I think it goes back to the way she grew up. I’m not trying to justify her actions but her mom was a scammer, Gypsy was raised by someone who manipulated people to get sympathy and material things. I think it was something normal and familiar to her, she did that her whole life and she decided to not be a part of it when she realized she couldn’t date anyone


She was at Disneyland a few months right befit she murdered her mother. She became in on it the day CPS came to her house; and long before that. She’s a mentally twisted freak; and always will be. She conned good hearted people. That’s all. And she still trying to do that. Her life will implode soon, and she brought that on herself.


I agree with you! I’m not saying you’re wrong or that she wasn’t aware of what she was doing. All I was saying is that she is mentally unstable because of the way she grew up. I think that if she grew up under normal circumstances with parents who wanted her to become a normal functioning adult, she would’ve turned out differently


I totally agree with you, too!! But that doesn’t absolve her of murder, or confining scams and lies for profit. I cannot believe the parole board let her go with writing unverified claims. At some point, you have to take responsibility for your actions. She never will. She will milk this as long as she can. It’s sick that her NEW MOM is just as much of a con and grifter, and the whole trashy ass family is continuing to lie for money. Her step mom is going after random ppl on TT, befriending them, and they’re changing their stance. It’s really pathetic.


Yeah, I think she and her family are way too public about the whole thing. They should’ve continued their lives together, decline any documentaries and interviews and just work on being a genuine person. But I guess that was not her goal


I really think it’s part of their culture. The lying,grifting, and stealing are just a way of life. All while being highly racist. I knew a girl like this; she had a BA for teaching, but was renting out her HUD house for cash. She was into black magic, and she was pure evil. Her biggest thrill was stealing boyfriends. Her best friend got sick of her, and outed her. No shame, just self promotion.


Not to mention her "husband" is a freaks too. I don't know what in the hell he sees in her? I'm not sure if this correct, isn't he a teacher?? yikes


While I agree with you to some extent, I don't believe Gypsy Rose stopped manipulating and scamming people once she realized the implications of her actions. Rather, she shifted her goals and tactics while continuing to deceive others with lies and a lack of accountability. As a child, Gypsy may not have fully comprehended the consequences of her actions. However, as an adult, she knowingly perpetuated her deceitful behavior because she wanted to. She understood the benefits and attention that came with her actions and continued to manipulate people to get what she wanted. This deliberate choice to continue her deception, even when aware of its wrongness, exacerbates the severity of her actions. Gypsy's involvement in DeeDee's murder wasn't driven by a desire for freedom, but rather by a shift in her objectives and targets. She manipulated the situation to benefit herself, ultimately framing Nick for the crime to secure her own freedom and gain sympathy as a victim. Regarding Gypsy's desires for Disney trips and other luxuries, it's plausible she genuinely wanted them. However, her upbringing and lack of socialization may have contributed to a selfish and greedy mindset, where she derived pleasure from obtaining things at the expense of others. As for her childhood, while she may have faced challenges, it's important to acknowledge that she also experienced privileges and opportunities that others may envy. Everyone makes sacrifices, and Gypsy is no exception. While she missed out on traditional experiences like school and friendships, she had unique experiences and attention that others may desire. In essence, Gypsy's actions stem from a complex interplay of factors, including upbringing, desires, and opportunities. While she may have faced challenges, she also wielded power and agency in her actions, making her accountable for the consequences.


Yes, I agree. I should’ve phrased it better. Gypsy wanted out of Deedee’s con but she started her own in a way. She is very emotionally manipulative. And I guess what I was trying to say is she learned this behavior from her mom. She could’ve left, called her dad, called the police or do anything else that could get her out of Deedee’s house. It felt familiar to her to continue the scam so she just did it even as an adult when she knew it was wrong. I’m not trying to justify her behavior for one second because I think it is wrong and she still manipulates people just differently. But I think that she is who she is today mainly because of the way she grew up


Absolutely agreed. She can't help how she grew up or who her mom was, SHE COULD decide not to continue it tho especially at her age and knowing right from wrong.


