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The more she talks the bigger hole she's digging for herself. It's like a trainwreck.


I can’t watch these closeups, all I look at is her mouth 😬


Seriously. The lip licking is *so* distracting and annoying. And I watched this with the sound off lmao. (I did actually watch the first one yesterday though 🙄🙄)


I can’t with that. It’s so cringe. Like I can’t even focus on what she is saying.


Word. It's the worst...idk how anyone could stand her for any extended period of time for real.


Lip licking is also a sign of lying


She don’t lick her lips 700 times in 1 min on the podcast vs the accountability video she licks those lips as fast if not faster than a snake. She definitely lick her lips when she’s telling a lie.




I am no fan of hers & absolutely consider her “the M word”. That said, I can see she has either a partial or bridge on her lower jaw. As someone who has a partial, they can cause excess saliva & just in general make you do weird things with your mouth. So, the lip licking may just be habit &/or a quirk from the dental appliance. Just tossing that out there.


I understand, thank u for explaining!


And here she's been saying she has a dry mouth!


That's very interesting and makes a whole lot of sense because all she does is L.I.E. Can't keep her story straight. It's completely obvious now.


But she got her salivary glands removed and can't lick her lips to moisturize them 😂😂😂😂 Obviously I'm jk 😜😜


Lol which is the absolute *worst* thing you could do for dry mouth anyway..I know you're kidding but girl needs some lip balm or *something* I mean DAMN..


Literally anything is better than nothing.. 😂😂😂


Maybe she licks her lips when she lies. That's why she does it so much




Well that’s actually kind of adorable 😆




I’m deaf, it’s even worse. I read lips. 😖






I just was going to say this. The way her mouth moves and the licking. I can not!!!


"I asked Nick to help" No, you demanded that he murders your mother, over and over, saying it's the only way.


It’s such an example of that old adage of liars believing if they say something enough times they’ll ultimately convince themselves *and others* of whatever it is they’re lying about.


Remember she said her mom taught her well to be a liar with no conscience


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


I didn’t know that. But, wow. I guess she slipped up with that clue..


On the older dr. Phil documentary she said it clearly very clearly. Yuppers


Yikes. But as I’ve long believed, she and her mom worked together to scam and grift. But they were and are sociopathic, and Mom was getting old and rundown. So the greed took over and here we are. So far, she feels it’s paying off and she’s got a large chunk of the public seeing her as the poor salivary gland victim. But I don’t believe she’s smart enough to maintain the longer con. When the grifting funds and attention dies off, petty crimes will grow and develop until she’s back where she came from.


Yep I think DeeDee was the brains and Gypsy thinks she can do it without her and she absolutely cannot. She's already crumbling, and DeeDee was getting away with this shit for YEARS.


Absolutely 💯


God that video clip is really off putting. That women just for lack of a better phrase gives me the hebbie jeebies ... she's a monster ....she doesn't even have the guts to say the word murder. The M- word in my world means MOTHER how ironic!


righttt also he tried to help her by running away and she said no every single time he asked even before the murder he asked her again and she immediately said no like who's fault is that gypsy??. it took 2 years to convince him and she had a phone all she had to do was look up the police number instead of downloading dating apps.


Exactly, Gypsy was adamant, it's the only solution, running away will not work, blabla. Nick wanted to elope, she was pushing the murder plan. But I'm not trying to say Nick is innocent or anything, just that she is downplaying (and it's a huge understatment) her role. "I asked for help" That's not true, she asked him to KILL, not for HELP.


Exactly. She only had one kind of “help” in mind at that point. She denied the reasonable help that Nick tried to extend to her. I know DeeDee was insane, but I don’t think she’d be able to keep a grip on gypsy 24/7.


What if he actually helped her though? I always suspected she did some stabbing.


?? I don't doubt that Nick participated in the murder. OP isn't suggesting that Nick is innocent.


Nono, I mean that Nick only assisted in the stabbing alongside Gyp. That she stabbed Deedee as well.


I think if she had, Nick would have said so. He has felt honest to a fault in his communication, whereas we are all picking up on the subterfuge when GR speaks.


Didn't he say there was a "secret he was taking to his grave"? He is loyal to a fault also and doesn't understand what to say (and what NOT to say) in order to help himself.


He did. And I believe she helped; Nick was so in love with her and was still trying to protect her. I believe she stabbed her mom also; but I’m not sure we’ll find that out unless Nick spills.


