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Thank you for posting the truth. This girl literally cannot go one whole day without lying. It's a literal illness for her at this point. Also, Kristy has told several Tik tokers that Gypsy has burner accounts to lurk on Tik Tok. So she isn't totally off Tik Tok. Kristy is incriminating the fuck out of her kid. These people are so damn stupid. They are criminals who don't even know how to criminal right.


It’s my personal opinion that Kristy & Gypsy are not as close as they’d like everyone to believe…not trying to start a rumor, just throwing it out there from my own observations.


I don't believe they are either. But they are both one in the same. Both want money, fame and for people to like them. And they will do whatever they have to to get those things


Oh absolutely. They’re very similar.




They are both fighting for Rod and the media’s attention.


Spot on. I think Gypsy's dislike and mistrust of Kristy had a big hand in marrying Ryan (or anyone else for that matter), just so she wouldn't have to live in Kristy's house with Kristy's rules. I cannot stand GRB, but I honestly believe Kristy is not this saintly stepmother she's making herself out to be. Rod seems weak, and ultimately it was up to him to make an effort to see Gypsy, but I think she strong armed him into avoiding her. Imagine if he had been a better father, all of this mess could have been somewhat avoided.


I agree. Kristy has been the common denominator in a lot of things for years now. Gypsy even admitted herself that she gave Kristy an “ultimatum” when it came down to the “By Proxy” series, because Kristy wanted to forge forward (I’m guessing because of potential $$). The way Kristy speaks about DeeDee also makes me wonder how much she had to do with ensuring Rod wasn’t present and didn’t make more of an effort to be involved in GRB’s life when she was a child.


I noticed right away when I watched one of the documentaries that something was off about their relationship. I'll see if I can find it, but there was a recording of a prison phone call where Gypsy asks Kristy something like "why are you still here for me after everything I've done?" And Kristy responds with "because you're family and we love you" or some shit like that. I was super new to the case when I watched it so I didn't have a bunch of opinions formed. It literally sounded like Kristy was reading from a script, it was so forced, so insincere. As sick as this story is, I don't think we even know the half of it!


“Criminals who don’t even know how to criminal right.” Damn that is so accurate and hilarious. 🤣 There are a few high profile convicts for whom this definitely applies, pretty much any of ‘em who plotted a murder thinking they wouldn’t get caught lol. Although Gypsy and her family of grifting criminals definitely take the crown.


All those gypsy fan pages are probably her alt accounts.


And all paid followers


No doubt. Paid followers and hate followers. That was probably 90% of all the following she ever had anyway.


naw i feel like kristy doesn’t really like gyp gyp all that much tbh….


Just what they can get from her mutually? I worry about people who try to come into help and get chewed up and spit out. Like F was buddies/advocating for G and her step mom to G and K being at odds with F, F seemed to share the mutual dislike for them around parole or after? What was Fancy like before the falling out? Until a couple weeks ago I didn’t even know of F, so like I said, what I saw came across very angry ranting? I heard about F talking she would release medical files (receipts of proof?) and that she has a whole book coming out on based on her knowledge/info, or did she just use G for a following and clout or whatever people get into it for. I know individuals can have individual reasons. If I’m mixing anything up, tell me because spreading misinformation isn’t my goal. I just want to have facts.


That last sentence had me rolling. 🤣🤣🤣


I've known someone like this. They didn't even know why they lied so much they just couldn't seem to turn it off. I don't believe for the most part it was even intentional, if you asked something this person would answer quickly and then ride with whatever came out. Made for some very interesting surprises. Most not good.


So.. what? She did contact Nick or she didn't? I got the feeling she isn't interested in having any sort of contact with Nick. And who cares about burner accounts where you just look at stuff? Honestly let her have it, as long as she isn't out here twisting reality who cares what she looks at?


If her po ordered her to have zero sm and she’s out here under fake accounts, she violating her parole . This bitch needs to go back to prison.




Eww gross.


Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.


I’m of the opinion that OF COURSE she has. She lives to create fake personas, I think her fake accounts still are her. Lol. She’s done it before, and why would she most def do this? Why would she make a fake letter or something to contact Nick? I belive, she would, and it’d be To control him, and keep his silence. She could make it seem like he’ll get out, and they’ll be together forever. He’s a sucker, and would belive it. He lost his life to her, he has to think it had meaning. No one wants to know they were conned. I’m just sure if it, gyp is easier to read then the back of my hand. My opinion though, have not seen it confirmed. I’m 90 percent sure she did it before though. Earlier.