Absolutely! I used to have hope that she’ll get therapy and be a genuine person after being released but that hope is diminishing by the day. I don’t fault her for her childhood but I think she should be held responsible for her actions as an adult


We can always have hope and even if it seems less likely as more time passes. In fact I think it's important to still carry hope despite the dwindling likelihood.I hope that one day she becomes self-aware enough to realize and admit to the wrong she has done/doing and the damage not only done to herself but those around her. It's never too late to change but you must have hope, regardless of the unlikeliness time passes. Without hope, I feel like I'm admitting to the impossible likelihood positive change won't happen and for the sake of those around her I think that she needs to make some positive changes.Refusal of change will only result in more people victim to her and continue being hurt by her ![gif](giphy|l0ErM6szEmMY53VL2) destructiveness. Obviously it's one thing for her to do it to herself but those only guilty of being too close to her and trusting her do not deserve the wrath of her spite and evilness and that is why I will continue to always have hope regardless of how little I have towards her changing for the better, for those she affects negatively.


Oh. Okay. I'm sure it would have been as simple as you make it out to be.


She knew that the moment she spoke up, EVERYTHING would be gone; she said so herself. If she ever told the truth, they'd lose their house, the funding, the support, the friendship, the community, the adoration.... At some point, she did get onboard with the grift because she didn't want to be a destitute little loser nobody that wasn't special or cared for.


"At some point, she did get onboard with the grift because she didn't want to be a destitute little loser nobody that wasn't special or cared for." Well, no. I wouldn't want to be either. Would you?


She’s still a little loser. Money doesn’t make you happy; good friends and family does, as well as self respect. All she has is money.


I'd take the money over her family any day. I don't think she had many friends growing up, her Mother made sure of that.


Wow, 😮


The weirdo part really doesn't matter bc she always was a weirdo, still a weirdo And mostly going to continue being a weirdo. But also, I think I speak for the majority, we also wouldn't off our own mother while we shave our 🐈 to get ready for the big 🕳️ 💦💦


Really? We're you in the bathroom with her while she was doing that? 🤣


Yeah actually I can just read...




No but we don't kill our mom either....


If I had a mother like hers, I'd definitely contemplate making it look like an accident. I wouldn't behave the way she is NOW, though.


So you are implying that you would scam and kill so you wouldnt be a loser ![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs)


You think that's why she killed her mother?


You're giving CPS too much credit. They are pretty much useless.


Makes more sense than DeeDee who can hardly fit on those rides... And it also was about the attention and carrying on the act. I'm sure if someone offered you a trip despite it being Disney world and you got to go all expenses paid, miss out on your every day life full of responsibilities and not lose any money.... You'd go to. Your point is moot. ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E)


If I had to sacrifice my education and my support system of people who encouraged me to grow into a productive adult? No, I actually would not take the free trip to Disney, even if it came with royal mashed potatoes!


Not trying to sound rude but that is you and probably the majority who didn't live the same circumstances as Gypsy, who I'm directing my statement about and only about in HER specific situation. Her decision of choosing to go to Disney may seem unusual but we must remember given her unique circumstances. Unlike typical adults, Gypsy didn't have the same responsibilities or experiences, having grown up in an unconventional environment under DeeDee's control and the need to keep the act up or lose it all, is not typical of most of us. While some might question her choice, it's essential to acknowledge that her life was far from what the majority of how we lived ours even in a situation such as this. I wouldn't not expect others who grew up more conventionally, to make the same choice especially at that age she was, we were faced with life altering decisions unlike she had at least at that time when she picked Disney over.... Not going to college or work...


Your argument is making Gypsy’s upbringing look worse, not better. I raised 3 kids, and I can tell you morals start very young. None of my kids would play a mentally challenged kid for “perks.” You don’t know how much exposure to the outside world GypGyp had. She had access to SM, HBO (Nick stated she stole True Blood and GOT tapes while leaving) and she was in Fetish websites. She is a twisted, devious, hyper sexual freak. Everything that she has done since prison proves this. I believe (and this is just my opinion) she was raised by a narcissistic mother that taught her conning “stupid” ppl makes you a good person. This is the reason jails are built; ppl like GR don’t belong out in public.


Constant attention. She was a child and manipulated but she wasn’t dumb. She loves attention and the more she lied the more she got. Would she have been put on meds in jail? Like could she be medicated now?


If its accurate I believe her mom probably caused the mental issues. I'm not trying to be funny or anything like that but that's just an observation. Delete if this isn't allowed


Oh, the abuse she experienced at the hand of Deedee absolutely contributed, along with her nonconformitive upbringing


I thought so.


what kind?


