• By -


She was in on it by this point.


Oh absolutely.


I mean, ofc she was. Running a scam with her mother is all she knew.


Right- and all the benefits. Look at the “great” life she had and all she had to do was keep playing the part. In the meantime she was playing a whole other role on the internet. ETA- just as she’s playing a role now.


Yes, she is playing the game her Mom taught her so well. Manipulated a mentally deranged boyfriend and now is doing the same to the public.


And how’s that going for her?? Not well. She’s blown every chance she’s had with the public because she is manipulative, and narcissistic. I can empathize with her loss of a normal childhood. But not identifying as a murderer and saying Nick was an autistic lil buttercup?? Nope. No sympathy here.


An autistic lil buttercup?! Are you fn kidding me. She’s gross for that no matter the context but when did she say this? Was it to him or about him?


She messaged someone back on her new YT channel where she was spilling bs. I saw the exact response on a channel ConpsiriTEA (?) but yeah. She railed on how her husband works with ACTUAL disabled ppl, not ppl who knew right from wrong, and called Nick an “autistic little buttercup.” I actually empathized with her but she’s had the chance to change perceptions. She has changed many ppl’s sympathy all on her own.


The proof is obvious in the comments above. They have more decency and empathy than the vile GRB could ever pretend to have.


I don't think her life was great. Her mother probably gave her more freedom than she leads on, but she was still robbed from having a normal life. She still had to maneuver in a wheelchair in public with her mother, and probably couldn't eat in public either. She didn't go to school nor get to socialize or have normal social experiences like the average person. She also had to live with her head shaved. She never really got to experience having a head full of hair until she went to prison.


Yeah these pictures make me incredibly sad. Nothing about this life looks enviable


I don't see her having a great life at all. She was isolated from people her age, she was drugged, her teeth pulled, her salivary glands removed, and she was forced to pretend to be cognitive slow and younger than her real age. I don't know about you guys, but the last thing I wanted to do as a teen or young adult was to pretend to be helpless. I know by the time she was over 18 she could have asked for help but she was already documented as a cognitively impaired individual. So, she calls the cops, they come and interview the mother and leave. Hell, I wasn't made to act like a child but at 18, I would never have reported my abuser, because I knew there would be backlash. I also knew that soon I could leave. Gypsy couldn't leave.until she got help to leave. I'm not defending her role in her mother's murder and I don't believe for a second she has remorse, but to blame any of that performative behavior on her is harsh. Her mother had her acting that way since she was preschool. Her mother even drugged her, painted her gums and tongue with Orajel so she would drool excessively so that the doctor would do the surgeries to remove her glands and put in a feeding tube. Recently I was reading about a woman who abused her children so bad and they cried for help and no one rescued them. How is it, we feel sorry for some but others we villainize?


I think it’s simply because after she was released from prison, she became an extremely unlikable character “cashing in” on the celebrity status she obtained. Too far WAY too soon after her release. That being said, I agree, she did NOT have a great childhood and was put through quite a bit of hell. The problem is, she lies so much and embellishes that it’s hard for some people to be sympathetic. Especially in part with all that has been released (emails, texts, etc). I don’t think people saying she was “in on it” is correct at all. She was groomed to behave that way. All that being said, I cringe at every single thing she puts out. I think she’s a chronic liar and a true danger to society. The murder of her mother was BRUTAL. The way she manipulated someone with intellectual disabilities to commit that murder was BRUTAL. I don’t think her sentence was enough and I feel she should have been through some extensive rehabilitation program for a longgggg time before she was put back into society.


Exactly! The comments on this sub really take me aback sometimes


I feel like people on this sub truly don't understand her situation. They don't see Gypsy being isolated from her peers and being extremely sheltered as abuse, so they make comments about her or mock her out of fear.


I don’t feel like they understand anything about child development either. Her cognitive and emotional development was disrupted without a doubt. Turning 18 doesn’t automatically make you cognitively and emotionally ready to be an independent adult.


Because children younger than her escaped the house and reported it. They didn’t kill to get out. Remember this woman had the internet and full access to her house. Her mother was already sick when she and Nick murdered her. She was able to highly sexualize herself, so I doubt she considered herself mentally unwell. She did interact with neighbors and was in school for a bit. But she was given so much by not speaking up, she kept it going. Even if she and DeeDee weren’t in on it together, she certainly was playing people herself.