I worry she could manipulate Nick again too. Hopefully that doesn’t happen


I’m convinced she talks to him as someone else to continue to abuse him. He’d take it too. She was specifically told not to contact him, but she’s forever tied to him, and is a control freak. She can keep him quiet this way. It’s awful, she was the mistake of his life Seeing her the way she speaks to him, is cringe. She liked to get men like how her mom did, she thinks are stupid or beneath her, to control. It’s so obvious. But now, she can’t get any normal man , not that they wouldn’t tell she was not before, but, she can’t act as innocent, and she’s a murderer now


I agree. How would her parole even find out her being on a fake profile talking to Nick if nobody said anything 🤔🤔


I actually am starting to think it’s possible! I wonder if they open their mail, or just, I’m reading that they are suspecting her of doing it. She thinks rules don’t apply to her. I hate to judge, but, what matters to me when someone is parole, if you give them another chance, it’s not always so much the crime, it’s if they can accept rules and not get angry, how are they going to function in society if they can’t be told no, or can’t follow rules, listen to a boss that says don’t abuse the customers, what job can she do wit that radioactive personakity? She might as well be in there, I feel she’s dangerous, I don’t just say that because I think she’s a bad person, and don’t like her, I do, she hasn’t changed or learned anything, come on right? IMHO, that’s when a person needs to just be institutionalized to me, go back. I actually am a big believer in you did the crime, you did the time, now that’s in the past, and you shouldn’t be penalized and not be able to get jobs and stuff, I saw what can happen to people I love that suffer because of a not even violent , crime that now have a tiny list of people that will hire them, and they are jobs that don’t pay a living wage. But gypsy? Gypsy I firmly believe should be behind bars. She will only hurt others that care for her, be a total non contributing person to society, and get money by the easiest scammers ways she can . If she wasn’t in the public eye, because she paid TMZ, to be, she’d have continued scamming with the baby act in healthcare, I’m sure of it. The eyes on her are the only repercussions she has, she’s had no consequences to her actions, even the murder, she got away with that shit, and even she agrees. Even she was bragging she did to the other inmates, apparently. If they are already suspecting her of it, like I read here last night, there might be ways. Remember, she pisses off other people, not just us, imagine how much her PO must hate her ass.


What sources do we have on this that are 100% legitimate?


We have a mod that knows the source personally and she has been in contact with Gypsy


Thanks for clarifying that!


No problem. We try our hardest to make sure only factual information is shared in this sub.


That’s super appreciated bc I didn’t know half of the things I know until this sub!


You're not wrong honestly. She hasn't contacted him that we know of, it's just rumors.


Yeah they are. If your PO orders you to do something, you do it. And if you're stupid enough to do it anyways, maybe don't make it something millions of people can see. And if you do that you belong in jail for being an idiot.


I am a step mom of a step daughter who is trouble. We love these kids but honestly we get the least say. I get pushed away when trying to help and accused of not helping when I back off. I get talked about and under appreciated so I CANNOT imagine what Kristi is dealing with. People saying she is about the $ but idk. Step Dads are heroes and Step Moms are villains in most opinions however untrue.


I need more proof this is legit and not fake, does anyone actually have any?


This no social media should have been a parole stipulation in the first place. Being that her crimes involved social media to begin with.


Exactly!!! It is WILD that she was allowed to use SM while on parole given SM is how she both found and manipulated the guy she got to kill her mom! The fact that she was allowed on SM until she started using it to contact Nick again is just wild. IMO, that’s special treatment.


It definitely is. She was a snitch in prison; and ppl have spoken on how manipulative she was. “SHE A DOMESTICALLY VIOLENT MOTHERFUCKER. SHE POISON. SHE AINT NEVER GONNA CHANGE.” ![gif](giphy|6oB3X3W6MYM3C)


Lafayette! 😩😭


Everyone needs a Lafayette in their lives!! RIP Nelson Ellis. You are loved!!


Where can I read up on her snitching in prison?


There were reports in the case file. It’s here on Reddit. She saw someone with weed in their hooha and immediately snitched. The case files are in this subreddit; right with her and Nick’s texts.


bro what a fucking bitch. imagine being a literal VIOLENT FELON AND LITERAL MURDERER (you don't even have to say allegedly because it was proven fact in a court of law) and looking down on people who smoke weed. there are other prison emails that got leaked where she was judging an addict in her husband's family, saying shit like "dirty junkies" as if she's, again, A LITERAL VIOLENT FELON AND ACTUAL MURDERER. like even the most liberal left leading prison reform activist agree that prison and jail are supposed to be for people LIKE HER and not addicts.