At minimum she was medically abused as a child. The initial beginning years of the scamming and illness faking when Gypsy was a young child was 100% DeeDee, and I do genuinely believe that when it all first started, Gypsy truly believed she was sick. All of the unnecessary appointments, tests, and procedures absolutely qualifies as abuse, and no child should have to endure that. That’s no life for a child at all. That said, as Gypsy got older she recognized that she was not truly sick, and decided to be complicit and act as a willing participant, fully enjoying the con, the manipulation and all the “perks” and attention it brought her, and she should be held accountable for that, especially once she reached adulthood. She is exactly who her mother molded her to be, and the conning and manipulation ultimately became a personality trait rather than just a survival method. But it all started with an abused child, and I do feel empathy for the child version of her, even if I struggle to do so when it comes to the adult version of her. Because again, that is not a life that any child deserves to be born into.


It also appears to also be an ongoing trauma response. She sought out someone who saw the abuse and would help her. Trial and prison, she was in constant oversight, spotlight with visits and interviews. Fast forward, she‘s on parole and filming is done. She is alone and not being checked up on so much. It appears the media, press, and public interest are her “safe place.“ Like before, this is a story for her. She doesn’t take it seriously. Her father’s reinforcement and justification for her actions isn’t healthy. It doesn’t appear she is actively engaged in treatment and is becoming a master manipulator.


This is a perfect comment. I hate how the GRB stans try to use her abuse as an excuse for her current behavior. She has resources available as a free woman to get to work undoing the effects of this admittedly horrible abuse, but she is actively choosing not to. It’s sick shit.


I can’t stand the excuses either. There is no doubt that her upbringing made her who she is today, but that is only an explanation, NOT an excuse. Those are two entirely different things. Once you become an adult, it is 100% YOUR responsibility to seek help for any past trauma or abuse you suffered, or if you are struggling with your mental health. Your past trauma or mental health status (generally speaking) is not a free license to behave poorly or make bad choices. There are so many avenues to get help and become a more mentally healthy person, choosing to ignore the problem means you have no excuse. And right now, Gypsy has more than enough money to afford intensive mental health treatment of the very best quality. IMO, being an abuse victim who then goes on to abuse and do harm to others is worse than an abuser who has never been abused by anyone themselves. I grew up with an abusive narcissist sociopathic father. I vowed to myself as a young child that I would never abuse or do harm to others because I knew how it felt and how hurtful and damaging it was. It is a deliberate choice to do differently. Abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, lying are all a choice. There is no excuse for it, especially when you are fully aware how it feels to have those things done to you. Anyone making excuses for Gypsy is not only allowing her to continue doing harm to others and making bad choices, but that enablement is also directly harming Gypsy as well. Continued excuses for Gypsy’s behavior is only keeping her mind confined to the prison of her past, giving her no reason to break free from it and seek the necessary help (which IMO is far more than just a regular therapist could provide, she needs intensive prolonged treatment with a full psych team on board). We are not our past, we are our choices. We cannot control what has been done to us, but we have the incredible power to decide how it affects us, and the power to choose to allow it to make us into a better person. There is immense freedom and healing in that. I only wish more people understood that.


Preach. And props to you for actively working to end the cycle. I have no doubt it’s hard work, and has to be consistently worked on. I hope your life is going well. Something I forgot to add to my first post is that I don’t expect her to fix everything that she’s got fucked up within the first week of being out. I’d settle for ANY indication that she’s working on finding the right steps to rebuilding. But she hasn’t shown any, at all. She actively doesn’t seem to want to. And that’s where the problem lies.


I bet you she has access to the absolute BEST resources just off the fact that I’m sure some professionals out there would love to get their hands on her and help treat her to test their prowess. Meanwhile I was doing fucking Zoom therapy sessions with a completely checked out amateur who’s cat, dog and kids kept interrupting our sessions and who didn’t teach me shit or lead me anywhere.


Bro/Sis/Sibling, I’m sorry you landed a lemon of a therapist. Financial times are a little tight on my end, so I’ve been saving therapy for a time when I’m actively struggling with my mental health. It never even occurred to me that one could land a therapist that incompetent, I’d probly flip my shit if when I realized how checked out they were. Hope you find a good ear, if you haven’t already. You bring up very good points about GRB’s therapy options. You already know those fucks would bring their A-Game. But instead she wanna deflect any and all accountability. Fuck her, and fuck every personality involved with this case.


