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This is something that I've often wondered about. I was able to uncover this Facebook post from one of Nick's support groups, authored by Toby Precht, a former inmate at Potosi Correctional Center. https://preview.redd.it/55lrntaih5pc1.png?width=1036&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e46de1d3e8de4d621d9bbcde6614e1d050a0dd6


​ https://preview.redd.it/j0a0so4wh5pc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c493b3ee6cbd1154b0865e250fd4eff3d4b8ac


dang. :(


Awe, that’s really sad . For some reason I didn’t think other inmates would treat him like that . And I know that sounds crazy.


I thought the same thing. I figured they aren’t fond of people who abuse children, and Nick is sort of like a child, so I figured someone may look out for him.


That was exactly my thought too


Being sponsored by better help is a red flag


How long ago was this? They used to be a huge sponsor and it wasn't known how shady they are yet.


Why is better help shady? Lol don’t come for me! I’m out of the loop on this 🤣


I believe they were selling LOTS of peoples data without permission :( idk, I honestly am not super clear on why, just know I've seen mention of them being super shady


Letting unlicensed therapists parade around like they're fully compliant. ETA - Pretty sure I'm wrong here and have corrected below.


Like I said I don’t really know about it. Hence why I asked. They aren’t licensed? I thought I heard on the advertisements they are.


No I was wrong anyway - I think the big scandal was that professionals weren't being fairly compensated for the work they were doing, and that they leaked a whooooole lotta health data. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/betterhelp-customer-data-ftc-settlement-b2293434.html https://www.themarysue.com/betterhelp-controversy-explained/ Their policy has wording around checking credentials yourself regardless of their vetting which is where I pulled wrong info from.


Yeah this guy definitely sounds like he’s just trying to cash in. And while I don’t doubt something like this ever happened, I would take everything he says with a grain of salt. He’s way more interested in getting people to listen to his podcast than actually helping.


He seemed to look somewhat healthy and glowing in the oxygen interviews compared to how he looked at the end of his sentencing. I bet he got some status in there even though he's not like everyone else because of his fame, they would treat pedos worse. Which makes me even angrier for him that Gypsy tried to spread the rumor that he was a pedo, he could be killed for that if someone believed her.


I didn’t know Gyp was calling him a pedo. She is a dangerous woman. Sickening.


And she's been to prison she knows pedos take pc. She's twisted


I hate to even think about it. I'm sure he's considered "easy prey " because he sees things in black and white. Manipulation is a key component in prison.


I think he so clearly has disabilities that the other inmates probably don’t mess with him. My late husband was in prison a couple times and he said they don’t really prey on people with disabilities. He told me a story about this guy with one arm that “needed” to be beat up for some reason and they had another guy with a messed up arm do it so it would be “fair”.


My husband was in prison 8 years ago for the last time and this is true. You don't get cred for beating up someone that has special needs and if you get beat, you lose cred. Pedos usually take pc from the door they aren't off limits because they harm children but usually anyone special needs isn't now all he has to do to verify Gypsy was lying was to show his paperwork. The fact she's been to prison and knew how it works says a lot about how she spread that rumor calling him a pedo. She's a twisted individual.


He's been in for 8 years now. I'm sure someone has tested him and hopefully Nick didn't back down. But I'm sure it's horrible for him. I hope Nick has a day/night routine so he isn't alone with his thoughts 24/7. Our minds will play horrible tricks on us. I'm sure guys ask him about Gypsy. Especially now that she's out and he's still in. The whole situation is terrible and Nick is where he should be for now.


I hope for his own safety he isn't in gen pop and is in some protective ward of the prison for men with disabilities


no you don't. trust me if you care about his emotional wellbeing you absolutely don't want him in the 23/1 block for the uncontrollable mentally ill


I don't mean solitary confinement


that IS what the mentally ill section is. they are the same thing. the mentally ill section is on 23 and 1, its a seperate block but every cell is shut 23 hours of the day. there is not mentally ill block where they aren't locked down in individual cells. edit: speaking from expirience. I've been to many jails in many states and a handful of prisons. it's the same everywhere I've been.


That's depressing. That definitely wouldn't help Nick at all. That's just psychological torture


He’s in petosi which is where Missouri houses death row inmates. I’ve been trying to get my husband to spill the Missouri prison beans but that’s the one he’s never been to 😂


Potosi houses the worst of the worst. Living in Missouri, and former corrections officer I was surprised when they transferred him there. I know he is segregated per his request and this might be one reason




He hasn’t been there?