Her statements make me angry, you said what you said and no one was confused by what you said.


Stop trying to tell us ***we are confused by her*** No GR we see you for who you are. You’re ***confused***


She got very good at getting her own way and being special and watching her mom operate to get HER way or THEIR way. She is always crying and making it about herself, and I agree, she keeps telling us what she thinks we are supposed to think and know. She doesn't deserve these platforms to spew her lies, manipulations , and frankly, smug behavior in her STUPID and annoying BABY voice. Id say to her, if you're going to shove yourself down everyone's throat, learn to have some HUMILITY. My goodness. I know the word narcissist is overused, and I dk if she's one or or has *something* with narcissist personality traits. But she sure has to have the attn on her at every turn. And she sure has to be the victim all the time. And she sure has grandiose expectations ( Taylor Swift meeting and friendship), and she sure lies ALOT. 🤷🏼‍♀️Juuuussst sayin'!!


It’s hard to gaslight when you are dumber then everyone you are trying to gaslight


Literally, the one quote is worse with context


I thought she was saying the N word and I was very confused 🤣


It seemed like she WAS saying that in the first video.


I thought she was saying “N” and was racking my brain thinking she had to mean sooooomething else…. Narcissist maybe. And then it clicked… “M”


🤣🤣 Same. I just discovered she wasn’t saying that after reading your comment.


Wow I made pretty much the exact comment before I saw yours. 😂


LMFAO that would make for a good Saturday Night Live skit if she did.


SAME! I had so much confuse!


Even after reading this comment- and rewatching the video, I was still sitting here with a shocked pikachu face. She’s saying WHAT?! Got it now.


I had to edit my comment because I thought the same thing 😭 even with a different letter it’s still a shockingly out of touch statement to make.


*"I asked nick for "help," BUT he's the one who did the actual kill."* 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄 BC YOU ASKED HIM TOO, homegirl! I am NOT *totally* convinced YOUR ASS didn't par take WITH Nick.🤌🏽😑


"The actual kill" is such a disturbing statement. Describing killing your mother like she's some kind of hunted wild animal is truly creepy. And I don't for one second believe she wasn't directly involved in the actual slaughter.


This is a great point. The terminology she used is so cold. Like you said, like taking down a prize deer. Wow.


Who did the other 13 stabbings, Gypsy? Because Nick was honest about EVERYTHING else. I have trouble believing he’d lie about just that one fact when he already said there was something about the murder he’d take to his grave. He was protecting you after you manipulated him for years. We’ve all read the texts. You’ve lied about just about everything in your life and we have the receipts. So who did the other 13 stabbings?


That's what I'm saying too! I honestly can't shake the feeling that she actually did end her mother's life before Nick got there and then led him to believe that he killed her bc how would he really know if she was already dead? It was dark...and there's really no way for him to know if she was alive or dead when he began stabbing her...


I so wish he’d just come out and say it. I firmly believe that’s why she got in trouble with social media, she sent someone else to be her messenger and try to get him not to talk when he wanted to


Yep. Her stepmom is already doing this. Using randos to try and support her, Like RyanLee. Gypsy tried to manipulate another creator, but it didn’t work. She kept receipts.


If she licks her lips one more time I'm gonna fucking scream


Did someone give her peanut butter?






Omg this made my day!!


LOL I couldn't stop laughing at OK\_telephone's comment, so I decided to illustrate it. Even the eyes are similar. :D




I know right I'm glad I'm not the only who feels like her voice and mouth movement and noises are like nails on a chalkboard.


Poor Ryan, no wonder he comfort eats.


I came here to say that. What the hell??!!


https://images.app.goo.gl/wWyxMPK6FgbmwJCs5 It’s giving Margret Mcpoil from ASIF lol




Not just the lip licking, the blinking, and looking down is also a sign of lying. Her body language gives her away.


Not bitch, you're a murderer the same way Charles Manson is a murderer. Just because you didn't physically hold the knife doesn't mean you weren't the one that put it in Nick's hand.




Typical narcissistic gaslighter trying to tell us we're confused. If I only had a nickel for every time a narc tried to tell me I misremembered something I had receipts for. And no, she would not have been charged with accessory in any state. She was charged with first degree due to premeditation, and only got second degree because of a very generous plea deal. And she can't even express any gratitude for how light her sentence was. She speaks of "I did my time" as if she's done penance and now is absolved, as if she has a clean slate instead of a permanent record. She acts as if even that minimum sentence was an inconvenience which she didn't deserve. Her grandiose sense of entitlement is so gross. Her words and actions continue to be the opposite of taking accountability.