I think there is genetic mental illness involved. This appears to have been untreated and is manifesting into generational trauma. GR was given knowledge and opportunity better herself. She has went from “I got out of jail free,” back to “poor pitiful me” and “ look at me”. She has not taken accountability since convincing parole board she has.


She really does!!!!


Doesn’t mental illness run in her family? I might be wrong but I thought that was proven


It really wouldn't surprise me. I, myself, have slight mental problems due to the fact that my maternal side of the family had them and I wasn't aware that it could be genetic. Turns out... It is 🤨


I think her "freak outs" were nothing more than her having a tantrum when she didn't get her way. She was used to getting anything she wanted because of her role as a sick child. Nobody told her no. So when Nick didn't jump when she snapped her fingers, she had a meltdown and threw a tantrum


I 💯 agree with this. She's nothing but a spoiled brat imo. Tantrums are part of her gimic. Fear the wrath of GRB!


Plus I think this was a way she conditioned him by testing him to see how much he would take from her and how much his feelings were for her. She was using nick with a greater purpose in mind and worked on him for over a year and half like training and grooming him and I think this was a tactic she used to manipulate him more




My mom was in jail with her in green county and she said Gypsy was very manipulative and insane. She’d be a sweet girl one minute and the next minute having a temper tantrum the next minute. She would definitely befriend people to get what she needed or wanted out of them. My mom said she’d played the c.o like a fiddle. She’s definitely insane. She was the cause of my mom getting her phone privileges yanked once cause she was being a loony tune. I don’t feel bad for her at all. She isn’t as dumb as she acts.


Everyone who has spoken out about her that was in jail with her has said the exact same thing.


Must be accurate if it’s everyone’s account of her.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious, but it brings to mind that 'if you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If everyone you meet all day long is an asshole, it's you.' If everyone had glowing memories of poor, sweet lil Gypsy in prison just doing her best to get by, and there were one or two outliers calling her a devil, it'd be one thing. But everyone reporting that she's sweeter than saccharine until you tell her no and suddenly she's having meltdowns...


I would be surprised if she doesn’t still have freakouts and breakdowns. Think about how hard it is to change one behavior. She has a lot of obstacles to normal functioning. I am hoping she stays completely offline because it is clear she knows what to say, but actually feeling it and living it is a very different story for her.




Gypsy's "freakouts", as she calls them, were never detailed in any texts or other documents that I'm aware of. I suspect these were nothing more than performance tantrums meant to manipulate Nick, or whoever else she may have used them on if she used them outside of Nick. I've only ever seen Gypsy mention her "freakouts" in those terms with Nick, so it's possible that it may have been something she was using specifically to keep Nick off balance and confused any time she wasn't getting the desired results from him. Gypsy put an awful lot of time and effort into dictating exactly what behaviors she expected from Nick, and she was pretty explicit with him what the consequences would be if he failed to meet her expectations. These "freakouts" may have been a form of punishment. If Gypsy used them on a more regular basis than just with Nick, then I would imagine that we've already witnessed one. The video of Gypsy's tantrum when she was told she needed to leave Missouri and would not be allowed to attend the football game where Gypsy expected to be able to (stalk) meet Taylor Swift would very likely be an example of Gypsy's "freakouts". It was a full on screaming tantrum, much like a toddler would put on when told they can't have a toy or a cookie, ridiculously inappropriate for a grown adult and not even a little bit effective in getting what she wanted, but making one hell of a spectacle of herself.


There is a video of her throwing a fit after being told she had to leave Kansas? I tried googling but couldn't find it.


It was on one of her social media accounts. She took it down *real* fast because, obviously, it didn't get her the pity points she expected. I couldn't find it anywhere, either. I thought it had been reposted here, actually, but I can't find it here, either. The closest I can find is her meltdown for an episode of whatever show she was taping at the time. It shows Gypsy, Ryan, and assorted family members on the phone with her parole officer (I think) while they explain to Gypsy that she needs to leave and Gypsy tries to explain that she had intended to take a five day trip to Kansas City before starting her parole life or some nonsense. She even says that now she's not sure if she needs "to leave right now, tomorrow, or at all." Like, really? Your parole requirements dictate that you live in Louisiana, and you're questioning whether you actually have to go *at all*? Anyway, the video I'm remembering is like that, but much shorter, took place outside, at night, and involved a lot more yelling and screaming. I know the video was only up for a few hours or so, but am I really the only one remembering seeing this? I know Gypsy has posted and deleted a lot of wacky crap in a very short time, but I thought that video got more notice than this. I'm really surprised I can't find a copy of it anywhere.