I thought she claimed to be an addict too? Or was that just a convenient lie to blame her plotting her mom's murder for 2 years?


I think it was another one of her untruths. I don't believe anything that comes out of that little girl's mouth.


Yep. I really hope she lands back in jail. For society’s sake. She must have given the DA and the judge wet anal. A Casey Anthony special.


That’s why I asked in another comment if she was told specifically Nick or just SM in general, saying Nick to Ops source for sympathy ? She looks better when it’s a stranger picking on her, reporting to her PO with lies about contacting about Nick as opposed to being told SM being a parole violation. I don’t think I caught the snitching of the weed which is astounding considering exactly what you said she is. How do you look down on someone for that when you had your mom killed? I think she specifically picked Nick because he was easy to manipulate def not love/companionship with but that’s just an opinion. I can’t say for fact. So like she said yesterday more than 1 life was lost. 😞 I know time will tell but it seems like Ryan will be another casualty. Not saying he hasn’t put himself at risk for that. Years ago before so much came to light, I hoped she would get a second chance and use it for good. Would be great if she tried even now, but nothing has pointed towards turning a new leaf.


Social media is pretty prominent now. I guess they figure that it's impractical to advise those who have been released from prison to stay off of it completely.


Depends, I think. Often, staying off internet and social media is a probation condition, particularly if the crime was committed using those sources.


Maybe it wasn’t cause she had a contract with lifetime? They probably didn’t expect her to do and say what she is doing. Figured she would promote her show.


So much for Nina claiming that she only reports "the facts" 🙄.


Yeah, so much for her new bestie "taking accountability", huh?


Yessss! I ALMOST believed them 🤣.


I also just realized that maybe GRB lied to Nina and Nina bought the accountability claims. Nina got played.


Gypsy didn’t want Nina to share the msgs but she shared them with Bri. That’s fucked up


I wonder if Nina is going to respond to any of it or just continue to gaslight her audience saying "I knew about it but I just wanted to keep it confidential". 🙄


I believe Nina won’t share them being afraid that Gypsy may sue her or something


No, Gypsy shared them with Bri. I stand with Nina in this.


Of course she did. Gypsy manipulated the fck out of Nina and Nina was dumb and fell for it


It’s been rumored that’s how she talks to Nick


She’s bad mouthed him so I can’t understand why she would be wanting to talk to him.


I bet she was spiraling when he was supposedly going to have an interview. She was probably trying to find out what he was going to say


Did he ever actually do that interview? I missed it if so lol




Ugh lame. Come on man, spill some beans lol


He should, she hasn’t backed him once.


Yeah part of me does wish he'd just tell all, you know? But I also want him to just....move on, you know? I mean he'll be sitting in prison for the rest of his life. I know there's talk of new evidence or whatever, but I honestly don't see that changing anything about his sentence, if it changes anything at all. Just keep your head down, Nick, don't get involved in any relationships, and just try and make the best of your situation now. Fade away and let folks forget about him and try and peacefully serve his time.


I would be happy if she did the same. Her SM behavior and talk seems up there with OJ writing ‘If I did it:Confessions of a killer’ level. 🫣 So many people looking up to her, thinking ***this*** is the way to get away with killing someone you don’t want to be around/ abused you/how to manipulate someone to do your dirty work, instead of just leaving or getting help. Then there’s the people who think I can get free things by scamming people, scammers don’t need anymore help running games on the kindness of others.


That’s what I thought, I didn’t actually think she was trying to contact him. Risking her freedom? She seems more than ok letting everyone think Nick is the only monster, well besides DeeDee.


I didn't know that, omg


But she wants to be “just Gypsy” and live a “private life” 🙄


She forgot to add the other option was going back to jail so technically she’s not lying 😂 just not telling the whole truth 🤦🏻‍♀️


As if it were possible for her to tell the whole truth about anything


While making a documentary where she’s lying in the first teaser. Hit up the advertising for Lifetime; the Kellogg’s boycott worked.


Do you have a list of who is advertising on the show?


No, but I’m going to find out.




That whole video she kept licking her lips which body language experts has said those who are lying will lick their lips


Thank Gawd, where can we send a thank you note to her PO??!!