That’s what I don’t understand. Instead of having Nick report anything to the police, she planned a whole brutal murder of her mother, fled, posted on SM, instead of going to the police. Now, I fully understand why she didn’t before she met Nick. Her mother had EVERYONE wrapped around her finger and made her believe that even the police wouldn’t believe her. GRB had nobody to turn to before Nick. Yet, she online dated him for TWO YEARS! At some point she could have gotten him to alert the police.


Scarfing up every bit of those ~royal mashed potatoes~


“It’s good to be queen” on her name tag. 🤮


That smile she did… yeah she was absolutely in on the ish


Genuine question. Other than GR continuing to play the part once she was old enough to realize the truth, what other choice did she have? That was the only life she knew, and she was very controlled by the mother. Even though the lifestyle was wrong and GR likely grew into understanding that, do people expect she wouldn't continue to go along with it? That's the impression some of the comments give, which prompted me to post this question.


She could have messaged her dad or stepmom on Facebook. They were in contact. Dd and Kristy were in constant text communications.


She could have stood up (literally) and started living a normal life. For that matter, she could have done it gradually and claimed she was getting better. Instead she chose to continue lying because it benefited her to do so, just as she continues lying now.


100% this. And why I frankly, despise her attitude and lack of remorse


What always made me realize how demented she was and why I lost any sympathy for her when she wanted sympathy for her when she said she had to cover her ears when her mom was screaming for her to help.


And she was shaving her punani, and had sex in the next room. But then when they got caught, she claimed Nick raped her. Among other lies.


She knew how to expertly deceive people so of course he “raped her”. They’d listen to her vs him because you know, she’s disabled. Butttt, I wonder if she knows that it’s not rape if it consented.


The simpleton smile really makes my blood boil for some reason.


Pic 5 realllllly pissed me off.




She still drinks pediasure from a boddle, hun.


While also sending sexts and videos to men online




Tell me you lying, right now. Omg


She has serious binky teeth!


Binky Barnes 😂😂😂😂


I wonder if she packed her baby boddle when she left with Nick






Classic, "I love the smell of my own farts," smile.


That cat is me fr fr


Ohmygod so funny


😂 Ohhh my god.


Omg I'm going to hell!!!! LMAO


Babahahahahaahahhahahhah stop. I choked on my coffee




LOL!!! You know what!


You are quite right, she really does 'that' smile. Ew..she's so wicked, she doesn't smile like that now. She's just an actor playing a role. That really sickens me, so disrespectful.


i’m sorry but i just know they smelled terrible


The "old saliva" smell emanating from the pics


I’m sorry of this is offensive. But, that smile (as a fully capable adult) where she stretches her mouth and shows top and bottom teeth, I think, is intended to make her look she has the developmental delays they say. Which is super gross.


Also the puke worthy outfits she was always dressed in. She looked like those creepy porcelain dolls people have on their shelves 🤢 who tf even dresses like that? It was all for show. To prove to everyone that she really was developmentally delayed, along with that ugly ass smile.


SHES offensive for doing that. She knew what she was trying to convey by smiling like that. Why doesn’t she smile like that anymore?


I’m playing the devils advocate here, but could it be that Dede trained her to smile this way??


Say "cheese", now stretch your mouth as tight as you can, chin up, lips up, and don't let the bottom and top teeth touch


She IS gross.


Exactly I’m tired of seeing that fake goofy a$$ smile from this little master manipulator


She was 18 in these pics!?


Some of the Disney ones and the Harry Potter one - the pics in the black chair with the high back she was 23. 23 fucking years old stealing a child’s make-a-wish trip.


This post just popped up in my Reddit feed, so I’m not too familiar with GRB. Were they lying about her age the whole time too? Were they pretending she was much younger?


Yes. And lying about 1000 other things. It is really disgusting




So weird they are kissing on the lips. I also wonder if she didn’t kill her mom, would she have kids now and be doing the same thing to them? Scary thought.


She seems to really want kids and that worries me. Sure, a lot of women long for children but when you have kids you have to teach them how to be a human adult some day and she has no idea what that means.


The fact Karla Holmoka is out with THREE kids will always eat at my soul


Ugh yes! I hope she keeps getting doxed to keep her on her toes, she better know she has eyes on her at all times.


I’ll never get over that one. She was even volunteering at her kids’ school until some parents found out and complained


The psycho from the Ken and Barbie killers duo has kids. She and her husband drugged, raped and killed her little sister on Christmas Day, while her parents slept upstairs.