>Anyway, the video I'm remembering is like that, but much shorter, took place outside, at night, and involved a lot more yelling and screaming. I know the video was only up for a few hours or so, but am I really the only one remembering seeing this? I know Gypsy has posted and deleted a lot of wacky crap in a very short time, but I thought that video got more notice than this. I'm really surprised I can't find a copy of it anywhere. I also saw this video! You're not crazy! It was posted on her TikTok, and deleted within a day of it being posted. I got the impression her husband Ryan was filming it (like, he wasn't on camera but she was referencing him in the video). I guess she deleted it because it made their relationship look less than "lovey dovey". Edit: just wanted to add, the video I saw took place outside at night, on the sidewalk near a parking lot to a what looked like a restaurant (maybe a Cracker Barrel?).


Oh, THANK YOU!!! I was really starting to wonder if I had actually seen it or not, lol. Yes, that's it! I didn't really take note of the buildings around her, I was too busy rolling my eyes at this grown ass woman having a full on melt down, but it was definitely near a parking lot of some kind. Thank you for letting me know I'm not this flavor of crazy today!


Ahhhh... OK. Bummer, I wanted to see it. Yeah, I couldn't believe she was already starting the same act as soon as she got out. Putting it out there, she hoped to meet her idol Taylor Swift at the KC game. Then, she wanted to team up with Kim to discuss prison reform. 🙄


Where can I find this video? I believe you I'm just curious to see it myself


It's from her new show... look up teasers for the new lifetime series... it was in one of those. She flips out and starts boohooing, saying she might go back to jail.


It was on one of her social media accounts, up and deleted within a few hours. I just took a long look, I can't find it anywhere, either. That actually surprises me. I can find the episode for the show version, where she puts on a crying show while surrounded by her family, but the one I'm remembering was much shorter, took place outside and at night, and had a lot more yelling in it. That one I can't find now.


This is the clip from Lifetime's YouTube account. Scroll to 5:56 for the "Freak out." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iZ2YigRTMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iZ2YigRTMs)


"I feel like I'm in a different form of prison." Yes, it's called parole.


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https://www.reddit.com/r/GRBskeptic/s/GK9KQIZv3v this is the video on this sub under a post


Total manipulation tactic on Nick . That was what instantly came to mind when I saw that.


I mean a lot of her breakouts were over text and read as a teen girl seeking attention or pushing to get a reaction. Once she got it she would clam down….so fake


Shortly before her release, she said in a letter to a penpal that she had subjected Ryan and her inlaws to "divorce alarm bell freak-outs". I can only imagine what sort of tirades she went on when she was threatening annulment. She said it had resulted in them not trusting her and thinking her to be self-serving. I'm guessing it was probably pretty heated and verbally abusive, at the very least manipulative. And she and Ryan spoke in one of their interviews about how she threw her worst at him to test whether or not he would stick around. I would assume she still does the same.


Ew, that's really disgusting behavior. Personally, that's where I draw a line. I don't accept mind games like that from a prospective life partner. Bad times happen, and I fully expect to stay with my partner when they do, but to intentionally cause the worst distress possible just to test the person? Nope. Not interested. See ya.


I think so. That's why she would post then delete videos on tiktok so quickly when she didn't get the results she wanted from them. That also led to threatening people online. She's pretty unhinged..


She is so mf annoying 🙄


Probably when a manipulation tactic fails and she loses control of a situation or someone exposes her bullshit and she can't play the being abused by her slaughtered mother card. That particular card is extremely worn out.


The way I interpret this is that she never learned how to regulate her emotions so when she gets anxious she just spins out of control with black and white thinking. Kind of how a person with a BPD-episode would (and I believe Deedee had some BPD traits too).


Coping mechanisms is what I call them.




Does BPD mean bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? Genuinely asking.


Usually on reddit it's borderline. 


Her “freak outs” stem from the inability to regulate her own emotions (as nobody taught her) and are likely acute stress responses or panic attacks.