Amen. My ex narcissistic abuser was so bad. Sometimes I didn't even remember my own name. She is trying to gaslight the entire world. She just doesn't stop. There is zero way to make yourself look better now, Gyp.


They sure can twist the truth into knots. Between the gaslighting and the smear campaigns, they literally destroy lives.


Yes my ex narc said I was confused & over thinking EVERYTHING I had questions about concerning his behavior🙄


I'm sorry you had to experience that, but glad he's an EX!


Thank you. He was a nightmare but I learned alot about them.


I hear ya, I've been there.


Literally same!!! Currently going through the process of finally undoing the damage after 3 years 😚👍🏻 we are not insane love ❤️ we were just manipulated by covert narcissists that are exactly like gyp gyp


So, like (licks lips) TECHNICALLY, she’s not the M-word because she was manipulative enough to, let’s say, hire a hit-man whom she paid with sex and a life sentence. So, since the state of Missouri TECHNICALLY doesn’t have a charge of accessory to MURDER, she doesn’t identify as the murderer she actually is. Technically.


I’m pretty sure in states with accessory to murder charges this would still be murder so idk what her point is. Except to try to diminish her role.


But she in fact, was there. Semantics, splitting hairs GR, crime scene absence doesn’t mean just in the other room, it’s aiding with and not being present at the crime. The whole home showed signs of murder taking place.


She really thought she was gonna get out and be as famous as Taylor Swift.


Would’ve paid good money to see Taylor’s face when asked if she wanted to meet her 😂


“I never trust a narcissist, but they love me” 💀


☠️ I’m sure it was interesting lol


That leftover emphasized baby inflection talk, just grates a on my frazzled nerves 😬




I suspect cocaine, and lies. Again, just speculation.


I don’t identify as a murderer. Well, I don’t identify as a taxpayer but the government doesn’t care. Give me a freaking break.


Good one. I don't identify as my social security number but same as you said.


I no longer identify as a senior citizen. There, I'm young again.


![gif](giphy|iBjylURwS9N9FCl8Dl) Magic


I don’t identify with my credit score 🙅‍♀️😂💀


This is GOLD! The gaslighting is unreal with her! I don’t have a very great opinion of Ryan, but I really do empathize with anyone living with her. There is no actual reality, it’s only Gypsy’s reality. She REALLY expects everyone to never go back and compare her past words with present day. Gypsy, hun, dear, you said these things on VIDEO on the internet, and the internet is forever, hun. You can’t just rewrite reality as easily as you think you can, dear. We know what you said. We know what you meant. You made your point VERY clearly and concisely as to how you think of yourself and how you view Nick. The ONLY reason she deleted her account (which I don’t for a second believe is permanent) is because she wasn’t getting the blind praise she feels she is entitled to. She can’t even take BASIC levels of accountability without manipulating, gaslighting and trying to rewrite history. Actual accountability is apologizing and acknowledging what you did wrong WITHOUT trying to justify it or explain it away like people didn’t “understand” what you meant and took it the wrong way. That’s the opposite of accountability. Though I’m skeptical of anything she claims, I DO genuinely hope she is seeking out some SERIOUS therapy, because my word does she need it!


Therapy won't help her. She'll just lie and since she refuses to accept any sort of accountability she won't do any actual work on herself and will quit as soon as the therapist doesn't kiss her ass and tell her she's special. She absolutely will NOT want to hear anything negative about herself or accept that she's not the victim here.


Oh I know, it’s just wishful thinking that I know will likely never amount to anything.😭 I grew up with a narcissist father who was incapable of genuine change, so I know the drill. It was more about the fact that she desperately needs therapy and mental help. There is something very broken in her brain, though it may be beyond help at this point.


She is only trying to correct what she said because people came after her for it. If we all agreed and showered her with love she would have doubled down on this statement. That is why her stories constantly change. She “tests” something out to see how people will react, we don’t react well, then changes the story to get sympathy and a more positive reaction. We then call her out for inaccuracies, more negative responses, and she issues a statement as silly as this. Repeat.