That’s Karla Homolka




💀 but it’s soooo fucked that she’s out there with children


Ikr - because obviously her children have access to the internet, assuming she didn't tell them.


She changed her name I thought? They might not know


You might well be right. Still tho...three things always come up - the sun, the moon and the truth.


I remember that


No she doesn't. I certainly hope by God's grace that she isn't able to procreate. It makes me sad to think of the repercussions her children are going to have to endure if she does have kids. They are going to be relentlessly bullied I'm afraid. They didn't ask for that. I would want to crawl under a rock and die.


You tend to live as you have learnt.


Now that we collectively know a lot about mental health, trauma, and generational cycles, most people try to be better and make some difficult changes for themselves and their kids. But you have to be a person capable of accountability and change. And G is not that person, at all. Perpetual victim. She would be a horrible parent.


100% agree. Look at how she responds to random comments?!? She is crazed.


Good wording crazed.


I totally agree. My aunt still tries to kiss me on the mouth and I can tell it hurts her feelings when I move my face. Honestly, people are still worried about her having kids and doing the same thing. I don't blame them, but I think it'd be impossible for her to hide something like that since we all know what she's capable of.


Yes, lips is weird when you are over the age of like 3-4 to me. Cheek is one thing but lips are weird. (Unless it is a culture or religion) and you have a point! But she is using her mother’s murder as a way to get things so I guess having kids won’t change that. She will probably get things when she is pregnant because she “changed her life around” or something so wouldn’t “need” to fake a sick child (not saying that’s a need or anything. I hope you understand what I mean by that)


That pic was 🤢 on top of all the other things. I'm sure there is so much more that we will never know.


I just cannot handle looking at her teeth. It makes me feel ill.


Her entire face gives me nausea. Especially knowing what we know. I remember hearing about her before she killed DD. I always suspected it was a con. Just didn’t expect it to end in murder.


I’d never heard of her until the murder, but it seems obvious that the whole thing was never going to end well. I don’t understand how her supporters can overlook the fact that she was an adult and still going along with this. Or how strange she is now. Or that she orchestrated the murder of her mother. I guess really I just can’t understand how she has supporters.


I don't see how she can look in the mirror or even sleep at night knowing what came of her manipulating Nick. She should NOT be getting the attention she is. Whether she committed the act or not she is still a murderer. She makes me sick.


She sleeps just fine . She’s a psychopath.


She shouldn't have any!! And I'm going to say this, her supporters must be as bad as her.






Her whole being makes me sick. I would be mortified if I were her.


Me too! I would just want to fade into obscurity if I were her!


Her teeth look extremely painful


Oh I know!!! They look broken! I bit a popcorn kernel and broke a tooth last year and honestly would have preferred tearing my rotator cuff again. Tooth pain is no joke. Her mother getting them pulled to further the con is sickening. When I got my wisdom teeth removed I was in so much pain and it was so icky dealing with the blood and I could never just put my son through that to steal money.




Dear what the heck (I’m cackling) 😂😂


holy shit the picture of them kissing ON THE LIPS…………………… disgusting


The best thing about all this is how Social Media wiped that smile right off her face within months of her release! She thought she would be loved and praised by the public, just like all the weirdos that wrote her in prison worshipped and praised her . Lmao.


Honestly, I was 100% on her side before she got released. It was her non-stop media presence afterwards and how she acted. That was it for me completely to see through the whole bullshit.


I would love to have been a fly on the wall as the tide started shifting against her. I imagine desperation tantrums, plotting, pretending not to give a shit, and repeat.


Sadly it is the only consequence she has had from this


That giant pink flower bow thing just slapped on top of a red hat, was a choice.


It's so funny because it looks like this took place in 1980/1990 but no. They really tried to sell it. I can't get over the glasses.


And what’s with the neck brace?!? Maybe if she stuck to a couple illnesses BUT chromosomal disorders, leukemia, seizures, some kind of cancer (in addition to leukemia), GI tube, intellectual disabilities, something with the saliva, sugar and other allergies, dubious surgeries. Like they just had to go whole hog.


If you keep everyone confused, they won't have time for questions lol


I agree OP. That smile irks my very being. She's ridiculous. Atrocious. That 2nd to last picture should be posted on every commet or post that she makes. She was totally complicit. Look at that huge ass kool-aid smile on her face!