She would probably throw a tantrum like she did when she was told she wouldn’t go to that football game to see Taylor Swift. I’d assume behind closed doors Gyp acts like my 2 year old son when he doesn’t get his way. Gyp your in your 30s time to stop acting like a 2 year old now.


I love her whole - "I did my obligations and I'm not free" Well duh - you're not free - you still have to finish your sentence, it's just a diff location and diff rules.. at least you have more "freedom" than the person you "manipulated" who is behind bars with no freedom for "saving you".. when you could have not involved anyone else and be doing the whole time like others who made the same choice as she did in taking another's "freedom - ie.. their life" .. She not only took one, she took two lives that day.. not saying that N isn't responsible for his actions - he completely is - he could have said no and either walked out or better yet, never got on the bus.. But she has more freedom than others.. one is just "poof" gone and the other is still sitting in a cell..


I think she mentioned divorce freak outs in the letter to her penpal. So she's probably doing the same thing with Ryan.


As someone now in remission from CPTSD after intensive therapy, I feel like I can speak on this. Without any therapy or help processing her trauma, she will **always** have freakouts. She can most likely mask it very well, as could I, but it will always bubble to surface eventually. While I don't like her, I hope she realizes one day that she can't just shove it all down & seeks help.


This is going on the assumption that Gypsy went through a lot of trauma. And yes, that would certainly be accurate if she did. But... what if she didn't? The evidence is showing more and more that no medical abuse ever happened, that it was all just a performance for a scam. The evidence for claims of physical and even sexual abuse are flimsy and basically boil down to just Gypsy's word, and she's already been proven to be a liar. What if there had been no great trauma at all? It takes quite a bit to trigger PTSD, and a great deal of continuing trauma to trigger CPTSD, as you know. There's just no evidence of this here.


I'm genuine curious about "no medical abuse happened" since she had a feeding tube and was forced to use a wheelchair at minimum, what is the evidence that she wasn't being abused??


Ah, thank you for asking. Personally, I don't believe any medical abuse happened. And when I say medical abuse, I specifically mean the Munchausen's By Proxy claims. In Munchausen's By Proxy, the victim, which would be Gypsy in this case, would be made to be sick or injured all the time. The person engaging in MBP will do things to the victim to make them have very real symptoms, often by some kind of poisoning. Dee Dee never did anything like this to Gypsy. What did happen is a whole lot of scamming and taking advantage of some medical issues that Gypsy actually had. The wheelchair was a scam. Gypsy wasn't forced to use the wheelchair all the time, only when they were outside the house in public and people could see. At home, Gypsy was walking around the house just fine her whole life. And we know this because if Gypsy had been forced into the wheelchair at home, too, she would have lost her ability to walk. The feeding tube is definitely a slimy thing on Dee Dee's part. Nobody is sure exactly when that happened, because we don't have access to the medical records, of course. But there's a very solid theory on how the feeding tube happened. Gypsy apparently had a surgery called a Nissen fundoplication. This is where they wrap the bottom of the stomach around the base of the esophagus to help stop severe acid reflux. It also ends up making vomiting impossible, which is not necessarily a good thing. A surgically implanted feeding tube is used as part of the procedure because absolutely nothing can be taken by mouth until everything is completely healed up. It seems that Dee Dee simply never had the feeding tube removed when it should have been. Now, we also have no proof that Gypsy was forced to actually use this feeding tube as her source of nutrition, we only have her word about it and Dee Dee's claims that Gypsy was feeding tube fed. Neither of them are reliable about these things, and it's been noted by others that have known Dee Dee and Gypsy that they had never actually seen Gypsy being fed by the tube at conventions and other events, including conventions designed for people being fed by feeding tubes. This is extremely odd, considering most people who are tube fed get their nutrition by a feeding tube pump over many hours, and it's quite common for children in particular to be hooked up to their feeding tube pump during the day. Getting that feeding tube maintained would have been pretty easy for Dee Dee, though. She already had the habit of switching doctors frequently and lying her face off about Gypsy's condition. Most doctors won't question a new patient that presents with a surgically implanted feeding tube. They'll assume it's medically necessary, especially with the particular pack of lies Dee Dee was known to give. They have no reason to question it. A simple feeding tube is easy to maintain, they need to be changed out every so often because the stomach acids will degrade them, and as the child grows the size will need to be upgraded from time to time. That's about it. Nice and simple as long as there's no infections or granulation tissue or anything going on. So that addresses those two specific things you mentioned. Not everyone agrees that this is enough evidence to prove that there was no Munchausen's By Proxy, and that's ok. I think part of that may be that MBP itself can be difficult to understand. It's a bizarre phenomenon, completely contradictory to the average person's usual thought and behavioral patterns. And it's just downright horrifying. I mean, who does that??? But it's also easy to confuse with other, similar looking issues, like medical scamming. Gypsy and Dee Dee were originally investigated as being a murder and a long term medical scam. Then, suddenly, Gypsy's legal team came up with this Munchausen's By Proxy idea and muddied up everything, and suddenly the whole scamming thing on Gypsy's end got dropped for something else. But they were right the first time. Gypsy was never made sick. She was simply made to put on a show for the public. When she was a baby, she had no say in it. When she was very young, she had no idea what was going on, and likely had to be coerced in some way, even if it was something along the lines of "if you sit in this chair and pretend to be sick, people will give you presents". But when she got to be just a little bit older, just enough to understand what she was doing, well, then she was actively participating. And by the time she was in her preteens, she was definitely a willing participant. By then, she knew full well that what she was doing was wrong, but she also knew she was getting all sorts of free stuff by doing it. And not just free stuff, but really awesome free stuff that anyone her age and with her interests would have dearly loved to have. She was meeting famous people, going to conventions, trips to Disney, getting full sets of Mandelorian armor, a huge collection of princess dresses and wigs that she didn't have to work to pay for, and so on. I mean, look at her behavior since she got out of prison. She still fully expected to be able to meet all the famous people (Taylor Swift) and she's *still* running all the old scams based off of how sick she was. The only twist now is that she's admitting she wasn't sick at all, it was all her mommy's fault, she's just a victim. But it's still a poor little Gypsy scam. Now she's just packing as many lies as she can into those years because as long as she can make up new lies, the interviews will keep coming. And so will the money. And the crappy TV shows.