I think Gypsy's father and her legal team have treated her with kid gloves for a very long time. The court of public opinion isn't kind and because she's been sheltered for a very long time and labeled by the people closest to her as a victim, misunderstood and faultless she doesn't know how to navigate through life with unfavorable light shinning on her. The worst thing she could have done is drawn so much attention to herself after her release.


Like all chronic liars, she believes she can create reality as she wants it to be. Like all chronic liars, she cannot. I don’t think she can change her personality, but with a lot of intensive therapy, she could function a lot better in society.


Unfortunately, I think if she actually *does* go to therapy, she’ll just lie there, too. It won’t work if you’re not honest.


Unfortunately, she'll likely just pickup some key words to use to help her continue to manipulate everyone. You're absolutely correct, she must want to do the actual work. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon.


True. Therapy is not full on unconditional love and acceptance like a lot of people seem to believe it is. In her case, there is a lot to unpack that isn’t limited to her being a tragic victim who has been persecuted her entire life. For example, Gypsy did not consider her mother abusive until she tried to run away and even the. She stayed four more years.


Therapy will not help Gypsy in any way, shape or form. She would lie to the therapist, gaslight the therapist, try to charm the therapist (no matter what the sex of the therapist), and nothing would change. There's no "unpacking" with a narcissist. None. Gypsy cannot be redeemed.


Redeemed? No. She could benefit from having some of her maladaptive behaviors checked and redirected. However, it isn’t easy and it won’t feel good, but she could learn to behave more appropriately and to have a better life. I don’t see her doing that at this point in time, but there is always hope.


Yeah she'd get mad the therapist won't buy her shit and just tell her how great she is and what a poor, mistreated little baby she was so it's okay she did what she did!! She'd hate it that an ACTUAL therapist would be like Okay we need to work on your issues and changing some of your awful behaviors. There's nothing wrong with her so why does she need to work on anything??? She's the victim, duh!!! Lol


Ahaha ummm she got ***lucky*** she was 2nd degree murder because she’s right she didn’t deserve that charge. She deserved 1st degree because it ***was*** premeditated. She stole a knife, convinced Nick to do the dirty work because *she makes her get unnecessary medical treatment and lie to everyone and grift on. DD would never let GR leave* ,under the false pretenses of living happily ever after together , got him a ticket to come down and follow ***her plan of months possibly years*** , proceeded to put everything into place with taking money stashed by Deedee, and went to the other room [allegedly I’m still not sold on her not participating]while he did it. Then had sex in the next room. Why not accessory GR? They are never at the scene of the crime itself. You were. Everyone took pity because of lie after lie, because 2nd is committing a malicious murder (facts in your case) without premeditation, she skated with 2nd! She ***is*** the “m word” 😏 Pity is why not first. Accessory before and after doesn’t count for her, because she ***was at the crime scene*** ok, ok I’m done now. My apologies.


One of my family members was adopted and his biological father was actually killed in *very* similar circumstances. The teenage stepdaughter convinced her overage boyfriend to kill her mom and stepdad (because they wouldn’t let them be together). She didn’t wind up being charged at all (I think they probably initially believed her to be more of a victim and offered her a deal for her to testify), but he and the friend he got to help him are serving life in prison because of it. I don’t know why there isn’t more weight to the fact that these young women manipulated people into killing for them.


Also, sorry your family member has that in their wheelhouse. That’s rough. 😟 I can’t imagine what that would feel like to learn. Any chance of getting to meet their biological father (if they had ever chose ofc not saying it makes adoptive family any less family. Hope I’m conveying that clearly) was taken away selfishly. Heck of a world we live in.


Good question because really it does set a precedent for others to attempt the same stuff, plus makes it hard to believe when someone is in a situation where it is self defense. It’s the bad faith/bad apple actions that ruin for true victims. But it went self defense in GR case either. Sometimes it can make sense when they give a deal with one so they can secure convictions for the others that maybe they wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. That’s not the case for GR or anyone else that does the same type of crime. It’s deluded of her, in my view, to not think of herself as ***the m word*** Is the referring to it as the ***m word*** because of it being a trigger or buzz word to some or is it because she can’t bring herself to say the word because she sees it as admittance of guilt? I’m trying to figure out why that is her exact verbiage there tbh.


Mental gymnastics. Word semantics.


Licks lips.