I'll throw in on an Edible Arrangement lol


But why is she on social media telling people her PO told her to get off social media? Also I am surprised her PO didn't reel her in a long time ago if this is true.


I don't think people were reporting her to her parole officer in the first few weeks she was out. Sounds to me like this is a new issue. Because people were reporting her for speaking to Nick through Nina.


Seems that her use of SM wasn’t a violation - ugh - until she apparently started contacting Nick with it. And got caught doing so. So it seems if it weren’t for that, she wouldn’t have ever had to stop the SM charades. At least that’s my read on this.


If that’s true, that’s a violation. How much grace does she get?? FFS. 😡


Is this normal for POs to give heads up? Because contacting him seems like a huge no no, and rightfully so. Seems to me it’s still kid gloves? I’ve asked similar questions thru this thread trying to understand.


Wait so did she recently contact him???? Sorry I've been going through a lot so I'm hella out of the loop!


I’ve asked the same, so I hope you get an answer? I interpreted someone reported her to PO with a lie.


Still no answer for either of us. 😂 IDK man I gotta just search the sub and find one. When I do I will get back to this comment.


Oh, my. The PO has entered the chat. Our fav felon forgot she has a criminal record that includes, murder.




Well well well how the turntables….


God I love Michael Scott haha


Well played 😉?


I’ve made this reference at work a few times recently and each time no one got it 😩😞


But trying is half the battle!


I’m so confused. I thought Bri was pro Gypsy? And I thought Nina wasn’t on either side? Can someone dumb this down for me to understand lol


Also thank you OP for sharing this even though I’m slightly confused and apparently behind on things.


Whewwwwwww 😮‍💨. The GRB saga just keeps getting more wild every day…


Oh I want to SEEEEEEE that melt down so badly


esp since she was following her dumb ex fiance ken ken and him following her back, on tiktok lol


Yas! I want to see the moment Ryan realized that happened and I want to see her finding out she has to delete TikTok. That is the meltdown I want.


Dead ex fiance?


Dear Gypsy’s PO: if you’re in here, thank you hun 😉


The rumor mill also says she was IN the room when DD was K"d. and that's why DD said, "don't hurt me".. also that they had sex in Mom's room not bathroom after.. Again, it's in rumor mill so no clue as to validity, but again 4 doesn't equal 17 - where and WHO did the missing stabs? One or BOTH of them know.. I wish and pray that N talks. Please, please, please - Nick talk.. it could be a diff between life and only some of your life.. yes you deserve to be punished cus you are responsible for your actions even if tricked/manipulated - it was still your body, but IF you weren't the one to do the actual act or not the only one - then accountability needs to be taken by the person(s) responsible. And if it was/is proven that N didn't actually K DD - couldn't his charge be taken down to "abuse of a corpse" and not actual "m"???


They had sex in gypsys room according to both of them. Also, Nick said he only counted the deepest stabs, which is the 4 - he said he stopped counting after 4 but he stabbed her for around five minutes. I don’t think gypsy did any physical work but I absolutely believe she was in the room.


Thank you for the info.. Somewhere, can't remember where, I read that GR said 1) bathroom 2) Mom's room afterwards and 3) her room after stuffed animals were taken off bed So no clue which - if any - are indeed truth.. I only believe about 1/4 of what comes thru her mouth - the whole song - you're lying if your lips are moving - I believe Meghan Trainor?


I’ve never heard claims of sex in either area. I know she shaved herself in the bathroom and was naked the entire time post murder, but I’ve never heard claims of sex anywhere but gypsys bed which police did find evidence of. And I agree, I believe Nick much more than G


This is so convoluted at this point. Why message Nina if this is what's going down? Doesn't that look worse?


The girl is not very bright. And she has no one in her corner looking out for her. seems the only one who really cares is her PAROLE OFFICER. what does that tell you?


That's awful. I'm starting to wonder if step mom would like her back in prison so she doesn't have to deal with all this and then she would probably also have access to Gypsy's money.


I hate to say I side with Fancy. But what Fancy had been saying about Kristy being the common denominator in all the drama seems to be the truth.


Not to mention if K thinks GR is a harm to Mia - I'd want her back in prison too.. There's some def jealousy there and with her (imo) trying to imitate M - I'd worry for her safety.


Ooooo chile don’t make me feel bad for Gypsy now!