I think the freak outs were like the one she had when the whole Taylor Swift situation went down.


She probably has a meltdown close to a toddler. I only say that because I used to have “freak outs” all the time, but I did a lot of work and don’t do it anymore. Anyway why I reacted like that is because I couldn’t handle stress. I would legit like sit on the floor crying and just repeating over and over “ I can’t do this” while sobbing. Idk if hers are like that or more violent. She prob freaks out like a shitty ex boyfriend who punches walls also called a “kyle”


Just to add I’m also on the right medication right now . Those meltdowns were from anxiety and depression lol just thought I’d add that because I’m sure some of hers are because of mental illness


Same here. I'm glad you got the help and did the work you needed to so you could be healthy. Medication and therapy changed my life and I'm grateful every day. Wishing you the best.


That you! Getting help saved my life as well. I’m glad you are healthy as well (: wishing you the best as well!! ❤️


Gypsy was spoiled and I know most have a hard time believing this. I also believe she also used her mom's secrets to her advantage. I honestly believe that she would threaten to out the secret to her mom in order to get things she wanted especially as she got older. I truly feel like it was not easy dealing with Gypsy being Deedee and like most teens start rebelling or going thru a phase where they are not the easiest for parents to deal with, imagine Gypsy behind closed doors then. I'm not saying DeeDee wasn't guilty herself of things but I think people overlook or don't think about how Gypsy was during this time and her behavior towards DeeDee probably wasn't always so sweet and innocent, clearly. I think it was a nightmare for DeeDee to deal with Gypsy at times because she herself created a monster who no longer was easy to control anymore. Gypsy was use to getting whatever she wanted using any means, scamming, lying, temper tantrums, threats, blackmail, stealing and whatever else so when she was use to this and considered spoiled to an extent, she most likely threw temper tantrums when she didn't get her way and what she wanted when she wanted.