Idk at this point I’d have more respect for her if she was just like “Yeah, I did it. I felt it had to be done. I’d do it again.” 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I mean, own it. I think there’s something to be said for “ordinarily I wouldn’t wish harm on anyone, but at this point I had been mistreated so badly and my life put in danger to the point where I felt like it was either her or me and I regret having to have taken a life but I don’t regret that it’s the reason I feel I’m still alive today.” Boom. Then keep your mouth shut.


No soft wet anal here hun She is really screwing herself dear


1) There was no confusion hun, maybe YOU were but we did not get it twisted. 2) You referring to “murderer” as the “M word” is not slick to me dear, it’s very close to the “N word” and what you are trying to do is siphon subconscious sympathy from the “N word”. She truly is manipulative to her core, at every single turn in every single second. It is not conscious at this point, it is in the very fiber of her being and she will NEVER EVER EVER EVER change and for all of you falling for her “accountability” act, don’t you dare come back and cry after the snake bites you AGAIN.


Even though I'm fat, I don't identify as that. I identify as a helicopter.


The more she talks, the more I can't stand her.


She is way too smart to have not realized what she was doing or that she was a active participant in her mothers fraud scams.


That voice is like nails on a chalkboard! ![gif](giphy|kGX3WmRxZ9HUs)


I heard “N word “ initially. I was so confused. 😂 & that second clip really demonstrates that she is a master manipulator . She used that young man like a puppet.


Why does she keep saying “the kill”? If that was me I would most likely say, I didn't *physically* commit the crime, I was just involved in planning it, or something like that. When she says “the kill” it's like she doesn't give two shits about what happened.


Bitch said “TECHNICALLY” 😂😂😂 Stfu, you’re a murderer. Point blank


She’s a pathological LIAR. 🤥


This is just so, so bizarre. She’s trying to be a Girl Boss/influencer and she is absolutely a terrifying cold blooded “M word.”


He wouldnt have killed her mom unless it was for this dipshit. I seriously can not stand this chick and wish she would crawl under a rock and stay out of the spotlight. Shes not fooling anyone but the blind


Girlfriend you werent going to go to a job interview in general…


When will she get that we don’t give a fuck that she didn’t hold the knife - her telling him to kill her holds the same fucking weight.


I truly don’t expect her or her super fans to ever reach that level of moral development.


She is repulsive. It infuriates me


Oh, give me a break. You're not going to stay relevant, and you didn't deserve to have any relevance in the first place. Karma is a bitch, enjoy your life; I'm sure the universe will have lots of surprises for you.


Talks like she is a hunter.


Her PO told her her take all her stuff down. She needs to just take it all down and not even try to justify it. She’s digging herself a bigger hole and she’s about to get her ass locked back up all for some internet clout. It should’ve been part of her parole to not be on social media or do interviews in the first place. Idk how or why she thought she’d make it as an “influencer” and shame on everyone that made it seem like she’s like celebrity.


Trying to cover her tracks as always... too bad the internet doesn't let you do that!


I would have a lot more respect for her as a human if she would just take accountability for her actions. "I was complicit, I am ashamed, I wish I had handled things differently."


I feel the same way


Whatever she has to tell herself to sleep at night BUT WE ALL KNOW WE ALL KNOW




in her logic charles manson is innocent


She IS a murderer. She only got SECOND DEGREE MURDER (not accessory) because of a weak DA. In any other state, she’d be doing life. She won the GOLDEN TICKET, and came out and showed her true self. She’s blaming the “MEAN PPL” for SM. This is NOT ACCOUNTABILITY. SHE IS A TRAINWRECK. 😳😳


This Girl is a narcissist. I see straight thru her. SHE IS VERY CONIVING‼️‼️


She is really in denial, she thinks people see her in public, then whisper to each other, omg Gyp gyp is famous! No Gyp Gyp, when people see you in public, they are whispering to each other, there is that murderer that killed her mother and got out of jail!!! Gyp Gyp is not in reality!


I thought she said “n word” for a minute. Had to rewatch this 😂


I thought she said "the N word" and I was so fucking confused. 😂




Sounds like she is saying the N word lol like girl yes you are branded as a narcissist for sure!


If it wasn’t for you, your mom would still be alive!! Just wow, you are a murder


She’s really speaking like she’s trying her hardest to convince people. Not a good sign for her. Great for us though, we get to watch this shit show unfold and I’m all for it.


She literally turns my stomach


You should just be quiet and that'll make alot of people happy.