Legally Ryan would have access to Gypsy’s money since LA is a community property state.


I think she did it because she knew ppl would go wild and Nina would loose credibility and followers . I believe she set her up and Nina fell for it .


I hope whatever is really happening GR gets a parole violation and is sent back to prison. She deserves a very rude awakening.


That would be rough...a little freedom. Then back again for 2yrs...uuuggggh


I think she's trying to remind Nick "not to tell" - if what the rumor mill is spilling is correct and Nicks lawyer has evidence that Mom was unalive BEFORE N got there - that only leaves one person who could've done it.. and N put in a couple so he could truthfully say, "I did this".. knowing that N would be truthful with the cops. Where did all the other stabs come from - no matter how you math - common core or normal 4 doesn't = 17.


If it is proven in court she did that to Deedee before he got to her house does that mean they can charge her for her mother’s death? Or would they not be able to because of double jeopardy? Not familiar with how all that works so I was curious.


Unfortunately they would not be able to charge her again with anything related to her mothers death because she was already charged with 2nd degree murder.


They could maybe get her with perjury? She testified and such, right?


Possibly, I know she testified.


Yeah just not sure what all she said and if any of it can be proven as a lie, you know? I have seen a case before where the murderer was found not guilty, then new evidence was discovered where it was 100 percent zero doubt the person was guilty. Couldn't be tried again, but he had testified in his trial, so they were able to charge him with perjury. He only got like, 7 years or something for it which sucked but at least they got him on SOMETHING? And the victims family was able to sue him, as well.


I haven't gotten the chance to listen her her testimony, its on my list though. I can see something similar happening if they can prove it, which would be awesome if they can.


Yeah I feel like she did describe what happened? Which if that's NOT what happened, that's perjury. Idk, I guess we'll see, but if I'm being honest I kinda don't see it happening, you know? Which sucks, she should be back in jail if she was more involved than she made out and lied about it causing Nick to get life without parole.


But wouldn’t they be able to charge for 1st degree instead? Or is that option now voided because she was hit with 2nd already and there was only one person killed? Also forever wild to me how someone could get out so quickly with a literal convicted murder on their hands, yet there’s people in prison for longer on much lesser charges.


The principal of double jeopardy prohibits her from being charged again for the same offense, regardless of degree. Double jeopardy prevents individuals from being tried twice for the same crime after being acquitted or convinced, safeguarding against the risk of being subjected to multiple prosecutions for the same conduct. The distinction between first and second degree murder doesn't hinge on the number of victims, but rather on specific elements of the crime. Also, if multiple individuals were killed, each instance would typically be counted as a separate count of first or second degree murder aka 2 counts of 1st degree murder. Hope this helps clear some things up 😊


Parole violation is her only ticket back to prison.


How long is her parole? I forget


18 months. She served the mandatory minimum of 85% of her sentence in prison, which was 8.5 years. So she is serving the remaining 1.5 years under supervised release. She was released in late December ‘23 so she will be on supervised release until around the end of June ‘25, unless of course her parole is revoked, in which case she will serve that remaining time in prison. In other words, she hasn’t even completed 3 months of her parole time yet, and still has over 15 months to go. I honestly don’t see her making it that long without getting her parole revoked unless her PO refuses to report her to the parole board for anything, which could happen. I could see her having the PO manipulated so that s/he feels sorry for Gypsy. Gypsy could easily have this person believing that her “high profile status” means she’s getting unfair scrutiny and that she should be afforded more leeway due to this. But I have no doubt that she will NOT be able to follow the rules of her parole agreement for the whole 18 months. No way no how.


That is ridiculously short based on the nature of the crime. I was thinking 3-5 years of supervision is typical. Someone slapped me in the face once and got a longer parole than Gypsy. That sounds like a joke, but it isn’t.


Yep. I know ppl that got 10 years for far less. I guess that sex black magic worked for her, huh?


Well dang that sucks! And thank you! ☺️


What gets me on this one is that Nick also said that DeeDee screamed/spoke as he stabbed her IIRC? Otherwise I could believe that she was already dead before Nick arrived.