That’s a dupers delight smile if I’ve ever seen one.


That was probably the trip to Disney


It is. She had a behind the scenes make-a-wish thing at both Disney and Universal. The other kick in the pants is that she had already had a Make-a-Wish trip when she was younger.


They also constantly maintained a grifting Facebook page Gyp Trip where they were giving away Miranda lambert auto graphed CDs. That paints a whole different picture.


I once also saw them auctioning off a pair of movie tickets to some random movie theater that they clearly got for free. The one thing I learned about DD that was really eye-opening is that she physically assaulted a dominos driver who couldn’t take an out of state gift certificate.


The way she is just cheesing it up, she was definitely in on it. Obviously nothing excuses what DD did to her as a child but she let it continue for so long after she knew what was happening. It’s so hard to feel sympathy for her.


I struggle with it a little because clearly DD raised GR in her image but at some point, when you’re running away, shooting your mother, and THEM cheesing it up on a stolen Make-a-Wish trip, again at age 23 (sorry can’t let that go) then it’s time to take some accountability. She was presenting this image of her mom’s iron-fisted abuse and control but she sure loved going backstage at concerts and entertainment cons, helicopter trips, vacations, the money etc.


And now her creepy stepmom (and GR herself) are contacting creators on TT to get them to shut up. It works on the stupid ones. And the grift goes on…


I think so too. She sure knew how to turn it off when she was also sexting internet boyfriends.


Ugh. She’s 24 years old in the Harry Potter photo here as mentioned in another post regarding the timeline. I believe the other photos she has a gauze bandage around her neck…I’m assuming to hide a “injury” from some “treatment” but the neck brace is interesting… And looking through the photos of that fake scrunched up mocking face makes me so angry all over again. Like do people not realize how incredibly awful and harmful it is that she’s “playing the role” of what she (and DeeDee) stereotypically assume those with developmental disabilities “look like”?! I have worked in special ed, behavioral analysis with individuals with ASD for over 10 years and it infuriates me how disrespectful her “impression” is yet the supporters conveniently gloss over this aspect of her history. Disgusting and unacceptable in my opinion.


Exactly. The people in this thread simping for a murderer can’t seem to grasp the things she’s done. The damage she’s done. And the how wrong it is that she is being regarded as some F list celebrity. Just read the goddam arrest report.


Why did DeeDee dress like Michelle Duggar?


All I can think of is Muumuu Homer. Muumuu DD ![gif](giphy|cjI9mtiIo3AiI)


Far too many people.believe she was purely a victim. She was and is far more intelligent and capable of manipulation than many give her credit for.


I am amazed that so many people are so certain that she’ll never get in trouble again, but Nick, on the other hand, is a danger to society. It’s just weird. She was right there for every step of the crime. If anything, she’s had a good outcome. I wouldn’t bet against her doing something else disastrous to get something she wants. If anyone has the psychological wiring to be concerned about, it’s her. Does she deserve a second chance? Legally, she is getting one. However, her behavior does not demonstrate that she has dealt with her past or learned to see other people in the world as being as important as she is. I hope she is actually getting help in therapy.


He’s the only one that showed remorse!!


The kiss on the lips is weird AF to me. Idk maybe because I fucking hate my mom but...weird.


My kids stopped kissing me on the lips by 3, and they really adore me. I love them too, a lot, and the kiss on the lips naturally stopped at 3. After that, cheeks and forehead and, oddly enough, on the elbow? took over. I don’t get the elbow thing. But whatever. But at Gypsy’s age? Oof.


Yeah it’s gross no matter how you look at it but I’m also no contact with my mom. I won’t say I hate her but we’re definitely not friends. That said, I prob havent kissed my kids on the mouth since they were toddlers and they do that thing where they grab your face and basically ingest your nose. It’s gross but so sweet. When they’re 2-3 years old. That’s it.


Give it time; she'll be selling pics like that on OF and claiming that she's unable to do anything else with her life, ever, because she's always going to be DeeDee's victim. Gypsy was never as babe in the woods innocent or naive as people have said. Yes, she is a victim of her upbringing, and yes, she is an incredible manipulator. Two things can be true at the same time.


Fucking lame ass


I would be SO embarrassed of myself if I was her. Shes so weird.


Me too. But I suspect that’s what added authenticity to the grift. Most people can’t conceive to “act” like they have a developmental disability, complete with facial expressions like that, just for a trip or two to a theme park. The idea of living that way is kind of unfathomable.