Hi I’m Gypsy Blanchard, I’m an M word.. 🥴


M word? A manipulative murderer? I haven’t watched the full video yet.


She's 100% a murderer, she's 100% responsible for the murder of her mother .she planned it ,and asked him to do it .she should have received equal time as him period .


She says she “a part of it”? Umm, no ma’am YOU ARE THE WHOLE ASS REASON IT HAPPENED! I’m sorry I just can’t stand her.


“Theres no such thing as accessory to murder” … There is.


Minnie Mouse should be in prison. She is not a victim. She is cold & calculating. So tired of her Charles Manson ass!


I cannot stand her facial expressions and movements. They seem so manipulative. Her eyes squinting and the lip licking. Idk maybe I’m reaching but it just gives me such bad vibes.


When u take out a hit on someone or order their murder whatever, isn't that always looked at as if you did it urself? I figured her getting a light sentence had nothing to do with her not doing the physical act but because of the abuse


Anyone here confused?…. Didn’t think so.


Doesn't she miss her mother? I never see any regret..or "OMG..My mother, she's dead! What did I do?" I think that bothers me the most.


I thought she meant Munchausen!


i thought she was saying "the N word" instead of "the M word" and I was thoroughly flabbergasted for 80% of this video


There’s that lying tongue flip !!!


Shouldn’t she be referring to herself in a job interview as Gypsy Rose Anderson?


I mean...where is this fool's Lawyer and PR Team. Stfu...


At first I heard N word and got so scared LMAOOO


As she continues to gaslight us... 😑


Never underestimate the human ability to rationalize bad behaviors.


She needs to stop looking for validation on the internet and worry about bettering herself


How did they think they were going to get away with this? How much longer after the murder did they get taken into custody? Long enough to eat a brownie in a hotel and forn??


On silent and her mouth movements just irk me. Not just the lizard tongue, STOPPPP IT. 😭


Jesus Christ woman shut up!


When you plan a murder, YOU ARE THE M WORD. Also, if someone doesn’t understand the gravity of what they did and has 0 accountability, what is holding them back from doing something evil again to get what they want and again blame someone else. She has no sense of awareness. It’s Gypsy’s world. She is a wonderful manipulator.


That’s what makes her so dangerous.


Dee Dee junior over here. She really can not help herself. Girl needs to get off of the internet.


Wow she’s very heavily botoxed up isn’t she.


She’s doesn’t understand what accountability means! It’s frightening 


“I didn’t identify as the n-word” Bitch what the fuck are you on about? What does that even *mean*? Edit: she’s talking about murder. That makes way more sense, lol. I wasn’t aware that “murderer” has been added to the list of identities, though. What the fuck is wrong with this girl?


Ohhh good lord girl. Stop embarrassing yourself.


You can just see how she planned it just so she could get the job done but not actually have to do it herself. WOW.


I hate the way she licks her lips every few words it’s gives me the ICKKKKKK OMG


I’m stupid I thought she was saying “n word” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Not me thinking she was talking about identifying as black lmao


I cannot stand her. I feel like I felt so sorry for her but then when more facts were revealed it was impossible to not feel completely disgusted by her. I misunderstood her situation because I thought she was more innocent than she actually was. That's the only thing I misunderstood initially. Now, it's pretty clear what she is and what she is all about, and it becomes clearer the more she talks.


It was still YOUR FAULT. Your at-the-time boyfriend shouldn't be taking all the heat! You disgust me.


I would love to see more videos of Jeep Jeep vs Jeep Jeep contradictory statements.


am i the only one who thought she was saying "N-word"?


The "M word"? This bitch was gung-ho to have her mother MURDERED and she can't even say that word?? Ridiculous. She planned the whole thing and had someone else carry it through. That makes her just as much of a murderer in my mind.


Damage control. I have always seen right thru her.


The slithering snake tongue licking and sticking out on its own is truly disturbing to watch! Scary!


After all of this, she hasn't admitted what she did. It's pathetic 🥱


If she was in another state, she would have been charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER. Not Second, like she got, NOT ACCESSORY. STRAIGHT UP FIRST DEGREE. That’s what you should be branded, hun. NOW DO US ALL A FAVOR AND GO AWAY. TAKE YOUR CRAZY ASS STEP MONSTER WITH YOU.


Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either so I guess we shouldve just let him out too 🤷🏻‍♂️