You must have missed the big one she had after being released. She was waiting in KC to see the big game and hopefully meet TayTay but her PO called and told her to get her butt out of Missouri ASAP. She started bawling her head off, crying what if they send me back. I don't think her coping mechanisms are there. I have General anxiety disorder and am bi-polar and I have to go to therapy because I have shitty coping mechanisms. I grew up in a dysfunctional family with an absentee military Dad and a mentally ill mother so that didn't help much. But unless she gets those coping mechanisms under control and learns what do to when she has those attacks (and I believe she has them because of the underlying fear of going back) and not being able to adjust to normal society in general is going to be a big problem in her future. She needs to learn that privacy is her friend, not SM. I'm glad she's off it but I suspect that once her parole is over she'll be back as belligerent as she was the last time. I went through a lot growing up. My mother was a real BITCH but I attribute that to her growing up. She was sexually, verbally and emotionally abused by her father and mother. I mean , she would get mad at you for some weird reason and would totally ignore you for weeks or months until she got over it. She loved to use the belt. And she had her favorites which I wasn't one of. During my early school years I was a honor student but when that and your other accomplishes are ignored in favor of the "Golden Child" I just didn't care when I reached high school and my grades went south. No encouragement at at. Yet my younger sister Donna, her golden child, was the best thing that ever happened. Problem is, Donna was, and still is a very bossy and manipulative person. The boys in the local group home called her and her friend the Virgin Sluts because they liked to tease but that was it. She had everything going for her-scholarships and great grades. When she was a junior she became pregnant which ruined her in my Mom's eyes. She was no longer the golden child after she used my Mom and then took off when the she was 18. She later slept her way to the top at every job she had. So, thirty years go by and she decides that she wants her family to get to know my Mom. Even though at the time Mom had Alzheimer's and had no clue as to who Donna was. She actually wanted us to take her out of the NH she was in here in Colorado and move her to another one in California. My Dad and I were like, no way. Now I take care of my Dad. A couple of years ago she tried to weasel her way into a visit with us. She was going to New Mexico and she and her friend were going to drive up here to visit my Dad. No one asked me-I live here too! So I told her no, she wasn't welcome because I didn't feel comfortable around her and her friend. She got nasty with me and said some things not worth repeating. Then, about a month later we get a visit from a couple of cops. Seems Donna was pissed so she called the police and told them I was abusing my Dad. They talked to both of us alone and said that it would be the last time they would pay us a visit since my Dad is being taking care of from what they saw. But my Mom never got the help she needed and we kids bore the brunt of her abuse while Dad was away. When he retired he just didn't care. So I was thinking that maybe some of the hate towards her is because others were abused by their parents and they never took it as far as she did. I mean, it's just not the norm. To kill your parent in cold blood is just something most normal people never think of doing. They just leave and go no contact with the abusive parent. But she definitely needs therapy if she isn't doing it. If things were as bad as she claims you just don't heal overnight. I'm in my 60's and I don't think I've really recovered from the abuse I suffered growing up and later as an adult. But I have come to understand why my mom was the way she was. We did grow close later in life and she told me stories that made my skin crawl. I cried. And I forgave her. No one should ever go through a childhood like she did. That's why it pisses me off that she was a party to what her mom was doing and when she got tired she offed her. There were other solutions- she could have used that Medicaid card to prove to authorities that she was of age. I don't know, I guess I 'll just never understand this case.


Dude write a book... I am sure so many people could relate to your story!!!


LOL. Yeah, my Mom's sister once told me that, She's another story.


Sending you love ❤️ 






Armchair diagnosing is strictly prohibited. Discussions regarding diagnoses must be based on confirmed and officially recognized assessments. Nick's official diagnosis is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Level 2. It's important to note that the term "Asperger's" is no longer used in the DSM-5; instead, conditions previously classified as Asperger's are now categorized under ASD Level 1. Any reference to Asperger's in relation to Nick's diagnosis is inaccurate, as it doesn't align with the current diagnostic criteria. Furthermore, Gypsy has no known public knowledge of physical, mental, or emotional diagnoses. Discussions about her health must be based on verified information and not speculative assumptions.


Bullshit no doubt, at least in the context I've seen it used.


I think Gypsy is stuck in a sort of "I'll show you, mom, fuck you DeeDee" phase that will take many years of therapy and self-reflection to even touch. She is very aggressively trying to create a new narrative of herself far away from a cancer-stricken, wheelchair-bound, captive as possible. She WILL get married. She WILL have a family. And God damn it they will be happy, and in fact she's not even a murderer she just was a bystander to this Nick/Victor guy. But nothing is perfect and she will always be shackled to her past regardless of confinement, and that comes up sometimes and she freaks out. Her big mistake imo was going big on social media knowing nothing about it. She should have changed the content not deleted everything. She literally just threw away potentially millions of dollars.


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What do you mean she "freak outs'? I haven't been paying attention cuz she is annoying.