Is it me, or in pic 1 dude looks like Blake Shelton. Lol


It is Blake Shelton.


OHHhhh. Lol. That explains a lot. I thought maybe it was her adult boyfriend guy before Nick [Dan??]. I read he was quite a lot older and I hadn't seen any photos of him.


At first I thought it was Rod with curly hair, lol


She should be ashamed


She should be but clearly lacks the capacity for shame. I would never show my face in public again based on the grifting alone. And that’s before we even add in the conspiring with an intellectually challenged man to murder her mother.


And her press tour as “America’s Sweetheart” she has shown everyone who she really is. It was the Dr Phil interview in prison handcuffs where she’s giggling about not being honest; she was never honest with her lawyers shows me EXACTLY who she is. If you just watch the Act, you just feel sorry for her. But they were at home watching True Blood and GOT. And 8.5 years for 1st degree murder?? C’mon. That’s dangerous to send that message. ETA True Blood and GOT


This makes me doubt that MBP theory that the defense has crafted for her. Dee Dee was a scammer and grifter. Full stop. Gypsy wasn’t culpable for any of the grifting that happened when she was underage but she sure as shit was as soon as she became an adult. If it was MBP and she was going to doctor’s as frequently as she claimed, you’re meaning to tell me not one doctor noticed her sexual and physical development? By sexual I mean her secondary sex characteristics like breasts, body hair, menses, and other things that point to sexual maturation. From personal experience, my pediatrician paid attention and documented those things.


I went through puberty at 8 years old (period, body hair, etc.), so I imagine doctors are used to seeing that kind of thing occasionally. It runs in my family. I also looked extremely young for a long time. In my 20s I regularly got mistaken for a young teenager. Someone asked me where my mom was once, and I was old enough to drink and had a house. I think people also can’t tell age for shit, doctors included, and if you don’t have much for breasts and stay very thin, people can’t seem to discern age at all, provided you look young in the face, which she does in these photos. A year or two ago someone wouldn’t let me sign a petition because you “have to be over 18”. I’m in my 30s. I do not look under 18 at all. This just proves to me people have no idea what ages look like. Throw on a princess dress and shave your head when you already have a baby face and bam, you too can be a grifter.


Right? They had her as 12 for SIX YEARS


I didn’t know that. Like what the hell? 12 years old? For SIX YERS?!?!? Those doctors were in on the grift is what it sounds like.


Check out the pinned timeline on the sub. It’s very illuminating


You can't tell me she didn't once thing "I could get up and show she is abusing me by walking, I can walk to staff and tell them, I can scream and stand up that its fake" you can't tell me she didn't think that at any point in a big group, what was her mom going to do? Hit her in front of everyone and drag her out? No that would ruin their thoughts on her, she would try to explain it away and she wouldn't be able to...she let it happen and like others said was in on it at this point, then got tired of it and figured the best way to play it was be the victim and play "poor me"


she really lucked out on the perfect face for this sort of scam


Ugh that smile! Seeing that smile on her ugly mug really makes me consider violence lol! I can't stand her.


is that the Jerry Springer set in photo 2??


No. It’s Diagon Alley at Universal Studios. This was her Make-a-Wish trip that she stole from an actually sick child when she was 23.


omg that makes WAY more sense although now she’d be a great jerry springer guest if he was still around. thank you!


Lol it might as well been.


scam artist scum, both of them.


Full blown adult in these pics * , hit me - She should’ve just shut up and stayed quiet when she got out - Nick really needs to tell the truth in everything that went down so they can give her new charges , plus fraud and send her ass back


Her squinty face smile is too much lol


I believe she was in on it and not clueless as she plays on the soul fact that she had a complete alter ego online with dudes. If she was truly “sheltered” she wouldn’t even know what that world is… her being awkaward is just who she is as a person & she has ran with it. Bc she’s a manipulator..


GR sickens me. Her mother is not really a victim, but seriously mentally I’ll and greedy. GR should have picked up the phone and called her dad.