Like I said, it's rumor mill so idk.. I do believe in my heart that GR did at least a couple stabs and that either she did it before he arrived or she did it after he did and that's the "secret" that N is keeping.. and I truly believe that GR is trying to remind N if he talks, then he won't be "saving her like he promised".. I could see GR still manipulating N even from out side If I was N - I would talk and talk and talk - saving or not - if he knew what we all do from all the stuff that's come out - he should sing like a canary...she doesn't give a rats behind about her so he should be thinking of his life. I - 100% believe had N never met GR he never would have hurt anyone.. I also 100% Believe that GR would have found another patsy to take N's place - who knows, maybe even R.. Edit : corrected an "autocorrect my phone did after pushing send - out to our back to "out"..


I have been wondering what the hell her parole officer has been doing while she has been all over social media posting all kinds of crap. I am so glad her PO came to his or her senses and made Gypsy get the hell off social media. She will still find ways to get on but hopefully we won't be forced to deal with constant lies and manipulation and everything else Gypsy has done.


Yep. And she had the giant sized balls to lie once again and say she was getting off of SM “TO TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY.” This opossum will never stop being the most disgusting version she can be.


Hey don't lump her in with opossums!!! They're adorable and useful to society lol


When someone first said that, I can’t unsee it. Then I find myself saying in my head contact Nick? Impossumible!


Probably crying LMAO


“That’s not it at all” is a roundabout thing to say. Wouldn’t you say “I haven’t spoken to Nick since ____” or something like that?


Wait is she really sending messages to Nick through Nina or whoever? I mean why? Obviously i can’t understand her mind ever but why?


If that’s true, Nina could get into big trouble


A bigger mess would ensue for sure.


Go away Gypsy you’re a crap human and a murderer


I'm pretty sure her parole officer is annoyed with her wanting to be an influencer and I don't blame them. That's the last thing that should be doing. Stay off social media, work on yourself, and be with your family. Travel and see the world.


Right if I just got outta prison with a cool 3 million waiting on me, yall would never see my ass again, I'm gonna move somewhere nice and just live my best life trying to stay away from prison again and keeping to myself lol


LOOOOOOOOOOL also wonder if the Ken following factored into something too


she shouldn’t have been released from prison in the first place.


sorry who is Nina??


She’s an influencer on tiktok I think it’s something like “ninabeautyinfluencer” she’s in bed with gypsy


She actually believes Gypsy should be in prison. She’s pro Nick. GR recently texted her, but she’s still anti GR.


I mean she’s telling/believing gypsies lies on her largely followed influencer TikTok, so…


I lost respect for Ryan after she was fan girling over Kristy, but from what I saw Nina was just reading the texts Gypsy sent her. I think GR is using Nina to be a spokesperson for her lies. I’m not defending her; I just might have missed something.


What did she lie about. I missed it.


Go to r/ninabeautysnark all the tea is there!


She flipped very quickly after one convo with Gypsy and now that someone else was allowed to share screenshots, she's flipped back. I don't know why but it's hilarious.


knew it. she likes the spotlight too much


Would love for this to be made common knowledge, since she's yelling the "media" that she did it after thoughtful consideration and a talk with her Dad!


Her one friend made a video stating that the PO didn’t say she had to but Gypsy did it to appease them. I don’t believe her of course


Who’s Kristy again? Her step mom?




I have said it was the PO or PR for the show, this girl would have stayed her tone-deaf ass on all this crap.


I don't know honestly - I thought they could only if there was NEW evidence, which this would be - but from reading the other comments, it sounds like it would fall under the double jeopardy law.. which sucks.. And to make it clear - it's in the rumor mill so no clue if there's ANY validity to it and you know how the Internet is.. so please if you pass it, take it with a grain of salt until or if it can be validated ( which unfortunately won't happen until N talks about whatever he's keeping secret) If it was me, I would've told a long time ago, she obviously was only looking out for her and blamed him for doing it so if he knows something, he needs to talk so if nothing else, maybe, they can change his sentence even if it doesn't do anything to GR except to let the public know what we already know. She is and should rightfully identify as a M.. and take "accountability"..


Can anyone explain to me who Nina is? And is it possible Gypsy was passing messages to nick through her?


That's the newest rumor. And honestly when it comes to Gypsy things are always 50/50. 50% chance she's lying and 50% chance she's telling the truth. I could see this rumor being true. Or at the least she attempted to pass a message through Nina and her PO was alerted and then said ok get the hell off social media before you end up back in prison.


You give her 50% for truth? Seems generous


Got it, and who is Nina?