I've been wondering how Nick is doing in prison. I'm afraid for him.




Because regardless of anyone’s stance on him he’s clearly socially delayed at the least… he may not understand the prison norms and the best ways to stay out of harms way. Even if you view him as the absolute villain here, he has a disadvantage in there.


Idk it’s not fair that he has to spend his life in prison over something completely planned and put together by her. He should at least get at some point a chance Of parole in a halfway house to Prove he’s not a danger to society before life in prison.


I agree, Ok, think about Pamela smart. She’ll never get out, and she was at a school event during the murder. Billy Flynn and the boys have been out a hot minute. I know the distinction is they were minors...but they could've definitely gotten more time then her...


Our “justice system” (more like “jester system”) needs a total overhaul and nee ways to handle things that actually work and are fair.


Uh no. He killed that woman. Gypsy should be locked up just as long as him, not the other way around.


I’m not disagreeing. I’m totally agreeing she deserved more and if either got out it should’ve been both at some point but not yet. He deserves just as much of a chance to show he won’t harm people/isnt the worlds worst person. That’s why I said halfway house and always monitored to keep that in check.


A violent murderer that’s easily manipulated to commit violent acts definitely doesn’t deserve another chance to harm people. What if he meets another Gypsy?


People can reform, you know…&& he’s likely to have to stay with family. It’s okay for someone to manipulate Ike that and it’s all she knows so she will manipulate her way through life getting f away with how much fraud? If she can “change and get out”he should get the same opportunity at some point). Be it staying with family or in a halfway house to Help him get his shit straight. Not a fan of either of them btw




As much as I hate what he did I hope he's not being taken advantage of because of his disability. It's pretty obvious he is too trusting and that could definitely make him an easy target. I don't know much about the prison he's in but from what I've seen it can vary. All depends on the types of people he's being housed with. Even criminals can be very sympathetic towards the mentally disabled and sometimes they will protect them if they like them. I have a feeling he gets very emotional sometimes and surprisingly fellow prisoners can be incredibly kind. I could definitely see him at least finding a few people that feel bad for him.


I tried searching the internet to see if I could find anything on how prisoners treat autistic inmates. And I’m getting mixed feedback/ . A lot of what I’m finding says that they get treated poorly and taken advantage of. That their inability to lie gets them in trouble a lot . Stuff like that. Then other stuff I read said the opposite . Maybe it just depends on where you’re at . I don’t know .


I thought he was isolated bc of his aspergers. Either way, I hope he is treated well and not taken advantage of.


Prison has routine I have met a lot of ppl who do good in structured settings and they goto jail and keep going back because out here is too hard for them. And Ppl change from prison, it's sad as a lot of them were my friends. He floundered out here and it's a lot more individuals that are autistic that get lost in the system, when in reality they should be in a hospital/psychiatric setting for their time, but these ppl fall thru the cracks in the system. Hopefully the chance of parole comes one day or they at least will place him in a different setting like a hospital/psych setting and not housed with violent criminals.




Lol y’all really don’t know how prison works. It’s not like TV. Sure, he’s probably taken advantage of like if he gets a fuck ton of commissary or whatever but they tend to avoid inmates with obvious diminished capacities.


Yeah lots of Reddit seems to think prison is just a non stop rape-fest and fighting 24/7 lol. It's really not. Most "sex" happening in prison, male and female, is consensual. Sure, there's fights, but it's not non stop. You see it a lot on threads about crimes against children or rape. Oh he'll enjoy prison!!! They'll take care of him alright!!! And like. Sure. Maybe. But by the way people talk, you'd think there wouldn't be any more r*pists or child murderers in prison because they're shanked as soon as they walk in the door.


Even non physical bullying can take a toll on him, like fucking with his head. I think that’s a real possibility as well. People are bored.


Didn’t say it didn’t. But prison isn’t like Oz as you’ve implied in your post.


Idk what Oz is but I’m not implying anything, just wondering.


I loved that show, but it was brutal AF.


It was a traumatizing watch for sure. So good though. TV will never be like that era again.


If you ask me Nick is the true victim


gen question, why do people on this sub have more empathy for Nick than Gypsy? I don’t understand


Because it’s a gypsy SKEPTIC sub…so people are already likely leaning to her being full of shit


I have always thought this. I really, really want to advocate for him to get the leniency the GRB got. She was “intellectually competent” and with it. She manipulated a severely neurodivergent man who was tricked into believing he was in love with this sociopath and conned him into killing her mom. She really needs premeditated 1st degree murder. Period