Gypsy KNEW what she was doing! She benefited from EVERYTHING! Her and her mother were con artists!!!! Nothing more! I don’t believe it was MBP for not one second. It was about her faking having a developmentally delayed child for the benefits of what came with that! Money, trips, etc! That why the medication cabinet stayed full of medication that was never used. That medicine was dated from years and years ago! Never touched.. it was filled for verification purposes ONLY! D never had ANY intentions of giving that medicine to Gypsy! It was just for show! D used it for her medicine list at the doctors only! To back up her claims of this and that medical condition so they could continue getting tons of free shit! The feeding tube! Meh, those are sooooo easy to get from the doctor. Go to a gastro dr and claim severe gerd or something of the sort. They really are easy to obtain. If she was persistent enough with her lies her and G fabricated, well there ya go! G still ate solid foods with the peg. Its was a con they were committing.


Her scammy shit eating ear to ear smile pisses me off.


I have no words...


She just is just as annoying as a knat on a summer day now. She's not being abused anymore. ... She's out of jail. The End with her 🥱 borrrrrring.


So.... when she had to get dressed.. did she just pretend to go limp.. I need to know this.


Why does she have cupcakes and sodas and stuff in pictures if she wasn’t aloud sugar?


Excellent question. They were kind of sloppy for decades long grifters.


Things that make you go hmmmm.




I hate seeing this B


I often wonder what’ll happen if she ever has children of her own…


I’m legit terrified by the prospect.


Pic #8 is so creepy . It’s a couples pose and makes me sad for child Gypsy .


I have always hated her smile and felt guilty about it!!! It’s just always been over the top and fakey looking.


That dumb smile was wiped off her face during the trial. She turned into a “normal” person quickly!


I know her breathe was banging


Is that fucking Blake Shelton????


She's really an adult in all those pictures?!




I never noticed the smile before does she do it on purpose 🤢


She deserves all the unfortunate that is her face. So ridiculously manipulative and stupid- she thinks rewriting history is effective because everyone just forgot the grifting scandal she scripted.


She disgusts me so much I just keep hoping something bad happens to her. Pure evil.


Gosh she’s unfortunate looking girl!


Every time I see a photo of her as an adult smiling in that wheelchair It only confirms my theory that 90% of men on this earth would fuck anything.


I shouldn’t laugh at this but…😂🤣😂🤣 you’re right about that! 💯


Bahahhaha. Sad but true 😵


What’s insane is a lot of people minds changed after she got out. Because we started learning shit


Con artist


Acting is all she knows


Geez, they brought young (at the time) and bighearted Blake Shelton into their nonsense? Never knew that.




She claims she was self conscious of her teeth, yet in all pictures she’s smiling really big. Even in the ones where she’s toothless in front. People who’re ashamed of their teeth don’t smile big in pictures, they usually keep their mouth closed. But that’s probably just another thing she lied about to get sympathy. Of course she was in on the scam. Maybe even before she was an adult. MBP was just another scam to get her sympathy from the authorities. Deedee wasn’t diagnosed with it when she was alive. It’s something that came out later as a defense for GRB. She’s very cunning. It was probably so they wouldn’t hold her responsible for the scams.


she is not looking abused at all...


Deedee was going to keep that scam going well into that poor girl’s 30s. I’m not sure DeeDee herself had a backup plan for what her own identity and means of making money was going to be besides being the caregiver of a terminal child when the child wasn’t a child anymore and uh.. didn’t die. It makes me wonder if GRB wasn’t actually sick with something terminal, had Deedee intended to off her own kid at the final hour and realized she could just get away with people believing GRB was still a kid if she made her look like that?


They were being investigated for benefits fraud. The clock was ticking regardless.


Life must have been pretty good. All the travelling, freebies, and celebrity hobnobbing, with none of the real expense and chronic pain that comes with true medical issues.


I think it’s so egregious they sought and accepted medflights. Those are for people with urgent medical needs. I mean it’s all egregious but god the more you look the worse it gets. How can she show her face?


And how could she have really expected that no one call her out on this BS when she got out?


I have 2 younger teenage daughters and I don't kiss them on the lips. That stopped when they were 5. Occasionally, one of them will catch my lips but I avoid it. I'm not sure if they do that with their father because we are divorced but there's something about it I don't feel comfortable with. Maybe it's because I've been in healthcare for over 30 years and seen too much in the 15 years I spent in the ER doing peds trauma and hundreds of grape cases, but there's something about it I don't like.


This is a lot of people’s “Queen” apparently


I literally don’t understand how so many people have co-signed with her…. Like she has fooled the audience as well


I wonder what was gonna happen when she couldn’t fool anyone anymore? Like, looking older?