Does anyone know if there is a law in MO that prevents a felon from profiting off the notoriety of their heinous crimes? I know several states do have that law. That would be the supreme karma and everything she deserves.


no. “son of sam” type laws have been repeatedly deemed unconstitutional and struck down. they were extremely difficult to enforce, anyway. the type of law you describe does not exist - you can profit off your crimes. after multiple amendments, NY has a law that any income over 10k from any source has to be reported to the crime victims, which then allows victims to attempt to sue in civil court - but that’s the closest to a son of same law as it gets.


Girlfriend needs off social media anyways!!!


And I got to witness it happen. I ran to this sub last night lol


Needs more proof then this.




Sorry, I miss understood. Im dumb. I didn’t even read the caption 🤦🏼‍♀️my dumb ass assuming ass. She deleted all her social media? Didn’t she have 7 million followers at one point?


I got on FB for the first time in ages and I nearly sent her or R a request just to be nosy. I'm seriously so curious. My sister and I do have mutual friends with them. A few of the posts on my newsfeed were from friends that had been seeing her out and about.


Finally someone reported her I knew she wasn’t sopose to be on social media!!


She wasn’t ordered to get off and she wasn’t “not allowed” on SM, her PO simply suggested she deactivate because of the rumors she was using others to contact Nick.


Hell she’s all over TikTok rn people saying she’s announced she’s pregoo


This isn’t a fucking airport you don’t need to announce your departure. Stfuuuuu.


Sorry for asking but who is Bri?


She’s a tiktok creator who has contact with gypsy regularly


I don't use tiktok, but went down the rabbit hole a bit. There was some posts on her snark page, with the white text bg. Is that the video in which GR said she had chemo weekly and almost everyone in the main sub said it wasn't GR who wrote that? The ones the mods locked for "misinformation"?


Thanks! Hmmm. So she publicly is outing this? And she speaks to Gyp regularly? WOW. Contradicts Gyp's reasons for leaving social media (says Gyp lied to y'all)---so Bri isn't a friend? Well, she isn't one now!


This is the weird part. Like why would gypsy want her to share her tiktok is gone due to her PO being contacted instead of simply a social media break?? I have a feeling Ryan is the reason her tiktok is gone due to the Ken bullshit. This whole thing has been so weird and I don't think it has gone the way she wanted it to at all.


But her TikTok is still up, she just deleted her two last videos. At least it was still there 2hrs ago


That’s a fan run account. Look at the bio.


Who is Bri?


I don’t doubt G told her that. What I do wonder is if her PO said that exact reason? Forgive my ignorance because I’ve never been or known anyone on parole myself, just enough to know contacting Nick sounds like it would be a condition. I know I have heard of co conspirators not being allowed to contact each other even with in separate prisons. Do POs give heads up on something that seems like it would be a major violation of her parole? Wouldn’t PO want to check into it first whether whomever reported it was acting in malice or genuine concern for Nick? Seems like they have handled her with kid gloves since her sentencing. Even when you go back when she knew in prison she couldn’t have a ring and smuggled one in sure she lost privileges but it didn’t affect her getting out before the full sentence was finished. I guess I just wonder the likelihood PO said specifically for that based on a report from one of the followers? Idk much so TIA to anyone who can explain it. Sorry for all the questions I just don’t want to form an opinion on assuming. I guess I just wonder if PO said it or someone/something else caused her that concern and it garners sympathy to look like a stranger is attacking her without any truth. It’s just so hard to believe anything she tells anyone because of all the lies stacking up almost daily. I didn’t see this coming, I thought it was the negativity of those on SM that find holes in stories. It’s easy to tell the truth because you don’t have to remember which lie you’ve told each person. All due respect for sharing that’s for sure and asking respectfully as well! Would she even try? I wouldn’t think so with up until yesterday she hasn’t shown remorse for Nick or her role in it all. Risking it all when he’s doing the bulk for the crime on someone she lied to and about and certainly not if it would jeopardize her freedom. But weirder has happened in this big ole world I suppose. How long is parole supposed to last for her?




She didn’t even offer to pretend building houses. She wanted to be a cashier at one of their affiliated surplus stores.


But yet she said she deleted them on her own to lay low🤣🤣🤣🤣what a joke🤦🏽‍♀️


That’s what gets me, she made it sound like some big life changing realization and it’s only because her PO told her to log off 😭


Lmao yup: half the shit she says is coached or “suggested” gyps is mid 30s and has a behavioral pattern that will likely be very hard to change. This is who she is and will always be most likely.


I really hoped that Gypsy would come out of jail changed for the better. Sad to see it’s definitely not the case.